Coca from now on should be allowed to pursue his SC2 career to the best of his ability... he already lost his Code S spot, so if he can't compete in the next GSLs I would think it too harsh.
CocA Incident Handled Correctly? - Page 15
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United Kingdom36156 Posts
Coca from now on should be allowed to pursue his SC2 career to the best of his ability... he already lost his Code S spot, so if he can't compete in the next GSLs I would think it too harsh. | ||
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Germany256 Posts
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12519 Posts
On November 17 2011 22:59 whitefluff wrote: Oh, I'm definitely not sure. But if they are so kind to do that, I guess I can forget their overreaction. (only because I believe in Coca's full ability to re-gain the position that he was robbed of, very quickly)And lets be honest. In January, who here believes they won't be seeing coca on the SlayerS A team again? ![]() By the way, to those who say it's good to have some kind of scapegoat in the name of teaching everyone a lesson - that's a terrible argument. It doesn't prove that the SC2 community is mature, but exactly the opposite - that it's deeply insecure of its own integrity. In a normal sane community, a person who is not guilty would not be thrown for public example. (doesn't even make a proper example) It's also not about Korean or non-Korean way of thinking - it's about fully understanding the whole case, or not. | ||
Sweden762 Posts
If he wants to throw games, who cares? It's his choice. | ||
Singapore2935 Posts
It is unfortunate that these kids have to be made an example of. They punishments are not career ending. They'll be back ![]() | ||
Ireland462 Posts
They have to do what they have to do to preserve the sanctity of competition within their team, and within their tournament. | ||
Norway104 Posts
As for the punishment i think Coca should have gotten a warning which would result in the punishment he got now if he violated this or any other rule again... and Byun should have been banned from Code A for a season or two.. Looks to me that they are using this two young promising players only to set a example. | ||
United States198 Posts
On November 17 2011 23:24 Daimai wrote: This is such a stupid situation. If he wants to throw games, who cares? It's his choice. Respectfully, I disagree. If Coca just wanted to play Starcraft 2 - say, on a stream - then obviously yes, he could do whatever he wanted. As far as I can tell, there is no moral imperative not to lose games; if you're just playing to play, then by all means, do whatever you want. However, Coca is not just playing to play: he is a professional gamer, on a team with sponsors playing in a tournament with sponsors, with fans watching his games for their entertainment. Being a "professional gamer" requires adhering to some standard of professional ethics - Coca owes it to his fans, his team, and the tournament in which he is playing to play the best he possibly can in a professional manner. Regardless of his motives, Coca clearly behaved in an unprofessional way, and his team is penalizing him for it, as they should. | ||
Sweden345 Posts
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Sweden2247 Posts
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United States22 Posts
On November 17 2011 23:22 figq wrote: Oh, I'm definitely not sure. But if they are so kind to do that, I guess I can forget their overreaction. (only because I believe in Coca's full ability to re-gain the position that he was robbed of, very quickly) By the way, to those who say it's good to have some kind of scapegoat in the name of teaching everyone a lesson - that's a terrible argument. It doesn't prove that the SC2 community is mature, but exactly the opposite - that it's deeply insecure of its own integrity. In a normal sane community, a person who is not guilty would not be thrown for public example. (doesn't even make a proper example) It's also not about Korean or non-Korean way of thinking - it's about fully understanding the whole case, or not. In my opinion, it all depends on Coca's reaction. If he handles it like a man and takes responsibility, I see no reason why Lim Yo-Hwan won't let him back. | ||
Korea (South)3804 Posts
you think byun and coca, if they were in SKT1 and KT respectively, would have done and said the same things if were a televised match? (there is a reason why kespa doesn't allow chatting ingame) it's unprofessional and undermines these players' credibility as athletes (in the e-sports sense of the word). furthermore, coca was being stupid in front of many, many people, and having the slayers tag attached to him has his entire team indirectly involved to some extent. on the korean servers, you NEVER see people with clan tags in their name ever be BM to others or even say anything stupid even when they get baited. i certainly don't do it, it's strongly discouraged, people who do get kicked out and posts are made on playxp explaining the situations. imagine what it would be like for a pro team and players whose matches are actually being watched by others. people are also forgetting that byun was swearing in the chat. again, completely unprofessional. BW teams often sent underperforming players down to their B-teams and sometimes even sent them home so that they could get their shit together. I don't see how this is anything dissimilar. | ||
Canada615 Posts
On November 17 2011 10:42 ohampatu wrote: LOL @ You. They didn't ground CoCa. Look at SC2 progress as a set of stairs. 250 being the top where Nestea and MVP are sitting. CoCa was well over half way there, and possibly closer that even that on a good stretch near theh top. He was made to go to the very bottom, and told to wait there untill he could start climbing again. Also, your 'parent and grounding' thing has absolutely nothing to do with what i said, nor anything to do with the punishment CoCa received. I never said they should just apologize or anything, its like your took 2 words i said, and then created your own example out of thin air. Speaking of Cultures, maybe its an Asian thing, but possibly ruining a kids future because of one fuckup is generally not something i look kindly to, so yes i disagree. Idk, maybe its an American thing, but when i punish my son, i dont do it in a way that could ruin whatever it is he is doing. If my son does something stupid fishing, i dont punish him so badly that he'll never want to fish again. Nobody is thinking about CoCa here. They are only thinking about Boxer's Image, The Teams Image, Esports Image. SICKENS ME. Think about the fucking child. I fully agree that we need to think about the CHILD. And that's exactly why the punishment fit the crime. You seem to be under the impression that it really didn't matter what CoCa did. It was all fun and games, never mind that it was a tournament, with an audience and people watching, sponsors, everything. So if your son purposefully threw a sports game(with you watching in the audience, with sponsors watching, etc), you'd react "oh, who cares, he can do what he wants" ? Think about the Vancouver riots. There was a very clear picture of an Asian teenager launching a punch right at a riot cop with his shield up. This kid happened to have university clearance due to excellent grades. But due to his actions during the riot(attacking a freaking COP), his parents yanked him off, and the university also denied him entry. So would your reaction have been "let him be"? And that denying him university education was too harsh, over one day of stupid decision - participating in a riot, attacking a cop, etc? | ||
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Germany2445 Posts
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Canada615 Posts
On November 17 2011 12:36 Hattori_Hanzo wrote: I see that you are a progamer yourself. Therefore your words carry some weight in this community. I have also taken into account of posters from Singapore and their opinion on this incident. I have thus decided to cancel business plans for a US$120,000 Winner-take-all tournament operating out of Singapore on Blizzard's SEA server due to the lack of professionalism by both the professional community and their fan base. Edit: Grammar. Based on the response from other VT members here - I haven't heard of your name hosting tourneys in the vein of 120k before. Can you link for me your past tourneys? | ||
United States871 Posts
First of all, none of these other events mentioned are really completely provable, aside from the WhiteRa incident, and even that was mostly a show of respect. In the coca/byun incident, it was stated clearly in text what was happening. Secondly, this, if nothing else, makes the team look bad. As part of a business, you need to keep that power implied. Hell look at most pro sports that aren't e-sports. If a player does something dumb like this they're fined by teams and/or league, with more extreme cases being a permanent ban. Like many other people are saying, these guys are young and will inevitably return to the scene, maybe even as better players. This is a slap on the wrist. The only thing I don't like about the situation is it's timing. The way the GSL is throwing upset after upset at us lately, I really thought Coca had a chance to win the whole thing »:< | ||
United States751 Posts
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Singapore1229 Posts
On November 18 2011 01:42 D_K_night wrote: Based on the response from other VT members here - I haven't heard of your name hosting tourneys in the vein of 120k before. Can you link for me your past tourneys? This was to be the first event. I have been in business for some time, I do not consider myself exceptional by any means. I see my role as in executive production. I find corporate sponsors who wish to fund and be associated with activities similar to their corporate values, usually involing excellence, responsibility and duty. Funds are then distributed accordingly among the various organizers, agents and contractors. | ||
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