is anyone able to recommend a resistance band (brand? style? strentgh?) to be used solely for face pulls?
i've always wanted to do face pulls coz my middle back is always clicking nonstop and often in minor pain/discomfort when i can't "click" it back into position (almost always) and i think strengthening it helps a lot (getting there with shitty rows and increasingly decent wider grip pullups) . but i home gym and never thought to do them with resistance band!!
edit: this looks like a sensible selection, could anyone take a quick look for me?
On July 15 2014 00:39 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: So I hurt my shoulder slightly when I was OHPing a few days ago. It's not major pain (only hurts if I put my arm behind my back and try to scratch my shoulder blade or something like that position), but I want to pre-hab it/prevent it from worsening. Are there any good rotator cuff pre-hab exercises, or should I just try to do some reverse dumbbell flyes and try to use stricter form on pressing? I'm going to stall the weight on my pressing exercises and make sure that I don't continue to progress until I can keep my shoulders tucked in more and not have them flare out when I get out of the bottom position.
After, y'know, not doing any oly for a month, let's PR on the third workout after not PRing in forever. Sorry for the crappy shot. Plates are weird because it's a mix of random bumpers, inside two are kinda IWF colored (55/35#) and the outside yellow is a 25#. Not happy with how my front foot lands first. Eh.
Does anyone find when they're stretching/working on mobility that one side is better than the other? My left leg/hams/glutes/hips etc. seem much more flexible than my right. Seems to be evening out though. Getting my wife to push my raised leg back further for a better hamstring stretch is very helpful....
^^ I feel like you should post less, get your personal shit in order and actually make some lifting progress FF. You've been lifting for longer than me, come on dude.
Im spending a month on vacation with no access to weights of any kind (no place for pullups either) can anyone recommend me some bodyweight things to stay sort of inshape?
On July 16 2014 03:27 solidbebe wrote: Im spending a month on vacation with no access to weights of any kind (no place for pullups either) can anyone recommend me some bodyweight things to stay sort of inshape?
On July 16 2014 03:43 farvacola wrote: Somehow I doubt he can bring a kettlebell but maybe that's just me.
If he stays in 1 place why not. If he is backpacking. carrying a 24 kettlebell around would be super fun :D
Saturday I was at a party that had one of this:
There were some girls giving you tickets to play, and you got 2 free drinks for every hit at the top.
I got a bunch (my friends got even for me lol),I missed the top first few times but once I got technique down I won non stop until I was asked to stop wining and no more free drinks (got myself and all my friends drunk for free)
All this years of training finally paying off. Watching other ppl fail was also hilarous.
On July 16 2014 03:43 farvacola wrote: Somehow I doubt he can bring a kettlebell but maybe that's just me.
If he stays in 1 place why not. If he is backpacking. carrying a 24 kettlebell around would be super fun :D
Saturday I was at a party that had one of this:
There were some girls giving you tickets to play, and you got 2 free drinks for every hit at the top.
I got a bunch (my friends got even for me lol),I missed the top first few times but once I got technique down I won non stop until I was asked to stop wining and no more free drinks (got myself and all my friends drunk for free)
All this years of training finally paying off. Watching other ppl fail was also hilarous.
On July 16 2014 03:43 farvacola wrote: Somehow I doubt he can bring a kettlebell but maybe that's just me.
If he stays in 1 place why not. If he is backpacking. carrying a 24 kettlebell around would be super fun :D
Saturday I was at a party that had one of this:
There were some girls giving you tickets to play, and you got 2 free drinks for every hit at the top.
I got a bunch (my friends got even for me lol),I missed the top first few times but once I got technique down I won non stop until I was asked to stop wining and no more free drinks (got myself and all my friends drunk for free)
All this years of training finally paying off. Watching other ppl fail was also hilarous.
This reminds me of the rugby vending machine that you have to tackle to get beers to come out.
AM: FS 5x3 @ 335 PM: Some power snatches and doubles up to 100 then 105 110 115 115 120 120 125x(x4) Clean & Squat Jerks 70 90 110 120 130 140 145x Hang Clean triples 90 100 110 120 Single arm kettle bell rows balancing on opposite leg. Holy shit this rapes your core and glutes Supersetted with 45 lb weighted planks 12x 60m sled sprints with 50 lbs EMOM
More mobility is the shit, my shoulder still bugs me when I jerk tough but its almost fixed.
Edit: How the fuck do you stretch this area?
Lacrosseball that motherfucker.
I love it when it hurts and then you start to giggle because it hurts in the funny and painful way. T_T.
Lifting has made me weird.
Yeah just dig into that bitch with a lax ball or foam roller for like 5-10 minutes a day. Try not to cringe/cry in pain and slowly let it relax. And do the super couch stretch.