On June 21 2011 01:19 Zaros wrote: Why does every blizzard map have a super hard to take 3rd base >.>
managing 3 bases is too hard for newbs.
ugh, these maps look like shit so far. I hope they are wise with the maps they remove or I won't have enough vetos to go around.
Looks sweet! - Seems like the fourth 1v1 map will favor a lot of Siege tanks from Terran, because of that small choke. Forcing protoss and zerg to favor drops on that map maybe. Looking forward to see how the map will turn out
Kerrigan's Wrath is a map that makes me wish that Zerg has units that can go up and down cliffs. Also, we can always hope that they made these maps because the incoming new Zerg HotS units are totally imba. :D :D :D
On June 21 2011 06:41 Toadvine wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 06:21 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: they're not making rush maps so that rushes "are stronger", they're making them rush maps so that there is more pressure and aggression
ideally, it would be back and forth, low econ fighting, but humans make too many mistakes so it doesn't end up that way It's not about human mistakes, this game just has completely out-of-whack interactions between the base units of various races. How is low-econ aggression supposed to work for Zerg if they are, by design (courtesy of David Kim @ Blizzcon), incapable of pressuring a one-basing player? How is the low eco thing supposed to work out if Terran has, by design, the highest 1 base income of all the races? I wouldn't care about "rush maps" or whatever if these scenarios provided equal opportunity for all races, but they just don't.
Definitely some affirmative action going on for Terran, but hey this is WoL right? I can't wait for HoTS where they better make every map GSL taldarim and cross spawns only. Then the other races will know how much Zerg has had to suffer. Lost temple cliff anyone/close spawn metal anyone?
man why do they never make 1v1 maps, i want them to at least add another xelnaga caverns, one of the most balanced maps ever...
On June 21 2011 06:36 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: Anyways, if they're doing a rush like a 4 gate, why would they kill the rocks? Heck I've never even see a pro 4 gate on Crevasse by killing the rocks. It's a friggin 4 gate, you warp in units. . They mean the rocks on the ramp leading into the opponent's main so the 4gater's units don't have to go through a small choke, but a wide ramp instead. It is common to see pros take the rocks out because it stops a single forcefield from blocking the ramp completely.
Edit: to poster above me: good eye, I was thinking the same thing but never thought how close it was. I played on that PTR map version of that map 5. It was terrible. A roach rush could hit you as fast as on Steppes when going through the back door. And you could siege push through the back door with only 2-3 leaps, and be in range of the opponent's main mineral line. It wasn't fun at all.
My view is largely on rock usage over expansions, which I do consider "bad". Rocks to block attacking paths are different as they ofter a Strategic option.
Well in that sense you could say that the rocks add more strategy because it makes the price of taking that expansion larger, over spending that time and money into something else.
Many people here would agree that if someone only knew how to 1 base all in or his definition of a late game was taking his natural he would be not be "playing properly".
And many wouldn't. If you're a progamer and you 1 base all in everytime, you probably won't get far. *cough TheBest* For long, at least. But it's a choice, and you don't seem to understand that.
These maps look good, and we haven't even tried them so you can't say that.
It's not about human mistakes, this game just has completely out-of-whack interactions between the base units of various races. How is low-econ aggression supposed to work for Zerg if they are, by design (courtesy of David Kim @ Blizzcon), incapable of pressuring a one-basing player? How is the low eco thing supposed to work out if Terran has, by design, the highest 1 base income of all the races?
I wouldn't care about "rush maps" or whatever if these scenarios provided equal opportunity for all races, but they just don't.
That wasn't the point of my post, idk why you started with that. Who says that Zerg was designed that way? Zerg can put on their own kinds of pressure. Totally disagree there.
You can't compare them just by their income and say, Terran works best in low econ situations. Also, that's only when you're talking about saturated bases and if the Terran doesn't use his energy for anything else.
Now, is it true most of the time? Probably. But what if the natural is so friggin huge that it's pretty much open from all angles except 5 degrees which is the ramp? That would be hard as hell for Terran to defend, while it wouldn't be a problem for Zerg. So in that situation, Zerg could easily get 2 base vs 1.
They mean the rocks on the ramp leading into the opponent's main so the 4gater's units don't have to go through a small choke, but a wide ramp instead. It is common to see pros take the rocks out because it stops a single forcefield from blocking the ramp completely.
Oh, thanks xD that makes more sense!
Thanks blizzard for making cheesy strats more viable, idiots
are they giving you 5-8 veto's now? :D
Has there been any word on when Season 3 will begin??
Lots of rocks and gold minerals, just what everybody wanted!
On June 21 2011 06:35 Papulatus wrote: All of these maps look TERRIBLE for Zerg. I'm losing faith that Zerg will ever be as good as Terran or Protoss. With a hard to take 3rd, Zerg is screwed. Add on that many of the gold bases are very viable 3rds for Terran and Protoss, I think that Zerg is just going to get EVEN WORSE if these new maps go live.
Lets just hope that they get changed significantly before they go live.
Are you serious? o_O
These maps look good for Zerg. The far third is most advantageous for Zerg because of mobile units. Furthermore, easy to take thirds is usually an advantage for Terran and Protoss against Zergs who prefer macro games. How many times have you seen Zergs with 4 or 5 bases get dominated by three base T or P?
The only map that looks bad for zerg in those four is the one with the fire tileset because of the way the terrain. Half of those rocks just seem like the perfect cover for siege tank pushes on the natural and third.
Yeah, 2 and 3 player maps is lacking really bad in ladder. I would also like to see a map without rocks, gold and maybe Xel'Naga Watchtowers...
I guess that day will never come as long Blizzard is gonna do their own maps like this. Y_Y
On June 21 2011 06:36 Yoshi Kirishima wrote:You mean players should all learn how to play lategame games? There is no choice?@Wren That depends on the map. If you actually lose because the rocks are broken, it means you just took it too early. Anyways, if they're doing a rush like a 4 gate, why would they kill the rocks? Heck I've never even see a pro 4 gate on Crevasse by killing the rocks. It's a friggin 4 gate, you warp in units.[i]Also, your example doesn't make sense because no one 4 gates when someone already has 3 bases going. On Crevasse you could take your natural outside instead of inside, but on Kerrigan's why would you take your third before your natural?[/i] Only if used badly.
In regards to your first fallacy, macro games teach people how to macro, how to scout, how to multi task, and how to manage resources properly. Cheese and all ins are totally viable and appropriate for BOX matches, but are worthless on the ladder. Cheese and all ins are not difficult to execute and you generally do not care what your opponent is doing. Imagine every TvZ you played was on meta close positions. So every game you did some kind of marine + scv all in. The moment that close position gets removed, or you play on a map like Tal Darim, you have absolutely NO IDEA how to play. You can still do cheese and all ins on maps like Tal Darim, Crevasse, and Terminus RE, but you can also play a straight up game.
Now onto your second fallacy. The ramp on Crevasse takes two forcefields to block the ramp if you destroy the rocks while it only takes one if the rocks are up. In addition, the more narrow a choke is, the more it favors the defender. If you can honestly say that you have never seen a pro 4gate on Crevasse and knock down the opponents rocks, then you are not watching.
Then your third and likely not final fallacy. If zerg takes a fast third in response to a perceived FE by the protoss, the protoss can punish that with a canceled nexus 4 gate. Which can and does happen. Protoss can also 6 gate against a fast third, which can and does happen against both terran and zerg.
Any more gems you would like to add to this thread?
On June 21 2011 06:21 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: they're not making rush maps so that rushes "are stronger", they're making them rush maps so that there is more pressure and aggression
ideally, it would be back and forth, low econ fighting, but humans make too many mistakes so it doesn't end up that way all races are not created equal, it's very possible that some races have terrible low-econ aggression compared to other races. either you give all races near equal ability to play in low-econ scenarios, or these maps/spawns are imbalanced and need to be fixed.
this shit is annoying... why dosnt blizzard listen to the community!
On June 21 2011 06:30 aksfjh wrote: Anybody want to elaborate why rocks are automatically a terrible abomination to maps?
Blizzard likes rocks because they make maps more dynamic. The map you're playing at 5 minutes isn't the same as the map you're playing at 15 minutes.
They can also make certain strategies stronger or weaker. For example, a PvZ FE is much stronger if there are rocks blocking the 3rd base, so Z has to make units in order to take it. If there is a fast attack path blocked by rocks, it can make rushing weaker and counterattacking stronger. Etc.
TL doesn't like them because they make the game more difficult and less like BW.
On June 21 2011 06:45 KimJongChill wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 06:41 Toadvine wrote:On June 21 2011 06:21 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: they're not making rush maps so that rushes "are stronger", they're making them rush maps so that there is more pressure and aggression
ideally, it would be back and forth, low econ fighting, but humans make too many mistakes so it doesn't end up that way It's not about human mistakes, this game just has completely out-of-whack interactions between the base units of various races. How is low-econ aggression supposed to work for Zerg if they are, by design (courtesy of David Kim @ Blizzcon), incapable of pressuring a one-basing player? How is the low eco thing supposed to work out if Terran has, by design, the highest 1 base income of all the races? I wouldn't care about "rush maps" or whatever if these scenarios provided equal opportunity for all races, but they just don't. Definitely some affirmative action going on for Terran, but hey this is WoL right? I can't wait for HoTS where they better make every map GSL taldarim and cross spawns only. Then the other races will know how much Zerg has had to suffer. Lost temple cliff anyone/close spawn metal anyone?
Currently, PvZ on close positions isn't that bad afaik. Well, it is bad in the sense that it's fucking retarded to play if you like expanding, but Protoss 1 base all-ins don't change much with distance, and if the Protoss expands, then the Zerg can all-in him really easily. So, at least there's some equality in the "Who can attack better?" game.
It's mostly Terran that's the problem. In PvT on close positions, the Protoss will always lose to a Marine/Tank/x all-in, unless he kills the Terran with a 4gate first. TvZ is even more fun.
against forge fast expand, making that many zerglings/teching to roaches and making roaches that early hurts you a ton
otherwise, you're right
Haha, yeah true. But making the gold there by the rocks, might be better than the rocks they put on a normal base on Tal'Darim. Hopefully!
all races are not created equal, it's very possible that some races have terrible low-econ aggression compared to other races. either you give all races near equal ability to play in low-econ scenarios, or these maps/spawns are imbalanced and need to be fixed.
Yup of course, just was taking a guess at what Blizz meant by "rush" maps.
In regards to your first fallacy, macro games teach people how to macro, how to scout, how to multi task, and how to manage resources properly. Cheese and all ins are totally viable and appropriate for BOX matches, but are worthless on the ladder. Cheese and all ins are not difficult to execute and you generally do not care what your opponent is doing. Imagine every TvZ you played was on meta close positions. So every game you did some kind of marine + scv all in. The moment that close position gets removed, or you play on a map like Tal Darim, you have absolutely NO IDEA how to play. You can still do cheese and all ins on maps like Tal Darim, Crevasse, and Terminus RE, but you can also play a straight up game.
Now onto your second fallacy. The ramp on Crevasse takes two forcefields to block the ramp if you destroy the rocks while it only takes one if the rocks are up. In addition, the more narrow a choke is, the more it favors the defender. If you can honestly say that you have never seen a pro 4gate on Crevasse and knock down the opponents rocks, then you are not watching.
Then your third and likely not final fallacy. If zerg takes a fast third in response to a perceived FE by the protoss, the protoss can punish that with a canceled nexus 4 gate. Which can and does happen. Protoss can also 6 gate against a fast third, which can and does happen against both terran and zerg.
Any more gems you would like to add to this thread?
That's not a fallacy. What you don't seem to understand is that you have a choice to cheese or play a long macro game and therefore learn how to scout. Who cares if cheese doesn't work well in a Bo7, it's still a CHOICE.
Second fallacy. I already corrected myself, I thought he meant the other rocks.
Third fallacy. Uh, don't be tricked by a canceled Nexus??? You can do that on any map, so it's irrelevant. If you say, you can be denied scouting. Then you took too greedy of a third.
There's risks and rewards, the game's not gonna give you a "this option is 100% right and correct against X decision in Y scenario".
Protoss can 6 gate against a fast third. Boohoo, you were too greedy.
A Zerg can 6 pool a Protoss going Nexus first. Geez, that seems imbalanced.
I hope these are some pretty not ugly gems. Maybe you can show me some not ugly gems if mine are ugly.
every single one of the 1v1 maps are anti zerg maps -_- terrans in particular will have a FIELD DAY with zerg on these maps. who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to have a base in a pit surrounded by high ground? the only map that looks decent for zerg is kerrigans wrath. but that map is a double edge sword as its more beneficial for toss and terran.