On July 09 2014 17:55 thedeadhaji wrote: Does anyone know Dimsum's contact info? A friend of mine who's oly lifting seriously is visiting nj next week and I wanted to put them in touch.
On July 09 2014 17:55 thedeadhaji wrote: Does anyone know Dimsum's contact info? A friend of mine who's oly lifting seriously is visiting nj next week and I wanted to put them in touch.
The only thing I know is that he coaches at CrossFit Aspire in Cherry Hill.
On July 09 2014 08:43 funkie wrote: I did a no hands squat on the gym to impress some bitches up in the hizzei (100kg)
Impressed they were. .
got thru 5 days of my upper body shit, plus no smoking , now doing my first sesh after work (bench, abs)!!!
wish my feet didnt fucking hurt, i wear altra torin professional ultra padded marethon shoes but my feet start to hurt every single day at work after about 6 hours....it really pisses me off. if its not something like my back aching like shit then something else randomly turns up to create a totally new problem.
been taking 50-100g of protein shake per day without fail (if im reading it correctly) which makes me feel really good about everything! its a rare phase when im doing gym + getting shitloads of protein + not smoking + working a job + sleeping properly due to ZERO DOTA + back isnt aching during day. rare indeed.
on the other hand my itchy ball syndrome seems to be coming back after dying down, i might be allergic to this laundry detergent....................?????? for the love of god it needs to get sorted. nothing comes up on google and the last doctor said to use moisturisor FUCK YOU i didnt get my balls out to be told to try moisturisor.
holy shit i could just lie here and type shit all evening but i better go outside
Had 4 days off from the gym for the first time in three years, minus the handful of times when I was recovering from surgery. It felt really good actually, haven't felt this mentally "on" in months.
Today: 15 minutes to work to a 1rm Overhead Squat, Max 135# Front Squat 7 sets of 5 @ 155
Conditioning: EMOM for 15 minutes: 1st minute: 7 Overhead Squats w/ 3 second pause at bottom (65#) 2nd minute: 45 seconds plank, 15 seconds rest 3rd minute: 7 Chest to Bar pullups (scaled with a band)
Also stuck around and did 5x5 barbell rows, but at a pretty light weight. Back feels fantastic. Tomorrow will be an "active rest day" but I'll probably throw some kind of heavy upper body lift just because I don't feel like once a week is enough for those.
Haven't seen myself squat in years. Don't like it. Gonna take a ton of weight off and go more vertical like in the last couple sets. Also hit 130/150, most I've hit since the arnold. Slowly getting stronger and back in shape.
Today: 20 minutes foam roll and stretching hips (flexors and extensors) 10 minutes lacrosse ball T-spine and hamstrings
8x5 pullups with kip, unbroken 8x5 ring dips no kip.
If I didn't string together the pullups (had to stop my swing and reset myself) I started the count over. Attempted to do the dips unbroken, but after the 5th set that wasn't going down anymore.
Then: 10 tire flips (flat ground, tire weight unknown - but it was about 5'8 diameter?) 10 tire flips (uphill, with a smaller tire. Probably around 4' diameter)
Tire flips are fun. Might make a real workout out of those next week.
Started watching a lot of Snatch videos on youtube, and slowed them down 0.5 speed to really get a closer look at the movements, forms and steps of the lift.
I'm going to use the notes I took and try to apply them to the best of my abilities to my form tomorrow.
I shall be posting videos pretty soon, just trying to get form down well first.
I won't be happy til they look like lu xiaojun squats.
Ilya Ilyin don't even break parallel on most of his squats and it doesn't seem to hurt his lifts :p
We did a moderate weight training yesterday. My first snatch I had Abadjiev 5 feet away looking at me. I was intimidated ahah. I went to him later on and told him I tought he would call me "chicken legs". (Bulgarians says chicken legs when a lifter has weak legs and sausage arms when the arms are weak).
On July 11 2014 21:33 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: I caught the stomach flu.. makes training a bit draining but I'm so focused that I can go through the sessions.
This morning we did FS, pwr snatch and pwr cleans. We will be doing Snatch, CNJ and BS in about an hour.
Coach Ivan Lechev helps me a ton with technique. He speaks french so its easy to communicate. Hopefully I will have the energy to lift heavy weights.
You should take videos man!
Really glad you're getting some top-class hand coaching! :D
My squats are pretty ugly still cause I didn't have a lot of time/room for mobility work (my basement flooded; my mom had a lot to do with work and I couldn't go to the gym when my basement was flooded) or lifting this past week. I missed one workout this week unfortunately, but I'll have to make up for it next week. I think that I'll keep my squat at 175 for 2 more sessions, bench I'll keep there until 135 feels more comfortable and I'll just deadlift 270 for one more session then move up to 280. Feel like I'm regaining my strength pretty quickly since it's only been about 3 weeks since I started lifting again.
mobility only takes enough room to do a couch stretch and/or sit on a softball/lacrosse ball/foam roller!
Today: Front squat 10x3 @ 185 w/ 60 sec rest Never would have expected this. When I started crossfit this was my 3rm. Vision was going blurry when I unracked the last 3 sets, but I finished.
Push Press 115x3 120x3 125x3 130x3 135x2 135x1 Would have finished the last set, but I hit the barbell off the pullup bar over my head. Reset everything and finished it with no problem.
Tweaked something in my hip, so I skipped the conditioning workout. Did another 6 triples of Push Press at 115 instead.
On July 11 2014 21:33 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: I caught the stomach flu.. makes training a bit draining but I'm so focused that I can go through the sessions.
This morning we did FS, pwr snatch and pwr cleans. We will be doing Snatch, CNJ and BS in about an hour.
Coach Ivan Lechev helps me a ton with technique. He speaks french so its easy to communicate. Hopefully I will have the energy to lift heavy weights.
You should take videos man!
Really glad you're getting some top-class hand coaching! :D
I have videos but I can't upload them from here the wifi is the slowest thing in the world.