Hey guys, for all of you that know me from some years back: this is me today at 99.5kg bw. the first of three sets for 145kgx5. I did this after 2 1/2 months of 5x5 / 3x5 progression, while also running 50-60km every week (9km this very day).
So this is not a max-effort video or anything special, just a little reminder that I am still alive.
I will have my first of two surgeries were all my excess skin is being removed on July 4th. Should have had this years ago, but life gets in the way sometimes :-) + Show Spoiler +
if you are wondering about the excess skin, just watch the other videos on my channel and you will figure it out
If I ever have a go at real strength training again, it will be in 2017. With all the surgeries coming up I have to take several months off from training. It will be a nightmare.
That's a Goddamn inspiration and anyone who doesn't know what you started from and have come to needs to go find out. Forever something you can point to and say "anything is possible if you never quit."
On April 12 2016 07:42 phyre112 wrote: That's a Goddamn inspiration and anyone who doesn't know what you started from and have come to needs to go find out. Forever something you can point to and say "anything is possible if you never quit."
Congrats and good luck with the upcoming months.
100% agreed. Your transformation is absolutely insane. One of the biggest transformations I've ever seen.
On April 12 2016 06:45 Malinor wrote: Hey guys, for all of you that know me from some years back: this is me today at 99.5kg bw. the first of three sets for 145kgx5. I did this after 2 1/2 months of 5x5 / 3x5 progression, while also running 50-60km every week (9km this very day).
So this is not a max-effort video or anything special, just a little reminder that I am still alive.
I will have my first of two surgeries were all my excess skin is being removed on July 4th. Should have had this years ago, but life gets in the way sometimes :-) + Show Spoiler +
if you are wondering about the excess skin, just watch the other videos on my channel and you will figure it out
If I ever have a go at real strength training again, it will be in 2017. With all the surgeries coming up I have to take several months off from training. It will be a nightmare.
Cheers to all of you that are training hard.
Holy shit dude. You've come a long way, that is truly amazing progress. I look forward to seeing you hit all your old strength #s at your new bodyweight!
So rounded back extensions. Anyone have a decent video? Best I could find was something from Bret Contreras. Just looking for some more visuals. I definitely have a lower back pump afterwards lol. Also shooting for 200 GHRs a week now.
On April 14 2016 21:54 mordek wrote: So rounded back extensions. Anyone have a decent video? Best I could find was something from Bret Contreras. Just looking for some more visuals. I definitely have a lower back pump afterwards lol. Also shooting for 200 GHRs a week now.
I think Phyre mentioned round back extensions, but there are a few variations I've seen.
Some examples:
I actually disagree with the form in this video, but I don't know enough biomechanics to make a solid argument as to why it's "wrong." It just feels incorrect do to it like this:
I think by allowing your knees to come back like that you're basically cheating through the last part of the concentric phase. He basically just shoots up and back at the very end, which makes it seem to me that he's using momentum. If your knees are fixed, it will force you to contract your hamstrings at the end of their range of motion. He says at around 2:30 that he's only bending at the knees, but it's pretty obvious that his knees are sliding backwards which is reducing the amount of work his hamstrings are doing and shortening the range of motion.
Instead, try to keep your abs contracted throughout the whole movement and just focus on pushing through your hamstrings. In the video his feet are coming off of the back of the machine, and that's just not going to allow you to powerfully contract through your glutes and hamstrings. I personally have very weak hamstrings and doing it the way he is would prevent any hamstring development whatsoever. Do it far slower (like half of the speed he is), and don't just shoot up at the top of the lift. And contrary to what he's saying, I find rounding my back a little can help me focus on keeping it in my hamstrings rather than just hyperextending through my lower back, but this might not work for other people.
So just to summarize what I think you should change from that video:
1. Keep your feet on the back of the machine at all times 2. Slow the movement down to prevent yourself from using momentum 3. Don't let your knees slide back -- keep them fixed throughout the whole thing and make sure at the top you're focusing on trying to bring your knee and glutesl together to really contract your hamstrings
If someone more knowledgeable about this than I am can explain it better, please do. I'm just going off of feel rather than what's scientifically verified.
I usually point people to the glenn pendlay video. That's the one that originally got me doing them. You can actually see in the klokov video he's not getting any flexion on the way down, and not much extension on the way up; his lower back remains very static, making it a hip/hamstring movement, not really hitting the lower back except isometrically.
Cues that I use when I'm working on a GHR is really just to try and keep the hips/legs locked and to get as much movement in the lower back during the movement as you can; think forehead to toes on the way down and round your back from top to bottom, then focus on doing exactly the opposite of what you did on the way down, in the opposite order on the way up. If you dont have a GHR or the 45 degree stand that Pendlay mentioned it's a little different feeling, but the same cues, just try to get as much motion through the whole back, especially the lower back as you can.
That techniqueWOD video is teaching a GHR for someone looking to be competitive in crossfit, not this particular type of round back extension for lumbar spine rehab/prehab. Completely different things. And side note, he is "cheating" the movement if you look at a GHR as a strength/muscle builder for the low back and hamstring, but that's not what this video is addressing. It's addressing the movement as a part of a crossfit workout, where the goal is typically to do more movements in less time, so he's teaching the most biomechanically efficient way to perform a GHR while still staying true to the movement standard, which is absolutely right it's just a different goal headed in.
Also more video on the back in general, rehab/prehab, actually getting movement rather than isometric strength development, and some exercises/drills here: + Show Spoiler +
Thanks guys. The video I found was a little different but I have a better understanding if what we were talking about earlier. I'll probably just try to work in all the variations. I already feel a difference in just a week's time.
Also funnily enough I had told myself to go back through phyre's history to find that video you just linked so thanks for saving me the effort
So I'm trying to get my other half into exercising. But he's finding it very hard to maintain his balance while doing just a bodyweight squat. I've tried looking at his form and told him to engage in his core, but he still seems to end up falling backwards as he goes down. Any ideas for balance and squats?
On April 20 2016 21:08 marvellosity wrote: So I'm trying to get my other half into exercising. But he's finding it very hard to maintain his balance while doing just a bodyweight squat. I've tried looking at his form and told him to engage in his core, but he still seems to end up falling backwards as he goes down. Any ideas for balance and squats?
This could be for all kinds of reasons, like flexibility or general feeling for ones own body. But also realize that it's usually harder and takes more practice to balance a proper bodyweight squat versus a weighted squat. He might be doing fine with a bar on his back.
Have him practice sitting in the bottom of the squat position. He can hold on to something while he gets used to it. If he can get into that position and hang out there unassisted I think that crosses off a bunch of reasons for why he's having trouble.
On April 20 2016 21:15 mordek wrote: Have him practice sitting in the bottom of the squat position. He can hold on to something while he gets used to it. If he can get into that position and hang out there unassisted I think that crosses off a bunch of reasons for why he's having trouble.
I'll try that. He's pretty tall.
It seems at the moment when he's on the way down, the only way he can seem to maintain his balance at all is if his heels come quite off the floor, which doesn't seem right. Don't know if that's a flexibility thing?
I got flex issues too, until he solves them I'd suggest putting two weights underneath his heels to raise them up a bit. If he still has trouble, give him a dumbell to hold out in front of him, just to counterbalance.
On April 20 2016 21:15 mordek wrote: Have him practice sitting in the bottom of the squat position. He can hold on to something while he gets used to it. If he can get into that position and hang out there unassisted I think that crosses off a bunch of reasons for why he's having trouble.
I'll try that. He's pretty tall.
It seems at the moment when he's on the way down, the only way he can seem to maintain his balance at all is if his heels come quite off the floor, which doesn't seem right. Don't know if that's a flexibility thing?
Most people cant bodyweight squat without using their torso to counterbalance forward. That's why it's easier to low bar squat properly than to high bar squat properly. Your other half is tall, and if he has long femurs he is going to be shooting his ass out farther and so might have trouble keeping his center of mass over his feet. His flexibility in his hips, ankles, and thoracic back all probably need improvement. This will be hard and require real work.
I use a safety razor when going clean shaven, which is rare now. It's nice but I would also occasionally chunk pieces of my face off, so there are downsides.