On July 30 2011 17:29 Burningkid wrote: I usually get 9-pooled by zerg, what would be a good counter? And then what would i counter with under the assumption that the zerg player is coming back with more zerglins?
emps vs toss. i have a few questions concerning these emps. 1st why doesnt it have to be researched. 2nd why does it have considerably greater range than feedback and a massive aoe... really feedback has less range and has to target individual units. thirdly why can ghosts and infestors research extra starting energy and protoss is left out in the cold? in late game 10+ fully energy charged ghosts seems invincible to me. you can get a great army spread as toss and you can make sure you can have wise ht placement.(and you better bc if they are bunched up terran will win game with 1 e-left click.) but late game pvt 10+ fully loaded ghosts as long as the terran can micro well enough to shoot emps everywhere it seems impossible to me. if you have any tips or a way to beat the uber ranged, crushing aoe, op ghosts please share with me this is a thorn i dont think i will ever be able to remove from my side until blizzard does something about it.
The lack of starting energy for high templar is because protoss can make them in an instant, and terran are forced to spend however long making their ghosts. It's a balance thing.
On July 31 2011 01:53 giantchicken wrote: wall of trolling or balance whine
Blizzard did do something about it. Khydarian Amulet was removed because it let to instant warp in storms which is much, much more powerful than EMP after 40 second build time or fungal after 50 SECOND SPAWN TIME.
This issue has been discussed to death. Please don't say Blizzard needs to fix it in your very first post on team liquid.
However I am more than willing to give you a couple of tips on improving the longevity of your templars. A common trick is to keep them in a warp prism to avoid being emp'd then dropping them down once the EMP shots have landed. Another trick is to use feedback with the minimap if you're having trouble targeting a ghost among the ball of bio units attacking you. Just click feedback and click the minimap over where the ghosts are. You might feedback a medivac or a ghost, it's a crapshoot but it is a lot quicker than trying to hunt that one unit with an energy bar.
Obviously splitting your HT will also help and of course a HT without energy can still become an archon, something incredibly useful to your composition anyway.
I have got a question. My english is very bad, sorry about that. So, What reports are doing? I mean i saw a few days ago Destiny has reported a guy who harassed him. He reported the same person 4 times. 2 harrasment, 2 spam. He didnt write anything into the "more information zone". Yesterday a friend of mine reported a guy. So what cause a report? Blizz will take care or its just a "cool-name" thing, what is doing nothing. I guess the guys who have been reported still in bnet and living their life. And blizz did nothing. Is it real? Or blizz banning them? But if blizz banning, why? I mean the reporters didnt write down what the reported ones did. THX the answers
If i see a protoss going for a 4gate but doesnt attack me around 6-8mins, what should my reaction be to this?
Doesnt a 4gate damage his eco anything?
If he does expand around the 9min mark am i safe to attack asuming that his eco was damaged by doing 4gate and my army should be bigger than his?
Is't possible to for a terran to attack a protoss going 4gate? I have heard and seen replays of 3rax being put into use and what i can understand it was a standard opener for some time ago but is not being use that much anymore?
While playing against protoss i'm always afriad of doing those drops people are saying i should because i feel like if i dont have my entire army defending my base i will be screwed if he attacks me because i can barely keep my army at his level.
Plz asume that my enemies arrent the smartest and i'm not that good either (low platinum) so we are not talking about master league play here.
On July 30 2011 16:25 usethis2 wrote: I hear that Blizzard removed Metalopolis from the map pool for balance reasons. Is there a quote/link to verify this?
Metalopolis has been around for quite a long time, over a year including beta. We felt that taking it out of the rotation would make some room for variety in the map pool.
Metalopolis suffers balance issues when close spawn positions occur, but becomes too predictable when they are simply disabled. Close positions have been under a lot of discussion lately, and we’re definitely examining better options to allow for random spawn positions across the map pool without also creating too much predictability and vulnerability to proxy rushes.
Overall balance has also proven to be an issue on Metalopolis -- even factoring in close position spawn issues. It’s among the least balanced maps currently in the ladder pool, and along with Scrap Station (also being removed) and Tal’darim Altar, has a heavy (60%+) bias toward zerg at the highest levels of play.
It was more addressing the "close positions IMBA" as well as retiring an old map. After all, metal is now the 2nd oldest map used in season 2, being around since early beta. (Oldest would be scrap, being around since the closed alpha).
On July 31 2011 04:15 Atlasy wrote: I have got a question. My english is very bad, sorry about that. So, What reports are doing? I mean i saw a few days ago Destiny has reported a guy who harassed him. He reported the same person 4 times. 2 harrasment, 2 spam. He didnt write anything into the "more information zone". Yesterday a friend of mine reported a guy. So what cause a report? Blizz will take care or its just a "cool-name" thing, what is doing nothing. I guess the guys who have been reported still in bnet and living their life. And blizz did nothing. Is it real? Or blizz banning them? But if blizz banning, why? I mean the reporters didnt write down what the reported ones did. THX the answers
It varies from situation to situation. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Blizzard doesn't give much feedback on report button cases and it's very difficult to figure out if the person was punished. Some things like reporting for hacking get a lot of attention and others like harassment tend to get less.
Also only half of Team Liquid are native English speakers! Welcome!
Hey Granter! That's a difficult question to answer and I reccommend you ask it again in this thread. Simple Questions Simple answers is filled with people who are very knowledgable of all levels of play and would be glad to help!
Please read the Strategy forum guidelines before making a new thread though..
I have a weird question. Why do Protoss people at Tournament level warp in units right next to the enemy when they're the only thing there? Don't protoss units take extra damage while warping?
I don't think they take extra damage but you could say the faster a zealot gets to target the higher it's dps would be. Plus I think alive units take threat priority if in range.
Hey Granter! That's a difficult question to answer and I reccommend you ask it again in this thread. Simple Questions Simple answers is filled with people who are very knowledgable of all levels of play and would be glad to help!
Please read the Strategy forum guidelines before making a new thread though..
oh i see, thanks I have searched for a guide but they never seems to go any futher than the opener and how you should react on the first sort of build you see a protoss is doing but never what you should do on the second step.
On July 31 2011 09:32 stlh2opolo wrote: Incredible story coming out of the Open Bracket: Epgimix, the player who White-Ra DQ'd to yesterday, is playing him now. Before the start of the first game, in the pregame chat, Gimix said to White-Ra, "let's do this the right way."
He then proceeded to throw all his SCVs at White-Ra in the first game, and then in the second game. Obviously, he lost both games. The series is now back even at 2-2 and has essentially been reset.
Incredible manner and sportsmanship from Gimix.
It deserves to be reposted for anyone that didn't see.
On July 31 2011 09:32 stlh2opolo wrote: Incredible story coming out of the Open Bracket: Epgimix, the player who White-Ra DQ'd to yesterday, is playing him now. Before the start of the first game, in the pregame chat, Gimix said to White-Ra, "let's do this the right way."
He then proceeded to throw all his SCVs at White-Ra in the first game, and then in the second game. Obviously, he lost both games. The series is now back even at 2-2 and has essentially been reset.
Incredible manner and sportsmanship from Gimix.
It deserves to be reposted for anyone that didn't see.
On July 29 2011 18:55 CreationSoul wrote: just a small curiosity:
what server do people from africa play on? i haven't heard of an africa server.... and i was really curious
Most stupid question ever. It's merely an insult to Africa's less sophisticated technology with the excuse of "curiosity".
I have never heard of an African server either, I am slightly curious as to whether one exists. I must be super insensitive and really just attempting to further my massive conspiracy to shame and humiliate Africa. Or you could just give me the benefit of doubt and not answer if you don't know.
Guys. The search function. It's amazing. Even if you can't find the explicit information you're looking for you can still extrapolate from what you find.
All threads related to Africa cite usage of EU server. SC2 Ranks, Official Blizzard sites, Google in general cannot locate an African server.
Therefore: There is no African based server. Most Africans use EU although an undefined amount use NA or presumably SEA/TW/KR.
And it boggles my mind to try to understand how asking this would be insensitive. Maybe living in the south has made me either hyperaware or desensitized towards racism but asking if there is an AR server or for that matter, it being somehow insensitive if there is not- is not a touchy question/issue.
On lighter news, I requalified as diamond in my placement match today. In darker news- I've never been placed in an old division. Despite my MMR, skill ranking nah. Every time I received a promotion it was because a new division opened up. It kills me.
On July 31 2011 01:53 giantchicken wrote: emps vs toss. i have a few questions concerning these emps. 1st why doesnt it have to be researched. 2nd why does it have considerably greater range than feedback and a massive aoe... really feedback has less range and has to target individual units. thirdly why can ghosts and infestors research extra starting energy and protoss is left out in the cold? in late game 10+ fully energy charged ghosts seems invincible to me. you can get a great army spread as toss and you can make sure you can have wise ht placement.(and you better bc if they are bunched up terran will win game with 1 e-left click.) but late game pvt 10+ fully loaded ghosts as long as the terran can micro well enough to shoot emps everywhere it seems impossible to me. if you have any tips or a way to beat the uber ranged, crushing aoe, op ghosts please share with me this is a thorn i dont think i will ever be able to remove from my side until blizzard does something about it.
Emp and feedback have the same range, both are 7 just like fungal and storm. Kydarian amulet (HT energy upgrade) was removed because of how warp-in mechanics work, you'll receive enough energy for a storm before a ghost has enough for an EMP if you spend the money at the exact same time (the ghost won't be done building). As for feedbacking being harder than emp-ing...well....
Hold down f and spam click the minimap. Now your opponent has no energy.