Kyhol's spotlight (Terran coach)
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About Me
Hey all. I'm Kyle Hollett of All For ONE Gaming. I've decided to put a lot of my time and efforts into coaching players who have the desire to improve their play. If you have the will to take your game play to the next level, and have the drive to push it even further then I'm interested in coaching you!
I have had numerous students in Starcraft 2 and others dating back to Brood War. I've always been very passionate about coaching, I care about your progress so I will bend over backwards helping to push you to tap into your potential.
A short history of my RTS experience: I've been involved in Starcraft for 8 years, and I've been competitive in Starcraft for 5. I know what it takes to become a solid player. I've hit A- on ICCUP and in Starcraft 2 I have been on top of the ladder since beta.
25$/hr 40$/2hours
- 2nd TLOpen
- 1st Hyper crew tournament
- 2nd TeamPure Invitational
- 1st Vile Gaming's Weekly Tournament#9
- High ranked ladder player NA/EU
Broadcasted Games+ Show Spoiler +
Replay pack
Contact Information
Skype: kyle-hollett
BNet: ONEKyhol.808
Titan’s spotlight (Zerg coach)
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About Me
Tristan "vVvTitan" Johnson is one of the top North American Zerg players. His gaming experience started with his introduction to SC:Brood War at the age of 12. Although SC:BW was not as competitive as it is today, it paved a way for his knowledge to grow in RTS games. After playing SC:BW for 6 years, Titan decided to move on to Warcraft 3. Much like his current fame in Starcraft 2, Titan never really pushed himself to become known even though he showed much skill. In fact, it wasn't until Defense of the Ancients became popular that Titan emerged showing his talent in Competitive Gaming. In the early stages of DOTA, Titan was known as verGe.OrgA. Having dedicated hours of practice, he quickly rose to be argued as one of the best in world. After becoming burnt out, Titan moved to World of Warcraft and played casually for 3 years. Now, with the release of Starcraft 2, vVvTitan is beginning to emerge and challenge professionals around the world. Even with a work schedule of 30+ hours and being a full time student, he still manages to compete with top players. However, because of this strenuous schedule vVvTitan still remains an unknown for having lacked the time to compete in more tournaments.
A Little Background on Why I Am A Good Teacher:
There are many teachers out there who can just say... Build Drones now. Make Zerglings. Creep Tumor, GO. You know what? I'm not that type of guy. Having played the trumpet for 14 years, I understand there are various techniques needed to achieve higher levels of performance.
Lets say you are having trouble with queen injects during a game. Do you practice build orders to fix this? Do you practice just playing a game and focusing on Queens? The answer is No. The true way to accel in anything is to break it down to its simplist form. In this instance, I would have you start with 1 hatchery, 1 zergling, and 1 queen. During this drill you are to run the zergling around the map and only focus on that zergling. When you feel the queen is at 25 energy, you go to the queen and see if the timing is correct. If the Queen is at 18 energy, then you must continue running the Zergling until the queen reaches 25 for the inject. Once the 25 energy timing for larve becomes second nature, you may begin adding an Extra Queen until you hit 5 (anything more than 5 queens is probably overkill). At 5 queens, you should have hatcheries around the map and need to create some sort of system for injecting all 5 as quickly as possible...Enough.
$20 an hour /// $15 an hour if in Bulk
Sample of Titan's Teaching on MrBitter's 12 Weeks:
- 1st place finish in Wysley's cup #3,4,6,10
- 1st place finish of SCL's Season 1
- 2nd place finisher in Season 2
- 2nd place finish in Hypercrew #13
- 1st place finish at LANKnights Open
- Consistantly top 50 on Blizzard's Top 200 (even though he ladders in Korea)
- Multiple Appearences on MrBitter's 12 weeks with the pros
- Featured Stream on TeamLiquid
- Coach
Contact Information
(Preffered) E-Mail:
Skype: Tristan.Johnson7
Bnet: vVvTitan.505
desRow’s spotlight (Protoss coach):
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About Me
Hey guys, it’s me again :D. I had quite a crazy month and wanted to update you guys on what’s been going on with me beside becoming a grand master .
I now have a site of my own: I blog daily about my streaming hours, my tournament results, tournament results of my practice partners and more.
I also coach 4-6hours a day on average and ladder in between and all of that is streamed on my featured channel Make sure to check it out.
Make sure to follow me on my twitter and sign up for my RAFFLE of 1hour of free coaching by following me and tweeting "@desRowCA will make a man out of me" (or lady) !
As far as my coaching goes, my rate is 25$/hr and I am now sitting at 250hours of experience. You can find all the information about my coaching here
To schedule a lesson you must use these 2 pages:
- 1st place GO4SC2 #21 – 50$
- 1st place Clan infinity 1v1 tournament #2 – $50
- 3rd SCReddit Open XXIII – 50$
- 2nd in Edward invitional – 25$
- Top16 in SCReddit Final – 20$
- 2nd in Map of the month tournament #1 – 15$
- EG MSI Top16
- 2nd in GO4SC2 #28
- 2nd in GO4SC2 #29
- 3rd in GO4SC2 US #9
- 3rd/4th Craftcup #17
- 3rd/4th craftcup in craftcup #20
- 4th SCReddit Open XXII
- Top 8th craftcup #19
Replay pack
Contact Information
Contact info:
BNET ID: VTdesRow.745