New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Registration - Ingame name Pandemic Osukid
- Rank and division Silver 2
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid/Bot
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid - Lux/Ezreal Bot - Zilean/Ezreal/Ashe
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
I feel like the more of these in houses I play, the worse I get at solo queue
On August 28 2013 07:03 upperbound wrote:I feel like the more of these in houses I play, the worse I get at solo queue  I've experienced the same phenomenon - I feel like it's because the vast majority of the players around my ELO just don't know how to play properly or whatever, so after playing with people who do it's like...what are you supposed to do? And if you tell anyone what to do (through innocent suggestion or violent insistence) it's taken as a sleight and met with at best refusal and at worst trolling.
SoloQ mang. SoloQ.
I mean I feel like I'm just not learning what I'm supposed to be learning -- it's definitely me and not my teammates, but I just don't know what to do. I always hold up my part of the early game, but I just have no idea how to make games in solo queue not fall apart around the time that laning phase ends. I already time objectives and try to tell people at least 30s to 1:00 ahead, but people just do their own thing, go chase kills or whatever, and then we end up in a 4v5 or 3v5 at dragon or our blue or something. I have no idea what else the other team is doing to be so much more organized for every objective when I'm as objective focused as possible.
On August 28 2013 07:10 upperbound wrote: I mean I feel like I'm just not learning what I'm supposed to be learning -- it's definitely me and not my teammates, but I just don't know what to do. I always hold up my part of the early game, but I just have no idea how to make games in solo queue not fall apart around the time that laning phase ends. I already time objectives and try to tell people at least 30s to 1:00 ahead, but people just do their own thing, go chase kills or whatever, and then we end up in a 4v5 or 3v5 at dragon or our blue or something. I have no idea what else the other team is doing to be so much more organized for every objective when I'm as objective focused as possible. eh that's kind of just how soloq is. If you really want, being the shotcaller in these inhouses could be a nice experience in terms of figuring out how to lead a team.
On August 28 2013 07:10 upperbound wrote: I mean I feel like I'm just not learning what I'm supposed to be learning -- it's definitely me and not my teammates, but I just don't know what to do. I always hold up my part of the early game, but I just have no idea how to make games in solo queue not fall apart around the time that laning phase ends. I already time objectives and try to tell people at least 30s to 1:00 ahead, but people just do their own thing, go chase kills or whatever, and then we end up in a 4v5 or 3v5 at dragon or our blue or something. I have no idea what else the other team is doing to be so much more organized for every objective when I'm as objective focused as possible.
you could be our fearless leader! as mentioned above, I strongly suggest you to try and be the shot-caller in every game you play. You only need one call to be right for your team to trust you in every following call. This is especially easy to do if you main jungle/support because those positions are less mechanically demanding giving you more time to type and tell your team what to do.
United States37500 Posts
channel: RIP Roffles We'll start as soon as we have 10, etc.
On August 28 2013 08:10 NeoIllusions wrote: channel: RIP Roffles We'll start as soon as we have 10, etc. Keep it going! I'm heading to a going away party right now but will be back around 10:00 EDT!
That awkward moment when you said you'd be there for the last practice... and then all of your friends wanted to play and you didn't end up going. Sorry for being flaky. I'll try to participate tonight, but probably won't make it. Life is busy for me right now in terms of League time that isn't with my friends. No complaints, though.
So yeah, Neo and I think someone else (wanna say Kissblade, but I might be wrong) really really helped me further understand playing ADC. Not only was I building wrong, but being told how I played ganks incorrectly was really helpful just in terms of game knowledge. Also my silver play got carried a LOT (I was playing so, so badly) which felt great. I think I'm going to try and avoid playing mid in in-houses just because that's the one thing in this game I actually sorta know how to do and I rarely, rarely get mid in soloQ. Will be nice to get better in other positions.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 28 2013 04:02 KissBlade wrote: Won't be able to make channel for this week cause I'll be taking the GMAT and my studying has been less than well anything. Someone else make channel names for the week. GMAT ezpz
On August 28 2013 07:20 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 28 2013 07:10 upperbound wrote: I mean I feel like I'm just not learning what I'm supposed to be learning -- it's definitely me and not my teammates, but I just don't know what to do. I always hold up my part of the early game, but I just have no idea how to make games in solo queue not fall apart around the time that laning phase ends. I already time objectives and try to tell people at least 30s to 1:00 ahead, but people just do their own thing, go chase kills or whatever, and then we end up in a 4v5 or 3v5 at dragon or our blue or something. I have no idea what else the other team is doing to be so much more organized for every objective when I'm as objective focused as possible. eh that's kind of just how soloq is. If you really want, being the shotcaller in these inhouses could be a nice experience in terms of figuring out how to lead a team.
You aren't going to have the coordination you have in a premade 5's team that you would have in SoloQ. People in SoloQ just aren't in sync, but it's best to just try to communicate and call as many shots as possible. Simply pinging things and typing "This then this" is good enough. From my experience, a lot of players are just looking for something to do (assuming they aren't tied up in trying to get kills for no reason) and they will generally listen to the first idea that is popped out.
I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck.
edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446
Guess when I started playing in these?
You remind me of those poker players who move up in stakes because they feel they can win better there.
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these?
Guess you should stop playing in the inhouses then.
On August 28 2013 10:03 Pooshlmer wrote: You remind me of those poker players who move up in stakes because they feel they can win better there.
Explain. I should be moving down when I play ranked, and yet, sometimes I play far better than I do in houses and do far worse.
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these?
It actually looks like you had a spike from a win streak, then regressed to the norm, then had a little losing streak, and have again returned to the norm.
Also, no.
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these?
You had a tiny winstreak, and then dropped back to where you belong. You don't improve in IH's because you hardly ever listen to advice. People critique you, and you get defensive. You do well when jungler camps the shit out of your lane opponent, and all of a sudden you're the best player in the world.
Also I doubt you could outlane even a diamond support main. You might snowball off jungle camping, but I won't believe you're dominating plats/diamonds when you lose to silvers.
Registration - Ingame name Eias
- Rank and division Silver V - III
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Top (Want to learn Jungle theory/timing but it's currently at Bronze V level)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Zed, Karthus Top: Zed, Gangplank (Want to improve on Lee Sin for both, but BronzeV, etc.)
On August 28 2013 09:59 XilDarkz wrote:I'm pretty sure that all the feedback I've gotten from these inhouses when I play mid has made me a worse player. I'm doing far worse after playing in these than before I did. I've utterly dominated Diamonds and Platinums in these, while losing to Silver 2 players in ranked. What the fuck. edit: check the graph of my ranked 'progress' on lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/34446Guess when I started playing in these?
1. Good for you, you beat a couple plats/diamonds. "Utterly dominating" a plat and a diamond does not mean you will beat them every single time. If I remember correctly, you beat 1 diamond and that was because he was practicing a different champ, and everyone else you played basically tore you a new asshole.
2. If you don't think you're improving from these, then don't play in them. Most of us don't like the way you act in these in-houses anyways.
3. If you want to continue playing with us, then start listening to the advice we give you and stop giving us bullshit in return.
Registration - Ingame name
- Rank and division
Plat 4
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two)
Umm I guess I'm not supposed to fill this out, but I feel like I am probably gold level on most of my champions. Just much higher on my Orianna/Ahri than anything else. (At least thats how games feel like too me). Also my supports might be below gold level. I do good when i duo with my friend and support him and he tells me exactly what to do, but as you can see that might be an issue lol.
Im a little nervous going in to these IH because my anxiety but hopefully it works out :D.