Banner made by [FSM]Doji
Hey guys,
I'm desRow
[url blocked] my replay pack number 7. Mostly ladder games ! A lot of people have been asking for it so I hope you enjoy it.
The replay pack contains 23 replays divided into:
8 PvP
7 PvT
8 PvZ
Games against notable players such as EG.IdrA, STRainbow (Blackcitadel), sixjax.ViBE, RGNslush and aTn Socke
If you have any question about my builds or any of the games just ask in this thread.
You can also check out my stream on team liquid.
PS: Check out, it's an awesome site I work for !
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Hey guys,
I'm RAGEdesRow from Rage e-sports, Here's my replay pack number 6. Mostly ladder games ! A lot of people have been asking for it so I hope you enjoy it.
The replay pack contains:
6 PvP
7 PvT
5 PvZ
Games against notable players such as MYM.Cloud, RAZERiNSo, Playzone Fury, Dignitas.Bischu and NrS.Response.
If you have any question about my builds or any of the games just ask in this thread.
You can also check out my stream on team liquid.
PS: Check out, it's an awesome site I work for !
Banner made by [FSM]Doji
Hey guys,
This is desRow. Here's a small rep pack with replays from the new patch. Not a lot of notable players but I know a lot of you out there want new patch replays badly
Here is my Replay pack containing:
10 PvP
11 PvT
7 PvZ
Most of these replays are from the North American ladder.
Make sure to check out my replay against drewbie with an exciting twist !
Other notable games are against players like:
sixjaxTerran, sixjaxSkew, ONEbLuR, VTSpades, tQyrUseCC, nEAns for the Terran race
Perfect,Virus.Underdark (he's on the account dimaga), ONECruncher, vVvTime, coLrsvp for the Protoss race.
and finally vVvRigid, wzp and sTksooch for the zerg race!
If you have any question about my builds or any of the games just ask in this thread.
You can also check out my stream on team liquid.
PS: Check out, it's an awesome site I work for !