+ Show Spoiler [player list] +
1 IMMvp 908 539
2 kAsyufOu 683 546
3 NEXT 418 279
4 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1478 1073
5 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 910 611
6 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGuProS)687 495
7 NEXExcrement 951 779
8 저승사자 (mystery, maybe a team account?) 198 88
9 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 289 109
10 CutefOu 576 460
11 dreamertt 592 443
12 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 1050 734
13 CheckPrime 1827 1286
14 oGsCezanne 554 396
15 HongUnPrime 799 544
16 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 892 749
17 NEXtaeJa 849 685
18 IMJunwiPirme 986 585
19 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1229 953
20 RyungPrime 1046 807
21 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 892 731
22 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1323 1134
23 oGsZenio 1583 1134
24 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 823 609
25 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 664 446
26 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1467 1184
27 KeenMvP 540 428
28 슬레이어스짭승우 (Slayer_NoobSeungWoo) 438 314
29 AtreyuPrime 446 310
30 IMhorror 1641 1521
31 oGsGon 876 616
32 aLivefOu 894 731
33 oGsTOP 1142 793
34 NuclearfOu 1096 950
35 IMNesTea 835 572
36 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 659 551
37 깐쇼새우제니스 (KanshaoShrimpZenith) 1299 1180
38 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 704 563
39 NEXBuJa 207 109
40 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 976 786
41 oGsHerO 767 657
42 LiquidHuK 790 673
43 NvxiaOt 1059 855
44 IMLosirA 1335 1109
45 oGsJ 893 797
46 PoltPrime 929 750
47 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1503 1224
48 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1286 1152
48 absolutely 193 105
50 크롬 (Chrome) 593 493
51 TankboyPrime 733 610
52 EtdGrrr 1016 929
52 oGsMC 529 330
54 HwangSin 195 129
55 고인요새 268 178
56 Sculp 476 386
57 oGsTheStC 606 477
58 SeleCT 482 389
59 oGsTheWinD 998 843
60 Lee 249 153
61 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 992 879
62 makaprime 780 550
62 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 686 562
64 HwangSin 1678 1565
65 oGsCarmel 1219 1059
66 NEXPuzzle 1055 841
67 IMYongHwa 986 839
68 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_SangHo) 664 524
68 TopClassfOu 1127 1010
70 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1193 1066
71 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 856 730
72 NvXiGua 1481 1325
73 oGsVINES 907 816
74 테란을왜했을까 223 160
74 EtdJbaker 557 471
76 SisterfOu 161 108
77 oGsEnsnare 838 595
78 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerS_GameDecider) 1730 1583
79 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 2099 1913
80 NEXON 413 332
81 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 166 74
81 건설로봇준비완료 804 708
83 fOu 320 216
84 NEXDeer 1171 1043
85 렉스토마토맛있쪄 792 701
86 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 772 595
87 알리시아 (Alicia) 1381 1228
88 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 463 388
89 CranefOu 1563 1423
89 iSSKINPrime 499 427
89 GuMihofOu 1269 1162
92 ZergKing 458 366
93 puma 614 533
93 LiquidRet 235 172
95 Liberty 662 550
95 oGsHyperdub 810 664
97 Clear 191 94
98 NEXReturning 602 536
99 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 274 194
100 fever 1000 864
100 SonRistaSG 644 542
102 Allin 246 197
103 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 935 817
104 LiquidJinro 416 342
105 IMtrue 966 866
106 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 718 645
107 토스능욕하지마 (DontMockProtoss) 291 227
107 jaMPrime 918 810
109 Hyor 823 738
109 anyproPrime 706 553
111 LofFrozen 599 497
112 sCfOu 873 696
113 GplaysNet 275 223
114 NEXLine 479 377
114 MisoZenith 777 683
114 루이즈프랑소와즈 155 88
117 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 913 829
118 EtdYinhulu 476 392
118 Ven 727 617
120 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1096 975
121 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 714 607
122 뿡뿡프라임 (BboongBbongPrime) 1124 1004
123 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 665 473
124 oGsNaDa 433 293
124 ManToMan 916 801
126 EGIdrA 607 492
126 SJY 169 83
128 oGsjookTo 721 654
129 Fox 473 404
129 SiriusfOu 1006 914
131 inorifOu 1544 1451
132 반반쓰제니스 (BanBanSsuZenith) 614 506
133 Destination 535 445
134 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1384 1285
135 cOreZenith 1695 1562
136 MinPrime 1792 1661
137 lOvaCaCia 879 787
138 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 1094 919
139 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl) 1016 893
140 PartinGfOu 892 819
140 Butterfly 471 386
142 슬레이어스골든 (SlayerS_Golden) 151 101
142 SSapoZenith 867 768
142 JiSooNOMG 822 740
145 Yeah 840 766
146 ReXTry 725 630
147 oGsOnizukA 291 223
147 DuskBinTeam 1180 1076
149 viOLet 816 695
150 뽕새 656 573
151 TheBestfOu 942 842
152 PoaChers 845 753
152 NvMacSed 2303 2152
154 유지훈 (YooJiHoon) 519 434
155 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 563 491
155 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime aka LotzePrime) 1255 1135
157 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 575 478
158 TwilightfOu 628 532
159 NEXSkit 1862 1744
160 Python 1104 1004
161 NEXIceCream 671 608
162 몽몽귀 (JSLZenith) 496 401
163 SeedSG 1470 1355
163 코카콜라 (CocaCola) 139 79
165 LuckyfOu 1286 1176
166 DakotaProS 925 826
167 IMGanZi 873 727
167 스타테일제너두 (ST_Xanadu) 576 472
169 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 683 500
170 SoulmanfOu 1106 1017
171 Hansei 170 118
172 호랑이 (Horang) 488 418
172 LeenockfOu 1406 1291
174 NEXMariano 668 605
174 리갈마인드제니스 (LegalMindZenith) 1063 976
176 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_JustFake) 716 619
177 NEXingyeo 3354 3352
178 관신제니스 (ConcernedZenith?) 659 579
179 fancl 983 911
180 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 461 398
181 LiquidHayprO 559 497
182 NEXLuffy 850 750
183 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant) 244 180
184 hotmail 643 573
185 유리포커스 (YuriFocuS) 1257 1165
186 MarpsPrime 1371 1235
187 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 612 518
187 NvNaaYa 859 801
189 NEXCoCa 94 56
190 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 484 408
191 LokiCoPt 924 849
192 ShinefOu 1078 994
192 IMSleep 1318 1217
194 저징징 (ZergQQ) 697 614
194 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 635 549
196 소이프라임 (SoyPrime) 1275 1175
197 LofSolar 263 198
198 PanDaZenith 785 712
199 스타테일트라우멘 234 187
200 벨라스완 (BellaSwan) 154 123
2 kAsyufOu 683 546
3 NEXT 418 279
4 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1478 1073
5 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 910 611
6 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGuProS)687 495
7 NEXExcrement 951 779
8 저승사자 (mystery, maybe a team account?) 198 88
9 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 289 109
10 CutefOu 576 460
11 dreamertt 592 443
12 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 1050 734
13 CheckPrime 1827 1286
14 oGsCezanne 554 396
15 HongUnPrime 799 544
16 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 892 749
17 NEXtaeJa 849 685
18 IMJunwiPirme 986 585
19 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1229 953
20 RyungPrime 1046 807
21 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 892 731
22 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1323 1134
23 oGsZenio 1583 1134
24 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 823 609
25 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 664 446
26 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1467 1184
27 KeenMvP 540 428
28 슬레이어스짭승우 (Slayer_NoobSeungWoo) 438 314
29 AtreyuPrime 446 310
30 IMhorror 1641 1521
31 oGsGon 876 616
32 aLivefOu 894 731
33 oGsTOP 1142 793
34 NuclearfOu 1096 950
35 IMNesTea 835 572
36 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 659 551
37 깐쇼새우제니스 (KanshaoShrimpZenith) 1299 1180
38 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 704 563
39 NEXBuJa 207 109
40 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 976 786
41 oGsHerO 767 657
42 LiquidHuK 790 673
43 NvxiaOt 1059 855
44 IMLosirA 1335 1109
45 oGsJ 893 797
46 PoltPrime 929 750
47 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1503 1224
48 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1286 1152
48 absolutely 193 105
50 크롬 (Chrome) 593 493
51 TankboyPrime 733 610
52 EtdGrrr 1016 929
52 oGsMC 529 330
54 HwangSin 195 129
55 고인요새 268 178
56 Sculp 476 386
57 oGsTheStC 606 477
58 SeleCT 482 389
59 oGsTheWinD 998 843
60 Lee 249 153
61 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 992 879
62 makaprime 780 550
62 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 686 562
64 HwangSin 1678 1565
65 oGsCarmel 1219 1059
66 NEXPuzzle 1055 841
67 IMYongHwa 986 839
68 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_SangHo) 664 524
68 TopClassfOu 1127 1010
70 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1193 1066
71 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 856 730
72 NvXiGua 1481 1325
73 oGsVINES 907 816
74 테란을왜했을까 223 160
74 EtdJbaker 557 471
76 SisterfOu 161 108
77 oGsEnsnare 838 595
78 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerS_GameDecider) 1730 1583
79 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 2099 1913
80 NEXON 413 332
81 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 166 74
81 건설로봇준비완료 804 708
83 fOu 320 216
84 NEXDeer 1171 1043
85 렉스토마토맛있쪄 792 701
86 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 772 595
87 알리시아 (Alicia) 1381 1228
88 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 463 388
89 CranefOu 1563 1423
89 iSSKINPrime 499 427
89 GuMihofOu 1269 1162
92 ZergKing 458 366
93 puma 614 533
93 LiquidRet 235 172
95 Liberty 662 550
95 oGsHyperdub 810 664
97 Clear 191 94
98 NEXReturning 602 536
99 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 274 194
100 fever 1000 864
100 SonRistaSG 644 542
102 Allin 246 197
103 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 935 817
104 LiquidJinro 416 342
105 IMtrue 966 866
106 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 718 645
107 토스능욕하지마 (DontMockProtoss) 291 227
107 jaMPrime 918 810
109 Hyor 823 738
109 anyproPrime 706 553
111 LofFrozen 599 497
112 sCfOu 873 696
113 GplaysNet 275 223
114 NEXLine 479 377
114 MisoZenith 777 683
114 루이즈프랑소와즈 155 88
117 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 913 829
118 EtdYinhulu 476 392
118 Ven 727 617
120 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1096 975
121 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 714 607
122 뿡뿡프라임 (BboongBbongPrime) 1124 1004
123 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 665 473
124 oGsNaDa 433 293
124 ManToMan 916 801
126 EGIdrA 607 492
126 SJY 169 83
128 oGsjookTo 721 654
129 Fox 473 404
129 SiriusfOu 1006 914
131 inorifOu 1544 1451
132 반반쓰제니스 (BanBanSsuZenith) 614 506
133 Destination 535 445
134 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1384 1285
135 cOreZenith 1695 1562
136 MinPrime 1792 1661
137 lOvaCaCia 879 787
138 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 1094 919
139 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl) 1016 893
140 PartinGfOu 892 819
140 Butterfly 471 386
142 슬레이어스골든 (SlayerS_Golden) 151 101
142 SSapoZenith 867 768
142 JiSooNOMG 822 740
145 Yeah 840 766
146 ReXTry 725 630
147 oGsOnizukA 291 223
147 DuskBinTeam 1180 1076
149 viOLet 816 695
150 뽕새 656 573
151 TheBestfOu 942 842
152 PoaChers 845 753
152 NvMacSed 2303 2152
154 유지훈 (YooJiHoon) 519 434
155 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 563 491
155 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime aka LotzePrime) 1255 1135
157 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 575 478
158 TwilightfOu 628 532
159 NEXSkit 1862 1744
160 Python 1104 1004
161 NEXIceCream 671 608
162 몽몽귀 (JSLZenith) 496 401
163 SeedSG 1470 1355
163 코카콜라 (CocaCola) 139 79
165 LuckyfOu 1286 1176
166 DakotaProS 925 826
167 IMGanZi 873 727
167 스타테일제너두 (ST_Xanadu) 576 472
169 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 683 500
170 SoulmanfOu 1106 1017
171 Hansei 170 118
172 호랑이 (Horang) 488 418
172 LeenockfOu 1406 1291
174 NEXMariano 668 605
174 리갈마인드제니스 (LegalMindZenith) 1063 976
176 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_JustFake) 716 619
177 NEXingyeo 3354 3352
178 관신제니스 (ConcernedZenith?) 659 579
179 fancl 983 911
180 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 461 398
181 LiquidHayprO 559 497
182 NEXLuffy 850 750
183 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant) 244 180
184 hotmail 643 573
185 유리포커스 (YuriFocuS) 1257 1165
186 MarpsPrime 1371 1235
187 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 612 518
187 NvNaaYa 859 801
189 NEXCoCa 94 56
190 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 484 408
191 LokiCoPt 924 849
192 ShinefOu 1078 994
192 IMSleep 1318 1217
194 저징징 (ZergQQ) 697 614
194 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 635 549
196 소이프라임 (SoyPrime) 1275 1175
197 LofSolar 263 198
198 PanDaZenith 785 712
199 스타테일트라우멘 234 187
200 벨라스완 (BellaSwan) 154 123




So let's get the obvious out of the way: Terran make up 8 of the top 11 spots. There are some players who aren't that surprising, like MVP, ST_Bomber who's been playing very well in the YGOSU invitational, Boxer, MarineKing, but there are also players who (at least to my knowledge - they could be smurfs) haven't made quite as much noise in tournaments. Of course i'm hesitant to put too much weight on ladder rankings because everyone uses it differently, especially because the overall terran representation went down from last week. So overall I wouldn't start panicking about a tectonic shift towards terran in Korea.
Foreigners, I'd say, had an overall negative week. Huk maintained his spot at the top of the foreigners, despite dropping from 27 to 42. Idra plummeted from 38 to 126, and Jinro dropped from 76 to 104. On the flip side, ret rose from 114 to 93, SEn went up from 97 to 92. Finally, HayprO returned to the list after a brief absence at 181.
Source: http://kr.battle.net/sc2/ko/blog/560490#blog
Last Week
I've done all the names I know for sure, trying to figure out the rest. if you know Korean and want to correct me on one of the ones I've marked with a question mark or just translate the ones that have nothing so far, just post em up and I'll edit them in and give you credit~