On March 27 2012 21:21 FFGenerations wrote: WB ENERGIES
answer: yes. and start reaaally low, so it feels achieveable. also if you have any other overdue things in your life like a MESSY BEDROOM then you need to take care of those first coz they will just drag you down and you will be too tired from gym to bother with them. chuck out all your crappy old frozen food and do a clean shop. do your laundry and go to bed at 10pm latest (or give yourself like 12 hours of sleep time incase you cant sleep properly and keep waking up). and if you ever feel like drinking / getting drunk then go buy 8 cans of cocacola instead and put on your fav show/bw/whatever. cocacola will give you a big high like booze does and wont leave you in an utter mess. buy a protein shake ASAP and a measuring jug/shaker bottle to drink it
Thanks bloke, this is actually awesome advice and I started on it yesterday but sorting out some of my finance and mortgage issues that I have been putting off, I think I'll spend the weekend cleaning the house and hiring someone to do my gardening to clear that out too.
On March 28 2012 02:05 decafchicken wrote: I feel like this is what you post every time. Welcome back, get your shit together!
, I know... I have a very addictive personality, I just need to change my addiction back to health and fitness from drugs and alcohol.
On the upside I've been eating healthy all week and have been going to the gym at 6am every morning and going to bed by 9pm at the latest.
Back to compete with my Funkie, I believe he's reached the peak of my squat and deadlift or perhaps even passed it. Unacceptable!
fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Anyone have studies to refute the claim that you can only process ~30g of protein per sitting? Will be searching but I know eschlow and others would probably be better at finding good sources than I
On March 29 2012 12:14 vicariouscheese wrote: Anyone have studies to refute the claim that you can only process ~30g of protein per sitting? Will be searching but I know eschlow and others would probably be better at finding good sources than I
Went to PlanetFitness by my new apartment today. Had a guest pass from a friend so I figure I'd at least go and check it out. I was pretty pumped up to get back to a gym (ANY gym) since it's been a while. But I obviously set my expectations way too high for a place like Planet Fitness. I was super disappointed to find out that they had NO barbells. Not a single one! They had a few smith machines in the "Lunkhead" area; that's what they called the area with all the freeweights. And by freeweights I mean they had a standard assortment of dumbbells and everything else was some type of smith machine or cable machine or leg press or similar machine.
So I was pissed. But 3 of my friends were all hovering around one smith machine rotating their bench and I hopped on one machine to try out some squats. I've never actually squatted in a smith machine before so it was pretty interesting. Anyway that shit is INSANELY easy. I mean I haven't squatted in about a month and was pretty much looking at a huge de-load when I got back into it but I was in the machine squatting my previous "real squat" max like it wa fucking nothing. And I was doing them fast too, because I had to rush to work in like 45 minutes. My friends started looking at me like they can't believe what I am doing. It was pretty funny, but to be honest I felt like such a douchebag for using a smith machine and I was pretty pissed off that this place didn't have any real barbells.
At least I got to do some dumbbell bench-pressing. That was probably the only real lifting I did all day. Managed to do 45lbs dumbbells for my work sets.
Then, since I obviously counldn't deadlift without a bar I decided to do some pull-ups only to find that after walking around the entire gym looking for something that I could hang off of and do a proper pull-up I found NOTHING. Absolutely no suitable piece of anything to even do a fucking pull-up with in this gym!! OK, I can kind of see why a place like Planet Fitness wouldn't have a barbbell, but PULL-UPS?? REALLY?! So I just did some heavy (and by heavy I mean light but at a whopping 60lbs they were the biggest dumbbells in the place) shrugs and pulls and left really frustrated at the whole experience.
Important lessons... -Planet Fitness is not for those that want to get strong, unless you want to make progress with dumbbells for a month and then even the heaviest dumbbell they have will be nothing. -There are a lot of people there who don't know shit about what they are doing and why, making the whole atmosphere seem like that of a bunch of walrus pups waddling out of the ocean and playing around on the dangerous land rocks. -Smith machines are horrible for squats. Even though I obviously lifted a lot more weight than I could have it really really reaaaaallly fucked up my form and I definitely did not replicate in any way something that resembled a real squat. Shit was massively useless. -I guess even pull-ups are too "macho" for Planet Fitness.
I've been doing jerks lately, well I dunno what I'd really call them, but pretty much standing shoulder press, using as much of my body as possible to get the weight above my head for sets of 5. I did 155lb for 4 reps (which I feel is pretty good considering I can't clean that at all)... And I'm just wondering how others feel about this exercise, is it actually useful for the shoulders if you're using so many other parts of your body.
I'm also doing this for strength, it's just really fun so I want to incorporate them into my workout!
Majin, I know how you feel, though mine is not nearly as bad. There are at least barbells and pullup bars at my gym. I'm just trying to a find one that allows oly lifts. I get the feeling people are getting fed up with my deadlifts, and there's no room to do cleans or any dynamic movements for that matter anywhere.
But no barbells and 60lbs dumbbells. That is pretty special.
On March 29 2012 14:32 MajinMojo wrote: Interesting day of gym scouting today...
Went to PlanetFitness by my new apartment today. Had a guest pass from a friend so I figure I'd at least go and check it out. I was pretty pumped up to get back to a gym (ANY gym) since it's been a while. But I obviously set my expectations way too high for a place like Planet Fitness. I was super disappointed to find out that they had NO barbells. Not a single one! They had a few smith machines in the "Lunkhead" area; that's what they called the area with all the freeweights. And by freeweights I mean they had a standard assortment of dumbbells and everything else was some type of smith machine or cable machine or leg press or similar machine.
So I was pissed. But 3 of my friends were all hovering around one smith machine rotating their bench and I hopped on one machine to try out some squats. I've never actually squatted in a smith machine before so it was pretty interesting. Anyway that shit is INSANELY easy. I mean I haven't squatted in about a month and was pretty much looking at a huge de-load when I got back into it but I was in the machine squatting my previous "real squat" max like it wa fucking nothing. And I was doing them fast too, because I had to rush to work in like 45 minutes. My friends started looking at me like they can't believe what I am doing. It was pretty funny, but to be honest I felt like such a douchebag for using a smith machine and I was pretty pissed off that this place didn't have any real barbells.
At least I got to do some dumbbell bench-pressing. That was probably the only real lifting I did all day. Managed to do 45lbs dumbbells for my work sets.
Then, since I obviously counldn't deadlift without a bar I decided to do some pull-ups only to find that after walking around the entire gym looking for something that I could hang off of and do a proper pull-up I found NOTHING. Absolutely no suitable piece of anything to even do a fucking pull-up with in this gym!! OK, I can kind of see why a place like Planet Fitness wouldn't have a barbbell, but PULL-UPS?? REALLY?! So I just did some heavy (and by heavy I mean light but at a whopping 60lbs they were the biggest dumbbells in the place) shrugs and pulls and left really frustrated at the whole experience.
Important lessons... -Planet Fitness is not for those that want to get strong, unless you want to make progress with dumbbells for a month and then even the heaviest dumbbell they have will be nothing. -There are a lot of people there who don't know shit about what they are doing and why, making the whole atmosphere seem like that of a bunch of walrus pups waddling out of the ocean and playing around on the dangerous land rocks. -Smith machines are horrible for squats. Even though I obviously lifted a lot more weight than I could have it really really reaaaaallly fucked up my form and I definitely did not replicate in any way something that resembled a real squat. Shit was massively useless. -I guess even pull-ups are too "macho" for Planet Fitness.
My search continues...
Think of the bright side:
Biceps - many different things you can do (check) Triceps - you can train those with 60lb dumbbells too (check) Shoulders - lateral raises, front raises, deltoid exercises, you can do it all but OHDP - which 60lb takes a little while to reach, and if you reach it, you can increase your range of motion and that makes it a lot harder. Chest - 60lb flies difficult to reach, so you're good in that department for a little bit, and you can do all kinds of flat dumbell press, incline dumbell press etc until you reach 60lb there (if you're at 45lb atm, you'll be fine for a bit). Back - You seem at the stage where you're just reaching 60lb dumbbell rows, so you can do that for a little bit longer, do them in a very slow controlled motion and you'll stay at them for a while. Legs - You can do one-legged calf raises, and one legged squats, use dumbbells for extra weight.
Notes: Maybe it's just me, but squats in a smith machine aren't that weird because you should be going straight up when you squat. And if you have the power racks without the stupid safety at the bottom you can use them for deadlift and overhead press too (albeit not as good they work).
You can still do stuff like that while you are trying to find a place, just trying to help (:
On March 29 2012 14:32 MajinMojo wrote: Interesting day of gym scouting today...
Went to PlanetFitness by my new apartment today. Had a guest pass from a friend so I figure I'd at least go and check it out. I was pretty pumped up to get back to a gym (ANY gym) since it's been a while. But I obviously set my expectations way too high for a place like Planet Fitness. I was super disappointed to find out that they had NO barbells. Not a single one! They had a few smith machines in the "Lunkhead" area; that's what they called the area with all the freeweights. And by freeweights I mean they had a standard assortment of dumbbells and everything else was some type of smith machine or cable machine or leg press or similar machine.
So I was pissed. But 3 of my friends were all hovering around one smith machine rotating their bench and I hopped on one machine to try out some squats. I've never actually squatted in a smith machine before so it was pretty interesting. Anyway that shit is INSANELY easy. I mean I haven't squatted in about a month and was pretty much looking at a huge de-load when I got back into it but I was in the machine squatting my previous "real squat" max like it wa fucking nothing. And I was doing them fast too, because I had to rush to work in like 45 minutes. My friends started looking at me like they can't believe what I am doing. It was pretty funny, but to be honest I felt like such a douchebag for using a smith machine and I was pretty pissed off that this place didn't have any real barbells.
At least I got to do some dumbbell bench-pressing. That was probably the only real lifting I did all day. Managed to do 45lbs dumbbells for my work sets.
Then, since I obviously counldn't deadlift without a bar I decided to do some pull-ups only to find that after walking around the entire gym looking for something that I could hang off of and do a proper pull-up I found NOTHING. Absolutely no suitable piece of anything to even do a fucking pull-up with in this gym!! OK, I can kind of see why a place like Planet Fitness wouldn't have a barbbell, but PULL-UPS?? REALLY?! So I just did some heavy (and by heavy I mean light but at a whopping 60lbs they were the biggest dumbbells in the place) shrugs and pulls and left really frustrated at the whole experience.
Important lessons... -Planet Fitness is not for those that want to get strong, unless you want to make progress with dumbbells for a month and then even the heaviest dumbbell they have will be nothing. -There are a lot of people there who don't know shit about what they are doing and why, making the whole atmosphere seem like that of a bunch of walrus pups waddling out of the ocean and playing around on the dangerous land rocks. -Smith machines are horrible for squats. Even though I obviously lifted a lot more weight than I could have it really really reaaaaallly fucked up my form and I definitely did not replicate in any way something that resembled a real squat. Shit was massively useless. -I guess even pull-ups are too "macho" for Planet Fitness.
My search continues...
Think of the bright side:
Biceps - many different things you can do (check) Triceps - you can train those with 60lb dumbbells too (check) Shoulders - lateral raises, front raises, deltoid exercises, you can do it all but OHDP - which 60lb takes a little while to reach, and if you reach it, you can increase your range of motion and that makes it a lot harder. Chest - 60lb flies difficult to reach, so you're good in that department for a little bit, and you can do all kinds of flat dumbell press, incline dumbell press etc until you reach 60lb there (if you're at 45lb atm, you'll be fine for a bit). Back - You seem at the stage where you're just reaching 60lb dumbbell rows, so you can do that for a little bit longer, do them in a very slow controlled motion and you'll stay at them for a while. Legs - You can do one-legged calf raises, and one legged squats, use dumbbells for extra weight.
Notes: Maybe it's just me, but squats in a smith machine aren't that weird because you should be going straight up when you squat. And if you have the power racks without the stupid safety at the bottom you can use them for deadlift and overhead press too (albeit not as good they work).
You can still do stuff like that while you are trying to find a place, just trying to help (:
prepare for the flamestorm :D anyway, I actually agree that if you only have access to planet fitness you should just make the best of it (and as you pointed out there are a wide variety of exercises that you can do with dumbbells). but I think majin just went there once because he had a guest pass? probably not something he will have to go through again! at least thats what i hope heh
on a more personal note: it's day 2 of my cut and I already want to kill myself :D slept like 9 hours and still had huge trouble getting out of bed because I just didnt feel rested after yesterday's workout + practice :/ need more foodz!
On March 29 2012 08:59 decafchicken wrote: Sjarl and gotunk inspired me to max out squat today. Could probably still squeeze out a few more kilos, i missed 192.5 pretty narrowly but had to get to rugby practice.
only 190kg
that was riddiculously easy though...stay sober for a week or two and you'll be up there with us
On March 29 2012 15:53 Osmoses wrote: Majin, I know how you feel, though mine is not nearly as bad. There are at least barbells and pullup bars at my gym. I'm just trying to a find one that allows oly lifts. I get the feeling people are getting fed up with my deadlifts, and there's no room to do cleans or any dynamic movements for that matter anywhere.
But no barbells and 60lbs dumbbells. That is pretty special.
I feel like I chose a good gym, heaps of room for dynamic movement and multiple benches. I saw a guy pressing with 65 kg dumbbells the other day which is the max where I am so much room for me to improve. Don't worry about ppl getting fed up, you pay to be there too.
On March 29 2012 08:59 decafchicken wrote: Sjarl and gotunk inspired me to max out squat today. Could probably still squeeze out a few more kilos, i missed 192.5 pretty narrowly but had to get to rugby practice.
On March 29 2012 12:10 Donkeys wrote: fuck this 100kg bench race. you guys still doing it? i've made almost no progress haha. I'm stuck at 85kg 3x5 zzz.
Today's workout: - squat 90kg 5x7 (got inspired by all your beastly squats, day 2 of the 3 week smolov) - BP 80kg 5x5 - chin ups BWx9,5,3 - dips BW 8,8,7
Also I finally bought some creatine
Can you actually do as many dips as chin-ups, or were you holding back? This really interests me, I can do 3x8 dips even after a barbell-pressing exercise on the same day, but can only do 2 chin-ups when I am totally fresh and (maybe) one after Barbell Rows.
Since we are talking squats, I squatted 181kg on tuesday, which was the first time this year I squatted above 180kg. And I think I had some more kg in me, but I did not want to push it. Given that I missed a 177,5kg squat two months ago (though more of a technical flaw, made the same weight in an earlier attempt) and I lost 10kg during that time, I feel like this Korte 3x3 programm really works quite well for me. More specific I feel that I need to squat high volume, while high intensity doesn't seem to be that important.
On March 29 2012 12:14 vicariouscheese wrote: Anyone have studies to refute the claim that you can only process ~30g of protein per sitting? Will be searching but I know eschlow and others would probably be better at finding good sources than I
Afaik there is no proper pubmed'ish studies on the subject so no, there is none, but that also means there isn't any studies supporting the claim of 30g. The claim doesn't even make sense though and how much would also depend on the protein source. IIRC some studies done on rats seemed to point in the direction that the maximum amount of protein in a meal even is unreachable.
The question is more about how much leucine you need to maximize protein synthesis, that doesn't mean taking in more protein is useless (cause if it was you'd have diarrhea), it just means your protein synthesis won't get any higher.
There is some decent info in there, but the bottomline is the billion meals a day thing is bullshit, and that the benefit from maximizing leucine level, by eating 4-5 meals a day, is so small that unless you're a professional bodybuilder or whatever you don't need to give a fuck about it.
On March 29 2012 20:06 sJarl wrote: I wouldn't exactly say that 3x3 is high volume normally but if you compare it to me it is
Heavy singles have been working wonders for me. Still thinking about adding some reverse band squats or safety bar squats.
How much dieting have you left to do? You are definetly doing the impossible, losing massive amounts of weight while still gaining strength.
Nah, I am not gaining, but at least I am not losing too much anymore. 10kg of harder dieting to do, and then I have more freedom. Though there have been a couple of people already saying that I don't really need to lose more weight, but they also do not see me naked
The 3x3 title is misleading. It is four weeks of 8setsx5, three times a week at relatively low percentages. And then 4 weeks with working up to a heavy single once a week. I believe it is called 3x3 because the whole programm containts only 3 lifts (squat bench dead) and every lift is done 3 times a week.
On March 29 2012 20:06 sJarl wrote: I wouldn't exactly say that 3x3 is high volume normally but if you compare it to me it is
Heavy singles have been working wonders for me. Still thinking about adding some reverse band squats or safety bar squats.
How much dieting have you left to do? You are definetly doing the impossible, losing massive amounts of weight while still gaining strength.
Nah, I am not gaining, but at least I am not losing too much anymore. 10kg of harder dieting to do, and then I have more freedom. Though there have been a couple of people already saying that I don't really need to lose more weight, but they also do not see me naked
The 3x3 title is misleading. It is four weeks of 8setsx5, three times a week at relatively low percentages. And then 4 weeks with working up to a heavy single once a week. I believe it is called 3x3 because the whole programm containts only 3 lifts (squat bench dead) and every lift is done 3 times a week.