hi i would like to renew our old post on here
Server: US Server / EU server Team Name: clAndroid Leader/Managers TL ID: DazzleFeet / Exhale B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DazzleFeet 905 (EU) Faedia 438 (NA) General Team League Level: Diamond, but we have all Race(s) you are looking for: all races, terrans preferably Goals of team: Competetive, casual for lower ranked players Other: Requirements, contact info, etc. We are more then a clan, we are a fast growing community with a lot of features, like live casting, streams, a teamspeakserver, a replay archive with active analyzers, various teams joining all sorts of clanwars/tournaments. visit us at www.clandroidsc2.com/forum
Server: US Server Team Name: Red Suns Leader/Managers TL ID: duckyRanger B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: duckyRanger.850, iMBARANGER.184 General Team League Level: Master League Race(s) you are looking for: All races Goals of team: Competitive & Casual: Practice to improve and to participate in events. Other: We are looking for players who are dedicated to improving their skills and becoming top players. Looking to participate in, Clan Wars, KOTHs, Tournaments (ESEA CEVO etc.). Must be active and in the top 1000 of NA based on sc2ranks.com (as points update daily). PM me or message me in-game for tryouts.
I am going to update the entire thread, revamping it and adding the MASTERS section to each location on SUNDAY.
I have a few things to take care of this week before I can get back to running this thread again, sorry for the delay for a couple days guys.
So please be patient and bear with me, everything will be looking pretty in a couple days!!
Teams/Clan Info Server: U.S. and SEA Team Name: The Older Gamers Leader/Managers MortlMike B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: 711 General Team League Level: all Leagues Race(s) you are looking for: ALL Goals of team: We have both competative and casual members Other: We are a community of gamers over 25 years of age.
*Update* Please put this in Masters division when it's listed!
Server: NA Server Team Name: eleven gaming - www.elevengaming.com Leader/Managers TL ID: v1dom General Team League Level: Grandmaster (Top 200) Please do not apply if you aren't. Race(s) you are looking for: One top 200 Protoss. One top 50 Zerg. No terrans for now. Goals of team: Competitive League play, LAN events, high level NA play. All players receive LAN entry paid, discounts on hardware. A-Team players receive travel subsidation. Top-level league play. Other Requirements: You will join a small, elite group with very focused plans for each player and the team as a whole. No ego problems, skill level as listed above. 18+ only, due to issue with contracts and travel. Contact: chat channel: elevengaming, elevengaminginfo@gmail.com, or PM domino @ www.elevengaming.com/forum
Server: US Team Name: BeerCraft Leader/Managers TL ID: Maximus General Team League Level: High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Semi-competative, do leagues,cws etc... Other: If u guys are interested come find MaXiMuS in channel Beercraft for a tryout. We have cws every night so u guys have to be active and willing to play if needed
Server: US Team Name: Double D Website: www.TeamDD.us Leader/Managers TL ID: Coindrop.990 General Team League Level: Mid - High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: 2 Terran players, 2 Protoss players. Goals of team: Competetive team participating in CEVO and ESEA leagues - Looking for players that can put in the time to practice with the team as well as provide a postive atmosphere, Shit-Talkers need not apply. Other: Please send an email to Fresh@teamdd.us or contact Medzo.874 in game with your details including name, age, race and ranking and we will schedule you a tryout.
On January 23 2011 03:52 MortlMike wrote: Teams/Clan Info Server: U.S. and SEA Team Name: The Older Gamers Leader/Managers MortlMike B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: 711 General Team League Level: all Leagues Race(s) you are looking for: ALL Goals of team: We have both competative and casual members Other: We are a community of gamers over 25 years of age. Fill out the form properly, and I will post this.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the delay and me having to wait until Sunday in order to reorganize all of this, but it is 100% complete now.
If you see any mistakes or wish for any changes, please leave a comment or let me know via PM, I will try and be as quick as possible when responding or making changes.
Good luck in finding teams, we now have MASTERS divisions in each region, please enjoy!
And just a final note, I do this myself so if there are slight delays, please understand : )
you can remove:
Server: EU Server Team Name: Team Prodigy Leader/Managers TL ID: diLLa B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: diLLa.991 General Team League Level: Platinum/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Diamond level Protoss/Zerg, Platinum+ level Terran Goals of team: First we want to get a good group together to be able to practice and mainly to have fun, and once the clan support gets better we want to get competitive (but nothing too serious) Other: Requirements: Being able to speak english properly, mature (18+ is preferred), dedication and activity, having irc to join our team channel Contact: IRC: #teamprodigy on Quakenet or message Cigo.446 or diLLa.991 ingame
The team has been disbanded
Any high level EU clans looking for a creative macro toss?
On January 11 2011 05:46 rexob wrote: EU server looking for a team to improve with. i'm 16 years old and i have played some sc1 and alot of wc3 through the years, started with sc2 during the beta and i'm in diamond since shortly after the release. i play protoss, with around 2400 points (atm). don't have the time to play that much since i study but i depends on the day/week. aiming for one of the high leauges after the reset. have only played in a swedish clan in wc3 before, but nothing too serious.
yeah didn't know which clan to choose so here i am, pm me here or @ bnet rexob#122
You and I could open a EU clan if you want.
Lol, has anyone seen the MMX post? Most BM clan in BW and now they're carrying it over to SC2.
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Made In China(new name) Leader/Managers TL ID: Silent/Jubio B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: exSilent.348 General Team League Level: Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All welcome Goals of team: Competitive Other: New team looking for players to start practices and compete in team and individual leagues. We have a vent please be mature. Pm me here or online.
Teams/Clan Info ExtremeRageGaming.com Server: US Server Team Name: ExtremeRage Leader/Managers Inverted B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ergROB_544 General Team League Level: High Diamond - Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Races Goals of team: Competitive Email : Norbertedguy@gmail.com, or Contact me on Teamliquid.net. Its recomended you have a name change available, if not we will work it out.
Teams/Clan Info
Server: US Server
Team Name: Limited
Leader/Managers TL ID: Seltsam
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: LTDseltsam.341 (Upper team) LTDPanDaBear.829 (Lower team).
General Team League Level: Masters
Race(s) you are looking for: Any (Terran preferred for the upper division)
Goals of team: Competitive / Casual / Practice / Friendly ** Our upper-echelon players are somewhat low in number for the time being. We're just getting that division started, so if you'd like to be a part of things almost from the start, please contact me!
Other: Both Masters and Diamond players are accepted, but the team is split based on skill. The higher eschelon of players is highly competitive and run by a dedicated manager. The lower echelon is for friendly/casual practice. If you are Diamond or low Master, contact LTDPanDaBear.829. www.teamltd.net
Teams/Clan info Server: EU Server Team Name: Dirty Heroes Leader/Managers TL ID: Kiichax / Cigo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Kiichax.849 / Cigo.446 General Team League Level: High Diamond - Masters Race(s) you are looking for : all welcome Goals of team: Competitive / Regular practice Other: New team of players looking to be competitive(leagues and ladders) and highly active. Please make sure you have working vent/IRC before contacting anyone for trials. 18+ preferred and be able to speak/type clear English. IRC Contact: #DirtyHeroes
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Solid Leader/Managers TL ID: Graphire B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SolidGoM.214 General Team League Level: High Diamond (2200+) - Masters Race(s) you are looking for: All Races Goals of team: Competitive and Casual Other: Requirements, contact info, etc. Looking for some skilled players to practice with to keep on improving. Also partake in Clan Wars. Available Name Change Preferable.
Another update to Team Revoki's post:
Races: In order of importance, Protoss, Terran, Zerg