On July 14 2010 10:36 IdrA wrote: lolol they finally make a patch that makes zerg early game safer while making their mid/late game weaker in an intelligent way. then they totally revert all the stuff that was good for zerg and actually make it even worse than it was before. awesome
On July 14 2010 10:36 IdrA wrote: lolol they finally make a patch that makes zerg early game safer while making their mid/late game weaker in an intelligent way. then they totally revert all the stuff that was good for zerg and actually make it even worse than it was before. awesome
I think this is the worst patch in the history of beta for Zerg, at least since like 8-9 when I started playing. I'm trying to think of which patch would be worse to play as zerg in, but am a little hard pressed to come up with anything.
this sucks i have not been able to log in for hours. I get the client does not exist message that everyone else is talking about. come on blizzard. Updates are supposed to fix, not cripple.
uh, my game still crashes every time i open it. anyone have a direct link to the latest patch so i can manually install?
Anyone see a massive performance increase with the patch?
I sure did.
Least you're not a MAC guy and is getting buttraped by blizzard. Luckily, NCAA 11 came in my mail.
On July 14 2010 10:26 BlueSorc wrote:Can anyone confirm whether or not the frame rate limiter has been put back in? I've been having to play with two large fans pointed directly at my laptop because the unlimited frame rate tries to melt my laptop 
This has not been put back in, just checked. I'm guessing what's listed is all that was put in.
On July 14 2010 09:46 ItsTheFark wrote: This is such crap, they really need to fix TvZ
My favorite part is how all the stealth nerfs to all the races were reversed - except all the ones to Z.
Honestly, I'm expecting some major Z buffs / major T nerfs once the game actually goes live and they realize exactly how lopsided it is. Game was far more balanced at the middle-end of phase 1 than it is now.
Also nthing what Idra said. I think it's time to work on my offraces for a while and put Z on the backburner.
can anyone link to a mirror for the latest patch?
this is tough for a mac guy like me who can't play and wants to ..but anyway i am glad they putted it back like it was
As a protoss player i am ambivalent about this patch. Gonna make it harder to survive 2 gate proxies though.
But i seriously think they are TRYING to imbalance terran or something. It was initially too strong and they just haven't done enough to reverse that yet.
On July 14 2010 12:13 pho308 wrote: Least you're not a MAC guy and is getting buttraped by blizzard. Luckily, NCAA 11 came in my mail.
Yeah I know. At least Blizzard put the precompiled shaders back in that they left out.
where is battlecraft 2.1?!?!?!
On July 14 2010 10:50 kajeus wrote:Show nested quote +On July 14 2010 10:19 Bronxie wrote: Yeah, im on mac and still does not work... Same. It seems to be a mac problem.
Patch is stucckkk on 40%. Tried to dwl the patch manually and stick it in the folder. Didn't do anything...
And again Blizzard convinced me to keep my signature.
ZvT was already a pain in the ass as it was. Now they revert terran changes while leaving creep tumor and infestor NP crippled. 12 second Neural Parasite is so worthless they might as well remove the spell.
Say hello to more gay ass bunker rushes with random cheese followups.
Terran are the real easy race of SC2.
I am still just floored how every patch they seem to knock Z down a notch when it is so widely agreed ZvT feels so incredibly unbalanced in so many ways etc etc...