Official State of the Game Podcast Thread - Page 2508
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3454 Posts
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United States1963 Posts
On October 15 2012 23:08 monkybone wrote: Yep, that was always nice like that. He wasn't afraid to do stuff like that when it was needed. God, not having geoff makes me really sad.. No one can replace him on sotg. I know ![]() That said, I really really hope Apollo becomes a pillar. That man is hilarious, smart, and has a wonderful accent. | ||
United States1843 Posts
On October 15 2012 13:56 Vysage wrote: Incontrol, you're always going to be bothered by trolls. Not being on the show isn't going to change that. But not being on the show will definitely remove a lot of its charm and excitement. Sure the trolls give you shit, but you've always been able to take it, and I bet most of them actually find you entertaining. Hope to see you back soon. Not being on the show is sure to keep the troll level at or below the level it's been. Otherwise he would be coming back. He's been without the show for a while, and he's seen that it's gone down significantly. One thing's for sure, iNcontroL CAN'T take the unmitigated hate of hundreds of idiots... It's seen in his play and his attitude across all of his media. Who can blame him? I just hope our community grows up and that the fact that the trolls have come so close to disenfranchising one of the most passionate ESPORTS players and personalities doesn't embolden them to attacking someone else. iNcontroL will be missed, but anyone who's a real fan of ESPORTS will know that it's for the best. ![]() | ||
England585 Posts
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Germany155 Posts
On the one hand it's a damn shame that Day9, Nony, Incontrol and Artosis won't be part of the show any longer. Each of them is an interesting, funny and insightful individual in their respective way. The banter between Moss-Tosis and Incholesterol was always amusing and Day9 exploding in laughter at the most random times was a treat. On the other hand, now the show has a chance of being about the game again, talking strategy with Major and Apollo could be really worthwile. Speaking of Apollo, the more he exposes himself to the community, the better. He already raises the standard of any tournament he commentates for and I feel like he's just getting started. I really hope JP will shorten the show somewhat and will manage to get it up regularly, as I much prefer 45 minutes every week to 120 minutes every other week. | ||
United Kingdom1570 Posts
On October 16 2012 01:04 DownOnMyNiece wrote: I really hope JP will shorten the show somewhat and will manage to get it up regularly, as I much prefer 45 minutes every week to 120 minutes every other week. Why not just listen to 60 minutes of the show each week? I listen to 30 mins a day during commuting time ![]() | ||
United States1963 Posts
On October 16 2012 01:04 DownOnMyNiece wrote: I'm sad and glad at the same time. On the one hand it's a damn shame that Day9, Nony, Incontrol and Artosis won't be part of the show any longer. Each of them is an interesting, funny and insightful individual in their respective way. The banter between Moss-Tosis and Incholesterol was always amusing and Day9 exploding in laughter at the most random times was a treat. On the other hand, now the show has a chance of being about the game again, talking strategy with Major and Apollo could be really worthwile. Speaking of Apollo, the more he exposes himself to the community, the better. He already raises the standard of any tournament he commentates for and I feel like he's just getting started. I really hope JP will shorten the show somewhat and will manage to get it up regularly, as I much prefer 45 minutes every week to 120 minutes every other week. Nony and Artosis are still going to be a part of the show.. Just not this week. Artosis wont be on every episode but he should be on a good amount of them. | ||
Canada3609 Posts
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Germany155 Posts
On October 16 2012 01:19 LovE- wrote: Nony and Artosis are still going to be a part of the show.. Just not this week. Artosis wont be on every episode but he should be on a good amount of them. Thanks for that clarification, that's even kewler, since however you spin it, a decrease in Artosis is a decrease in quality for anything ever, without exceptions. Except porn. | ||
United States4791 Posts
On October 16 2012 01:38 DownOnMyNiece wrote: Thanks for that clarification, that's even kewler, since however you spin it, a decrease in Artosis is a decrease in quality for anything ever, without exceptions. Except porn. Whereas a decrease in Apollo is a decrease in quality for anything ever including porn. Without porn, we wouldn't have had this: | ||
2492 Posts
On October 15 2012 19:38 Chriscras wrote: "ARTOSIS WILL BE ON THE SHOW" -JP That is all. Totally agree with everyone who has this opinion. Really, I more or less only care about Artosis being on. He is by far the most popular guy in the scene, such a funny and knowledgable. Btw: We don't care about EU friendy time slots... just set time slot so that Artosis can participate ![]() | ||
United States1511 Posts
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Finland1069 Posts
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Canada4948 Posts
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United States1963 Posts
It would be silly of me to not acknowledge this thread. Let me start off by saying what is most important: Thank you. I never once questioned that the vast majority of people that know of my existence are in fact in favor of me as a person. They don't think of me in some extremely negative way. Maybe I annoy them sometimes, maybe I say something cringeworthy and for them that is part of who I am. I appreciate that. I don't expect/want EVERYONE to "like" me or agree with me. It's important that we understand that as I move forward because otherwise I'd be easily written-off as some whiner who wants only good and not bad. Almost 99% of the people I meet at eSport events look me in the eye and say "Hey! I love what you do on SOTG" as their opening statement. I fully realize what SOTG is to me, to you and to everyone else. It would be silly to pretend that SOTG hasn't done amazing things for me but also (and more importantly) it would be silly to ignore the countless stories I've heard/read about what SOTG has done for others. A lot of times it was more than just a source of entertainment it was an anchor, a guide or a friend. I say this because I need people to know that the gravity of this situation is not lost on me. There isn't much more to add to this part of the post except: I am sorry. I inescapably feel selfish for deciding something on behalf of more people than just myself. I guess I take solace in knowing that I can still be of service to those that count on me in other areas of SC2 (including ITG). Lets cut to the meat of the issue, why am I deciding to step back from SOTG? To be honest, I am poorly equipped for what I do. I talk about thick skin, I talk about not reading forums, avoiding negativity or not letting it effect me. Trolls, you will be happy to hear that I in fact am effected. I know that I have 1k supporters for every troll and I know the science behind people who troll and people who support.. if you like something you don't NEED to say something every time because you are content. Well, the haters operate in the opposite way and while there are fewer of them there are MORE of what they say. I also know they say things purposefully to get at you. It kinda words. Some days I read it and laugh. Some days I read it and stop talking. Anna asks whats wrong and I can't really explain to her. I just have a dark day. If I say something stupid? Like the Naniwa comments or being a part of Avilo's fucking horrible appearance on SOTG... it charges months of backlash. Now, in a world where people are making sport of contacting sponsors and asking them to fire people I too have to think: Is more better? SOTG tends to discuss drama stuff.. I am getting married in december, do I want to run the risk of another year of a show where 1 wrong statement and I am potentially ejected from the community/job that is attached to my very soul? My passion? I cannot change who I am. I am a sensitive, proud (read egotistical), leader (read attention whore), comedian (read only finds himself funny) person who says what he thinks (read passive aggressive) and I cannot change that. I've tried. Sorry, I thought the Sharktosis thing wasn't funny. I also didn't laugh during most of the Cheech and Chong movies. I find fart jokes funny and I can make a pun out of anything. Hate me? Fine. Don't? Ok. I am a strong personality. Every person that meets me is either comfortable with this or not. What you see on stream is not a contrived push by me for more exposure. It's absolutely who I am. It's gotten me here, explaining myself to thousands. It has put me in a place where I am paid to be ME and by being ME I raise the attractiveness for whatever it is I am doing. I understand that it makes people uncomfortable. I have had people confess to me in person that I am "too much" and that even gets interpreted as me "thinking I am better than everyone else" (If I had a dime for...). I can apologize for these things because I recognize that I am a bit much for many. I cannot change that though. Beyond my inability to emotionally detach myself from the community (not read forums, not respond to people etc) I also have other reasons for leaving the show: Cost / benefit analysis. When I first left the show and then came back we were salaried. I was leaving before we made money and I came back to us making money. Because I replaced Leah I took over her salary which was around 1/5th what everyone else got an episode. When that season came to an end and I was supposed to be bumped up to what everyone else was making MLG dropped us and we no longer had that. Fine. I once again did the show for free and earned nothing (directly) from it. Coming up on PAX the plan was to have the show be picked up by a big sponsor (still in the works) in which case we once again would earn money. That was January. To this day those contracts are still being discussed etc etc.. but what was proposed was that I earn the 2nd least of the 4. Now, a lot of you right here begin to dislike me and call me a money mongering selfish prick.. ok. To me, this is where I stand up for myself and acknowledge a few things. One, this show has risk. As I said earlier the last two episodes we did left a terrible taste in my mouth that also followed me around for months. People called me a bully, an attention whore and in general started hating on me in all facets of my life. Risk is made more acceptable by compensation. When I am earning less and dealing with more I begin to tilt. This also triggered my ego. I am a big part of that show. Sorry, but in my opinion I am the biggest part. Yup, I said it. Here is where more people become uncomfortable with my ego. Let me say, this is a (for the most part) 4 person show. I think without Nony, you don't have SOTG. I think without Artosis, the same. But of those incredibly important parts I think what I did and my role was perhaps the most important. So to offer me the 2nd least is a bit of a slap in the face. With all that being said it boils down to a few things: I appreciate this thread and most of what was said in here. I have received tweets, PM's and emails from people that love and care. These things matter a lot. I also truly appreciate the people in here that are saying "I want you back but I respect your choice." I told JP I would love to be a guest and I'd die a thousand deaths if I didn't get to get drunk and talk SC2 with ya'll like we have in years passed (this time maybe minus the pornstar). It is worth noting that I have "left the show" then came back before. I am not set in stone on things. I haven't burned bridges (that I know of) and I am capable of coming back as long as JP will have me. But I need to do some soul searching before that. I 100% know/understand that no matter what I do I will get haters. I am not ever holding out for a world where everyone agrees with me/what I say: I am merely working on my own ability to exist in the world we have today without risking my job, my passion or my sanity. This game, the show SOTG and most importantly YOU GUYS have all been really good to me. I say a lot of dumb shit and I act horribly from time to time but whatever happens know that I love you and thank you for what you have given me. A job, a life and a place in the game and community I love more than anything else. Thank you. From this thread on Reddit: | ||
Nauru12397 Posts
@trolls - fuck you. | ||
United Kingdom538 Posts
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42381 Posts
On October 16 2012 03:33 Solarsail wrote: I know this is one of the least important things in that statement (and I respect Geoff for what else he said as well), but the plan was/is seriously to pay people differently? That always causes bad feelings. Importance aside, SOTG has/had few bigger "brands" (you know who they are) in the show, so i'm really not surprised about the difference when it comes to money. You are right about the bad feelings part surely. Interesting wall of text by Geoff there. I for one respect his decision. Good luck to him. | ||
Austria658 Posts
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