Not really sure why people thinking the new units are sort of a bad thing; if anything we should be happy.
Rejuvenation of the game. It's going to add a lot more dynamic to this wonderful game and a lot more strategies.
Not to mention how cool and awesome these units are; were getting alot more CHOICE of which tech to go now instead of WOL's minimal tech choices (Especially for Zerg)
On October 22 2011 05:56 Capped wrote: Replicants, see's tank, makes tank. Terran fucked.
Replicants, see's tank, gets shot in the face by tank. Protoss fucked.
Unless you can do some absurd copying with observers giving the replicant twice the LoS as usual, the tank's range should be able to shoot the replicant in the face, if it's sieged.
On October 22 2011 05:53 msjakofsky wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 05:52 McFeser wrote:On October 22 2011 05:50 Defrag wrote:On October 22 2011 05:45 Yamulo wrote:On October 22 2011 05:34 Chicken Chaser wrote:On October 22 2011 05:31 Apoo wrote: The Zerg units are great and a perfect addition to the race.
The Protoss units look weird and got even more weird abilties, not a fan of it.
The Terran units got a nice concept behind themself, but the design is just very bad. The Replicants sound super awesome--it's essentially free Mind Control for any unit you want. Definitely makes Protoss sound more alien-y imo. But I can't help but think SC2 is turning into Transformers (Michael Bay or not) But how many units are actually worth replicating for a unit that is 200/200 and can't copy massive units? Siege tanks... replicate 5 siege tanks, get 5 sentries, good luck rushing into protoss army with siege + colossus + force fields. That's a lot of gas early game no? to me, siege tank seems like one of the few units that is viable to be replicated, cuz it brings something unique to the toss army, in other cases mostly it will be ridiculously cost ineffective What about medivacs? That might lead to some unique strategies.
incoming hidden nexus in enemy base strats
On October 22 2011 06:00 Cain0 wrote: The warhound looks kinda cool. LOL.
Eh it looked better then second time I looked at it, but I still don't like the design, really.
Corruptors, the new ultimate base trade unit! (5)
On October 22 2011 06:00 Forikorder wrote: incoming hidden nexus in enemy base strats Or hidden pylon into warpin? That seems a little less expensive.
hydra speed upgrade and ultra charge <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
and i really dont get why warhounds need a splash attack vs air. marines are already super effective against mutas. also the design looks pretty shitty tbh. just reintroduce the goliath and be done with it.
They should just replace the warhound with the golaith. Would be an immensely popular move IMO.
I wonder what happens if you replicate a medivac with marines in it?
Well at least you get to heal your zealots now...
SC2 Devs love Stargate, lol.
I love it.
the new corrupter change didnt change anything though its still useless after the collosus's are dead and you have no greater spire
What I'm liking about HotS so far is that lots of things are looking "OP" whatever that means. That's what made BW so good imo, every unit being insanely powerful.
oh god. if the nexus really does have mass recall on it (be it 75 or heck even 100 energy)
that is the most overpowered thing in existence
as a protoss player, high masters, i find myself rushing to mothership against zerg simply for the ability to mass recall and defend multiple bases against mutalisks and use voidrays to snipe expansions and recall
if in HOTS every single one of my nexus's basically gets to have a free mothership flying over it that can recall for 75 energy... my god.... extremely overpowered
drops against toss, dead
muta harass against toss, dead
I like the Viper grab ability but... they really need to add some new animations or something. The Colossus sliding completely vertically as it clips through the air looks really goofy.
On October 22 2011 05:56 Sajaki wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 05:43 SiegeFlank wrote:http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/news/hots-multiplayer-protoss-first-impression/Really good article posted here that puts the new protoss units into better perspective. After reading, this... damn. And I thought Zerg got the most out of this expansion. Orcales and Replicants are such awesome units. Imagine a player drops a large army into your base. Phase out the buildings with your oracles until you mass recall your army back to the nexus to deal with the drop. And with replicants, become a copy of an enemy SCV, escape with a warp prism, and a few minutes of building later, you have Protoss MULEs. So much strategic potential with these new units. Alot of those changes are terrible. Replicants at 200 / 200 early game? replicate a sentry (50/100) for emergency FFs? Turn it into an immortal (250/100?) Just buy a immortal. Doesn't work on massive? What unit am i gonna replicate worth 200/200? (Other then ghost ofc). Oracle's ability sounds like a joke. Stop mining... temporarily stop a building from constructing... YAY... Whatever happened to units with attacking abilities? Oh right attacking abilities. A capital ship with AoE air (yay) and a single attack to ground. It costs 300/300... uh... ok. Seems the least gimmicky of them all... Truly disappointed with each protoss unit here... The only one that actually feels like it will get any use is the replicant... but for 200/200 that does nothing for toss early game... and its inability to target massive is rediculous when you consider the infestor... which not only aquires an enemy unit but removes that very unit from the toss player... AND costs less. Oh and there is also that tongue thing from the viper. Disappointing...
Oracle ability sounds like its hugely overpowered and will be nerfed ( I have no idea if and how the field on minerals can be field atm ) but 45s of stopped mining time is game changing.
United States1022 Posts
Wow, I can't believe that they just removed the carrier like that, even if no one used it
Its getting hawt in here.
Carriers NOOOOO!!!!! I'm so bummed about that right now... But Banelings can burrow move which makes it all better :D