+ Show Spoiler [Mod edit spoiler] +hmm. Cool just raped his terran opponent at GSL. I have a feeling that this post was just mind-games and to get his opponent unprepared. To pretend that he doesn't know how good ultras have become since the patch, so his terran opponent would feel secure. INSTEAD... come match time... BAM! Mech army that took the whole game to build gets cut up in 10 seconds by ultras!
I love this playstyle of zerg: stall until you get ultras. I might try get the zerg mechanics down and switch to it.
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put game results in spoilers plz, sucks for people that are reading this and you tell em outcoming of matches.
On September 24 2010 20:20 wxwx wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Another mod edit spoiler] +hmm. Cool just raped his terran opponent at GSL. I have a feeling that this post was just mind-games and to get his opponent unprepared. To pretend that he doesn't know how good ultras have become since the patch, so his terran opponent would feel secure. INSTEAD... come match time... BAM! Mech army that took the whole game to build gets cut up in 10 seconds by ultras!
I love this playstyle of zerg: stall until you get ultras. I might try get the zerg mechanics down and switch to it.
more like + Show Spoiler + played stupidly. but anyway.
While he did win with some nice macro, I'm not entirely convinced it wasnt atleast partially due to the huge splash ultras do at the moment, he would atleast have each ultra-involved combat turn out just that much worse. The drops were hawt tho! :D
On September 24 2010 20:23 Karok wrote: While he did win with some nice macro, I'm not entirely convinced it wasnt atleast partially due to the huge splash ultras do at the moment, he would atleast have each ultra-involved combat turn out just that much worse. The drops were hawt tho! :D the battles would have turned out roughly the same without the patch. TOP stopped banshee production and that screwed him pretty badly.
Cool - Top match (spoiler). + Show Spoiler +No idea why TOP didn't put a thor on kulas cliff. Cool only had some lings/roaches and the rocks were full hp. No way he could have defended his expand.
5930 Posts
On September 24 2010 20:20 wxwx wrote:+ Show Spoiler +hmm. Cool just raped his terran opponent at GSL. I have a feeling that this post was just mind-games and to get his opponent unprepared. To pretend that he doesn't know how good ultras have become since the patch, so his terran opponent would feel secure. INSTEAD... come match time... BAM! Mech army that took the whole game to build gets cut up in 10 seconds by ultras!
I love this playstyle of zerg: stall until you get ultras. I might try get the zerg mechanics down and switch to it.
+ Show Spoiler +Terran was completely passive after getting that massive advantage. Cool is a good player, if you make dumbass mistakes like that, of course you're going to lose. Even after Cool expanded like mad, the terran pretty much let him do it without punishing him for it.
<edit: spoiler'd>
On September 24 2010 20:20 wxwx wrote:hmm. + Show Spoiler +Cool just raped his terran opponent at GSL. I have a feeling that this post was just mind-games and to get his opponent unprepared. To pretend that he doesn't know how good ultras have become since the patch, so his terran opponent would feel secure. INSTEAD... come match time... BAM! Mech army that took the whole game to build gets cut up in 10 seconds by ultras!
I love this playstyle of zerg: stall until you get ultras. I might try get the zerg mechanics down and switch to it. + Show Spoiler +Are you talking about the splash bug/issue/whatever? Because all that did in this series was killing 10 marines in the 1st game that Cool had already won, and destroying TOP's 4th base in game 3. TOP could have repaired it, but I think it still would have gone down to 4 ultras. Remember that ultras were actually nerfed when they hit units so the big thor vs ultra fight would have been even more in the ultras' favor.
On September 24 2010 20:22 MavercK wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 20:20 wxwx wrote: hmm. Cool just raped his terran opponent at GSL. I have a feeling that this post was just mind-games and to get his opponent unprepared. To pretend that he doesn't know how good ultras have become since the patch, so his terran opponent would feel secure. INSTEAD... come match time... BAM! Mech army that took the whole game to build gets cut up in 10 seconds by ultras!
I love this playstyle of zerg: stall until you get ultras. I might try get the zerg mechanics down and switch to it. more like + Show Spoiler + played stupidly. but anyway.
Give Cool the credit he deserves, except for the panicked all in he played nearly flawlessly. Those were some amazing games. It would be pretty awesome if he could make it to the final, but if he wins his next ZvP he's probably going to be up against Maka...
Why is this thread still alive? Mods should just close it. Nothing good with come with this thread.
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On September 24 2010 20:30 Marke wrote: Why is this thread still alive? Mods should just close it. Nothing good with come with this thread.
there are quite some very well written and smart posts in here. unlike yours which is nothing but random spam.
gsl + Show Spoiler +glad cool won it. ro8 without Z wouldve been plain sad...
+ Show Spoiler +Fucking clutch play with those 4 infestors securing the win on scrap.
I just want everyone to note that not all te ultras could ark, now imagine of ultras get a complete surround, hentai gang rape much?
+ Show Spoiler +the bug costed TOP the first game, but not really the third. In game one it was a sick, sick defense by TOP, but he was screwed by cool targeting buildings :/
+ Show Spoiler +On September 24 2010 20:34 BeMannerDuPenner wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 20:30 Marke wrote: Why is this thread still alive? Mods should just close it. Nothing good with come with this thread. there are quite some very well written and smart posts in here. unlike yours which is nothing but random spam.
gsl + Show Spoiler +glad cool won it. ro8 without Z wouldve been plain sad...
Like IEM ro8 without any toss 
Great games today from the GSL and I also hopes cool sticks with zerg.
+ Show Spoiler +@MrCon : in game1 Cool had already won clearly, those 15 ultras popping on his whole army was just gg, the splash probably helped a little bit but definitely not game-deciding.
On September 24 2010 21:06 ket- wrote:+ Show Spoiler +@MrCon : in game1 Cool had already won clearly, those 15 ultras popping on his whole army was just gg, the splash probably helped a little bit but definitely not game-deciding. spoiler battle !! :D + Show Spoiler +Well, top killed all ultras, cool sent more and it was very close, without the bug (attacking the wall and killing evryone behind it) not sure top wouldn't managed to at least defend longer (not saying he would've won after that)
(but I'll have to rewatch that game, that was so awesome thats I didn't really paid attention to timings or whatever )
On September 24 2010 15:36 Incanus wrote: Uh, no, it's different for SC because SC2 is trying to live up to SC:BW, probably the deepest, most balanced RTS ever. Games that are accepted as imbalanced are inherently more shallow. That, or let's all go play AoE instead. AoE was imbalanced. In AoE1 only 1-2 races were worth playing because their racial bonuses pretty much meant they would win. It's funny because ensemble made zero effort to balance it.
On the positive side, you can play all races in AoE because they all play nearly the same. Civ bonuses were meant to "cater to playstyles" or some other foolish WoW-esque motto that never will work that way in high level play.
+ Show Spoiler +TOP just made the mistake and tried in both, the first and second game, to play a double expand after 2 hellion into 1 banshee harass. and THAT decision was plainly stupid giving the Zerg more than enough time to macro up and tech to ultra.