Losing accent doesnt seem that hard (im not native english speaker too)
Interview with Code A caster KellyMilkies - Page 15
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Losing accent doesnt seem that hard (im not native english speaker too) | ||
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United Kingdom2235 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:34 eek wrote: I'm pretty sure I almost facepalmed when she called hellions "race cars." Calling a spine crawler a sunken colony isn't nearly as bad. I can't wait for her to call a marine a G.I. Joe next. Let's be honest, the people complaining aren't hating her because she's a non-native English speaker. We're criticizing the decision for GOM to put a non-native English speaker who has a limited understanding of the game at its highest level as a professional English language caster in the premiere SC2 event. If she was an emergency replacement caster, no one would post any serious complaints. Instead, she was deliberately chosen to be the caster for all of Code A. Frankly put, a caster only needs to be able to do two things. He needs to accurately analyze and describe the on-screen action, and he also needs to do so in a clear and pleasant manner. Under these criteria, I'm almost positive there are several more qualified casters available who would have jumped at the opportunity. Based on this assumption, I can only assume they chose her because either it was more cost efficient for them to hire and fly her to Korea, or they believed that a female caster would've been more popular. So you dont like Tasteless calling spine crawlers giraffes or his pandabearman in BW. Or people calling ultras cows in BW either? For those criticizing her English that arent native speakers Singapore has English as its main language in their schools. All non-native and even some native speakers of English have regional common grammar mistakes which contribute to a thick accent. Hers isnt even that bad and if you went to Singapore you would understand what I mean. If you had people from some regions of the UK instead you would be begging for her back trust me. Also thinking ahead and the likely upcoming Chinese player boom in the region she will be able to do interviews with the mandarin speaking players for us. Anyway on subject thanks for the interview ![]() | ||
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GreEny K
Germany7312 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:20 Rofllisk wrote: She may cast whatever the hell she wants, but GomTV should have hired a person who actually can speak English properly instead of her. I don't need to be a hen to recognize a rotten egg. I can speak English too, but you probably wouldn't understand half of what I say, is it OK to say "you don't understand, so it's your problem"? Yes that is exactly what I am saying... Thank you for realizing that, and I would like to hear you speak English now... I can understand most English that I have encountered so far. | ||
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United States582 Posts
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5 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:44 Vimsey wrote: So you dont like Tasteless calling spine crawlers giraffes or his pandabearman in BW. Or people calling ultras cows in BW either? Also thinking ahead and the likely upcoming Chinese boom in the region she will be able to do interviews with the mandarin speaking players for us. Anyway on subject thanks for the interview ![]() No, because I knew they were jokes, not because he was struggling with what to call them. Similarly, I have no problem with SO MANY BANELINGS, or Tasteless Secret Hallway (which is not the bottom right one on Xel'Naga). I don't understand how a joke and a verbal crutch equate. | ||
United States548 Posts
On February 21 2011 19:12 hmunkey wrote: Non-native speakers cannot understand accents well. I'm assuming that you as an American are a native English speaker, so here's an example: have you ever heard someone speak another language you know (like say, Spanish) in a non-Spanish accent? It's fucking impossible to comprehend. Reminds me of when I was learning Japanese and I heard it for the first time in a Dutch accent. Blew my fuckin mind. | ||
Singapore1600 Posts
Kelly: Tasteless, how come the zerg didnt spread creep? Tasteless: I dunno. me: the fuck should he know, stupid question deserves stupid answer. kelly: the infestors are here to infest the marines! tasteless: fungal growth. kelly: oh yeah kelly: the zerg pretty unique, hes using zergrings. me: what? | ||
94 Posts
On February 21 2011 18:37 Wilko wrote: Her accent isn't worse than SuperDanielMans and he was the best caster on Gom-TV yet in my opinion First i was sceptical, but she actually has more game-knowledge than Artosis, so im completely fine with it. Yeah I couldn't understand half of what superdanielman was saying either. Didn't like him at all. | ||
Canada72 Posts
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Sweden576 Posts
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Canada166 Posts
At least for me (Canadian), she is far easier to understand than someone with a Southern or Jersey accent, and far more pleasant as well. | ||
United States52 Posts
You guys should be psyched to see eSports is actually providing someone with a job. Stop flamming and support the GSL for what they have done and continue to do. | ||
United States1655 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:54 jamesmax wrote: I paid for every season and will continue to support the gsl for now but I am extremely dissapointed in there choice for a new caster. Her knowledge is basic at best which is fine they obviously hired her to explain the basic parts of the game but I just can't stand listening to her, something happens and a bunch of jibberish comes out. Calls a third a "turd" and the "da". It's too annoying I'll just carry on with it muted =_=. Dude don't talk about Tasteless like that. (Seriously) Do you ever pay attention? Tasteless almost always explains the boring basics even with Artosis there. I can't remember the number of times he has told me why they wall off or how he is a pro cause he knows the depot can be lowered and he shows all his nub friends. All the fanboys need to realize that they are in love with Tastetosis need to realize that even they are not perfect, and they don't always have something to say, and their jokes aren't always funny. | ||
United States1 Post
1. As someone who went to a school which had a lot of fobs, even though its at first very foreign and hard to deal with, the fob accent sort of grows on you. 2. With regards to her game knowledge, that will grow more as she goes into the role. You'll be able to adapt to it, enjoy your starcraft and don't go too crazy over casters woes. | ||
Canada229 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:20 Aberu wrote: The first game of Losira versus LegalMind shows this dramatically. Crevasse is a large map. That puts a burden on a zerg going hydras no matter what. Protoss knows this and goes blink stalker which almost forces hydras. If he does go hydras he can defend into colossus and still be at an advantage in the tech race, ahead of the corruptors. If he doesn't go hydras, well 2 base vs 2 base against blink stalkers, you pretty much have to have hydras, or the toss has to make a huge mistake and not use blink well. The fact that this angle was not discussed at all proves to me that tasteless and milkies do not have a high level understanding of sc2. The fact that they never discussed why someone going roach ling baneling versus pure blink stalkers on 2 base wasn't going to work, and was slowly going to put him behind over time, is a huge analysis misstep. Can we all agree that she will never, ever, ever be on that level of analysis? People give the excuse that she won some all-female tournament as zerg as a proof that she knows her stuff. Let's see her try to do a simple analysis of this kind. She simply doesn't think in analytical terms. So she can't bring that to the table. What else can she do then? Step-by-step analysis with some fun jokes thrown in-between. She should stick to improving that, although I am sceptical. | ||
Canada3139 Posts
On February 22 2011 05:07 hugesteve2 wrote: 2 points here from a person who finds Kelly tolerable. 1. As someone who went to a school which had a lot of fobs, even though its at first very foreign and hard to deal with, the fob accent sort of grows on you. 2. With regards to her game knowledge, that will grow more as she goes into the role. You'll be able to adapt to it, enjoy your starcraft and don't go too crazy over casters woes. But it still doesn't explain why GomTV would hire her? If she has bad game knowledge and is at times difficult to understand? I'm not hating on her, just I am not a fan of her casts. idk, I just found it easier to mute the gomplayer and just listen to music. Some casters I just don't enjoy listening to / make bad calls. I'm sure people like her casting but I for one do not. She is still a very nice person, but it's like a singer.. Some people are awesome singers, some people are just so bad they embarrass themselves and others know they are just bad so they don't. | ||
United States3206 Posts
On February 22 2011 04:50 xza wrote: Kelly: Tasteless, how come the zerg didnt spread creep? Tasteless: I dunno. me: the fuck should he know, stupid question deserves stupid answer. Actually, this was a valid question. Losira had 3 queens and, at 10 minutes in, his creep spread was horrendous. It was a totally legit question/observation. Do you play this game? On February 22 2011 04:50 xza wrote: kelly: the zerg pretty unique, hes using zergrings. me: what? You completely butchered her comment and intention. She said Losira is an interesting Zerg because he favors a large amount of lings rather than the standard early-mid game roach transition. Please don't be a reductive and malicious moron in the future. I'm not the biggest Kelly fan in the world but your post made me cringe. | ||
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