On March 29 2012 20:06 sJarl wrote: I wouldn't exactly say that 3x3 is high volume normally but if you compare it to me it is
Heavy singles have been working wonders for me. Still thinking about adding some reverse band squats or safety bar squats.
How much dieting have you left to do? You are definetly doing the impossible, losing massive amounts of weight while still gaining strength.
Nah, I am not gaining, but at least I am not losing too much anymore. 10kg of harder dieting to do, and then I have more freedom. Though there have been a couple of people already saying that I don't really need to lose more weight, but they also do not see me naked
The 3x3 title is misleading. It is four weeks of 8setsx5, three times a week at relatively low percentages. And then 4 weeks with working up to a heavy single once a week. I believe it is called 3x3 because the whole programm containts only 3 lifts (squat bench dead) and every lift is done 3 times a week.
Don't trust the people that DO see you naked either. 'oh honey you look so hot' 'stfu I need to look like arnold yo'. How much do you weigh atm? 95?
On March 29 2012 20:06 sJarl wrote: I wouldn't exactly say that 3x3 is high volume normally but if you compare it to me it is
Heavy singles have been working wonders for me. Still thinking about adding some reverse band squats or safety bar squats.
How much dieting have you left to do? You are definetly doing the impossible, losing massive amounts of weight while still gaining strength.
Nah, I am not gaining, but at least I am not losing too much anymore. 10kg of harder dieting to do, and then I have more freedom. Though there have been a couple of people already saying that I don't really need to lose more weight, but they also do not see me naked
The 3x3 title is misleading. It is four weeks of 8setsx5, three times a week at relatively low percentages. And then 4 weeks with working up to a heavy single once a week. I believe it is called 3x3 because the whole programm containts only 3 lifts (squat bench dead) and every lift is done 3 times a week.
Don't trust the people that DO see you naked either. 'oh honey you look so hot' 'stfu I need to look like arnold yo'. How much do you weigh atm? 95?
Haha, if I would weigh 95, I would have them sixpacks. I am only a little bit shorter than Decaf for example, and as far as I can tell from his pictures, he has not a very large frame (see him refering to his chicken chest every once in a while), which I most certainly have. I am 120kg now.
On March 29 2012 08:59 decafchicken wrote: Sjarl and gotunk inspired me to max out squat today. Could probably still squeeze out a few more kilos, i missed 192.5 pretty narrowly but had to get to rugby practice.
only 190kg
that was riddiculously easy though...stay sober for a week or two and you'll be up there with us
...FOR A WHOLE WEEK??? :-p
Scrolling through my youtube for lolz, this squat is less weight and way shittier
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Usually I can do the first set of chin ups just fine (8-10) but the second and third tend to be really shitty. I end up shaking with the dips and they are hard for me but I can complete the reps, whereas when doing chins I just can't pull myself up anymore after a certain point.
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Usually I can do the first set of chin ups just fine (8-10) but the second and third tend to be really shitty. I end up shaking with the dips and they are hard for me but I can complete the reps, whereas when doing chins I just can't pull myself up anymore after a certain point.
I'm exactly the opposite. I can get 8 chins in a set ezpz, and if I push myself 10 or 11, but if I try to do more than three dips I just get stuck at the bottom. The chins, i'll be ready for a second set in two minutes. The dips i'm lucky to go 3-1-1.
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Usually I can do the first set of chin ups just fine (8-10) but the second and third tend to be really shitty. I end up shaking with the dips and they are hard for me but I can complete the reps, whereas when doing chins I just can't pull myself up anymore after a certain point.
I'm exactly the opposite. I can get 8 chins in a set ezpz, and if I push myself 10 or 11, but if I try to do more than three dips I just get stuck at the bottom. The chins, i'll be ready for a second set in two minutes. The dips i'm lucky to go 3-1-1.
Lol, this is some crazy shit. I thought everyone could easily do way more dips than chins. Wonder what kind of leverages play a role there, or if it is just muscular strength of back/biceps and chest/triceps. My triceps definitely looks pretty big in comparison.
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Usually I can do the first set of chin ups just fine (8-10) but the second and third tend to be really shitty. I end up shaking with the dips and they are hard for me but I can complete the reps, whereas when doing chins I just can't pull myself up anymore after a certain point.
I'm exactly the opposite. I can get 8 chins in a set ezpz, and if I push myself 10 or 11, but if I try to do more than three dips I just get stuck at the bottom. The chins, i'll be ready for a second set in two minutes. The dips i'm lucky to go 3-1-1.
Lol, this is some crazy shit. I thought everyone could easily do way more dips than chins. Wonder what kind of leverages play a role there, or if it is just muscular strength of back/biceps and chest/triceps. My triceps definitely looks pretty big in comparison.
Me too! I have always thought dips were an easier movement, except for someone with a swimmer, climber or rower background where lats and bi's are really important. I can do ~15 dips and only a couple of chin-ups.
Hmm I've never really done dips but I doubt I could do 15 (my pull-up max) and no way I could do the same for weighted haha. I think it just depends on what muscle you worked more. I can pull more weight with pull-ups than I could push with bench and that's with all the technique to make it easier.
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Usually I can do the first set of chin ups just fine (8-10) but the second and third tend to be really shitty. I end up shaking with the dips and they are hard for me but I can complete the reps, whereas when doing chins I just can't pull myself up anymore after a certain point.
I'm exactly the opposite. I can get 8 chins in a set ezpz, and if I push myself 10 or 11, but if I try to do more than three dips I just get stuck at the bottom. The chins, i'll be ready for a second set in two minutes. The dips i'm lucky to go 3-1-1.
Lol, this is some crazy shit. I thought everyone could easily do way more dips than chins. Wonder what kind of leverages play a role there, or if it is just muscular strength of back/biceps and chest/triceps. My triceps definitely looks pretty big in comparison.
I can do about 7-8 chins but not a single dip, my shoulders get completely destroyed by them it just hurts too much. Leverages also have something to do with it, I got really long arms and it's a lot easier to do pulls than presses.
On March 29 2012 23:37 decafchicken wrote: @majin if there's a planet fitness by you there's probably a crossfit by you which would be 89230x better. try google/google maps.
Yeah I've gotten a few good leads on gyms. The thing is I work with a pretty large hockey organization and see a lot of players from all over. I've been polling some of the closer ones to see where the good gyms are at. I was even able to grab a block of chalk off of a referee last week LoL.
It's weird actually working in a place where everyone is so much bigger than you are haha. Definitely has not happened to me before. Everyone in the hockey world is obviously pretty serious about training and ALL of them do it right. If there's one sport where athletes don't bitch out on the hard stuff like squats it's hockey. The movement is just too helpful to ignore.
On March 29 2012 08:59 decafchicken wrote: Sjarl and gotunk inspired me to max out squat today. Could probably still squeeze out a few more kilos, i missed 192.5 pretty narrowly but had to get to rugby practice.
In order of difficulty for me from least to greatest: Dips, Chinups, Pullups. It would be interesting to know if there is some kind of leverage/anthropometry behind it or just dominate muscles vary depending on conditioning. I did 24 unweighted dips randomly after seeing it on the PR thread but I'd be struggling to get to 12 chinups or pullups after weeks of working on those.
Idd. Dips and chins are just arms, biceps and triceps, everyone got those, you just push and pull whereas pullups require obliques (how often do you use those in your everyday life?) and an actual measure of technique.
On March 30 2012 03:53 Osmoses wrote: Idd. Dips and chins are just arms, biceps and triceps, everyone got those, you just push and pull whereas pullups require obliques (how often do you use those in your everyday life?) and an actual measure of technique.
What? Afaik, chin-ups and pull-ups use basically all the same muscles. I don't see how pull-ups require more technique than chin-ups... I do both interchangeably and they're basically the same exercises to me.