We are currently talking about this issue in the mod forum. We take this issue very seriously, and want to find the best way to serve those who want faster results, and those that don't wish to be spoiled. |
Think about the people that weren't watching MLG tonight... do they really have time to watch about 50 games to maintain the unspoiled state of mind?
TL is an e-sports community and NEWS site, isn't it?
On ESPN, all major headlines are thrown in your face. Do people really complain that they've been spoiled and just wanted to watch the game via ESPN3 (basically a VOD)? Hell no!
I used to make LR threads and all people would do is bitch about spoilers. Now we have some HORRIBLE LR threads with spoilers in the spoilers inside the other spoilers so no one gets spoiled by spoiler tags that are spoiling other spoiler tags. I remember a BW LR thread where it took four (!!!!) levels of spoiler tags to look at the results.
Massive tournaments like Dreamhack, MLG, and whatnot should be on the front page in big bright letters, + Show Spoiler +"NANIWA MADE PEOPLE FEEL SLIGHTLY UPSET, AND BEAT NEASTEA!"
NO ONE is going to watch all of those games, every one, one by one, in between porn adventures, to replicate the "live" experience.
If such a person exists, that's disturbing...
The international nature of Starcraft isn't an excuse not to openly publish the results of major tournaments.
The Olympics, World Cup Soccer / Football, and other events are also international, and the results of those matches show up on the internet, TV, and radio as soon as they happen.
If you want to avoid spoilers, do what everyone else does with other sports - Avoid media until you've watched the event.
Spoiler-free VOD pages can be made for those who want to watch the games without being spoiled, then other websites like TL can stop holding back their coverage of major tournaments.
not trying to be arrogant but I think starcraft is much more fun to watch than other sports (SERIOUS UNDERSTATEMENT, IT IS SHIT LOADS BETTER)
so that the difference in spoiling starcraft vs other sports is big; there is more want to watch starcraft than to just know the results, whereas in other sports, some people are more interested in the things outside the game like the stories, the team history, BM, etc., and wanna just know the results/catch-up on stuff.
That's how I see it
IMHO just spoil it. Over here Champions League airs at 3 in the morning. I usually wake up and browse BBC to check the results. Ain't a big deal and really helps with spreading the word out!
Is ... hurting E-sports ? I swear to god i can´t take it anymore, i just don´t wanna hear it anymore! I seriously get the deep desire to beat the crap out of everyone who uses this unutterable and so incredibly overused term....
On November 20 2011 18:40 Samba wrote: Is ... hurting E-sports ? I swear to god i can´t take it anymore, i just don´t wanna hear it anymore! I seriously get the deep desire to beat the crap out of everyone who uses this unutterable and so incredibly overused term....
With your desire for violence you are hurting E-Sports!
I don't think we should have to worry about spoilers but for forum titles and front page stuff it should be things like "Congrats to MLG Providence Champion!" then the story inside can tell you that way if you click it you knew what you were getting into.
On November 20 2011 15:46 teamsolid wrote: If you want spoiler'd results, just go to GosuGamers.net
I'm sure there are other sites that are similar... so I'm fine with TL being different not having immediate results on front page.
This is completely the opposite of what TeamLiquid wants. That would be like saying to a customer, you don't like our cups? Go here for this.
The point of this thread is about why there is not more HUGE CELEBRATIONS for winners on the DAY OF THE TOURNAMENT!
Like I said before: How can you spoil a LIVE EVENT! It's not hard to post a "Player A beat Player B 2-1" and leave it up for like 30 minutes and then take it down for a new update.
The best idea would be to try and get a sponsor for some kind of scroll bar for live tournaments that shows results of the games as they happen.
This isn't hurting E-sports. It has been hurting E-sports for the last 10 years.
On November 20 2011 21:01 KingAce wrote: This isn't hurting E-sports. It has been hurting E-sports for the last 10 years.
it has?how so?
I mean with regard to it being so bad for the last 10 years.
Put links to spoilers on the main page as news, problem solved.
Luckily for me MLG has a great videoplayer so I just now watched all games I wanted to watched from last night (7 hour timezone difference QQ) without any spoilers at all.
If you choose to go to TL.net to watch a VOD and you need a link to that its a bit problematic. I always go to TL.net to know where i can see the VOD from events. So its difficult to avoid spoilers completely.
But the difference between e-sports and in my case football is, i know every weekend there are games, i can watch it live or i can watch some news afterwards and see the goals and the results. but watching vod's is not an option here. so if i want it spoiler free i have to avoid every media source until the show airs i want to see with the results in in ><
in starcraft there are vods for everything so its much more enjoyable to watch vods then just look at the highlights. But watching a vod and knowing the outcome of the game is a bit boring because you just know what will happen when you see unit compositions etc.
for me its kind of hard to decide wheather if i care or dont care if the big news of who won a tournament is published at the front page or not.
i mean, if there were more e-sports news websites out there this would not be a discussion. TL could be as it is and the news pages just update the news with pics and interviews etc. like other sports. but its e-sports and it has to go a long way until we have these standarts like american football, football, hockey, basketball and all these sports
it really dosen't matter too much. i think TL should keep it as it is, because some people like to watch vods of games they missed.
On November 20 2011 22:07 BoggieMan wrote: it really dosen't matter too much. i think TL should keep it as it is, because some people like to watch vods of games they missed.
You seem to believe that TL cannot both do VODs AND be an eSports news portal. Other posters have suggested compromises and alternate solutions.
The MLG Providence coverage will be a good test.
Watching a match when you already know the outcome is no fun for me. You can talk about results and dont watch games, or you can watch games and enjoy results.
United Kingdom10823 Posts
I think there should just be an established time until its ok to spoil results, like 3 days or something. After that, to be fair, its only the fault of the user that they haven't caught up.
So where are the people now complaining about Team Liquid SPOILING the results of DreamHack?
There's a HUGE post on the TL forum spot that says:
Where are the people QQing about it being spoiled?
Now I couldn't watch it live but when I saw that message I had to watch the VOD and it was an epic 7 game series worth watching twice.
I've never seen more spoiler whine than on TL. If you don't want to know results, don't come here. If you have time to peruse a gaming forum, watch the VOD of your spoiler-fear-choice instead. It's not life ending, it's not even that big of a deal.
Was thinking of bumping this thread - TL staff has obviously seen the thread, looked at the overwhelming consensus on the poll and decided to put a major news up (on TL Pro, but still) with a big headline and graphic very shortly after Hero won Dreamhack - I was super happy/stoked seeing that celebration. :D
Excellent job, staffers responsible.
On November 28 2011 08:45 Bobster wrote:Was thinking of bumping this thread - TL staff has obviously seen the thread, looked at the overwhelming consensus on the poll and decided to put a major news up (on TL Pro, but still) with a big headline and graphic very shortly after Hero won Dreamhack - I was super happy/stoked seeing that celebration. :D Excellent job, staffers responsible. 
Exactly! That post made me check out what happened immediately. Read the posts of the games, and then ultimately DL the VODs