@FFGenerations: Start eating properly and make sure you're staying hydrated, I'm 178cm 71kg and I drink about 5 liters of water a day (you might want to drink even more than that), my piss almost always looks like water. Not being properly hydrated can cause headaches, but so can playing video games and looking at TV in general. And heart palpitations are almost certainly harmless and don't mean anything. I worked as paramedic for 9 months, they might just be normal for you. I'd still recommend going to a cardiologist and doing a 24h ecg if you're really worried about it. Sometimes heart pain can feel just like minor problems with your digestive tract (which starts at the mouth). Yellow urine is a sign you aren't hydrated enough.
You're probably being a bit too concerned about it and you're just fine, if you still feel like doing something about it I'd just go to a doctor. And I recommend against medication for headaches - go to sleep and drink some water if you have headaches, swallowing pills is no solution imo. Hope that helps.
I used to get recurring, horrible headaches on the weekends. Screwed social life an entire summer. Then I realized I had a caffeine addiction, and I wasnt drnking coffee on the weekends. Problem solved!
On May 08 2013 14:06 L_Master wrote:Show nested quote +On May 08 2013 09:57 eshlow wrote:On May 08 2013 09:53 L_Master wrote:On May 08 2013 09:25 eshlow wrote:On May 07 2013 22:28 L_Master wrote: Went out for a run today, finished and walked out to meet my friend. Noticed a little discomfort towards the top of the anterior thigh. Not terrible, but enough I probably wouldn't want to run on it.
Went to hop up a few inches to sit on a fences and my calf cramped like a mofo. We are talking like 9-10/10 pain scale, writhing on the ground almost screaming. 6 hours later and that has mostly subsided, but the other pain is still there. BAD.
It is uncomfortable to walk, hurting right as I land on my foot, and right as I begin to push off. After that raising the leg doesn't seem to be a huge problem. No real stretching or palpitation seems to cause problems. External and internal rotation by themselves are not a problem, nor is adduction. If I were to lift or vigorously shake the leg around randomly in the air there is mild replication of the discomfort.
I can induce moderate-strong pain lying in bed if I lay supine and abduct + light downward pressure into the bed to create resistance, and this results in pain on outside and top of the thigh/anterior/lateral hip, and some light, possibly referred pain can be felt near adductors right as the tension is released. Doing the same thing, but with adduction causes minimal to no pain. Straight adduction or abduction, like on a machine in the gym does not seem to cause the same pain.
I really have no idea what is going on.
Me neither.... I don't have enough details but it seems like your hip joint got thrown out of whack to some sort. I'd get yourself to an orthopedic doctor or preferably a physical therapist if you can \ This is what I fear as well. Unfortunately the hip is a bitch to diagnose, and an alarming number of hip problems are things that can require surgery. Guess we'll have to see what the docs say. Yeah, typically anterior thigh related pain is referred back to the hip or it could be iliopsoas related.... Yeah, best to get that checked out since there's a lot of stuff going on at the hip. It's much less contained unlike the shoulder and has more stuff running through that area that can affect it. It's definitely worth nothing I have had groin pain for about 6 months leading up to this. I could never seem to identify a muscle or tendon that was directly painful though, and 6 months is a pretty long time for a strain to heal, even if I probably re-aggravated it once or twice in the first month or two trying to come back too fast. Tests like FABER and FADIR don't seem to produce positive results though, which makes something like FAI seem less likely. The only things I can seem to find that reproduce the pain/discomfort are what I described earlier (supine abduction + downward force/hamstring contraction/hip extension against resistance) running (especially higher velocity), and some discomfort if I were to grab the handles on the stairs or grab a poll and try to swing aggressively around in a clockwise direction. One other oddity is that adduction against resistance is fine, with one exception, and that is if I were to put both my knees directly together and very forcefully adduct, which can cause a sharp pain around common insertion of the adductor tendons. If I put a soccer ball or something between the legs I wouldn't get a pain though. That's all the information I can possible think to give. In any event, going to schedule an appointment with the GP tomorrow, and push for an appointment with orthopedic specialist and/or physical therapist unless he comes up with some clear, obvious diagnoses.
Could be related to SI and hip instability as well then.... iliopsoas crosses the whole hip joint so that's probably involved somehow.
Definitely need to get that checked out...
On May 08 2013 20:26 FFGenerations wrote: Just wanted to put this here for other people to see, I guess
I haven't been eating much lately at all (89kg from 93kg i think, not sure), especially the last week or 2. Yesterday for instance I think I had like 1 meal of eggs, ham, cheese and 3 slices of bread.
The past ~week/2 I noticed my urine was always bright yellow no matter how much I was drinking, and I had headaches every so often (which I never get). Then last night when I was tired and playing DOTA2 I had an abrupt heart flutter/palpitation. There was no pain but I felt pretty dodgy all night like it might happen again (probably nerves).
Quick google search says very low carb can possibly do this to some people, and also figured that the yellow urine is a sign that I'm poorly nourished (or something like that - eating lots of meat/dairy but low carbs like tomatoes, small amount of bread with omlettes).
Anyway, time to start eating more :/
Well, starving yourself can definitely cause headaches, lol.
Definitely drink more water and eat more...
On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it 
WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises?
Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have?
On May 08 2013 18:20 decaf wrote:Show nested quote +On May 08 2013 14:33 Cambium wrote:On May 07 2013 00:59 decaf wrote: Aight, thanks a lot, mate <3
Really fortunate we have people like you on this forum~ Looking forward to the day I can squat like an infant again, monkey style it is what stretches are you doing to help with your internal/external rotation imbalances? I don't think I'm as bad as you are, but there are definitely some imbalances for internal rotation + Show Spoiler +for external rotation + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +(hurts like fuck!) for general mobility + Show Spoiler +http://www.catalystathletics.com/media/video/section.php?sectionID=2(good shoulder and hip mobility drills) since you also oly lift and thus most likely split jerk + Show Spoiler +Kelly star is just awesome, I love this guy. I plan on doing the whole mobilityWOD setup http://www.mobilitywod.com/he has like 365 consecutive videos, I'll probably do like 6 of em per day and be done with it in 2 months and see where I end up, I need one of those balls and bands first tho Chek out his channel on youtube, sanfranciscocrossfit. I know, crossfit is gay, but Kelly is not!
Cheers, thanks for these. I am actually going through mobility wod at the moment, and I just bought Kelly's book called becoming a supple leopard
On May 09 2013 04:16 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it  WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises? Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have? Ultrasound each appt but it seems I'm not responding as well as he would have hoped. He checks the hip alignment each time. First appt had a anterior pelvic tilt on the right side. Corrected with some bent leg squeeze (similar to the one shown in a video from a guy that writes for EMI I think?) That sitting leg test has been even everytime. Exercises prescribed: Bird-dog minus the bird. Just leg but he said I could add the arm if it wasn't aggravating. Lying pelvic tilt single knee up and release. Lying pelvic tilt one knee then second knee and then one down and the other down I was doing lying straight leg extensions but we cut that out since it seemed to aggravate my hip. Hamstring stretches.
This last appt he did some mobilization stuff and checked if pain went away when leg was distracted while I had my knee bent lying down. Externally rotated my bent leg (kinda figure 4) to see if that caused any pain. Didn't say anything particular about instabilities. I've brought up my hamstring imbalance a couple times but he thinks it's unrelated... I keep coming back to it. Just last night I bent over to pick something up in just my boxers and my wife told me to do it again. "Wow your left hamstring just looks so different and smaller." + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BA4VFe8.jpg) Something just doesn't look right...  Bleh. So far all I know I can do is hamstring curls. Hopefully I didn't butcher any terms or descriptions, let me know if anything wasn't clear and thanks again.
Well, went to GP today, went through the usual battery of hip tests and then did X-Ray, which appeared normal. Next stop will be MRI.
Forgot to grab the X-Rays though for myself, will have to go back and do that.
On May 10 2013 08:14 L_Master wrote: Well, went to GP today, went through the usual battery of hip tests and then did X-Ray, which appeared normal. Next stop will be MRI.
Forgot to grab the X-Rays though for myself, will have to go back and do that.
Meh, that's why I don't like the GP.... ortho is way superior.
On May 09 2013 22:09 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On May 09 2013 04:16 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it  WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises? Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have? Ultrasound each appt but it seems I'm not responding as well as he would have hoped. He checks the hip alignment each time. First appt had a anterior pelvic tilt on the right side. Corrected with some bent leg squeeze (similar to the one shown in a video from a guy that writes for EMI I think?) That sitting leg test has been even everytime. Exercises prescribed: Bird-dog minus the bird. Just leg but he said I could add the arm if it wasn't aggravating. Lying pelvic tilt single knee up and release. Lying pelvic tilt one knee then second knee and then one down and the other down I was doing lying straight leg extensions but we cut that out since it seemed to aggravate my hip. Hamstring stretches. This last appt he did some mobilization stuff and checked if pain went away when leg was distracted while I had my knee bent lying down. Externally rotated my bent leg (kinda figure 4) to see if that caused any pain. Didn't say anything particular about instabilities. I've brought up my hamstring imbalance a couple times but he thinks it's unrelated... I keep coming back to it. Just last night I bent over to pick something up in just my boxers and my wife told me to do it again. "Wow your left hamstring just looks so different and smaller." + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BA4VFe8.jpg) Something just doesn't look right...  Bleh. So far all I know I can do is hamstring curls. Hopefully I didn't butcher any terms or descriptions, let me know if anything wasn't clear and thanks again.
Wait, so is it left or right side?
L hammy is atrophied it looks like, but you have an anterior rotation on your right hip?
If Ultrasound ain't working after a couple of sessions I would just drop it as part of the treatment. It's useless if it's not improving.
Hmmm, any particular bilateral exercises for stability like bridges, or ball exercises?
Like is it unstable all the time? When does the pain occur? etc?
On May 11 2013 12:57 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On May 09 2013 22:09 mordek wrote:On May 09 2013 04:16 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it  WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises? Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have? Ultrasound each appt but it seems I'm not responding as well as he would have hoped. He checks the hip alignment each time. First appt had a anterior pelvic tilt on the right side. Corrected with some bent leg squeeze (similar to the one shown in a video from a guy that writes for EMI I think?) That sitting leg test has been even everytime. Exercises prescribed: Bird-dog minus the bird. Just leg but he said I could add the arm if it wasn't aggravating. Lying pelvic tilt single knee up and release. Lying pelvic tilt one knee then second knee and then one down and the other down I was doing lying straight leg extensions but we cut that out since it seemed to aggravate my hip. Hamstring stretches. This last appt he did some mobilization stuff and checked if pain went away when leg was distracted while I had my knee bent lying down. Externally rotated my bent leg (kinda figure 4) to see if that caused any pain. Didn't say anything particular about instabilities. I've brought up my hamstring imbalance a couple times but he thinks it's unrelated... I keep coming back to it. Just last night I bent over to pick something up in just my boxers and my wife told me to do it again. "Wow your left hamstring just looks so different and smaller." + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BA4VFe8.jpg) Something just doesn't look right...  Bleh. So far all I know I can do is hamstring curls. Hopefully I didn't butcher any terms or descriptions, let me know if anything wasn't clear and thanks again. Wait, so is it left or right side? L hammy is atrophied it looks like, but you have an anterior rotation on your right hip? If Ultrasound ain't working after a couple of sessions I would just drop it as part of the treatment. It's useless if it's not improving. Hmmm, any particular bilateral exercises for stability like bridges, or ball exercises? Like is it unstable all the time? When does the pain occur? etc? Yeah pain is right side. I'm sure the left side has atrophied due to acl surgery on that side, I had no idea it was that bad until after my SI issue when I was checking for imbalances.
No bilateral or ball exercises as of right now. I can't say it feels unstable... although the more I think about it maybe that's what it feels like for an SIJ. Running and making cuts playing ultimate make it flare up, just a stronger ache nothing acute. I saw the PT after starting a running routine and it got worse. Before that I was doing glute ham raises 2x a week with light weight for sets of 10 reps, didn't notice any aggravation. Squats and deadlift aggravate it. Doing a bulgarian split squat does not bother it however.
On May 11 2013 21:56 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 12:57 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 22:09 mordek wrote:On May 09 2013 04:16 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it  WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises? Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have? Ultrasound each appt but it seems I'm not responding as well as he would have hoped. He checks the hip alignment each time. First appt had a anterior pelvic tilt on the right side. Corrected with some bent leg squeeze (similar to the one shown in a video from a guy that writes for EMI I think?) That sitting leg test has been even everytime. Exercises prescribed: Bird-dog minus the bird. Just leg but he said I could add the arm if it wasn't aggravating. Lying pelvic tilt single knee up and release. Lying pelvic tilt one knee then second knee and then one down and the other down I was doing lying straight leg extensions but we cut that out since it seemed to aggravate my hip. Hamstring stretches. This last appt he did some mobilization stuff and checked if pain went away when leg was distracted while I had my knee bent lying down. Externally rotated my bent leg (kinda figure 4) to see if that caused any pain. Didn't say anything particular about instabilities. I've brought up my hamstring imbalance a couple times but he thinks it's unrelated... I keep coming back to it. Just last night I bent over to pick something up in just my boxers and my wife told me to do it again. "Wow your left hamstring just looks so different and smaller." + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BA4VFe8.jpg) Something just doesn't look right...  Bleh. So far all I know I can do is hamstring curls. Hopefully I didn't butcher any terms or descriptions, let me know if anything wasn't clear and thanks again. Wait, so is it left or right side? L hammy is atrophied it looks like, but you have an anterior rotation on your right hip? If Ultrasound ain't working after a couple of sessions I would just drop it as part of the treatment. It's useless if it's not improving. Hmmm, any particular bilateral exercises for stability like bridges, or ball exercises? Like is it unstable all the time? When does the pain occur? etc? Yeah pain is right side. I'm sure the left side has atrophied due to acl surgery on that side, I had no idea it was that bad until after my SI issue when I was checking for imbalances. No bilateral or ball exercises as of right now. I can't say it feels unstable... although the more I think about it maybe that's what it feels like for an SIJ. Running and making cuts playing ultimate make it flare up, just a stronger ache nothing acute. I saw the PT after starting a running routine and it got worse. Before that I was doing glute ham raises 2x a week with light weight for sets of 10 reps, didn't notice any aggravation. Squats and deadlift aggravate it. Doing a bulgarian split squat does not bother it however.
Glute bridges / Hip thrusts?
Hmmm... I can't really say much without examining you personally and I'm not even the best with SI joint mechanics tbh. Are there any other therapists in the clinic where you're at?
On May 12 2013 12:11 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 21:56 mordek wrote:On May 11 2013 12:57 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 22:09 mordek wrote:On May 09 2013 04:16 eshlow wrote:On May 09 2013 00:46 mordek wrote:On April 20 2013 00:13 eshlow wrote:On April 19 2013 04:11 mordek wrote:On April 10 2013 21:26 mordek wrote: Follow up with PT this morning. Haven't experienced a lot of improvement so far. Added a prone leg extension exercise I think, raising each leg with a pillow under my hips. Ultrasound again. Still an inflammation issue it seems since my legs are still even. 3rd session. Pain level still hovering around a 2, discomfort sitting, lying in certain positions, etc still. Added next stage of pelvic tilt exercise in addition to initial. Also added... a bird-dog minus the bird? Just leg lol. Another 8 min of ultrasound but switched to continuous wave instead of pulsed. I'm trying to be wary of a placebo effect but I feel like its made a difference so far. Less continuous achy and only very specific position actions get pain so there's hope. Really trying to focus on good posture during the workday. I've been able to pop my hip really frequently though. Placing feet parallel and "torquing" my legs as I extend my hips. Should I avoid doing this or does it help? I'm worried I'm causing unnecessary irritation if I do this but it feels "right" when I do it. I wouldn't be wary of the placebo effect... it works so utilize it as much as possible tbh. And yes, I wouldn't keep popping the hip. That generally is not a good idea because it's going to undo what the exercises do by making it more mobile 5 visits and a month down with PT. Doesn't feel like much if any improvement since when I started. PT recommended one more week with specific exercises and icing each night and if there's still no improvement I should go back to the doctor and discuss another medication to possibly take me over the hump in terms of pain/inflammation while continuing my exercises. I'm bummed it hasn't improved but these things take time of course. Pain is just a constant 1-2 dull ache at the right SI joint. The little activity I've done over the past month hasn't made it flare up really, mostly just sitting when I notice it  WHat has the PT done in terms of things aside from the exercises? Can you name all of the exercises you are doing? Did your PT tell you what kind of rotation/instability/etc. that you have? Ultrasound each appt but it seems I'm not responding as well as he would have hoped. He checks the hip alignment each time. First appt had a anterior pelvic tilt on the right side. Corrected with some bent leg squeeze (similar to the one shown in a video from a guy that writes for EMI I think?) That sitting leg test has been even everytime. Exercises prescribed: Bird-dog minus the bird. Just leg but he said I could add the arm if it wasn't aggravating. Lying pelvic tilt single knee up and release. Lying pelvic tilt one knee then second knee and then one down and the other down I was doing lying straight leg extensions but we cut that out since it seemed to aggravate my hip. Hamstring stretches. This last appt he did some mobilization stuff and checked if pain went away when leg was distracted while I had my knee bent lying down. Externally rotated my bent leg (kinda figure 4) to see if that caused any pain. Didn't say anything particular about instabilities. I've brought up my hamstring imbalance a couple times but he thinks it's unrelated... I keep coming back to it. Just last night I bent over to pick something up in just my boxers and my wife told me to do it again. "Wow your left hamstring just looks so different and smaller." + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BA4VFe8.jpg) Something just doesn't look right...  Bleh. So far all I know I can do is hamstring curls. Hopefully I didn't butcher any terms or descriptions, let me know if anything wasn't clear and thanks again. Wait, so is it left or right side? L hammy is atrophied it looks like, but you have an anterior rotation on your right hip? If Ultrasound ain't working after a couple of sessions I would just drop it as part of the treatment. It's useless if it's not improving. Hmmm, any particular bilateral exercises for stability like bridges, or ball exercises? Like is it unstable all the time? When does the pain occur? etc? Yeah pain is right side. I'm sure the left side has atrophied due to acl surgery on that side, I had no idea it was that bad until after my SI issue when I was checking for imbalances. No bilateral or ball exercises as of right now. I can't say it feels unstable... although the more I think about it maybe that's what it feels like for an SIJ. Running and making cuts playing ultimate make it flare up, just a stronger ache nothing acute. I saw the PT after starting a running routine and it got worse. Before that I was doing glute ham raises 2x a week with light weight for sets of 10 reps, didn't notice any aggravation. Squats and deadlift aggravate it. Doing a bulgarian split squat does not bother it however. Glute bridges / Hip thrusts? Hmmm... I can't really say much without examining you personally and I'm not even the best with SI joint mechanics tbh. Are there any other therapists in the clinic where you're at? I actually saw two during the month I was going weekly. I'll add the bridges/thrusts and see if it aggravates.
So far glute bridges have felt fine. I did notice when I feel I've reached "lockout" on the bridge my left hip is lower than the right. I have to really focus on getting the left side even. I'm encouraged because I've found a movement where I can assess my imbalance is present and actively address it.
Is there possibly any benefit to taking some kind of ligament/joint supplement? I remember reading on EMI something about Universal’s Animal Flex, also have seen recommendations for Ligaplex. Hesitant to drop a lot of money on more than fish oil but I'm reaching the point were I'm more willing to experiment
On May 14 2013 20:09 mordek wrote:So far glute bridges have felt fine. I did notice when I feel I've reached "lockout" on the bridge my left hip is lower than the right. I have to really focus on getting the left side even. I'm encouraged because I've found a movement where I can assess my imbalance is present and actively address it. Is there possibly any benefit to taking some kind of ligament/joint supplement? I remember reading on EMI something about Universal’s Animal Flex, also have seen recommendations for Ligaplex. Hesitant to drop a lot of money on more than fish oil but I'm reaching the point were I'm more willing to experiment 
No such thing. That was potentially for tendonitis where you can actively work the tendons and hopefully get some build blocks there to heal it. I'm really skeptical of those products honestly but some people swear by it so if you wanted to with it you could at least try it
The only way to really hypertrophy ligaments is something like prolotherapy.
Yeah... that's why I asked. I'm skeptical too. I'll stick to the slow and steady rehab/ice/fish oil for now.
Is ice a good idea for ligaments? Doesn't it just reduce inflammation and bring less blood to the area so that it heals slower?
Got pain on the upside of my mousehand, hurts pretty bad. It's been something of an annoyance for a couple months, but I cut down on my League time and started stretching and it seemed to get better. Then I played League all of last weekend and now I can barely type. I've switched mousehand at work to leftie and I try not to extend the index or ringfinger if I can avoid it, but it also hurts when I grip, which sort of gets in the way of most things I do at the gym. Oh yeah, I'm 29 and I dunno, doesn't it seem early for this?
Any tips? I'm mostly curious about diagnosis so I know where to go from here, tendonitis and carpal tunnel both seem to suggest the problem should be in the wrist, but mine is around the knuckles which would suggest.. arthritis? Surely not.
1. Google a pic and mark where it hurts.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Zn2jhVG.png)
2. What exercises hurt? Gripping and extending the index and ringfinger (as if to type on a keyboard)
3. What type of pain is it? Burning? Ache? Tingling? Sharp? Sharp.
4. What would you rate the pain at on a 0/10 scale? 0 being no pain, 10 being go to the emergency room. 5-6 during activity, hurts less if I leave it alone for a while
5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? On and off for a couple months, started end of last year, I took a break from gaming for a couple weeks and it seemed to go away, came back again slowly when I started playing League again
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? Only started hurting in the gym recently
7. How deep is the pain? Is it more superficial tissues? Or does it seem to be more inside or around the joint? Describe it. Feels like the tendon that goes to the fingers
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Stretching, as outlined in that WC3 progamer article that was linked on here at some point
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Not using my hand helps, hard to say if stretching actually does anything
10. Check the tissue quality of the surrounding muscles. Which ones are tight? Which ones are tender? Is there any swelling? Slight swelling if any, knuckles get red during activity
11. How does it feel after exercise (if any)? How does it feel at the beginning of the day? How about the end of the day? Hurts if I fuck with it at any point of the day
12. Any previous injury history? No
13. How's your posture? I rest my elbows on my chair's rests and I rest my wrist on the table. I've seen people recommending not resting either and using your arm to move the mouse instead of your wrist but it seems to me that would just move the problem up the arm to the shoulder or neck. That, and it's quite uncomfortable/exhausting to constantly have to tense my shoulders.
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Deadlifts, press, chins and pullups all appear to worsen the pain.
15. Any other information I should be aware of or that comes to mind that may help? I use a computer, mice and keyboard, for at least 80% of every day.
Had MRI yesterday, should hear back from GP in the next day or two. I expect it's likely that I will be off to see an orthopedic specialist...unless it happens to be something really obvious showing up on MRI.
So I had my gall bladder removed yesterday due to gall bladder stones (gall bladder almost full, pretty rare for my age), and I'm still feeling sedated and slow from the anesthetic. They punched 3 holes in my stomach (minimally invasive surgery), and said I should be able to go home in 3-4 days.
Still has a tube in my stomach for drainage, and my mouth is dry as fuck as I can't drink any water for at least 24 hours. Throbbing headaches and numbing of feelings in my arm from massive amounts of ice cold IV... ah, I feel like shit
Worst part is, no more ice cream or steak binges for me anymore. Meh, maybe that's a good thing.