On March 07 2012 08:39 mell0w wrote: I will be buying hots. I wont be installing it until our issues are implemented. If I still see no progress in the UI development ill be reselling and switching games.
There's no excuse Blizzard. No excuse.
why pay for the product then? doesn't matter if you resell it.. you already gave blizzard the money.
dota2, while still in beta has done far more than bnet 2.0 has in terms of community. i automatically join chat channels when i load up the game and they are always lively. for a game with an average of 20k players at one time it feels much more populated than bnet 2.0's ghost town.
a lot of my friends have stopped playing SC2 and it feels even more lonely. i played BW for over 10 years and never had the feeling i have with SC2. i think it has to do with the fact that chat channels in bnet 2.0 aren't in your face, its kinda hidden and the game doesn't automatically put you into a channel when you start it up.
iccup has like 1k players on on a good day, and it feels more lively than sc2.
I think joining a clan can make it more fun like on wow joining a guild
I feel like nobody complaining makes any attempt to just be pleasant and sociable in the first few minutes of the game, or after the game
Or while playing custom games
Or while in any of the (easily accessible) chat channels
The only reason why I'm not talking to a ton of people all of the time is because I don't WANT to. I've had a ton of offers to be practice partners, several of which I've accepted-- I could have asked a ton more people and have had most be accepted, too. IT IS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT if you can't find people to play with and interact with and socialize with.
Just be a fucking pleasant human being and make an ounce of goddamn effort to be friendly and sociable and you will literally have more people you could strike up a casual conversation with that turns into a 3-hour 2v2/3v3/4v4 binge than you can keep straight.
I would LOVE for there to be group replay support. I would LOVE for there to be more information available about the tournament scene etc. upon login. But it is your OWN fucking fault and I have zero sympathy for you if you feel that SC2 is a "ghost town" and that there is nothing social about the experience. It is EXACTLY as social as you want it to be, assuming you have the capability of making more than exactly zero effort to be social.
Just make a rule for yourself to be as nice and pleasant as humanly possible in-game, even when you're raging. You'll feel better, you'll meet more e-friends, and it'll calm you down when you're raging.
"GLHF :D" "Whoa sick control man I felt like I couldn't look away from the battles for a second to macro D: wp gg " "Good push I haven't seen that particular timing before, how long you been practicing that?" HOLY SWEET TITS I JUST FOUND MYSELF A PRACTICE PARTNER
"u2" "fucking protoss imba" "ez race gj noob" *ragequit* Man, why does SC2 feel so lonely and desolate?
I find this interesting actually. I didn't know people really felt this strongly about it. For me personally I tend to put socializing and starcraft in separate boxes. Sometimes I'll play some 2v2s or 3v3s while talking to friends on skype, and that's enjoyable for sure. But for the most part I play just for the challenge/getting better at something aspect of it, then socialize elsewhere. I get the feeling this isn't a very common thought process haha
I honestly believe many more people would still be into the game if you had the ability to watch replays with your friends. A shame Blizzard didn't include such an important feature.
They certainly did not do it right in some aspects. When I want to play for fun with friends what I still do is go play some nutty BGH. On that note the more casual game formats of SC2 (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) are a huge failure in my eyes. The maps are boring and strive for 'balance'. Look at BGH, it is imba as shit, but that makes it frustratingly-awesome and fun in some weird way. They are also included in ladders like 1v1. I completely disagree with Blizzard's decision there, I genuinely believe that if there was a 'Casual' button next to 1v1 for instance, which opened some kind of channel and included various team play formats( 2v2-4v4; 2v2v2v2 etc. ; team monobattles) It would be way more chaotic, but way more fun.
how can they fix it though, guys? has anyone posted detailed solutions?
i think clan channels + moderation needs to be added -- would that be enough? i think the main problem is that most people are scared to actually play sc2
On March 07 2012 19:54 Vei wrote: how can they fix it though, guys? has anyone posted detailed solutions?
i think clan channels + moderation needs to be added -- would that be enough? i think the main problem is that most people are scared to actually play sc2
No, it's not. "Ladder fear" may be a common syndrome but it's not the reason people stop logging on. There's so much more to this game - or rather could be - than just the 1vs1 ladder. There are team games, custom games, there is chat ... but all of that is lacking in so many regards that there's no reason to stick with it.
Players keep playing a game because it entices them to do so, either through rewards or through a social framework to keep them connected with friends and contacts. Rewards like achievements or portraits only work for so long, and then it's down to the social component. Older Blizzard titles stayed active for so long because people actually had a reason to stick with them; either it was friends and clan mates to hang around with, or it was a custom scene that regularly delivered new or updated maps, thus providing the game with new content.
SC2 lacks all of this. "Ladder fear" existed in SC/BW and War3, but these games went on and on and on. It's the other issues that are killing SC2.
I love the social aspect of games, and moving to StarCraft from a team based game (CoD4) feels horrible at LAN when I'm just sitting there playing on my own, love LAN with team as constant banter and celebrating etc makes the game sooo much more enjoyable. I am not lacking this too much though as I am constantly on ts/skype with other guys from my team.
In my opinion, the biggest problem of bnet 2.0 is not that "ghost town" effect, but more the fact that 1v1 ladder has a lot of weight. Doing some 3v3 or 2v2 with friends is still pretty funny, but 1v1 sucks because it's supposed to exist only for training. What bnet lack is 1v1 tournaments like in wc3 and clan.
My two cents:
When you log in, you are automatically directed to a chat channel filled with players in your mmr range. So no matter what level you ladder at, whenever you enter bnet you will have the option of making friends/playing customs with people around your level. Maybe there could be similar 2v2/3v3 etc channels for people who prefer those modes. It would also be helpful if the chat channels were a bit bigger so you could see more of the chatting going on.
I'm sure something could be worked out for players who play only customs as well. Let me know what you guys think - I think logging in and immediately being in a chat channel with similarly skilled and like-minded players would be awesome.
On March 07 2012 20:30 getSome[703] wrote: My two cents:
When you log in, you are automatically directed to a chat channel filled with players in your mmr range. So no matter what level you ladder at, whenever you enter bnet you will have the option of making friends/playing customs with people around your level. Maybe there could be similar 2v2/3v3 etc channels for people who prefer those modes. It would also be helpful if the chat channels were a bit bigger so you could see more of the chatting going on.
I'm sure something could be worked out for players who play only customs as well. Let me know what you guys think - I think logging in and immediately being in a chat channel with similarly skilled and like-minded players would be awesome.
I like the idea, but it should be an option, not an automated standard. Most people don't enjoy being forced into a crowd, regardless of whether it's peers and likeminded folks or not. For those who wish to, who are talkative by nature, by all means, such a feature would be a cool addition to the game. For all of those who like to pick who they're chatting with themselves, just keep the traditional chat interface of previous games.
Don't forget: The UIs of previous games worked so well because they let the player decide what to do and where to hang out (or not). The moment something's forced upon people (like in SC2), it will fail.
I think that Blizzard has underestimated how gaming can be a social experience and a lot of the times is what makes them the most fun. If you think about online games like league of legends you have a team(maybe finding friends on league is hard but its better than Sc2 at the moment since it still has the social aspect of a team.) Also you can get a bunch of friends in real life together and make a clan with whatever name you want that is available. In wow you find people or you bring in real life friends again to do raids and the pvp. In Warcraft 3 there was clan functionality, so if you were only into playing 1v1 you could still have some kind of social network of people you play with. Starcraft 2 is lacking what all of these games have in terms of social gaming. It is a better game then all of them combined in my opinion(Just my opinion please dont reply with why I am wrong), but it suffers in player base compared to the other games.
I play with friends quite often and don't feel this effect at all.
Has there been a Blizzard response to anyones knowledge regarding this matter? It's to my understanding there's a plethora of posts with ways the game can be changed to incorporate all the concerns. I'm wondering their thoughts on this.
On March 08 2012 04:32 LaxCraft wrote: Has there been a Blizzard response to anyones knowledge regarding this matter? It's to my understanding there's a plethora of posts with ways the game can be changed to incorporate all the concerns. I'm wondering their thoughts on this. I have no idea what forums Blizzard reads, but it couldn't hurt to go post this thread on battlenet forums.
I think he is confusing the fact that in WoW the social aspect IS the only reason to play the game anymore. Starcraft is at least challenging and a decent game, the social aspect isn't the center piece though.
I've been using Battle.net since it first launched back in the early 1997. Back then in Diablo 1 there weren't any specific servers, it was just one server all across the world. It was common practice to hop from European chat channels to the US ones and vice versa. There were conversations, some good and some bad. It was mostly just trash talking but it was fun. I made so many friends in Diablo 1 and we made a huge clan that had meetups, own homepage and own chat channel. We played together and had a laugh. Same practice in other Blizzard titles. All thanks to the default chat channels that popped on your screen when you logged in.
Guess what the funniest part is? 15 year old client was better at socializing than the one we use now! It's incredible but true. Now when I log into SC2 I feel like stepping into the empty void that has AI controlled opponents which play at various skill levels. I've made ZERO friends through Bnet 2.0. Perhaps Blizzard is afraid of the lack of moderation in the chat channels. Back in the 90's Internet was still very small and no one cared about what people said about others. Now that it has grown big and everyone uses it, times have changed.