Her voice is a lot less annoying with a proper mic like they have in GSL. Her accent is still a bit thick and it's something she could work with (speaking more clearly) Kelly's casting got steadily better and Kelly/Tasteless started to sound like a duo, and by the second match I didn't really mind that she was casting. It's ok to not listen to Tastosis for 3 weeks straight. 
Had to laugh when she went: "His ye ye ye sorry ARMY composition" :D
On February 22 2011 03:29 accela wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 03:03 C.W. wrote:On February 22 2011 02:59 thebigdonkey wrote:On February 22 2011 02:52 SkCom wrote: Am I the only one who, while not liking her accent, doesn't care about it, but is rather annoyed by her attitude? There have been numerous replies in the threads about her with screenshots and proof that she is quite self-centered, doesn't take criticism well (there was this one guy with such a well-constructed post and she basically told him to fuck off if he doesn't like it) and looks for attention every opportunity she gets.
The accent, ok, it might be tough for some people, but we can get over it if she was really a good and likable person with a sense of humor and added something to the casts. Which she, simply put, is not; and that is not going to change, because people don't change their personalities over a week, a month, or a year. Right now the only thing she's adding is "she's cute/female" and some people obsess over that.
She was also very unprofessional with Tasteless today, going as far as touching him when he was obviously uncomfortable with it.
I'm concerned about the image of professional casters when I see her name associated with the profession.
It's not about her as a person, I could really care less and it changes nothing in my little nerdy life.
It's about the bigger picture and the image of eSports. Perhaps the best post in the thread. Sadly, I don't think very many people can be objective about this issue. It is too polarizing. I heavily agree - very good post and probably the thing about her that I am not comfortable about as well, but couldn't detect. oh please... + Show Spoiler +
You're comparing two people who have been friends for years, to two people who, in all likelyhood, just met yesterday. Obviously artosis and tasteless are going to be able to do nerdslapping while being comfortable.
Haven't seen anything to do with touching (just watched HuK's match, not the after game banter/pregame banter), but I'm just saying that the comparison is kinda silly.
Kelly called Huk a "baller" lmao
The problem isn`t really understanding her, the problem for me is that I have to actually focus some of my attention trying to figure out what the hell she is saying and that detracts from my experience. Also she is so bad during moments of play when she gets excited or has to try to raise her voice, it is so strange. Anyways I can`t blame her for taking the job, it is good for the experience and sure she will improve. I still think GOM dropped the ball on this one though.
Truely a sad day for E-SPORTS
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/to6N9.jpg)
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On February 22 2011 03:24 goiflin wrote: Well, criticism isn't really personal attacks. I mean, there is probably people in this thread who are being asses (like all the other threads on this subject thus far), but really, she can't improve if nobody tells her what she does wrong.
And as for the gom prices, I'm a student on loans, and I think it's pretty reasonable for the amount of hours I spend watching it. I entertain myself for about 50 hours a season on ten dollars? That's alot better than most films, and it still has the capability to be rewatched.
hmm agreed on the attacks but reasonable for you may not be reasonable for others, im just trying to point out that gom probably makes a shit load of money off of season tickets, and with that money you dont think they could've found a more suitable caster? I just think gom got lazy and had a deadline to meet so they may have cut a few corners to get things going, but if that is the case why should we have to pay for it? In past seasons i've watchhed many hrs of vods and i have enjoyed them, i just dont agree with gom basically just charging us for their mistakes (and yes i think hiring her was a mistake due to the fact that a lot of people (not including me) cant understand her english well/generally dislike her casting style)
I want a Tasteless training KellyMilkies to cast like a pro montage. (thats just what popped into my head when i saw them in the cafe in this video)
Thanks for the interview.
Why can't they get this other chick to cast GSL instead? Make her play 100 games of sc2 and I'm sure her knowledge of the game will equal Kelly's.
On February 22 2011 02:52 SkCom wrote: Am I the only one who, while not liking her accent, doesn't care about it, but is rather annoyed by her attitude? There have been numerous replies in the threads about her with screenshots and proof that she is quite self-centered, doesn't take criticism well (there was this one guy with such a well-constructed post and she basically told him to fuck off if he doesn't like it) and looks for attention every opportunity she gets.
The accent, ok, it might be tough for some people, but we can get over it if she was really a good and likable person with a sense of humor and added something to the casts. Which she, simply put, is not; and that is not going to change, because people don't change their personalities over a week, a month, or a year. Right now the only thing she's adding is "she's cute/female" and some people obsess over that.
She was also very unprofessional with Tasteless today, going as far as touching him when he was obviously uncomfortable with it.
I'm concerned about the image of professional casters when I see her name associated with the profession.
It's not about her as a person, I could really care less and it changes nothing in my little nerdy life.
It's about the bigger picture and the image of eSports.
Tasteless and Artosis aren't know for being professional, they're known for being goofy and fun so the image of eSports is already totally different compared to real sports. Tasteless posts lots of bad jokes about porn and dicks on twitter, something a regular sports caster would be instantly fired for doing. Artosis is pretty obviously biased towards zergs in his casts, also something that's frowned upon in regular sports casting.
I love Tastosis, and i'm not sure about this Kelly. But this talk about the profession of casting being hurt by her is just over the top.
Lighten up.
On February 22 2011 03:47 paksam wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 03:24 goiflin wrote: Well, criticism isn't really personal attacks. I mean, there is probably people in this thread who are being asses (like all the other threads on this subject thus far), but really, she can't improve if nobody tells her what she does wrong.
And as for the gom prices, I'm a student on loans, and I think it's pretty reasonable for the amount of hours I spend watching it. I entertain myself for about 50 hours a season on ten dollars? That's alot better than most films, and it still has the capability to be rewatched. hmm agreed on the attacks but reasonable for you may not be reasonable for others, im just trying to point out that gom probably makes a shit load of money off of season tickets, and with that money you dont think they could've found a more suitable caster? I just think gom got lazy and had a deadline to meet so they may have cut a few corners to get things going, but if that is the case why should we have to pay for it? In past seasons i've watchhed many hrs of vods and i have enjoyed them, i just dont agree with gom basically just charging us for their mistakes (and yes i think hiring her was a mistake due to the fact that a lot of people (not including me) cant understand her english well/generally dislike her casting style)
You don't have to pay for it, no one is forcing you.
They're not charging you for their mistakes, they are charging you for their services, and if you're not satisfied with the service, you don't need to pay for it.
Also, you're saying it was a mistake, but many others say it wasn't, so why is it that your opinion is the one that matters?
Be more open-minded.
Overall besides the fact that when she gets excited you cant understand a word she says i dont mind her. She will eventually get better and do a better job. Remember everyone hated artosis and tasteless when they first started now eveyrone is cryign they are gone ^^ she just needs practice, and work on her enunciation
@people who say her English is easy to understand.
Not all English speakers have spent time around accents similar to hers so it's going to be incredibly hard to understand for peoples first time hearing it. I personally can understand what she's saying about 5-10% of the time and 20-30% of the time if I spend time to think about what she tried to say. This is far from an ideal experience.
I learned English in school, I have little trouble understanding spoken american and british English, but when I watch a movie without translation and someone in a movie starts speaking with heavy spanish/mexican accent or black ghetto accent, it forces me to switch subtitles on because I can't understand what they say.
That said, I can understand Artosis, Tasteless, Day9, HD, Psy, Husky and some others, but I really can't understand 2/3 of what this girl says in the interview. Is this a bad joke by gomtv? I thought one have to be a really good speaker to become a TV show host, and now this. I wonder, who she slept with to get in this position? No Code A for me for march at least, that's sad.
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On February 22 2011 02:22 vdek wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 01:53 GreEny K wrote:On February 22 2011 01:07 Niick wrote:On February 22 2011 00:35 riptide wrote:On February 21 2011 23:58 zeru wrote:On February 21 2011 23:39 Markus138 wrote:On February 21 2011 22:49 Annq wrote: There should always be a native english speaker commenting the GSL she is a native english speaker. Yeah, so are people from trinidad. Doesnt mean they speak english that is understandable to everyone. There is no one who speaks English that is understandable to everyone. That's not the way language and accents work. But casters must please the superior Americans, because they invented the language. User was temp banned for this post. Ok you got a well deserved ban for that but I still feel the need to tell you what an idiot you are. And I really don't understand why people bitch so much about her accent, it isn't that bad. If you can't understand her then I think there might be a bigger problem with you then with her. Could you please elaborate and tell me what is wrong with me then? Because I can only understand about 20% of what she is saying unless I focus trying to understand her. That's not something I find pleasant because I like to relax when I watch GSL...
Don't mind if I do. She doesn't have the dialect you are used to so you have to think about what she is saying to understand her. That pretty much sums it up, I grew up in many different regions of America and other parts of the world so I don't mind the different accent she has. It's just because you aren't used to it.
On February 22 2011 03:58 Rofllisk wrote: I learned English in school, I have little trouble understanding spoken american and british English, but when I watch a movie without translation and someone in a movie starts speaking with heavy spanish/mexican accent or black ghetto accent, it forces me to switch subtitles on because I can't understand what they say.
That said, I can understand Artosis, Tasteless, Day9, HD, Psy, Husky and some others, but I really can't understand 2/3 of what this girl says in the interview. Is this a bad joke by gomtv? I thought one have to be a really good speaker to become a TV show host, and now this. I wonder, who she slept with to get in this position? No Code A for me for march at least, that's sad.
So your inexperience in the language should hold her back from casting? Like I said earlier, it seems like a lot of the people that can't understand her are more to blame than her accent.
Mmmm... I haven't watched her cast anything yet, so no judgement there, but she really needs to do something about her accent.
Artosis to her, the change is pretty radical TT
"race cars" for helions :x probably outta stress she didnt remember on the mo or something but still ...
i mean her game knowledge is really not the best ... all she does is note facts and not detail the game or explain it like Artosis does :/ she's just saying basicly "pylon, gateway, more probes, zelots, etc ..."
hope she improves coz i dont like watching a game without people commentating it :/
Is the accent really thta bad for you guys, I had no trouble hearing her at all. Just because she's Asian and you can tell when she talks isn't a bad thing. I'm sure if you pay attention you will understand her fine. And she's way cuter than Tasteless or Artosis. =P
And she's way cuter than Tasteless or Artosis. =P
No way she can be cuter then tastosis x)
On February 21 2011 18:37 Wilko wrote: Her accent isn't worse than SuperDanielMans and he was the best caster on Gom-TV yet in my opinion First i was sceptical, but she actually has more game-knowledge than Artosis, so im completely fine with it.
edit:Sorry, I nerd rage-replied when i felt attacked by the reply lol i rescind my comment