Artosis pylon Art
19.08.2012 Added 4 more images with new concept. Green Title for now.
14.08.2012 Added notes for all images in spoilers.
13.08.2012 Added 3 more images. Red Title for now.
12.08.2012 Added 9 more images Blue Title for now.
Yesterday, I was writing a Zerg sim city guide on how to protect your greater spire from zealot/DT warp-in attacks.
[G] Zerg Sim City for Spire protection in ZvP
Then, I realized that “windmill arrangement” (staggered 4 3X3 buildings around a 2X2 building, check link for detail) could be applied to the buildings around a pylon. I didn’t find any useful in-game application, but instead, it looked beautiful. From there, many ideas came to me. Artosis pylon = “the only pylon to power them all” is usually considered bad. However, it is a thing of beauty in art form. Canvas might be small, but possibility is unlimited. I would love to see works of others. Also, there is a challenge you can try at the end of this post.
My art works:
Explanation & hidden idea/message are in spoilers.
Graphic settings are intentionally low so that shadow and detail don't hurt the symmetry. Setting for "Models" is "high" for better pylon power circle graphics. Everything else is lowest.
Triple Layer Windmill Arrangement
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My first artosis pylon art work. This is just an extension of windmill arrangement idea. 3 different production facilities are used to show 3 different layers.
Diagonal Grid
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My second artosis pylon art work. I was still experimenting how to use 2X2 and 3X3 buildings in harmony.
Gateway vs Warpgate
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2 images above are rotationally symmetrical. This one is just symmetrical. This is slight sarcasm that warpgate is better in every way.(warp-in and shorter units build time)
16 Gate All-in
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Who would have thought 1 pylon could support as many as 16 gateways?
Elephants need only 12
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You need 16 warpgates AND a proxy pylon? I can make it work with 12 gateways –anonymous elephant
Need room for Colossi
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Same arrangement as 16 gateways. Colossi can't spawn from robotics facilities due to lack of space. Happens from time to time on ladder when you don't plan well.
...but not there...
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Now you got space, but you don't have power for robo.
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1 commander in chief in the middle. I wonder how many mutalisks it takes to snipe that pylon. Anyone would have come up with this idea with artosis pylon art. Not really original.
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Soldiers can't fight without a commander. I heard that Korean pronunciation of R sound and L sound are the same, which means "fortress" and "fortless" are pronounced the same way. Interesting.
Just a candidate
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That pylon is not artosis pylon yet. It will become one in near future when all those forges&cannons are built. This is another extension of windmill arrangement as well.
Reserved for Tasteless
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Tasteless is always on that side of Artosis. All buildings in this image can be powered by both pylons. Therefore, even if Artosis pylon is lost, Tasteless pylon can back up everything.
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While all other pylons in this thread are doing their jobs = powering buildings, this pylon is doing nothing as Nexus doesn't require pylon powerfield to build. I originally named this "jobless," but slacking sounded better. No one has mentioned this one in posts, but this is my favorite one. A little sarcasm is my taste.
Shy Korean girl
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Whenever a TV camera shoots a Korean girl in the audience during a BW match, she hides her face as soon as she realizes that she is on screen. This pylon is hiding itself behind Dark Shrine in a similar way. Took me some time to figure out the best camera angle.
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With this many Shield Batteries to recharge shields, Dragoons cannot die.
Relevant Video:
08-09 MST Grp 12 Set 1: Light v Tempest
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Relevant Video:
08-09 MST Grp 12 Set 1: Light v Tempest
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Sup, “micro-intensive” blink stalkers? Girl in the video was not so shy…
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Dark Shrine is tall. This idea came to my mind when I lined up some Dark Shrines. This seems appropriate because an interpretation suggests that stonehenge was used as some kind of shrine. This also reminded me of the room where legendary 12 weapons are sealed in Final Fantasy V.
World War II Battle of Britain
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Left is union jack =Britain's national flag. Right is Swastika = Nazi Germany's national flag. Battle of Britain is the name of air battle fought between these 2 countries during World War II. My first attempt to use buildings to draw/write something instead of filling in space. First usage of twilight council and templar archives as diagonal lines, too.
Tech Tree in a nutshell
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Building above is the prerequisite. Cybernetics core requires Gateway, Cannon requires Forge, Fleet Beacon requires Stargate etc.
Lost Technology
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Protoss used to have more tech structures in BW. Finding best Arbiter Tribunal placement took me some time if you know what I mean.
Xel'Naga is our God
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I read some people didn't get this. I originally named this "religion." Left is Star of David = symbol of Judaism. Middle is Christian Cross = symbol of Christianity. Right is Star and Crescent = symbol of Islam. I chose these 3 religions because all these are monotheism instead of polytheism. Xel'naga as the creator of Protoss matches this monotheism idea.
and he is our President
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MC plays protoss, and he is the protoss President. I got this idea when I tried crescent for Islam above which looked like alphabet C. Backgrounds are different for these images because I don't know how to use map editor to change maximum camera height in normal maps. I tried these with Phantom Mode arcade game, which allows players to zoom out further.
aaaand he is the Revolutionist
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Bisu is the protoss player who changed BW PvZ forever. Did you notice something from the image? From left to right, order of buildings used is typical Bisu Build. Neither God nor President can match Bisu since even the great savior kneels before this revolutionist.
Game balance today, according to Terran players.
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Half joke. Don't take it seriously. I wanted to use the circular aspect of pylon power field. Several attempts before this like "revolving door" turned out to be pretty boring art. When this idea came to my mind, I thought I was genius. 

No gg, no skill
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Famously said by White-ra, a Ukranian protoss player. All types of buildings that can be powered by a pylon are used to write "G."
Other people's works:
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Here is the challenge for you. When 3X3 buildings such as gateway = 9 points and 2X2 buildings such as cannon = 4 points, then what is the maximum point you can get within a pylon field? For example, in my “Diagonal Grid” image above, there are 12 warpgates and 8 cannons, so 12*9+8*4=140 points. Pylon doesn’t count for points, and 1 grid = 1 point with this rule, so it shows how efficiently you can use the pylon power field. If you want to try by yourself, DON’T read the answer inside the next spoiler
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The best score you can get is 164points. My original answer was 156, but others got it better. Next spoiler contains answer images.
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On August 11 2012 16:02 xHaroldx wrote:
Challenge Accepted. :D
I'm sorry to say it took me only a few minutes to come up with the following solution,
i love puzzle games.
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Challenge Accepted. :D
I'm sorry to say it took me only a few minutes to come up with the following solution,
i love puzzle games.
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4x Gateway = 4x9 = 36
32x Cannon = 32x4 = 128
128+36= 164 Yay
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32x Cannon = 32x4 = 128
128+36= 164 Yay
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On August 11 2012 16:06 althaz wrote:
You messed up the max points thing, it's actually + Show Spoiler +.
You messed up the max points thing, it's actually + Show Spoiler +.
If any of you managed to get better points, please post with a spoiler. Then, I will update it. It is sad that my original answer was actually wrong.
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