On July 10 2014 07:32 Jerubaal wrote:
What. How often did you go to the gym?
What. How often did you go to the gym?
I lift 6x a week; but I meant skipping workouts.
Forum Index > Sports |
Netherlands1242 Posts
July 12 2014 14:09 GMT
On July 10 2014 07:32 Jerubaal wrote: What. How often did you go to the gym? I lift 6x a week; but I meant skipping workouts. | ||
Venezuela9374 Posts
July 12 2014 14:36 GMT
On July 12 2014 23:09 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: I lift 6x a week; but I meant skipping workouts. You still doing core lifts? I remember you and I having close numbers on squats and whatnot. :D Wanna race to a new PR? 200kg? | ||
7088 Posts
July 12 2014 15:50 GMT
hoovered for 3 hours without stopping this morning then 2 without stop in afternoon (among everything else), not even gonna bother today BUT I'M OFF FOR 3 FUCKIN DAYS HOLY SHIT (do 4 on 3 off) my boss also wasn't batshit insane today (she is fucking batshit insane woman, you usually can't say a single thing without her misunderstanding it and going mad aggro, you can't believe it, yesterday i thought she was gonna fire me holy shit i was mad at the shit she was saying) so i'm relieved about that LOL i solved my feet aching like shit problem, i replaced the "racing" soles of my altra torins with the thicker soles that came with them, and put on 2 pairs of (thin) socks. those racing soles really were fucking paper thin it turns out. feet not ache (shoulder is fucked tho llol even tho i tried to use left arm 50%) FINALLY got the prescription-only hayfever tablets so actually slept last night (night before and most others was 2 hrs sleep nightmare nose drip sessions) eh i should try OHP again but theres no way its gonna work, my shoulder is aching like shit nonstop just in resting . instead i can do pullup+curl+leg raises methinks omg so happy to be off work too bad i have no friends LOL edit: oh yeah i tried barbell rows from standing/racked position for the first time and , because they allow me to row with PROPER FORM (ie back straight/proper setup) , they seemed to be super fucking effective compared to the "from the ground" bent-over style i was doing all this time (which was me bending over and yanking the barbell up towards me with my back curled over since i cant bend for shit, and which felt more like a forearm exercise in all honesty). SO really fucking pleased about that, i might actually start working my back for the first fucking time ever | ||
United States3090 Posts
July 12 2014 16:06 GMT
On July 13 2014 00:50 FFGenerations wrote: my boss also wasn't batshit insane today (she is fucking batshit insane woman, you usually can't say a single thing without her misunderstanding it and going mad aggro, you can't believe it, yesterday i thought she was gonna fire me holy shit i was mad at the shit she was saying) so i'm relieved about that LOL Things I have learned working on an ambulance: Crazy people are going to be as crazy as you let them. You let them be a little bit ridiculous, they're going to push it further, just like a five year old who wants a cookie. Take control of the situation. Be polite, and adult, but firm. She takes something the wrong way, inform her that you didn't mean it that way, you're sorry that she was offended, but you're not going to hear any more shit about it. Works for me at least. Today: with a partner 50-40-30-20-10 Wallball 20# Power Snatch 95# completed in 20:08. Alternated 10-10-10-10 etc. for the whole thing, except for the set of 30 (10-10-5-5) and 20 snatches, where I did 5, partner did 10, I did 5. Muscle snatched my way through the set of 30, that was stupid but I didn't realize I was doing it until too late. Had no lower back left after that, seized up on me during the following wallballs, but I recovered. Kept my chest up and had good pulls through the sets of 20 and 10. Rode the wallballs waaaay too low as well, took at least half of them to rock bottom instead of just below parallel. 2nd RX wod completed. Fastest RX time was 11:something. Saturday is technically a "competitors class" so there wasn't really anyone my level to compare to, but it felt damn good. Rest of the day is going to be couch stretch (looking for 10 minutes total time each leg) swimming and sunshine. Found a crossfit at home that I think I'm going to go to after the summer is over. Programming isn't as good as what I'm currently doing, but there's more open gym time for me to do strength/skill work, it's cheap (for crossfit - only 65/month) and it's close. Don't knock it till you try it... I haven't made strength progress like this since my first six months of lifting, when I put on 30 pounds, and now I'm doing it while doing regular cardio AND dropping weight and fat. | ||
7088 Posts
July 12 2014 16:43 GMT
like yesterday , it was 12.30pm and us 7 staff had converged and finished all general cleans for the day like super fucking early. (the previous day it was TWO fucking staff , me and this super new girl who id never met). so i thought "awesome, im going to beat the others and ask the boss woman if i can just go home early". i said to the cleaner who has been there 6 years and who literally supervises us (all other staff joined 3 weeks ago when i did) "is it alright with you if i go home early"? and he is like "sure whatever". so i go to the boss woman's office to find her and say "hey, we've finished all the general cleans and seem to be really over-staffed, i've cleared it with Merrick, is it ok for me to go home early today?" so she is like "WHAT DO U MEAN U CLEARED IT WITH MERRICK? HE IS NOT IN CHARGE. HE IS NOT A SUPERVISOR. (ie no1 has job title of "supervisor" we are all cleaners) YOU TALK TO ME AND ONLY TO ME. " i tried to explain i talked to merrick coz he knows what jobs we've done/needed to do coz he is on-site with us (and , no shit, i should have said its respectful to check with your other employees if its ok for someone to leave early!!!!!!????? ) but the sheer suddenly craziness makes me super ineloquent and she just stomps on me. then she is like "now, this is your first official day working here isn't it? " i'm like (WTF IS SHE TALKING ABOUT NOW??) "er, well 3rd day" (i have actually been working for like 3 weeks , 40 hours/week, but offered to do her a favour by registering with them instead of working through a job agency, which obv saves them money but i had to lie to the job agency). so she says "ok, your 3rd day. now tell me, how would you feel in my shoes if you were an employee and your worker came to you on his first day and asked to go home early? what sort of attitude do you think that reflects to your employer??" im like .......WTF??? 1) i have been here like 3 weeks 2) she knows me reasonably well coz we have chatted numerous times whilst together in like laundry and she told me about the computer game she'd like to make and about her daugfhter etc etc so i dont expect this madness comment 3) the previous day when she called in to take the day off and it was literally ME and completely new girl on the morning when usually there are 5 (or apparently 6, 7) staff on AND there was annual inspection which NO ONE knew about so i was doing the normal jobs plus running around to reception every hour asking them what extra special jobs they needed doing and shes sitting there , for some fucking reason, not even saying that i have a bad attitude, but apparently contemplating the possibility that i might be construed to reflect a bad attitude???????????? WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK? so i dont even know what i say, i just agree with her or say "i dont know" or whatever shit, holy jesus christ. she leads me to find the other 6 staff who are standing around and says shes gonna find us some extra jobs to do (THATS FUCKING FINE, WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO JUST SAY? WHY ATTACK PEOPLE EVERY TIME THEY OPEN THEIR MOUTH AROUND YOU??) then later at end of day i tell her i lost this key and it hasnt shown up, she is like "This is a very, very serious matter. You know that, don't you?" im like "YEAH..............ITS A "FUCKING" KEY??" (actually they're so shit-disorganised they only have 1 copy of this key rofl but how is that my fault? stupid FUCKS). u know what other examples i have of her? she randomly said to one of us (all new workers remember) "You don't like taking orders from women, do you?" he told us she said that to him, he said he had no idea wtf her problem was and was like "im 40 years old and married, o/c i dont care about taking orders from women" other stuff is like, "WHO PUT THIS LABEL ON THIS BOX?" coworker girl: oh, i did "NO. YOU DON'T LABEL THINGS. THATS MY JOB." coworker girl: oh...ok....;; or there are like 8 new bins in the domestics office and i say "i was told the swimming pool needs some bins, ill put 2 of those in there ok?" she is like "THATS WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR????" im like ".........im just fucking letting you", the boss, "know", ok? jesus fucking christ. maybe im completely loopy but if you take some newly purchased equipment then its good to inform your boss where ur taking it i told my mom how she blew up about me asking to go home early and my mom explained that in "permanent" positions for many jobs, you work set hours nomatter what and no one ever goes home early, because it fucks with their payment system or whatever. this is new to me coz all of my jobs in the past have been pay-by-the-hour/if there are too many staff then someone just goes home etc. if my domestics boss could explain that instead of randomly threatening me about being seen as having a bad attitude?? the good news as mentioned was today she didnt say shit about that key (oc i keep my mouth shut all fuckin day now nomatter what) and only said "tnx v much for ur hard work" when i left which was awesome. BUT WHO KNOWS WHAT THE NEXT DAY WILL BRING. (the other staff are know she is fuckin loopy, they talk about it a lot, so its not just me thank god) probabnly is i wasnt fucked out my brain on physical labour then i would be awake enough to handle this shit better, maybe. also if i forget shes a raving lunatic and treat her like a normal person then im asking for it | ||
Chile4591 Posts
July 12 2014 18:12 GMT
Yesterday: PC up to 90kg, full cleans practice Deadlift 190kgx3x8 Today: PS 70x1x2, full snatch practice I think I've finally understood the basics of the pulls, it feels so fucking good. Didn't want to go heavier to not mess things up, but finally I think I'll start moving the weights again. Also, I'm fairly certain my right side is higher than my left one. Right shoulder pain and uneven feeling dissapear when I bring my left hand in (more centered than right) in squats, cleans and snatches lol. | ||
7088 Posts
July 12 2014 18:37 GMT
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Mexico308 Posts
July 13 2014 21:37 GMT
High hang snatch 115/2 135/2/2 145/2/2 155/2 165/2/2 175/1 Snatch 175/3/2 185/2 185/3 200/1 P clean + p jerk 185/1+2/3 200/1+2/3 215/1+2 220/1+2 230/1+1 240/1+1 Squat 275/2 300/5/3 Sn pull 190/3 195/3/2 5lb PR on the power jerk lol. Not the prettiest though. | ||
7088 Posts
July 14 2014 09:15 GMT
+ Show Spoiler + edit: made this desktop background which is pretty cool + Show Spoiler + | ||
Canada150 Posts
July 14 2014 12:05 GMT
Morning session is done. Had a nice FS PR but jetk work and hang snatch were technique weights.. In KG FS : up to 158x1, 148x2x2, 140x3x2 Split jerk: up to 85x2x1, 80x3x2 Hng sn: up to 75x1, 65x2 Snatch, CNJ and Back Squat in 2 hours. I will likely still lift light weights for sn and cnj but heavy for BS. They like to lift a LOT here. Got some vids from my lifts and one bulgarian kid lifting and being coached by Lechev. I'll try to post them tonight. | ||
Peru10038 Posts
July 14 2014 14:05 GMT
sorry for the big missunderstand ![]() back to reality. | ||
United States19932 Posts
July 14 2014 14:11 GMT
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United States1539 Posts
July 14 2014 14:17 GMT
On July 14 2014 23:05 Topin wrote: i changed gym and i learned that my older gym had ALL his weights in pounds, T_T i thougn being my conuntry one that use kg 99% of the time this will be the case in that gym too. sorry for the big missunderstand ![]() back to reality. T_T Well.. that must be pretty disappointing. Good luck with your training anyway. | ||
Venezuela9374 Posts
July 14 2014 14:17 GMT
Improve ankle flexibility: http://www.lift.net/2012/11/28/increase-ankle-mobility-and-flexibility-by-kelly-starrett/ gogo Kelly, you da man! | ||
Australia7535 Posts
July 14 2014 14:30 GMT
On July 14 2014 23:05 Topin wrote: i changed gym and i learned that my older gym had ALL his weights in pounds, T_T i thougn being my conuntry one that use kg 99% of the time this will be the case in that gym too. sorry for the big missunderstand ![]() back to reality. Wait a minute, you're telling me that you were picking up 40kg dumbells thinking that they were actually 90kg? How long did this go on? I don't mean to tease you but thats kinda hilarious lmao. | ||
Peru10038 Posts
July 14 2014 14:35 GMT
On July 14 2014 23:30 ShadeR wrote: Show nested quote + On July 14 2014 23:05 Topin wrote: i changed gym and i learned that my older gym had ALL his weights in pounds, T_T i thougn being my conuntry one that use kg 99% of the time this will be the case in that gym too. sorry for the big missunderstand ![]() back to reality. Wait a minute, you're telling me that you were picking up 40kg dumbells thinking that they were actually 90kg? How long did this go on? I don't mean to tease you but thats kinda hilarious lmao. hhahaha worst than that :$ | ||
7088 Posts
July 14 2014 14:44 GMT
On July 14 2014 23:17 funkie wrote: found this, and thought people might like it. Improve ankle flexibility: http://www.lift.net/2012/11/28/increase-ankle-mobility-and-flexibility-by-kelly-starrett/ gogo Kelly, you da man! can do a similar (possibly) movement by kneeling with one leg up and balancing a 20kg weight on that knee , hold onto a bench or something infront of you for balance | ||
United States1539 Posts
July 14 2014 15:39 GMT
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United States19932 Posts
July 14 2014 16:18 GMT
On July 15 2014 00:39 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: So I hurt my shoulder slightly when I was OHPing a few days ago. It's not major pain (only hurts if I put my arm behind my back and try to scratch my shoulder blade or something like that position), but I want to pre-hab it/prevent it from worsening. Are there any good rotator cuff pre-hab exercises, or should I just try to do some reverse dumbbell flyes and try to use stricter form on pressing? I'm going to stall the weight on my pressing exercises and make sure that I don't continue to progress until I can keep my shoulders tucked in more and not have them flare out when I get out of the bottom position. LYTPs, Sots Press, Smashing everything in and around your shoulder with lax balls, barbells, and bands. See youtube + kelly starrett for ideas. Been doing all of these a lot lately and it's helping quite a bit. | ||
Sweden2361 Posts
July 14 2014 16:54 GMT
On July 15 2014 00:39 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: So I hurt my shoulder slightly when I was OHPing a few days ago. It's not major pain (only hurts if I put my arm behind my back and try to scratch my shoulder blade or something like that position), but I want to pre-hab it/prevent it from worsening. Are there any good rotator cuff pre-hab exercises, or should I just try to do some reverse dumbbell flyes and try to use stricter form on pressing? I'm going to stall the weight on my pressing exercises and make sure that I don't continue to progress until I can keep my shoulders tucked in more and not have them flare out when I get out of the bottom position. Do dem face pullz http://nicktumminello.com/2014/03/face-pulls-grip-tip-and-top-2-variations/ | ||
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