[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 50
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
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Canada1875 Posts
On August 28 2013 16:16 wei2coolman wrote: Nemireck's Nami was pretty godlike, nothing too flashy, but just seemed very solid. Normally I get caught out a lot as Nami, but Nemireck never seemed to get killed. I still have a bad habit of getting caught out when I'm warding. You see a lot more of my bad decision making in game 2 and comment on it a few times actually :-p (Ironically, my first win as Nami in an IH) I also need to figure out what I can do better in lane. My lane is almost always pushed in these IHs, and while Roffles and Storr helped me a lot on my first day, I haven't felt like I've had the control I want in order to help my ADC farm. Whether it's because I'm paired with less experienced players, or weaker early-game ADC champs, or just have a lot more I need to work I'm not sure... Either I get poked down more than I want, or my ADC does. It's one of the reasons I've gotten into the habit of putting a second point in my W during laning phase (You comment on this in game 3). That little added touch of sustain feels a lot better than purely maxing E first. | ||
United States2626 Posts
On August 28 2013 20:24 Nemireck wrote: I still have a bad habit of getting caught out when I'm warding. You see a lot more of my bad decision making in game 2 and comment on it a few times actually :-p (Ironically, my first win as Nami in an IH) I also need to figure out what I can do better in lane. My lane is almost always pushed in these IHs, and while Roffles and Storr helped me a lot on my first day, I haven't felt like I've had the control I want in order to help my ADC farm. Whether it's because I'm paired with less experienced players, or weaker early-game ADC champs, or just have a lot more I need to work I'm not sure... Either I get poked down more than I want, or my ADC does. It's one of the reasons I've gotten into the habit of putting a second point in my W during laning phase (You comment on this in game 3). That little added touch of sustain feels a lot better than purely maxing E first. I feel like you can't become good at only ADC or only support without learning the other role as well. Some supports can carry on their own (blitz and thresh come to mind), but Nami is definitely one of those supports that relies on synergy/coordination rather than just landing a skillshot. In order to develop that kind of coordination, you kinda have to play the ADC role to get that "what I want my support to do" feeling. Even though my ADC is complete crap compared to my other lanes, it helped my support play quite a bit when it came to when to harass, how to zone, how to get a kill, when to back off, when is it okay to go ward and leave your ADC alone, etc. | ||
Canada1875 Posts
On August 28 2013 20:50 imBLIND wrote: I feel like you can't become good at only ADC or only support without learning the other role as well. Some supports can carry on their own (blitz and thresh come to mind), but Nami is definitely one of those supports that relies on synergy/coordination rather than just landing a skillshot. In order to develop that kind of coordination, you kinda have to play the ADC role to get that "what I want my support to do" feeling. Even though my ADC is complete crap compared to my other lanes, it helped my support play quite a bit when it came to when to harass, how to zone, how to get a kill, when to back off, when is it okay to go ward and leave your ADC alone, etc. Oh trust me, I'm a fully capable ADC. My main champ is Miss Fortune. So I know what *I* want from a support. I want to play more with Storr, Roffles and Atrioc, because so far, those 3 have been the best ADC's I've been paired with.and their comments in-game and after have helped a TON. I'm at the point now though that I need the adc chatting with me constantly not only to help me stay on top of my responsibilities, but also to understand how they're feeling in lane and what their goal is so I can help them. | ||
United States12704 Posts
On August 28 2013 10:29 BlueBird. wrote: Registration - Ingame name TLBluebird - Rank and division Plat 4 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Umm I guess I'm not supposed to fill this out, but I feel like I am probably gold level on most of my champions. Just much higher on my Orianna/Ahri than anything else. (At least thats how games feel like too me). Also my supports might be below gold level. I do good when i duo with my friend and support him and he tells me exactly what to do, but as you can see that might be an issue lol. Im a little nervous going in to these IH because my anxiety but hopefully it works out :D. Lol you're so silly BlueBird. Plat 4? Get in there man :D | ||
United States5718 Posts
On August 28 2013 21:37 Nemireck wrote: Oh trust me, I'm a fully capable ADC. My main champ is Miss Fortune. So I know what *I* want from a support. I want to play more with Storr, Roffles and Atrioc, because so far, those 3 have been the best ADC's I've been paired with.and their comments in-game and after have helped a TON. I'm at the point now though that I need the adc chatting with me constantly not only to help me stay on top of my responsibilities, but also to understand how they're feeling in lane and what their goal is so I can help them. IMO, it should be the other way around. If you want to improve your solo q rating as support, you need to get more comfortable with making the calls so you can set up for your ADC. Think about it, in a normal game, you'll have more time to record timers for wards, summoners, objectives, etc than your ADC. You're also the enabler as a majority of the ADC's role is adding damage. Yes certain power spikes exist where an ADC can inform you of their ability to all in, etc but those are more specifics than overall. ^ Also Bluebird, there's zero reason to have anxiety in these IH's. No one cares if you feed or do terrible, just laugh at it, look at the mistakes you've made and improve from there. | ||
Canada1875 Posts
On August 28 2013 23:24 KissBlade wrote: IMO, it should be the other way around. If you want to improve your solo q rating as support, you need to get more comfortable with making the calls so you can set up for your ADC. Think about it, in a normal game, you'll have more time to record timers for wards, summoners, objectives, etc than your ADC. You're also the enabler as a majority of the ADC's role is adding damage. Yes certain power spikes exist where an ADC can inform you of their ability to all in, etc but those are more specifics than overall. I'm fine with making the calls, it just helps to know from better ADCs the things they're used to seeing from better supports, and what they need me doing to help THEM be as good as they are. Some people have different priorities in lane as well, usually based on their skill level and what champ they select. Roffles likes to go ham at level 2, Storr and Atrioc focus much more on farm. Myself, as MF, my goal is to get a BF sword *safely* by 7:30 and then all-in at level 6. But when I'm with ADC's that are still working on farming, or who aren't familiar or comfortable with the ADC role, I can definitely tell. It's the difference between being pushed to turret with Atrioc, who can farm well under turret and is telling me "We're fine here, this is ok." and getting paired with another ADC who falls behind 30 CS because they can't even focus on farming well yet, let alone harassing at the same time, and is feeling on the back foot. Playing with someone like me, who is patiently focused on a level 5-6 timing is very different from playing with someone like Roffles. Likewise, playing with someone who is still learning to farm is much different from playing with someone who knows what they're doing. Something as simple as maxing E on Nami to take advantage of extra damage is completely wasted on some lanes because the ADC is still learning how to last-hit minion waves properly. I STILL feel like I have an effect on these lanes, but there's only so much you can do as a support when your ADC is missing free-farm. At some point, you've done all you can do, if they can't last-hit a free minion, another ward or a better Q can't help that. I just need more games with better ADCs because THEY are good enough to know what else I can be doing to help THEM, and if there's anything new to learn, I can work it into my games with weaker players and KNOW, with certainty, that I'm ACTUALLY doing everything I can to help them. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On August 28 2013 17:02 57 Corvette wrote: I don't know if its just me, but the VOD seems a bit laggy. There was a chunk of 5 to 10 minutes in one of the games that I casted that lagged/seemed choppy. I also tried to use the rewind function a couple times to. | ||
United States5718 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On August 29 2013 01:02 KissBlade wrote: The first game you casted is a bit choppy during the first ten but it fixed up later. Not sure about the rest. okay, i'll probably have to turn off windows aero and some other background application when i stream, and hopefully that will solve the problems. thanks for insights guys. | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On August 29 2013 01:22 JonGalt wrote: I remember when I streamed with xsplit, it turned off windows aero automatically - so that'll probably help. Using OBS, it has an option to do it. But Aero looks so pretty.... | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On August 29 2013 01:25 wei2coolman wrote: Using OBS, it has an option to do it. But Aero looks so pretty.... I agree, but ever since I have lived without electricity it's been "fuck pretty, gogo battery life" haha. I actually like the plainess of a gray scale xp look. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
Leblanc is really really fucking hard to lane against with TF. I'm brand new to playing TF, can anyone gimme a rundown of his good and bad matchups? I imagine champs like Kass/Ahri/Diana also dump on him, and he probably does fine against other 'shove and bail' mids like Morgana and Lux. Shoving out bot lane to get an xp advantage while the enemy team steals our blue at lvl 1 is a bad idea (ooooops), but my teamfighting as AD seems pretty good. I felt like I was cushioned quite a bit in one of the games I played (as Ashe, with imBlind Zyra support) because my team let me farm sideline waves to catch back up. We lost anyway, but it shows the difference between solo queue and arranged 5's with like-minded players. The team naturally let me farm back into relevance, but I saw the direct effect of me getting sent back to fountain at lvl 1. I struggled in lane, and then I wasn't strong enough to chew through Nocturne and Shen before their team chewed through OUR frontline. And I was playing a better-scaling AD in Ashe than Storr's Caitlyn. Really good demonstration of how important laning phase can be and why an AD should play conservatively (especially if that AD is Ashe) 4% lifesteal! It's important! An enemy in our jungle is EVERYONE'S problem and can be free kills if we're all paying attention and can collapse on 'em! It is considered a faux pas to ask for blue buff at lvl 1 as the AD carry (can i have this???) ![]() | ||
United States13912 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
I like chalice on Zyra and Sona, but it's only something I buy if we are absolutely crushing lane. Like, if we're up a couple of kills and I can zone them myself by spamming my abilities. I find myself very seldomly, if ever, finishing Grail. I lean more towards Aegis on pretty much every support. On Sona especially I like to have a ruby after my sightstone, which becomes Aegis eventually. | ||
United States5765 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
In the game I played TF, Milo counterpicked with Leblanc and I died to him at lvl 2 like an idiot. After that the lane was lost and I just cowered by my tower and tried to roam, cuz Milo cleared slower than I could. So I learned that's it's not a good idea to try to 'harass' LeBlanc at lvl 2 with TF (lol ![]() | ||
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