Server: EU Server Team Name: Titans Leader/Managers TL ID: MasterReY B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ReY.261 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive Other: We play SC2CL div1, so we are looking for members to improve our roster for CWs However we also play alot intern games and we SKYPE alot !!! You should have skype and just be open and friendly to play intern games/cws/funmaps Our clan is a mix between serious competition in the highest clanleague in europe and funny,friendly intern games with alot of skyping. Contact: Gosu,at,work in Skype ReY.261 on BNET EU PM here on TL.net
On February 25 2011 11:46 fams wrote: MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE FORMAT OR I WILL NOT UPDATE THE OP WITH YOUR ENTRY, THERE IS A REASON I HAVE AN EXAMPLE IN THE OP OF *****EXACTLY***** HOW I WANT IT. I am sorry, let me do this the right way then .
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: 1nsanity Leader/Managers TL ID: Jonus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: iNsJonus.937 General Team League Level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: We have two teams, we have our competitive team which plays in our leagues and clan wars, and then we have our community members, which can participate in everything else and practice with our competitive team. Our goal is to stay one of the top teams on battle.net, and to continue to dominate the League scene and also clan wars. Also we have the community section to help improve the skills of players and to allow a home for all SC2 Players. Other: Competitive Team Req = 3100+, don’t meet the requirement then join our community! We have a lot to offer members including vent, webpage, weekly tournaments and tons of practice matches! To apply for either team visit our webpage at www.1nsanity.com.
Teams/Clan Info: Server: US Server Team Name: WestSide Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: wSFusE B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: wSFusE.719 General Team League Level:Diamond/Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Races Goals of team: Looking to get 4 to 5 people to practice/participate in tourneys. Other: Want to be a competitive team that plays together and practices to work on builds/micro/macro ect. This is also a new team! So be the first! :D Message me in game or here on TL.net
Server: NA Server Team Name: eleven gaming - www.elevengaming.com Leader/Managers TL ID: v1dom General Team League Level: Grandmaster (Top 200) Race(s) you are looking for: One top 50 Protoss. One top 50 Zerg. No terran for now. Goals of team: You will join a small, elite group with very focused plans for each player and the team as a whole. Competitive League play, LAN events, high level NA play. All players receive LAN entry paid, discounts on hardware, team shirt. A-Team players receive travel subsidation for LAN events. Other Requirements: No ego problems, skill level as listed above. 18+ only, due to issue with contracts and travel. Contact: chat channel: elevengaming, elevengaminginfo@gmail.com, or PM domino @ www.elevengaming.com/forum
eQx is a Starcraft team looking to start recruiting. We will gain a member database before announcing official members. For now, we remain a community. Join Channel "eQx" for games/conversation.
Server: US Server Team Name: eQx Leader/Managers: Temptranquil.966 and Nerfalisk.389 General Team League Level: Diamond/Master Race(s) you are looking for: All races currently Goals of team: Competitive/Casual Website: www.eqxgaming,com (Don't forget the www) Email: eqxstarcraft@gmail.com
elevengaming is also in search of someone to run the news section at www.elevengaming.com
Obviously well written and well spoken individuals preferred, who can make near-daily updates to the site and have an interest and follow the NA SC2 scene. A history doing interviews or other things like this is a bonus. No SC2 skill requirement for this position. If you're familiar with joomla platforms, that is also a large bonus, but it's a relatively easy platform to learn (its not coding). 16+ required, 18+ preferred.
Apply in channel elevengaming or email elevengaminginfo@gmail.com
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Clutch Leader/Managers TL ID: Fonzieguy, Vicious B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Fonzie.280, Vicious.770 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg Goals of team: Competitive Other: Looking for 3500 plus Masters, Terran or Zerg only right now. We are looking to be competitive in NA, and regulars at MLG/other events. All players will be provided with team apparel, and A team's travel expenses will be taken care of. Also taking applications from most higher level masters league players for B team. You can see our current roster and team info at www.teamclutch.net.
Please delete Red Suns off the team list.
Team Name: AlphA (AA) Leader/Managers TL ID: rubbyducky B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: duckyRanger.850, iMBARANGER.184 General Team League Level: 3k+ Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All races Goals of team: Competitive & Casual, improving skills. Other: We are looking for players who are dedicated to improving their skills and becoming top players. Looking to participate in, Clan Wars, KOTHs, Tournaments (ESEA CEVO etc.). Must be active. Make sure to have a mic also because we talk a lot on ventrilo during practice. PM me or message me in-game for tryouts/ join channel: Team AlphA.
Please remove Team Envy :D
Server: US Server Team Name: Negative Impulse Leader/Managers TL ID: iMpFloWMaC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: nYqCamwolf.336 General Team League Level: High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Highly Competitive Other: For more info, send an email to camwolf008@yahoo.com or visit www.negativeimpulse.com. We are looking for very high-level players. Sponsorship is available.
Server: US Server Team Name: Rage of War Leader/Managers TL ID: codeman305, Meftw, Icedtea B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Decree.610, join our channel Rage of War General Team League Level: Mid-High(around 3.2k) Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mainly Protoss and Terran, Zerg can still feel free to tryout. Goals of team: Competitive play in leagues such as ESGL, CEVO and applied for NGproject, clan wars and tournaments. Get sponsers to pay players Other: Need to be atleast 3000 Masters and active.
Update to Team Revoki (Masters) Post:
Server: US Server Team Name: Revoki (Team Revoki) Leader/Managers TL ID: ChiCaNeRy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ChiCaNeRy.641 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg (In order of priority) Goals of team: Competitive Other: We are looking for high-tiered master leaguers (at least 2,500 points). Tryouts are required. Our team is sponsored and we expect active players. There are four divisions on the team, S, A, B, and C, due to its size (over 50 players). You will be placed into a division after tryouts if you qualify for the team, and you can be promoted or demoted as well. To receive a tryout, please submit an application at http://www.teamrevoki.com/ (Apply Tab), send a PM at http://revoki.com/team/ (team forum), contact ChiCaNeRy in game, in channel Revoki, or by email: revokigaming@gmail.com. Site: http://www.teamrevoki.com/ and http://revoki.com/team/ Sc2ranking List: http://sc2ranks.com/c/3285/team-revoki-ladder-rankings/
Server: US Server Team Name: New School Gaming (NsG) Leader/Managers TL ID: sCArtemis B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Artemis.597 General Team League Level: High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Highly Competitive, You will be joining an elite team of competitive players. We are specifically looking for about 6-8 players maximum. You will also be joining in a team that will take part in many tournaments as well as leagues. Other: We are primarily looking for players of all races at this moment, players who apply will be considered after a tryout period. The ideal applicant will be able to: dedicate themselves to the game and the team as a whole, be able to join practice sessions,have a microphone for communication purposes, have tournament experience as well as league experience. We currently have a site up at; http://newschoolgaming.spruz.com/ and applications may be forwarded to my e-mail at jamesnguyen18@live.ca, If there are any additional questions, you may e-mail me or catch me in game at Artemis.597
****EDIT**** Server: US Server Team Name: Rage of War Leader/Managers TL ID: codeman305, Meftw, Icedtea B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Decree.610, join our channel Rage of War General Team League Level: Mid-High(around 3.2k) Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mainly Protoss and Terran, Zerg can still feel free to tryout. Goals of team: Competitive play in leagues such as ESGL, CEVO and applied for NGproject, clan wars and tournaments. Get sponsers to pay players Other: Need to be atleast 3000 Masters and active. Our website: http://teamrow.proboards.com/index.cgi
Teams/Clan Info: Opm-Gaming Server: US Server Team Name: Opm-Gaming
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: MazE.329 General Team League Level: High Diamond-Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive Other: Requirements, contact info, etc. email me at opm-gaming@hotmail.com and PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE opm-gaming.weebly.com
Server: US Server Team Name: Team IMBA ???( NOT sure YET its up to the members) Leader/Managers TL ID: Hippopotamus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Hippopotamus.449 General Team League Level: Looking for top 300 in Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mostly Terran but protoss and zerg will be accepted Goals of team: Casual for now until our team develops more then we will get into competetive Other: Requirements 600+ Masters and above. We are looking to become competitive in the near future. Contact Me or go to the site http://imbaclan.webs.com/
Please remove Team Envy :D
On December 07 2010 19:57 chrisolo wrote:Server: EU Server Team Name: torridOrbs Leader/Managers TL ID: chrisolo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: chrisolo.209 or AkiThePope.767 General Team League Level: Diamond 2300++ Race(s) you are looking for: Protoss (!!!) or Terran with about 2300 or more (Zerg only with 2600++) Goals of team: Competitive with our first squad, fun with everyone (not taking everything seriously) Other: We are competing in SC2CL Division 2a and Stammkneipe.de Clanleague Division 1. Aiming for some titles and you should be one of the key players of it. We have several clan events (such like tourneys, koth showmatch, internladder, lineupsystem etc.). We search for Diamond at least with 2300++ points, which does not mean that you really need to have those points, but the skill. Everyone gets testgames Contact at http://www.torridorbs.com or directly one of the leaders.
Please Update this to (from Diamond to Master also):
Server: EU Server Team Name: torridOrbs Leader/Managers TL ID: chrisolo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: chrisolo.209, AkiThePope.767 or Scour.435 General Team League Level: Master ~ 3100ish Race(s) you are looking for: Terran with at least Master 2800 Points, Protoss with at least Master 3000 Points and Zerg with at least 3300 Points Goals of team: Competitive (Reaching the Master Division of SC2CL, winning the Stammkneipe Clanleague and other clanleagues) Other: Skilllevel is important (not actually the points stated above). We want to start winning those european clanleagues, as we already do pretty well in them. Starting to take everything really serious (with sponsor acquirement, etc.). You should be able to handle high-pressure situations in clanwars pretty well. www.torridorbs.com
Sorry for 1 line more, couldnt really shorten it more. If it is really needed, you can delete the last sentence, but please leave the link
Server: EU Server Team Name: ClanDroid Gaming http://www.clandroidsc2.com/forum/index.php Leader/Managers TL ID: cDgAmiKa B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: cDgAmiKa.459 General Team League Level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg Goals of team: Competitive / Casual and lots of fun! Other: Please visit our website at: http://www.clandroidsc2.com/forum/index.php and join our chat channel "cdclanchat" in-game. We look forward to your application into our wonderful community!