On March 22 2012 00:30 Sneakyz wrote: So appearently the PT doesn't think I have a herniated disc(yay), instead my back pain is caused by extremely tight hamstrings and a left/right core imbalance.
Gotta do some stretching and stability ball business(like a bawss). I like this PT though, because she said "Most people like to give pussy exercises for the stability balls, but I'm gonna make you work fucking hard."
If I read right, and your PT is a SHE.
bang her. With the power of 30 weird nerds doing OLY lifting.
URGH! Could only finish 3 reps of my deadlifts today. Grip keeps failing me, fucking hell. Got 3reps with 126kg, last week i got 5 reps with 124kg. Maybe I should switch to mixed grip? Been doing overhand grip without hook and it isn't working too well anymore. Been trying to up my grip strength with deadlift holds and pinch-gripping plates, not sure if either is very effective.
When you use a mixed grip do you swap the grip for each workout or just for the warm-ups?
125kg is around when I my double overhand grip started failing me. Switch to mixed grip imo. No reason not to do it as long as you still use overhand for warm-ups
It may indeed be your grip, but a little while ago I had serious grip issues on deadlift and it turned out my grip is pretty great I just needed chalk (I use liquid chalk as my gym doesn't allow normal chalk). It turned out it was actually just slipping out and not to do with strength.
So today I had Squats/Bench/Deadlift. I went up a lot of weight on my squats today, and then when I came to deadlift which I'd increased by like 2.5kg from last time it was horrific. It was only 172.5kg for 5 reps but afterwards my lower back felt smashed and I don't think my form was great; my upper back rounded I'm pretty sure. I'm assuming it's because I blew up on the squats but 170 last time had felt fairly easy and pretty quick. Still need to settle in to this program a little better.
Been using chalk since I went over 110kg. I have VERY small hands and I'm not that strong overall. I think I'll just get used to mixed grip. Feels so awkward tho :/
Anyone got any suggestions to grip training? Deadlift holds, shrugs and kroc rows seem to be efficient, not sure if it is tho.
For grip training just holding something heavy in your hands will probably be all that's needed, no reason to make it more complicated . Lift the bar from pins or something if you only want the grip training while not completing a deadlift, otherwise hold the bar for as long as possible on your last deadlift rep. Could also do something farmer's walk'ish.
Gonna need to start doing something like this myself because my double overhand only holds to a 150kg single, because I didn't really give a fuck about grip when I started training. Don't really give a shit about my grip now either when I think about it, just want dem forearmz .
I had to switch my grip this Monday but it was only 107kg XD I've been trying to stick to the double overhand but I got set, went to pull and nothing happened and I just walked away lol. Switched my grip and it went up.
today squat 85kg 5-4-3 ohp 45kg 5-?-? , 40kg 5?-7? something. piss poor anyway. different form now so expected it to be harder/different (elbows forwards) clean 62.5kg , about 9 reps i think. completely mindfucked again, need to learn how to begin the lift/lift it off the floor, its like i had no idea how to lift it off the floor. im fine (kinda) with the lift except i just dont know how to begin it and mindblock myself spending like 10 attempts before i manage to lift it up and piss myself off so much chinups 4-3-2 kinda
edit oh i scraped a chunk of skin off the inside of my thumb somehow , really hope it doesnt fuck my ability to grip a bar in 2 days -___-
On March 22 2012 03:33 KOVU wrote: Been using chalk since I went over 110kg. I have VERY small hands and I'm not that strong overall. I think I'll just get used to mixed grip. Feels so awkward tho :/
Anyone got any suggestions to grip training? Deadlift holds, shrugs and kroc rows seem to be efficient, not sure if it is tho.
People here may not approve of this, but a Powerball may be a good option. I used to use it loads when I played guitar a lot, and my forearms got massive.
On March 22 2012 03:33 KOVU wrote: Been using chalk since I went over 110kg. I have VERY small hands and I'm not that strong overall. I think I'll just get used to mixed grip. Feels so awkward tho :/
Anyone got any suggestions to grip training? Deadlift holds, shrugs and kroc rows seem to be efficient, not sure if it is tho.
People here may not approve of this, but a Powerball may be a good option. I used to use it loads when I played guitar a lot, and my forearms got massive.
Lifetime warranty is pretty good, I'm on my second at the moment but that's only because the computer went.
Deadlift holds or rack pulls should be all you need. If you do weighted pullups/chinups atm, try just hanging from the bar after your last set. Not sure how the powerball would help if it only goes to 40lbs of force? Even the new lifters among us are lifting near 300lbs. Sure, powerball might help endurance, but would it do anything for your 5rm?
That said, I'm still double overhanding my DL's at 140kg, but that's because I'm a baller. I'll probably switch to hook grip soon, get on my level.
Probably going to do a warrior dash in a month... my school's offering a huge discount and free transportation, so it should be fun to round up a few friends. Only problem is that it's the day after "mayfest" our huge spring celebration where they cancel classes, topped off by a 15,000 seat concert in the carrier dome... Gonna have to channel my inner decaf for this one.
I think I'll learn myself mixed grip next week, but continue with deadlift holds. Too bad I cant do the holds off some pins, I have to do it off the floor - can't make that much of a difference tho
On March 22 2012 05:29 FFGenerations wrote: today squat 85kg 5-4-3 ohp 45kg 5-?-? , 40kg 5?-7? something. piss poor anyway. different form now so expected it to be harder/different (elbows forwards) clean 62.5kg , about 9 reps i think. completely mindfucked again, need to learn how to begin the lift/lift it off the floor, its like i had no idea how to lift it off the floor. im fine (kinda) with the lift except i just dont know how to begin it and mindblock myself spending like 10 attempts before i manage to lift it up and piss myself off so much chinups 4-3-2 kinda
edit oh i scraped a chunk of skin off the inside of my thumb somehow , really hope it doesnt fuck my ability to grip a bar in 2 days -___-
There is some really good instructional videos from california strength on how to clean. I think they're in the OP of the olympic weightlifting thread.
Farmers Walks helped me with grip a bit. Also rack pulls from just below lockout (you can do use an absurd amount of weight this way, so be careful. I used ~200kg). Just pick it up and hold it for a while =]
To clarify, anything you do where you hold some heavy shit for a while should work, I'm just suggesting what worked for me. The simpler the better imo. The rack pull seems like the best option because it is just the top 2inches of a deadlift and then you just hold on to it but lets you overload what you would normally do.
On March 22 2012 00:30 Sneakyz wrote: So appearently the PT doesn't think I have a herniated disc(yay), instead my back pain is caused by extremely tight hamstrings and a left/right core imbalance.
Gotta do some stretching and stability ball business(like a bawss). I like this PT though, because she said "Most people like to give @#!*% exercises for the stability balls, but I'm gonna make you work @#!*% hard."
Yay, it sounds like you didn't get a crappy one... lol