thanks for the feedback, i will experiment pushing my head forward more in ohp, and keeping tight. i will do that "break your arms backwards" stretch because i think that is what will help.
as i said, no need to critique squat since there is so much wrong that i can't immediately (or even in the near future) fix due to mobility. i will take them back up again between 60-70kg so i dont lose everything, but i wont have a focus on moving up until my mobility is 100% ready for them now, which will take a long time. i just cant be fucked with potentially injuring myself by "doing it my own way" (which has been working but will just increasingly more dangerous as i go up)
shame i couldnt show off my pclean properly!! i loves it.
tomorrow i need to focus on doing college work otherwise i would throw out some more deadlifts. sat/sun i work from 2-11 but i can run a bit. so expect some bench & dead video on monday with any luck!
On November 02 2012 07:36 FFGenerations wrote: thanks for the feedback, i will experiment pushing my head forward more in ohp, and keeping tight. i will do that "break your arms backwards" stretch because i think that is what will help.
as i said, no need to critique squat since there is so much wrong that i can't immediately (or even in the near future) fix due to mobility. i will take them back up again between 60-70kg so i dont lose everything, but i wont have a focus on moving up until my mobility is 100% ready for them now, which will take a long time. i just cant be fucked with potentially injuring myself by "doing it my own way" (which has been working but will just increasingly more dangerous as i go up)
shame i couldnt show off my pclean properly!! i loves it.
tomorrow i need to focus on doing college work otherwise i would throw out some more deadlifts. sat/sun i work from 2-11 but i can run a bit. so expect some bench & dead video on monday with any luck!
I dont know man, its a pretty well known fact that the longer you do an exercise wrong, the harder it becomes to fix at a later point. You learn motor engrams regarding your squat. In other words through constant repetition, you ingrain instructions into your nervous system that now subconsciously take over. So, if you are squatting really wrong over and over, your brain is gonna learn to squat like that, and then when it comes time to fix it, it becomes 10 times harder than it would be to fix had you tried correcting it early on. Heres a quick video kinda explaining what I mean. (skip to about 2:40)
I would personally drop the weight to something low, and work on correcting single portions of your squat until that part becomes natural. Either way, GL and keep lifting
Didn't get a video but I hit 605x1 on DL today, so that was sweet. Here's my back day routine, went fairly well I'd say
Supine Grip Bent Over Rows 10x135 10x185 10x225 Pronate Grip Bent Over Rows 8x275 6x325 Deadlift 6x315 6x405 2x495 1x605 Wide Grip Chin Ups, Dead Hang, No Swing 5x8 HammerStrength High Row 10x205 10x255 10x305 One Armed DB Row, 100 lbs 2x20 Lat Pulldown 10x205 10x235 10x265 DB Spider Curls 10x40 10x37.5 10x35 DB Hammer Curls, 50 Lbs 2x20
Yes, it's my longest day, but also very enjoyable.
So my arms are fucked, taking pills and shit, w/e, but I was thinking, I used to be fine before I started squatting lowbar again. I think the tightening of my arms up and backwards might be the problem here. When I'm struggling with the last rep my whole body is flexing like, uh... like, like an asshole. When I get pulled over by the cops.
Yeah, like an asshole. And my arms are no exception, shoving those badboys up behind my back like I'm being arrested. By the cops, right? After I get pulled over?
The end of that anology was completely by accident. That's pretty cool. Anyway, now my arms are both injured, so question is, anyone else here experience problems with their lower arms/biceps/elbow pits when squatting lowbar as opposed to high-bar?
On November 02 2012 18:44 Osmoses wrote: So my arms are fucked, taking pills and shit, w/e, but I was thinking, I used to be fine before I started squatting lowbar again. I think the tightening of my arms up and backwards might be the problem here. When I'm struggling with the last rep my whole body is flexing like, uh... like, like an asshole. When I get pulled over by the cops.
Yeah, like an asshole. And my arms are no exception, shoving those badboys up behind my back like I'm being arrested. By the cops, right? After I get pulled over?
The end of that anology was completely by accident. That's pretty cool. Anyway, now my arms are both injured, so question is, anyone else here experience problems with their lower arms/biceps/elbow pits when squatting lowbar as opposed to high-bar?
I did have a bit of annoyance before I started doing shoulder dislocations (this, but slow and controlled). Do those 3x10 twice a day with as narrow grip as you can, move in the grip too. You should probably wait for your shoulders to be okay before doing them however.
My pulled groin is finally feeling somewhat fine again! Haven't worked out since saturday except for some core and gripwork. I'm so under stimulated lol. Will squat some low weights today and see how it feels. Can't wait!!
On November 02 2012 18:44 Osmoses wrote: So my arms are fucked, taking pills and shit, w/e, but I was thinking, I used to be fine before I started squatting lowbar again. I think the tightening of my arms up and backwards might be the problem here. When I'm struggling with the last rep my whole body is flexing like, uh... like, like an asshole. When I get pulled over by the cops.
Yeah, like an asshole. And my arms are no exception, shoving those badboys up behind my back like I'm being arrested. By the cops, right? After I get pulled over?
The end of that anology was completely by accident. That's pretty cool. Anyway, now my arms are both injured, so question is, anyone else here experience problems with their lower arms/biceps/elbow pits when squatting lowbar as opposed to high-bar?
Hit 10 Chin-Ups today, which was the goal I set at the beginning of this year (when I couldn't even do one). Bodyweight approximately 102,5kg. My goal weight for the end of the year was at most 105kg, which means I hit two goals already. There is no way I can hit my goals in the big lifts (OHP Squat Deadlift), but that doesn't really matter, next year when I won't have to lose weight anymore I will get to it. Last achievable goal is 15 Dips, hit 12-13 two months or so back, but I am not training those right now. So we'll see.
On November 02 2012 00:10 FFGenerations wrote: went in with laptop to film (couldnt do it in old gym as laptop battery was broke)
pclean - too unrecovered to do any proper reps. i got 1 rep which was good enough to put on camera. just for show really. and this rep is awful too (looks like i jump backwards land on my toes and catch wrong).
ohp - my form is naturally very bad with this. its probably my arm mobility. i tend to hyperextend my back and have to be careful to brace with my knees incase i break my back. i was too knackered to keep everything tight and just flung out some sets. but you get the picture of what im doing and how bad it is
squat - doesnt need any critique. because its so damn bad all over. and you cant see how bad it is in the videos anyway, its way worse than it looks
tldr: any random tips for ohp based on my video of it?
I'm no squatting expert but I finished reading Rippetoes Starting strength not long ago so I felt I could chime in and say that as long as your hipcrease is below the upper part of your knee at the bottom of your squat then you are a-ok in Rippetoes eyes. Appearantly that's the ROM you need to really start to incorporate you hamstrings in the exercise. And as far as i cen tell your ROM is quite nice.
Also, your knees CAN extend over your feet. It all depends on the squat variation and form. For a powerlifter with a super wide stance and the bar placed on the delts then, yeah, your knees shouldn't extend over your feet. However if you try to do that doing a high bar squat (which it seems like you're doing) with a narrow stance you'd fall on your ass.
On November 03 2012 09:18 Mementoss wrote: i DID 5/3/1 BUT 7- % 10X5 IS IMPOSSIBOE WAHT DO ANYONE EXPEREND
in 5/3/1 Wendler says do 30-40% the first time you try this and then 50-60%. I'm lying on the floor after 10x5 at 50%. I'd be lying in the ER after 10x5 at 70% lol
On November 02 2012 00:10 FFGenerations wrote: went in with laptop to film (couldnt do it in old gym as laptop battery was broke)
pclean - too unrecovered to do any proper reps. i got 1 rep which was good enough to put on camera. just for show really. and this rep is awful too (looks like i jump backwards land on my toes and catch wrong).
ohp - my form is naturally very bad with this. its probably my arm mobility. i tend to hyperextend my back and have to be careful to brace with my knees incase i break my back. i was too knackered to keep everything tight and just flung out some sets. but you get the picture of what im doing and how bad it is
squat - doesnt need any critique. because its so damn bad all over. and you cant see how bad it is in the videos anyway, its way worse than it looks
tldr: any random tips for ohp based on my video of it?
Echoing some comments that have already been said:
You are leaning too far forward in your squats. Your knee CAN go over your toes especially if you do high bar, but you still need to try to sit back as much as possible. Curling your toes in would help. Also, try squatting without shoes or something without a heel like converse.
For you OHP, it looks like you are using too much of your wrists, and that could get really bad especially if you move into higher weights (and it could be what's stopping your progress). If you look in the video, your wrists are almost bent backwards 90 degrees. Try gripping the bar like you would for bench press, and make a conscious effort to keep your wrists in a neutral position (maybe something like 30 degrees backwards, maximum)
I don't really understand how everyone is recommending a flat shoe for FFG to squat in. His shoes should make squatting considerably easier and more comfortable. I got the same shoes and squatting with a higher heel is so much better and easier to hit depth. I don't understand your reasoning at all.
On November 03 2012 16:58 Malinor wrote: I don't really understand how everyone is recommending a flat shoe for FFG to squat in. His shoes should make squatting considerably easier and more comfortable. I got the same shoes and squatting with a higher heel is so much better and easier to hit depth. I don't understand your reasoning at all.
Oly shoes makes me lean forward more, and he's already leaning so far forward, it could be something worth trying
On November 03 2012 07:16 Malinor wrote: Hit 10 Chin-Ups today, which was the goal I set at the beginning of this year (when I couldn't even do one). Bodyweight approximately 102,5kg. My goal weight for the end of the year was at most 105kg, which means I hit two goals already. There is no way I can hit my goals in the big lifts (OHP Squat Deadlift), but that doesn't really matter, next year when I won't have to lose weight anymore I will get to it. Last achievable goal is 15 Dips, hit 12-13 two months or so back, but I am not training those right now. So we'll see.
Alright Malinor, now you're actually ahead of me in chins
I gotta get serious if I'm gonna hit my goals for the year, but I keep hurting myself >_<
On November 02 2012 00:10 FFGenerations wrote: went in with laptop to film (couldnt do it in old gym as laptop battery was broke)
pclean - too unrecovered to do any proper reps. i got 1 rep which was good enough to put on camera. just for show really. and this rep is awful too (looks like i jump backwards land on my toes and catch wrong).
ohp - my form is naturally very bad with this. its probably my arm mobility. i tend to hyperextend my back and have to be careful to brace with my knees incase i break my back. i was too knackered to keep everything tight and just flung out some sets. but you get the picture of what im doing and how bad it is
squat - doesnt need any critique. because its so damn bad all over. and you cant see how bad it is in the videos anyway, its way worse than it looks
tldr: any random tips for ohp based on my video of it?
I'm no squatting expert but I finished reading Rippetoes Starting strength not long ago so I felt I could chime in and say that as long as your hipcrease is below the upper part of your knee at the bottom of your squat then you are a-ok in Rippetoes eyes. Appearantly that's the ROM you need to really start to incorporate you hamstrings in the exercise. And as far as i cen tell your ROM is quite nice.
Also, your knees CAN extend over your feet. It all depends on the squat variation and form. For a powerlifter with a super wide stance and the bar placed on the delts then, yeah, your knees shouldn't extend over your feet. However if you try to do that doing a high bar squat (which it seems like you're doing) with a narrow stance you'd fall on your ass.
On November 03 2012 09:18 Mementoss wrote: i DID 5/3/1 BUT 7- % 10X5 IS IMPOSSIBOE WAHT DO ANYONE EXPEREND
in 5/3/1 Wendler says do 30-40% the first time you try this and then 50-60%. I'm lying on the floor after 10x5 at 50%. I'd be lying in the ER after 10x5 at 70% lol
I think its too late to go back, so I will just put in max effort if I cant get 10 reps so be it, maybe the 2nd cycle I will be able to do it better. But yeah I was not used to high reps at all when I started the first 5x10 killed me in squats.
Deadlift (belt, no straps): 190x1, 210kgx1, 225kgx1 (TIE PR) Deadlift (no belt, straps): 182.5x3x5 Kroc Rows : 100pounds x12x3
Added belt and 10kg to my 1rm from last week, felt completely smooth. Going for 230 next week, and for a third attempt of 240 at competition. No doubt I can pull the weight with chalk. Huge vanity aside, cant wait to cut 5kg after competition and look at the thickest back ever lol.
@FFG - the power clean looks more like a muscle clean to me. I would try going through the calstrength "teaching the clean" videos to work on your form. Either grab them off the calstrength site, or I think they're linked in the OP of the oly thread. As far as the squat, if you can just keep your weight on your heels, I think that will solve most of the "sit back more" and depth problems you're having. You let the weight get on the ball of your foot, which means your knees have to come forward, and then you can't get proper depth. Start the motion with "hips back" not "down". Then start the upward portion of the squat with "hips forward" not "stand up". Helped me a ton with my squat.
Going to the gym today, should be hitting 100kg on squats. I'm not using linear progression anymore, I'm doing triples up to a max, then backing off to 80% and doing 2-4 sets of 5. I think the triples are good for me, because a big problem with my squat is mental, and feeling a heavier weight on my back at first gives me an ability to push myself through the 80% lifts, I'm also not letting myself cut sets short - I used to do a lot of "I don't think I can make the next one" and I would rack the bar after the 3rd rep. Now I'm going until I actually fail the squat, or I finish the set. I figure if I never actually fail, I'm really just not pushing myself enough.
A friend of mine just competed at the WPF world champs today and while I'm not sure how he went in his category I know he got a new wpf world record in the deadlift.
Managed to lift 280,5 - 185 - 340 for a 805,5kg total.
Vid of the bench lift:
Will keep an eye out if there will be a vid of the deadlift.