On October 22 2011 06:03 astroorion wrote: Wow, I can't believe that they just removed the carrier like that, even if no one used it
Somewhere, Hongun staring into his crazy juice with tears brimming in his eyes.
On October 22 2011 06:04 theBizness wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 06:03 astroorion wrote: Wow, I can't believe that they just removed the carrier like that, even if no one used it Somewhere, Hongun staring into his crazy juice with tears brimming in his eyes. good lol
Man. I am so stoked to see HOTS. This is going to be an exciting release. Doesn't matter what the balance issues are/may be. It still going to be very enjoyable and an it's going to get even more creative. I think they're doing great. Love it Blizzard. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Tell me when to Pre-Order this bad boy!!!!
Guys, lets prey HotS will be delayed as long as possible, because it will destroy multiplayer for at least 6+ months
On October 22 2011 06:03 MrSexington wrote: I like the Viper grab ability but... they really need to add some new animations or something. The Colossus sliding completely vertically as it clips through the air looks really goofy.
yeah definitely, don't they have this awesome physics engine in SC2? Couldn't they apply to the units when grabbed?
On October 22 2011 06:00 Maxie wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 05:56 Capped wrote: Replicants, see's tank, makes tank. Terran fucked. Replicants, see's tank, gets shot in the face by tank. Protoss fucked. Unless you can do some absurd copying with observers giving the replicant twice the LoS as usual, the tank's range should be able to shoot the replicant in the face, if it's sieged.
Troll, starts trolling, tell him he is wrong. Troll fucked.
And thats why you are wrong: its at 1:40
On October 22 2011 05:58 blamekilly wrote: Anyone remember Kiwikaki's use of mass recall against Stephano? That thing's gonna be so OP when you don't even need a mothership for it.
It is not quite to the same effect though is it? Sure, you can do hit and run attacks quite safely, but you won't be able to actually recall directly into the enemy base. I really like the potential it has, in my opinion Protoss is the most immobile race in WoL and it will be interesting to see how this affects gameplay.
Now Protoss players can put cannons on top of their own Planetary Fortresses!
Replicate an infestor > Fungal Growth > Psionic Storm > RESULT!
I find all these changes... well, acceptable, aside of Replicants. Is this only me or this is the most anti-climatic unit ever made?
I'm switching to zerg. Any massive unit that make great damage can be thorn appart in melee with the Viper.
On October 22 2011 06:02 roymarthyup wrote: oh god. if the nexus really does have mass recall on it (be it 75 or heck even 100 energy)
that is the most overpowered thing in existence
as a protoss player, high masters, i find myself rushing to mothership against zerg simply for the ability to mass recall and defend multiple bases against mutalisks and use voidrays to snipe expansions and recall
if in HOTS every single one of my nexus's basically gets to have a free mothership flying over it that can recall for 75 energy... my god.... extremely overpowered
drops against toss, dead
muta harass against toss, dead
That's so true they should have just removed Mass Recall along with the Removal of the Mothership i always knew Mothership was Overpowered(Vortex) .. So glad they scrapped it.
Canada4020 Posts
As a protoss if the zerg changes go through I think ill go pure replicator and use what he's using Sounds like a good way to ensure balance doesnt affect it lol
Terran: Back to Broodwar, but make everything look terrible.
Hellion gets more power to last in straight up fights because it can't provide the buffer between tanks that spider mines could, so
Shredder is added to provide some base and area protection like spider mines, but instead of making them hard to use, they make them easy in that they stop working if allied units get close. Not going to be hard to use these offensively.
Thor was terrible so they reintroduce the Goliath but with a weird unit model, almost as bad as the battle hellion.
Protoss: Reduce gimmic units of other races, give them to Protoss.
Replicator: Dark Archon in cost, but with mind control as the only spell and a worse version of mind control as well. Going to be very much a gimmic unit, solves nothing for robo tech.
Oracle: Better overseer? If it can't detect cloaked units it doesn't solve anything for Stargate tech. I'd rather build an extra Phoenix and actually kill the workers. If this can't provide some offensive support then it seems silly as the defensive support is really bad.
Warping buildings away seems less than useful when the best possible result is to stop a tech snipe by terran which sucks because stargate against terran is either for void ray all ins or to get phoenix which should be used to deny drops in the first place.
On the other hand it doesn't matter because it had something that froze the spore crawlers (lol 2 stargate play vs zerg here I come).
Tempest: Solve none of the weaknesses of the Carrier (Unless the ground attack is even more dps than the Carrier) while also not being a good response to mass muta which is where the +dmg against light and splash helps. 300/300 75 second build time, have fun never being built because you solve even less of a purpose than Carriers.
Concepts of the day: Don't use solid Broodwar/RTS unit concepts until you realize that they actually work where as your crappy replacements do not.
When you have the ability to expand a race and how it can be played, just add gimmicks instead of actually solid units or abilities that solve a purpose or gap in the race.
If you want to differentiate the races just remove something from one race and give it to another even if it has been done before in a previous game. Who cares if it makes the race feel like the other one, they can't play the same or feel wrong if they have different units!
On October 22 2011 06:03 Defrag wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 05:56 Sajaki wrote:On October 22 2011 05:43 SiegeFlank wrote:http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/news/hots-multiplayer-protoss-first-impression/Really good article posted here that puts the new protoss units into better perspective. After reading, this... damn. And I thought Zerg got the most out of this expansion. Orcales and Replicants are such awesome units. Imagine a player drops a large army into your base. Phase out the buildings with your oracles until you mass recall your army back to the nexus to deal with the drop. And with replicants, become a copy of an enemy SCV, escape with a warp prism, and a few minutes of building later, you have Protoss MULEs. So much strategic potential with these new units. Alot of those changes are terrible. Replicants at 200 / 200 early game? replicate a sentry (50/100) for emergency FFs? Turn it into an immortal (250/100?) Just buy a immortal. Doesn't work on massive? What unit am i gonna replicate worth 200/200? (Other then ghost ofc). Oracle's ability sounds like a joke. Stop mining... temporarily stop a building from constructing... YAY... Whatever happened to units with attacking abilities? Oh right attacking abilities. A capital ship with AoE air (yay) and a single attack to ground. It costs 300/300... uh... ok. Seems the least gimmicky of them all... Truly disappointed with each protoss unit here... The only one that actually feels like it will get any use is the replicant... but for 200/200 that does nothing for toss early game... and its inability to target massive is rediculous when you consider the infestor... which not only aquires an enemy unit but removes that very unit from the toss player... AND costs less. Oh and there is also that tongue thing from the viper. Disappointing... Oracle ability sounds like its hugely overpowered and will be nerfed ( I have no idea if and how the field on minerals can be field atm ) but 45s of stopped mining time is game changing.
Less game changing then mutas or hellions clearing out your mineral line, that stops mining for a lot more than 45 seconds. Besides, the mineral blockers can be attacked to go down before that. If anything it's going to be a little weak since a few stationed marines or lings will just kill the tomb.
so replicants do work on air units. still not sure about re-replicating, but even without it, there are major implications for this.
medivac/chargelot pdd+guardian shield the new dark swarm to shut down range attacks, plus forcefield to screw melee. basically turn the entire enemy army into a sitting duck.
Wow the viper looks friggin siiiiiiiiiiiick. Viper + infestors = epic plays in the future. Also aren't burrowed moveable banes a little op?
Vatican City State334 Posts
The Oracle is a bit more expensive than I'd hoped, but I think observer into replicant will be a really interesting opening. If a DT rush or Banshee comes, I replicate it and send one back. Protoss dies because he has no detection and the Banshee keeps Terran inside his own base.
Vatican City State733 Posts
Lots of interesting new units. Replicant in particular seems like a unit that will not make it into the real game but we shall see. Can't wait for the beta!
Wow, so many changes. The game is going to change a lot. I think it's premature for people to be speculating as to what is imbalanced or not at this point. Things will be tested, a beta will be in place... Things will balance out.