Server: US Server Team Name: SlaughterHouse Leader/Managers TL ID: kxhai B.Net ID.IDENTIFIERRecluse.480 General Team League Level: Diamond 2600++ Race(s) you are looking for: Terran/Zerg Goals of team: High diamond players playing strictly for fun! Occasional CW's and events here and there Other: GM.. www.SHfighting.com
*Update * please change EverClan from Diamond to Masters
Server : NA Server Website : http://everclan.co.cc/portal.php Leader/Managers ID : EverZtelecoM . 523 , Skype : telecomrg , aim : streetsweeper113 B.Net ID : EverZtelecoM . 523 General Team League Level : We are currently looking for players above 3K points Masters. Races : ALL Other : . We are looking for good manner players that are motivated and want to become TOP players, players that have extreme drive to want to become pro gamers as well, here at EverClan we take pride in each players race selection and will work hard to help each player improve to become the best players that we can. If you feel that you could potentially do some work for our clan other than a Player than please feel free to talk with me, also plan on doing CG's ( Clan / custom games ) , KOTH's , Clan wars , and some in clan tournaments soon as well once we get a more solid lineup. (The team is still fairly new but we have good players).
Server: US Server Team Name: Team MindGate Leader/Managers TL ID: SklTaka.746, Kodak.775 General Team League Level: Diamond 3000+, Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: We are looking to be a competetive clan interested in team leagues and working our way up the ladder and hopefully to events and lans. We would like to ask for Active players only, and expect you to practice with us and solo 3+ days a week. You can also email us at mindgategaming@gmail.com
Server: US Server Team Name: Team IMBA ???( NOT sure YET its up to the members) Leader/Managers TL ID: Hippopotamus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Hippopotamus.449 General Team League Level: Looking for top 300 in Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mostly Terran but protoss and zerg will be accepted Goals of team: Casual for now until our team develops more then we will get into competetive Other: Requirements 600+ Masters and above. We are looking to become competitive in the near future. Contact Me or go to the site http://imbaclan.webs.com/
Server: US Server Team Name: Regiment of Shadows Leader/Managers TL ID: FIFAsnipe2224 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RoSfifasnipe.852 General Team League Level: Bronze-Platinum Race(s) you are looking for: Mostly Zerg and Protoss but Terran will be accepted Goals of team: We are in a lot of 1v1 tournament's and our higher level players give free training and coaching to all members. We also host our own in clan only ladder. A prize of $20 Other: The Regiment of Shadows was established in 2005. We are now playing StarCraft 2, Minecraft, Counter-Strike Source, and Zombie Panic Source. We are looking for players that have skype and are willing to have fun and learn. Homepage forums e-mail: clanros24@gmail.com
Please update Team Overdosed (under diamond)
We now recruit only mid~high masters. We have a solid line-up for our multiple leagues, but we are still looking for high quality players.
i would like to remove my post. please to stop alot of random PM's o_O
Server: US Team Name: Judicator Aldaris - Team JA Leader/Managers TL ID: JDM.s2000 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: CuhZ.714 General Team League Level: Top tier MASTERS 2500+ 55+% win/ratio, preferably top 200 blizzard Race(s) you are looking for: Any, but mostly TERRANS Goals of team: Competitive, Clan wars; Tourneys, in house clan practice groups, anything that will make your sc2 skill GROW; Will be entering CEVO / SCL / ETC Other: If interested, MASTERS 2500+ preferably 55+% win ratio check out website http://www.judicatoraldaris.com/ and post an application or Msg me on Bnet in channel TEAM JA. Please dont waste any of our times, we are strict on recruitment so please be good nd impress us during/for a tryout. GL HF GG
Would you mind updating the MindGate team information to the following:
Server: US Server Team Name: Team MiNDGATE Leader/Managers TL ID: SklTaka.746, Kodak.775 General Team League Level: Diamond 3000+, Masters (2700+) Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: We are competitive team interested in clan wars as well as working our way up the ladder. Many of our players have already participated in a number of local LANs, and we hope to continue that trend as we expand the team. We are currently looking for active players who are willing to play ~3+ days a week and have a strong desire to improve their game. You can contact us via email at mindgategaming@gmail.com or through BNET.
We are a clan 1v1 based clan and are looking to expand our members list. No need to change names. The clan consists mostly of Diamond/Masters right now, but Platinum is also welcome. If you are below platinum you can train with us and be considered a 'member in training'. Please feel free to check out our site.
Contact us by going to http://clanchobo.co.nr
Server: US Server Team Name: Clan Chobo BNET ID Leader/Managers: Bdole.257 or Yossarian.194 General Team League Level: Platinum/Diamond/Master Race(s) you are looking for: All Races Goals of team: Competitive / Casual
Server: US Server Team Name: AoW - Preferred Leader/Managers TL ID: Lycosa B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: 462 General Team League Level: Platinum Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: To create a healthy learning environment on our team's website and improve at the game. Other: The requirements to join are dedication and a learning mindset. If you wish to join or have any questions please contact .Fallen. or wierdguy at Clan Art of War. You may also PM me on this website or send me an email at thant11@live.com.
EDIT FOR TEAM SOLID PLEASE; Looking only for high level masters.
Edit for Team sMi
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Rei.826 Jason.2343 Skillet.671
Server: EU and NA server Team Name: PH (Power House) Bnet ID: Go to the chat channel "PowerHouse Gaming" General Team Level: Mostly master, but some high diamond Race(s) you are looking for: 2-3 of each. Goals of Team: To train together, and eventually get to a high level Other: Check out http://phgaming.spruz.com/ to sign up for the recruitment tourney!
Team Name: nLimit gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: dim2thesum B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: tNLdimsum #255 (US servers only) General Team League Level: Diamond/Master Race(s) you are looking for: All Races Goals of team: progress better as a team and individually. high level ranking Other: friendly and casual gaming but at a high level of play for all league games from 1s to 4s. Must be communicative, team player, and willing to learn. I prefer in game message or on AIM: CC1L1
Team IMBA looking for a top 200 beast to complete our lineup.
We have multiple top 200's already.
One spot left, hit me up @
For PowerHouse Gaming, please add NA server.
And master 3300+ only plz.
Update for team Mechanical-Gamer
Server: US Server Team Name: Mechanical-Gamer www.mechanical-gamer.blogspot.com Leader/Managers: MGcHarger.516 TL ID:MGcHarger General Team League Level: Masters League Race(s) you are looking for: Looking for around 2 T players 2 Z and 2 P if you are over 3.3k, if you are top 200 you wont have to play try outs, but a couple of games to see your game-play. Goals of team: Competitive. Other: Requirements are simple, points for try outs are at least 3300 ML and up, msg me and i will make the try out happen, btw dont be scared we are all friends. Contact:You can contact me on SC2 as MGcHarger.516, email to mecgamer@yahoo.ca or go to the website and post on the forums chat box or leave a comment in any of the posts and let your info there, ID, CODE AND POINTS. Team Channel= Team MG Info:MG is a team with good players and friends.We will be having weekly KOTHS, IN-HOUSE tourneys.Planning on doing and Open every Week atm.
Hi, im jeff.
I am a 3500 masters zerg player on the NA server am looking for a team
Hey guys, me and my friend Lee are looking for a clan, were both high diamond, aspiring master players, and were both terran. If anyone wants us, message me
Server: US Server Team Name: Aggressive Gaming (aG) Leader/Managers: Darkness.966 and Nuclear.892 General Team League Level: High Diamond - Master league (mostly masters) Race(s) you are looking for: EDIT 2: Any race is fine, but please be at least masters for now =). Goals of team: Practice team (maybe something else after we get into a very high level ^^) Other: Well we just want people to practice with, hopefully you should be around 2.8k Diamond or in master league, we only want really active and mannered people. Contact: well just message me or Nuclear in game, my e-mail is Diego2k7@hotmail.com. Info: We are just a small group of mannered and active people that can practice with each other, give some pointers, analyze replays and overall just help each other. We might become a real clan and participate in tournaments, clan wars and stuff when we get a few more players.