New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Registration - Ingame name HelloWhimsy
- Rank and division not ranked yet
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC/Supp
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC: varus, cait Supp: sona, zyra
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these? idk you could just stop playing them and go back to your 2-3 mana item build syndra
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these? Then by all means, stop playing in IHs.
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these?
OMG your so good, can i get lessons?
Registration - Ingame name maxbarnyard - Rank and division unranked -If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) support and jungle, but happy to fill - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Support: Blitz, Thresh Jungle: Elise, Nautilus
Kissblade trying to start shit after every game.
Why isn't he banned from these inhouses yet again? He narrowly beat me as a counter to a hero that I was in my 4th game playing (Free Ahri week)
I'd also like to give a shout out to Scip, he is the perfect example of what the better players should be doing in these. Not goofing around, taking it seriously and analyzing situations and explaining them, as well as giving advice constantly. So, a lot of respect for him and the way he's conducting himself in these inhouses--all of the better players should look to him.
On August 28 2013 12:36 XilDarkz wrote:http://i.imgur.com/HbdMy3G.jpgKissblade trying to start shit after every game. Why isn't he banned from these inhouses yet again? He narrowly beat me as a counter to a hero that I was in my 4th game playing (Free Ahri week)
oh the irony
I apologize for my comment in chat afterwards and in the main chat channel by the way. As I said, completely uncalled for comment.
Edit: Didn't need the last line my bad.
Baa?21242 Posts
On August 28 2013 12:44 KissBlade wrote: I apologize for my comment in chat afterwards and in the main chat channel by the way. As I said, completely uncalled for comment.
PS. I don't play mid at all btw.
you just had to type that last line didnt you lol
=( I'M SORRY (@&34IJGENgesrgujoeiwt I'M DOING MY BEST HERE
brag about beating plat & diamond, and not expect to get shit for it after getting beat by kissblade? okay... lol.
United States23745 Posts
On August 28 2013 12:59 wei2coolman wrote: brag about beating plat & diamond, and not expect to get shit for it after getting beat by kissblade? okay... lol. Just drop it, Kiss already apologized
On August 28 2013 10:30 Whimsy wrote: Registration - Ingame name HelloWhimsy
- Rank and division not ranked yet
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC/Supp
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC: varus, cait Supp: sona, zyra
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Hey Whimsy, we saw you log in our chat for a moment but you didn't stick around. Feel free to get in a game with us when we're on!
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
Me/Milo terror botlane the suicide nami is stronk
I feel like the game where Milo and I (Nami/Ezreal) laned against Storr/sylver (Ashe/Zyra), the issues that they had were that they simply didn't respect nami's catch potential, and thus got punished many times for not being careful enough. Also they took a lotta unnecessary poke from my Q, I often hit Zyra in the bush even when it wasn't warded, just because a bush is dark doesn't mean you're safe from skillshots, always be alert of them
edit: we died a few times because eventually we got camped by ahri/amumu, and I should've flashed one of the ashe arrows instead of just trying to E out of it
Registration - Ingame name R04R - Rank and division S1 Gold, S2 Gold, S3 Haven't started - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Nuances of new jungle Solo lane - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Jangle: What's top tier nowadays? 2 of those. Mid/Top: Vlad anddddd... Akali
On August 28 2013 12:36 XilDarkz wrote:http://i.imgur.com/HbdMy3G.jpgKissblade trying to start shit after every game. Why isn't he banned from these inhouses yet again? He narrowly beat me as a counter to a hero that I was in my 4th game playing (Free Ahri week) edit: I'd also like to give a shout out to Scip, he is the perfect example of what the better players should be doing in these. Not goofing around, taking it seriously and analyzing situations and explaining them, as well as giving advice constantly. So, a lot of respect for him and the way he's conducting himself in these inhouses--all of the better players should look to him.
Kissblade has been playing inhouses with us for over a year without incident of any sort, and I will defend his bedside manner vigorously.
Who are you? What have you done to have the right to mock everyone in LP who works hard to make it an enjoyable community? TL places a strong emphasis on earning respect through your actions. You have done nothing positive for this community.
Antagonizing respected members of LP with statements like "I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these," and then crying to the moderation team when someone spits your own cancerous attitude back at you is absolutely abhorrent behavior.
On August 28 2013 12:36 XilDarkz wrote:http://i.imgur.com/HbdMy3G.jpgKissblade trying to start shit after every game. Why isn't he banned from these inhouses yet again? He narrowly beat me as a counter to a hero that I was in my 4th game playing (Free Ahri week) edit: I'd also like to give a shout out to Scip, he is the perfect example of what the better players should be doing in these. Not goofing around, taking it seriously and analyzing situations and explaining them, as well as giving advice constantly. So, a lot of respect for him and the way he's conducting himself in these inhouses--all of the better players should look to him.
Respect is earned, not given. You have done absolutely nothing to show that you have earned it, yet you act like you deserve it. I will defend every single person's right to shit on you, and give you shit until you change your attitude. There are plenty of low level players who get shit on in inhouses. But you know why people do it? Because you can analyze so many aspects of your play from a loss. You just act like "Oh he countered me". No. He fucking played better than you, and you lost. If you get outplayed and beaten, then accept it, think about why you lost, and move on.
casting/streaming next ihs! twitch.tv/wei2coolforu
I appreciate the defense folks but I think we should drop it to make Neo's life easier and keep this thread more legit.
Plus I shouldn't have antagonized it anyway.
On August 28 2013 13:54 wei2coolman wrote: casting/streaming next ihs! twitch.tv/wei2coolforu
I'll build mejais just for you.