On November 01 2012 01:11 funkie wrote: Who wants to design a program for me?
I think I'm done with SNP and need something to motivate me. I want to be able to lift big weights, aesthethics aren't a main concern but I don't want to be fat, I want to be "just ok". Lower bodyfat wouldn't bother me, but I guess that's more dieting than exercising.
So, anybody wants to design a workout plan for me? I'm open to anybody who wants to. My stats are:
Back Squat: 175kg Front Squat: 140kg Deadlift: 180kg. Bench Press: 90kg Overhead Press: 70kg Clean and Jerk: 90kg Chinups: 10-10-10 Dips: 10-10-10-15-15 (I don't even know if these matter). hanging leg Raise: 15-15-15-15 Hanging Leg Raise + 5kg: 12-12-12-12 Hanging Leg Raise + 10kg: 12-12-10
So yes, I don't know what's my BW as of now, but I'll get it tomorrow morning and let you guys know.
Dont be lazy, the only one that can determine what you need to do is you. Read a lot, pick a program which you think suits your needs, or design one yourself depending on what you want to progress at.
FS: 125kgx3x8 BP: 135kgx1, 125x3x3, Incline BP 70kgx5x3, DB seated press 30poundsx12x3, hammer curls 30poundsx10x3
October is done, so time to reflect on some goals I set. Unfortunately I didn't record when I set these goals, or the weights at that time. That'll be something to remember for next time.
Goals (by October 31st): (all 3 sets of 5 except DL which is 1x5) Squat: 115 kg (253 lb) Deadlift: 140 kg (308 lb) Bench: 75 kg (165 lb) OHP: 47 kg (103 lb) Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Actual: Squat: 100 kg (220 lb) Deadlift: 135 kg (297 lb) Bench: 77 kg (169 lb) OHP: 45 kg (99 lb) Weight: 74 kg (163 lb)
New Goals (by December 31st) Squat: 115 kg (253 lb) Deadlift: 155 kg (341 lb) Bench: 82 kg (180 lb) OHP: 50 kg (110 lb) Weight: 76 kg (167 lb)
Notes: So overall, achieved 1/5 goals. Not great. But still feel like progress is being made.
Squat: Squats are hard. Any weight over 100kg is a huge sticking point. This lift hasn't gained at all. I increase the weight, my form breaks down, and I feel like I need to deload again to fix it. The last 100kg lifts I did were fairly easy and form was good, so I'm hoping I can increase from here. Provided my form can stay consistent, I think getting to 115 in a couple of months is achievable.
Deadlift: My favourite lift. Attempted 140kg in my last session for October but could only get 3 reps. One good rep, one horribly rounded back rep and one rep with almost failing grip. I took a little break, chalked up again and tried for the last two, but the bar wouldn't budge. Planning to add 20kg by year's end, about 5kg every fortnight. This might be a bit ambitious. Major Milestone Goal: If I get 155kg, that'll be a little over 2x bodyweight Deadlift.
Bench: Probably my weakest lift. Finally making some gains and feel like my form is settling down. New goal is only 4kg more, but given my past inconsistency with this lift, I didn't want to aim too high. Major Milestone Goal: Anything over 80kg will be huge for me. Have been hovering around 70kg for the longest time, 80kg has always seemed far away. Once I hit 80, I can then plan to go to 90kg!
OHP: Didn't achieve the goal, but I got close, so not too bummed about it. I'm liking this lift more and more. New goal is for 4kg more. About 1kg every fortnight. Should be achievable. Major Milestone Goal: The big plates. The bar at my gym is only 10kg. So lifting 50kg will mean I can lift the big plates (10+20+20). That'll look sweet.
Weight: Just 1kg shy which is ok I think. This is the heaviest I've ever been, and steadily gaining. Getting between 3000-3300 cal per day. Mainly chicken, veges, tuna, rice, almonds, salads. One day a week I'll have a big meal from McDonalds. Hoping for 2kg more by year's end, about 500g per week. That actually sounds pretty ambitious. I don't want to go too 'dirty' so we'll see.
Overall: I've had a really nice run the last couple of months. I've been consistently getting to the gym, eating enough and avoiding illness. I'm still not getting enough sleep, so that'll be something to work on over the next couple of months. I also want to work on my arms a bit more this period. I have thin limbs in general, and though my legs are filling out nicely from DL/Squats, my arms not so much from BP/OHP. So I've recently added in Pullups/Chins/Dips/Curls on my lighter day.
On October 30 2012 07:20 Demurity wrote: I'm not much of a lifter, but my 16 year old brother is a powerlifter-- he's competed once, got 1st in teen and 2nd in mens--and now holds a record. He started lifting around January 2011. We're both Korean =].
His lifts: Bench: 325 lb (147 kg) Squat: 605 lb (274 kg) Deadlift: 650 lb (295 kg)
Height: around 5'9'' - 5'10'' Bodyweight: 194 lb (88 kg)
His goals: Bench: 405 lb before summer Squat: 700 lb before spring Deadlift: 700 lb before 2013
It'd be appreciated if you check out his youtube: iliftnoodbrah He's trying to post more videos and his progress of his (what I think is impressive) lifts ~
wtf man your brother is a beast, I think he can crush all 192 records except the deadlift (imba ed coan) within the next few years. He still has room for around 10 pounds of weight if he cuts a bit before competitions on that class. By far his squat is the most impressive. Man, he is so young/strong he could even pick up oly lifting on the off season and dominate kids of his age on that aswell imo. Srsly, he is really amazing :p
Yeah his pride lies within his squats. Given our genetics we've been given a solid set of legs. He's been considering olympic lifts... but for now I think he wants to stick with power.
On a side note, GoTunk do you still play BW? :p
No, I'm working on getting rich and breaking powerlifting records, takes most of my time ;(. Get ur brother to start posting here.
On November 01 2012 10:16 BoxingKangaroo wrote: October is done, so time to reflect on some goals I set. Unfortunately I didn't record when I set these goals, or the weights at that time. That'll be something to remember for next time.
Goals (by October 31st): (all 3 sets of 5 except DL which is 1x5) Squat: 115 kg (253 lb) Deadlift: 140 kg (308 lb) Bench: 75 kg (165 lb) OHP: 47 kg (103 lb) Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Actual: Squat: 100 kg (220 lb) Deadlift: 135 kg (297 lb) Bench: 77 kg (169 lb) OHP: 45 kg (99 lb) Weight: 74 kg (163 lb)
New Goals (by December 31st) Squat: 115 kg (253 lb) Deadlift: 155 kg (341 lb) Bench: 82 kg (180 lb) OHP: 50 kg (110 lb) Weight: 76 kg (167 lb)
Notes: So overall, achieved 1/5 goals. Not great. But still feel like progress is being made.
Squat: Squats are hard. Any weight over 100kg is a huge sticking point. This lift hasn't gained at all. I increase the weight, my form breaks down, and I feel like I need to deload again to fix it. The last 100kg lifts I did were fairly easy and form was good, so I'm hoping I can increase from here. Provided my form can stay consistent, I think getting to 115 in a couple of months is achievable.
Bench: Probably my weakest lift. Finally making some gains and feel like my form is settling down. New goal is only 4kg more, but given my past inconsistency with this lift, I didn't want to aim too high. Major Milestone Goal: Anything over 80kg will be huge for me. Have been hovering around 70kg for the longest time, 80kg has always seemed far away. Once I hit 80, I can then plan to go to 90kg!
OHP: Didn't achieve the goal, but I got close, so not too bummed about it. I'm liking this lift more and more. New goal is for 4kg more. About 1kg every fortnight. Should be achievable. Major Milestone Goal: The big plates. The bar at my gym is only 10kg. So lifting 50kg will mean I can lift the big plates (10+20+20). That'll look sweet.
Overall: I've had a really nice run the last couple of months. I've been consistently getting to the gym, eating enough and avoiding illness. I'm still not getting enough sleep, so that'll be something to work on over the next couple of months. I also want to work on my arms a bit more this period. I have thin limbs in general, and though my legs are filling out nicely from DL/Squats, my arms not so much from BP/OHP. So I've recently added in Pullups/Chins/Dips/Curls on my lighter day.
So that's my update. Wish me luck.
I'm at a similar point with squat as you and what I've found is really focusing on technique has helped a bunch. It hasn't really made the lifts easy but when you have bad form it really screws up your following lifts. Do some practice at lower weights and go real deep.
I find it funny that you say bench is your weakest when it seems pretty clear to me that your OHP is much lower than the rest. To me your bench looks about right and your OHP low. I don't know what your body is like or how long you've been lifting though, it's just an observation.
Today: Squat 1x3 60, 87.5, 107.5, 1x2 130kg, 1x1 145, 160, 175kg, 1x2 157.5kg - matched my PR, which was still easy. I'll probably go for the 5kg PR with 180kg next week. BP 1x5 50, 65, 1x3 75, 1x2 87.5, 1x1 102.5kg - had to rush the last set because I had to get back home. I'll see how I feel on Sunday with 100kg for reps.
BoxingKangaroo, nice writeup. One huge thing about setting goals is to evaluate why the reality deviates from the plan and also what you can do to fix that. What really helped my form on the squats I think was doing 10 repsx5 sets of a squat variation after the working sets. They say that you need to repeat a movement a 1000 times before it becomes a part of your automatic motor pattern.
On November 01 2012 01:11 funkie wrote: Who wants to design a program for me?
I think I'm done with SNP and need something to motivate me. I want to be able to lift big weights, aesthethics aren't a main concern but I don't want to be fat, I want to be "just ok". Lower bodyfat wouldn't bother me, but I guess that's more dieting than exercising.
So, anybody wants to design a workout plan for me? I'm open to anybody who wants to. My stats are:
Back Squat: 175kg Front Squat: 140kg Deadlift: 180kg. Bench Press: 90kg Overhead Press: 70kg Clean and Jerk: 90kg Chinups: 10-10-10 Dips: 10-10-10-15-15 (I don't even know if these matter). hanging leg Raise: 15-15-15-15 Hanging Leg Raise + 5kg: 12-12-12-12 Hanging Leg Raise + 10kg: 12-12-10
So yes, I don't know what's my BW as of now, but I'll get it tomorrow morning and let you guys know.
Who are you and where is the screaming squatting funkie we all know and love
went in with laptop to film (couldnt do it in old gym as laptop battery was broke)
pclean - too unrecovered to do any proper reps. i got 1 rep which was good enough to put on camera. just for show really. and this rep is awful too (looks like i jump backwards land on my toes and catch wrong).
ohp - my form is naturally very bad with this. its probably my arm mobility. i tend to hyperextend my back and have to be careful to brace with my knees incase i break my back. i was too knackered to keep everything tight and just flung out some sets. but you get the picture of what im doing and how bad it is
squat - doesnt need any critique. because its so damn bad all over. and you cant see how bad it is in the videos anyway, its way worse than it looks
tldr: any random tips for ohp based on my video of it?
On November 01 2012 01:11 funkie wrote: Who wants to design a program for me?
I think I'm done with SNP and need something to motivate me. I want to be able to lift big weights, aesthethics aren't a main concern but I don't want to be fat, I want to be "just ok". Lower bodyfat wouldn't bother me, but I guess that's more dieting than exercising.
So, anybody wants to design a workout plan for me? I'm open to anybody who wants to. My stats are:
Back Squat: 175kg Front Squat: 140kg Deadlift: 180kg. Bench Press: 90kg Overhead Press: 70kg Clean and Jerk: 90kg Chinups: 10-10-10 Dips: 10-10-10-15-15 (I don't even know if these matter). hanging leg Raise: 15-15-15-15 Hanging Leg Raise + 5kg: 12-12-12-12 Hanging Leg Raise + 10kg: 12-12-10
So yes, I don't know what's my BW as of now, but I'll get it tomorrow morning and let you guys know.
dude, just eat less...
do what you are doing, accept slow progress/stalls, and just eat less...
your legs are way too close together for squat so you cant bend down far enough. spread em out!!
I been upping the weight for my squat but now my back cant keep up. I try to keep it straight but when im pushing up out of the lift i feel my upper back get weak and chest caves in. My legs can take it but my back cannot.
On November 02 2012 01:30 TheResidentEvil wrote: your legs are way too close together for squat so you cant bend down far enough. spread em out!!
I been upping the weight for my squat but now my back cant keep up. I try to keep it straight but when im pushing up out of the lift i feel my upper back get weak and chest caves in. My legs can take it but my back cannot.
I'm going to echo this. I'm not an expert but compared to when I squat you look like you're struggling so hard because your feet or close together. Find what's comfortable when your below parallel with your feet positioning and maybe work from there? I've never heard this advice before but if you work backwards you should be able to find good foot positioning.
For the OHP, you may need some core work so your abs/glutes stay tight so you can truly push up off of a solid platform. Back shouldn't be an issue then.
yesterday night, tried deadlifting 120lbs. i had to use 2x50lb and 2x10lb dumbbells. my back was fine, but i was really struggling to maintain the grip, obviously, because i'm holding 2 dumbbells with each hand. if this is the only way i'll progress, then so be it. i also have a grip-strength grippeer thing that i'll be using in between deadlift days to help my grip.
On November 02 2012 01:30 TheResidentEvil wrote: your legs are way too close together for squat so you cant bend down far enough. spread em out!!
I been upping the weight for my squat but now my back cant keep up. I try to keep it straight but when im pushing up out of the lift i feel my upper back get weak and chest caves in. My legs can take it but my back cannot.
I have the same problem as well when I up the weight on the squat. It's a nice reminder of how squats work out your core without you even realizing it.
On November 02 2012 01:30 TheResidentEvil wrote: your legs are way too close together for squat so you cant bend down far enough. spread em out!!
I been upping the weight for my squat but now my back cant keep up. I try to keep it straight but when im pushing up out of the lift i feel my upper back get weak and chest caves in. My legs can take it but my back cannot.
I'm going to echo this. I'm not an expert but compared to when I squat you look like you're struggling so hard because your feet or close together. Find what's comfortable when your below parallel with your feet positioning and maybe work from there? I've never heard this advice before but if you work backwards you should be able to find good foot positioning.
For the OHP, you may need some core work so your abs/glutes stay tight so you can truly push up off of a solid platform. Back shouldn't be an issue then.
I'd try squatting without those shoes too - you are rolling forward toward your toes rather than sitting back like other posters have noted, try flats or even squat barefoot or in socks. Feet around shoulder width and lead with your butt focusing on settling back on your heels.
A crucial factor is driving from your hips/glutes on the way back up - your feet should almost be pushing sideways (or at least outward around your heels). That activates through your hips and stops you pushing just through your quads.
My PT describes is like this: Imagine you are standing on a length of papertowels and you are trying to rip them apart by pushing your feet/heels outward. That action will get things firing!
oh, and look up, if you are looking where your feet/knees are at or looking in a mirror you run the risk of collapsing forward a bit.
On November 02 2012 00:10 FFGenerations wrote: went in with laptop to film (couldnt do it in old gym as laptop battery was broke)
pclean - too unrecovered to do any proper reps. i got 1 rep which was good enough to put on camera. just for show really. and this rep is awful too (looks like i jump backwards land on my toes and catch wrong).
ohp - my form is naturally very bad with this. its probably my arm mobility. i tend to hyperextend my back and have to be careful to brace with my knees incase i break my back. i was too knackered to keep everything tight and just flung out some sets. but you get the picture of what im doing and how bad it is
squat - doesnt need any critique. because its so damn bad all over. and you cant see how bad it is in the videos anyway, its way worse than it looks
tldr: any random tips for ohp based on my video of it?
For your squat, one of the major things you are doing wrong is spacing your feet, and not sitting back when you come down. The golden rule of squatting is to never let your knees come out over your feet. In your video, your knees go over your feet on every rep, which is pretty dangerous. You need to learn to sit your hips back when you squat. Space your feet wider apart, point your toes outward slightly, and dont let your knees come out past your feet. You are sitting back, not just dropping down when you squat. Using a box (box squats) would teach you how to sit back, and would definitely help your form in that aspect. Secondly, when you are coming up from the bottom position, you need to drive your hips up. If you don't know what I mean when I say this, then follow this example. Get someone to place their hand palm down on your tail bone when you are at the bottom of your squat. Get the person to put a bit of pressure pushing down your lower back, and you will feel that you need to push your hips up to counter act what hes doing. Thats the same movement needed for your squat. You drive your hips up as you initially start to come up.
Another thing I notice, is when you are squatting down, you need to actively remember to keep a natural curve in your spine. Your upper chest should be pushed out, and locked so it doesnt move, while you push your ass out creating a natural curve in the spine. Alot of your reps when you go down, you start with a curve, and then lose it and your back ends up bending forward slightly. Really focus on keeping that curvature in your spine.
Lastly, alot of your squats are just barely deep enough. You want to work a full ROM when squatting. The deeper you can go the better. A good point of reference would be going low enough that your hip bone runs parallel with your knee. When you squat low enough that you can draw a straight line from your knee across your leg to your hip bone. Getting lower than that is just as good, and wont cause any knee injury etc like many people try to claim.
It was a little hard to view your OHP with that video. Probably better to show a front and back angle as well. Something That I kinda saw was that when barbell is at the bottom of the rep, your elbows are pointing to the floor. This is slightly bad form. When pressing, your elbows should point out, not down. another thing I will mention just in general is that when you do your OHP, really make sure you are sticking your head through the window. Many many times I see people either barely sticking their head forward, or not at all. Doing this really works your traps and delts, rather than just the shoulders. As you come up, and the bar clears your face, you should be pushing your torso forward (getting under the bar), and pushing your head forward while locking out. Your chin should almost touch your upper chest (while still looking forward). Lastly, squeeze your glutes as hard as you can. This makes it really difficult to arch your back, which in turn is alot safer when pressing.
On November 02 2012 02:55 ieatkids5 wrote: yesterday night, tried deadlifting 120lbs. i had to use 2x50lb and 2x10lb dumbbells. my back was fine, but i was really struggling to maintain the grip, obviously, because i'm holding 2 dumbbells with each hand. if this is the only way i'll progress, then so be it. i also have a grip-strength grippeer thing that i'll be using in between deadlift days to help my grip.
Just curious as to why you are using dumbbells for deadlifting while trying to go slightly heavy. The first thing to ever give out would certainly be your grip. Deadlifts are usually peoples biggest lift for numbers, so it's weird to me that you wouldnt be using a barbell. Any specific reasons?
Passable, if barely, but my pullups have been getting better. Not sure if it is because I'm losing weight. Oh well...school and rl have been a bitch lately.