Also, if I'm falling over when I squat (my muscles like disengage once I get below parallel and I fall on my ass like a retard) what should I mobilize? My muscles also disengage if I try to keep my body more upright, if that makes any difference. I'm trying to gain mobility and I've been doing thoracic mobility work (as well as ankle mobility work) but I just don't have enough time each day to mobilize for 20 minutes
On February 12 2014 00:29 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: So after brain surgery 3 months ago my squats took a bit hit and I hadn't squatted over 110kg since. Today I did: 120x1 120x5 130x1 all time PR 140x1 all time PR.
Finally fucking 3 plates.
Snatch practice with the bar (god I hate this fucking movement) Squat: 175kgx3x5 (PR) (almost died) Pull Up bw 5x3
On February 11 2014 03:54 GoTuNk! wrote: Malanichev breaking the WR at the speed of light
eh, round guys lower bar squatting looks like half-repping to me (obviously its not). Plus having never squatted with wraps I assume they're magic. I'm sure this is amazing but I'd rather watch someone olympic squat
That feeling when you thought you were getting a rep pr but then you realized you put on the wrong weights and your ten pounds under what you thought XD
Up to 183lb bw, thinking I can get to a lean 190 by April some time.
Weighed in at 194, 194 and 196 on saturday, monday, and today. Wanted to do 200 by april 1st, and I'm ahead of schedule. Puts me right on track if I do 1lb/week until then. Means I've done almost 2lb/wk since setting my resolution 5 weeks ago, which I NEVER thought I could do.
Started back squatting about 3 weeks ago and hit a real easy 200 for 3x5 yesterday, after not having done more than the bar for almost 16 months. I have front squatted though, so it's not like I'm starting from nothing. I probably have 100kg in me right now, but IDK if I'm going to make 140 by april. I'm not sure where my DL progress is, because I've almost exclusively done RDLs since I did 315x3 when testing maxes to set goals. I think 4 plates is ambitious right now, but not impossible. Bench progress is going well. Sleep goals are going poorly, but still overall improved from before the new year, and misc goals are not horrible.
You're an inspiration phyre, hope my squat gets back to where it was too
Stiffness in the upper back/lower neck, can it be a result high bar squats? My chiro told me to squat with dumbbells and not put weight there -_- Just been double-lacrosse ball'ing it.
@phyre pointing my toes out worked miracles for my squat. When I was done squatting 100kgx10 my lower back felt pumped like a formula 1 tyre. When I point my toes out a bit my back gets way way less strain.
On February 13 2014 07:32 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: @phyre pointing my toes out worked miracles for my squat. When I was done squatting 100kgx10 my lower back felt pumped like a formula 1 tyre. When I point my toes out a bit my back gets way way less strain.
Meh, I've found lately that squatting with parallel feet is way more stable than pointing feet foward. It does takes some time (or doing full snatches) to develop that kind of flexibilty though.
C&J: bar, shoulder fucked up again when I tried 40kg. OHP 40kgx6x5 FS 130kgx2x5 (PR)
Gonna keep smashing PRs every FS session until it stalls. And Back Squat sessions too lol. Gonna start doing OHP/pull ups until shoulders are good again given I can't oly lift.
So what's the deal with hightop lifting shoes? I get that Chuck Taylor's are a cheap flat shoe, but wouldn't it limit ankle mobility and/or stress your 'high ankle'?
Anyone use a belt for OHP? I'm thinking it might help. Even if all I focus on doing is butt and abs tight I still feel like my lower back hyperextending is my weak point.
On February 14 2014 01:47 tofucake wrote: You need to just keep at it. A belt is a crutch
This is usually my attitude I just don't want to get held back on OHP if it's not entirely necessary on max efforts. I can increase my ab wheels and planks I guess. .75+ x bw OHP is hard
There's no reason not to use a belt on your OHP, go for it.
@celltech I've always had my toes pointed out in my squat, between 20 and 30 degrees. I have a bit of muscle imbalance left to work on a a good bit of tightness, but I'm overall very comfortable with my squat form.
@jerubaal I think that's why people use the low-top version. IDK, I have adipowers.
The only note I have on core training is don't forget the obliques! Should be doing side planks way more often than you're doing regular planks imo.
On February 13 2014 22:25 mordek wrote: Anyone use a belt for OHP? I'm thinking it might help. Even if all I focus on doing is butt and abs tight I still feel like my lower back hyperextending is my weak point.
Does your back actually hurt or you just feel weird? Are you arching your upper back and squeezing your lats?
I've been dealing with SI issues for almost two years now and trying to manage it best I can. I've become increasingly aware/paranoid of pelvic tilt and lower back hyperextension. For OHP (or squat etc.) I will set myself pre-lift by squeezing butt and abs to lock a neutral spine. On max OHP I feel the pressure in my lower back. I posed the question of the belt because it feels like if I had something to push against I'd have better rigidity there. I don't do good mornings because I'm pretty sure my squat mornings and some other factors are the origination of my SI issues which is just a very sucky situation.
So just for further clarification I mobilize my hips/back/shoulders regularly. Couch stretch to deal with tight hip flexors which can lead to lower back hyperextension. My shoulders have good range of motion so I'm not leaning back too much to compensate for inflexibility there (that I know). I guess I could take a video to make sure that's not the case.
imo its just back and maybe other flexibility (hips). stretch your back/spine and you will feel way more comfortable in those sorts of positions. thats just my limited experience
also a belt may limit your mobility , pressing on you in awkward places and making you feel even worse than if you weren't using it (thats how i felt). you can pick up a belt for like 20$ but i dont think itd help. imo. do spinal/back stretches and hips
i got a programming contract job the other day and just finished it after like 20+ hours of mindblowing insanity trying to figure out something and then alter it completely with almost zero prior understanding, fishing for things that no longer exist coz the code was old (at least, i cudnt figure it any other way!!!!!). its fucking nuts. my first "real" job guys, i cant believe it. (dont ask if i went to gym the past 4 days)
On February 14 2014 03:49 mordek wrote: I've been dealing with SI issues for almost two years now and trying to manage it best I can. I've become increasingly aware/paranoid of pelvic tilt and lower back hyperextension. For OHP (or squat etc.) I will set myself pre-lift by squeezing butt and abs to lock a neutral spine. On max OHP I feel the pressure in my lower back. I posed the question of the belt because it feels like if I had something to push against I'd have better rigidity there. I don't do good mornings because I'm pretty sure my squat mornings and some other factors are the origination of my SI issues which is just a very sucky situation.
So just for further clarification I mobilize my hips/back/shoulders regularly. Couch stretch to deal with tight hip flexors which can lead to lower back hyperextension. My shoulders have good range of motion so I'm not leaning back too much to compensate for inflexibility there (that I know). I guess I could take a video to make sure that's not the case.
Then wear the belt and stretch. OHP is not the place to train your back. Don't be paranoid though, there is a line between good technique and never pushing your boundaries because you are scared. I always wear belts on squats above 50% of my 1RM.
I never wear belts for deadlift, rows or other back exercises though (except for deadlift singles a few weeks from a meet to practice technique)