Criticism is allowed. Undue flaming is not. Take a second to think your post through before you submit.
Bans will be handed out.
Should go without saying, but don't link restreams here either. |
On February 14 2012 09:08 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Ok so I am confused right now, will there still be the ability to watch the tournament live even if you do not pay? At low quality, at least? Because I will not be able to pay. I'm 13 and my parents hate spending any money on videogames, much less for WATCHING a video game T_T
Neop you won't be able to watch it live, only one week later as VoD on the horrible MLG website
On February 14 2012 09:07 Adtor wrote: Why would I pay 20$ for 3 days to watch Code-B players while I can get a GSL pass for much higher quality play... I know it's a business, but it should have started with a more reasonable price or season pass...
MC DRG Nestea Leenock MVP.....
i love the guise of "supporting esports" - just stop with that bullshit, it's insulting
I think MLG have realised that sc2 has reached its peak and they can't go to the sponsors with the big numbers because, quite simply, they aren't there, sc2 is niche compared to something like LoL so they gotta cash in somehow and sponsors don't rate 50k viewers on stream when they can get 150k on LoL
MLG, you can't put up the vods for free a week later. You'll lose 50% of your paying audience right there. You need to do it liek GSL, no subscription, no vods.
I like how people think that 20$ is nothing -_-
"But hey you spend more on beer one night!!" Yeah I do, but i would rather spend it on drinking out with by best friends then on an event like this. I would watch the shit out of it if it was free but i cant really spend 20$ if i dont want to skip out on other things in life..
I applaud the effort. It's about damn time e-sports stepped up to try and become a real business.
This could be a colossal failure, it might not. But it's about time someone at least gives it a try.
On February 14 2012 09:08 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Ok so I am confused right now, will there still be the ability to watch the tournament live even if you do not pay? At low quality, at least? Because I will not be able to pay. I'm 13 and my parents hate spending any money on videogames, much less for WATCHING a video game T_T
sorry .. no free stream at all... @topic I feel bad for gold memebers.. and I dont think this is worth pay 20$.. I dont ahve the time for stay watching 20 hours in 1 weekend.. :/
On February 14 2012 09:07 Adtor wrote: Why would I pay 20$ for 3 days to watch Code-B players while I can get a GSL pass for much higher quality play... I know it's a business, but it should have started with a more reasonable price or season pass... Hmmm, didn't know Nestea, Leenock, MVP, MKP, MC, DRG, Parting, Losira, OZ, Stc, Ganzi and San all fell to Code B.
On February 14 2012 09:05 Flaccid wrote: I paid $50 for about 5 minutes of entertainment when I ordered Pacquiao/Hatton. $20 for three-days is certainly reasonable.
Events giving things away for free to compete with the other guys giving everything away for free has created this unsustainable system of unrealistic expectations. Kudos to MLG for having the stones to do this. If you want to be watching MLG and similar events in a few more years time, you can't expect them to operate like a charity.
They aren't trying to get rich, they're trying to create a sustainable business.
This thread is embarrassing.
the thread is embarrassing because im pretty sure you are floating in the money, as you said you paid 50$ for 5 minutes of entertainment. Whats it with people thinking we are all born equally with gold spoons under our bed?
anyway, with me not having any means to pay for stuff online and $20 dollars being to much even if i had the means. I guess its assembly for me then.
United States801 Posts
This content may be worth $20 dollars, but only in a vacuum, at least for me. I have access to tons of free content (arguably equal to or greater in quality) that will keep me entertained with my Starcraft. <3 MLG but not worth my $20 at this time.
On February 14 2012 09:06 Fuego wrote: Considering how much of an awesome community the Starcraft community is, you are seriously acting like spoilt brats right now. We have been spoilt by the free content available everywhere and the low prices offered as soon as we do have to pay. Think about it this way - how often do new brands of food/drink begin with super low entry level prices to make you try them and realise what they offer, then as soon as you realise you would like to keep getting the product the price has to rise to recoup the money lost.
For those of you moaning about $20 being a lot of money, it isn't. I am a University student with no source of income other than my student loan and I don't think that, considering what is on offer, $20 is overpriced. I happily spend upwards of £25 a night when I go out drinking, and I'm paying a total of over £15 a week for two sessions of Ice Hockey training (that shit is expensive here). If I were to not go out one night - which with the MLG Arena taking place on a friday night for me, I wouldn't go out - then right there I have saved more than the cost of the pass. You college students whining about not being able to afford $20 - take a look at how much you spend on beer and disposable products such as fast food and then tell yourself that you can justify that, but can't justify $20 on 20hrs of top quality Starcraft 2 action.
I remember having to pay MLG to access Halo VODs back in 2005/06 and I gladly did that because when you pay MLG, the come through with exactly what they offer. Unfortunately I am away for this weekend (Ice Hockey match road trip, oh yeeaahhh) so I won't be purchasing, but if the lineup and content is this good for the Spring Arena, I will be paying then. MLG pours so much money into making a great tournament into a great consumer product, I think it is the least we can do to support them in this.
TL;DR - Quit whining about it being expensive - it isn't. We have just been spoilt. MLG has poured more money into the foreign SC2 scene than any other current company, I think it is only fair to support them. You can't blame them for attempting to make money.
I have no problem with them attempting to make money.
I have a problem with people pretending that they can look at UFC, look at starcraft 2, think about esports, and then act like a magic light went off in thier fucking head and that's it's a proper business model.
PPV for esports and starcraft 2 in general is cancer. MLG is directly taking the growth we've had so far and ensuring that for them at least, and the rest of us, that instead of continuing in a positive trend, it'll pop like a bubble.
United States23455 Posts
Winter Arena does have Parting and San, but it's not the actual Winter Championship. If this was, you know, the actual tournament and not just the tournament before the tournament to decide seeding, I might be willing, but it's not. Yes, money is involved, but I can already see games that don't matter that players don't give it their all, etc. People crap over GSL for wanting $15 for their most prestigious tournament that runs for two and a half months that is on three days a week for four hours plus a night.
I'll just watch Assembly since it has my favorite player and it's on at the same time. Also one of the best things I love about foreign tournaments is the audience. Winter Arena will have zero audience.
Dont their Sponsors count on a high viewership? 20$ is to much for a student. sc2 itself costs only twice as much.
Seems a bit pricey imo. I paid (i think it was) 9$ to watch MLG Providence in HD and I was happy with it. I'd pay the same prize again, but 20$? It's too much imo. I hope they reconsider and offer a variety of packages to accommodate more people.
I bought 4 PS2 games for 20$s. I've picked up dozens of eggs, scores of top ramen, loaves of bread, and two gallons of chocolate milk for $20. $20 in my wallet placated the person who mugged me. MLG, stop telling me what $20 is worth. Maybe if you were dealing with a console fan who drops $60 a year to play a patched version of the same Multiplayer they would pay up. And a few of the consumers who obsess over which mechanical keyboard they should drop $100 on, or whether they can get GUNNAR GLASSES in their prescription. Not me.
If the VODs deliver an exceptional experience which subtly overwhelm all my senses, including the kinesthetic, while simultaneously suggesting new senses in a subtle yet spectacular fashion, I'll consider buying the next. Of course, by offering a paltry single game as the trial period you're just throwing grease on the hill you'll already have to climb in order for me to buy.
Finally, I think your referral program sounds like a despicable way to prey off the Starcraft community's unique respect and devotion for and to certain major figures. I will think very much less of every avaricious icon whose greed drives them to be involved in such a program. Your transplant of Amazon's sales model is entirely inappropriate. Details pending, of course.
"We support e-sport so now we can make you pay loads of money, if you don't you hurt e-sports".
On February 14 2012 09:10 aderum wrote: I like how people think that 20$ is nothing -_-
"But hey you spend more on beer one night!!" Yeah I do, but i would rather spend it on drinking out with by best friends then on an event like this. I would watch the shit out of it if it was free but i cant really spend 20$ if i dont want to skip out on other things in life..
20 dollars is nothing -- unless you're a student or something like that, there's no reason anyone should conceive 20 dollars as a large sum of money
On February 14 2012 09:08 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Ok so I am confused right now, will there still be the ability to watch the tournament live even if you do not pay? At low quality, at least? Because I will not be able to pay. I'm 13 and my parents hate spending any money on videogames, much less for WATCHING a video game T_T
This post made me sad, im sorry friend
On February 14 2012 09:10 0kz wrote:Show nested quote +On February 14 2012 09:08 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Ok so I am confused right now, will there still be the ability to watch the tournament live even if you do not pay? At low quality, at least? Because I will not be able to pay. I'm 13 and my parents hate spending any money on videogames, much less for WATCHING a video game T_T sorry .. no free stream at all... @topic I feel bad for gold memebers.. and I dont think this is worth pay 20$.. I dont ahve the time for stay watching 20 hours in 1 weekend.. :/ Neither do I, but I'm going to anyways. One of the perks of having a boss that's a nerd is that he's going to give me a couple extra days to make deadline because he's going to be watching it, with me, getting drunk at my house. The wanders of being a nerd, you just can't top it.