[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 52
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States60033 Posts
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United States343 Posts
- Ingame name: Seltsam - Rank and division: Silver V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two): ADC and top would be my two first choices. Want to work on everything, though. - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC- I think MF and Vayne, (but again, want to work on anyone I can in this role) Top- I'm enjoying Shen a lot. As a second, I think Lee Sin, but I'm still experimenting. | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 29 2013 07:51 GrandInquisitor wrote: I'm in a weird situation where I feel like the fate of the game is out of my control. Sometimes I win lane, and other times I lose lane. But it doesn't seem like it matters, because whether I win or lose the overall game seems to depend on whether someone else on my team is snowballing or if an opponent is snowballing. I'm never the one carrying. I typically play support, so this isn't wholly unexpected, but I feel like I should be making a bigger impact, and even when I top lane it seems like I'm not deciding the game. Is it that I don't roam well enough? Is it my champ selection (typically Sona/Singed)? Is it that I'm not pressing my advantage enough when I'm ahead in lane? Was in Silver I for a while, just got demoted to Silver II after four consecutive 4v5 games. Different champions and different roles influence the game in their own way. What matters the most is that you try to play your part the best and play around for what influences the game the most. There's no "one rule fits all" approach here and so it's somewhat playing until you reach your natural peak, and then figuring out how to improve your play and learn game sense and moving upwards once you learn more and get better. For the support role, your impact is not as blunt and forward the same way as the AP Caster who explodes an enemy Carry in 2 second with your spell burst. But there are still things you can do other than just doing well to control the lane for your AD Carry to farm. For instance, let's say you're playing Sona and the enemy Zed is snowballing out of control You come to a crucial fight around Dragon. Charge up a W-Power Chord. Wait for the enemy Zed to go in on your AD Carry then Exhaust and W-Power Chord him. That's an instant 20% + 30% reduction in damage which means you just neutered almost half of his entire damage output instantly. It's not the flashiest of plays but it's going to be massively influential in keeping that Vayne alive long enough to just survive Zed's absurd bust and then clean up the fight. In top lane, you can try to control the lane really hard, zone the opponent, make them cry, force the jungler to camp your lane and draw pressure away from the rest of the team to win their lane. Or maybe just crush lane, get super fed, perma-push top and smash down towers and split push all game. Or maybe feed off your opponent, get super fed, take tower, crush other lanes while your lane is push and snowball into taking all the towers. Or maybe it's a hard lane so you just patiently farm it out and then in the teamfight you go ballistic and kill everything in sight. There are a lot of ways to play solo lanes so you learn what the best approach for you is and you learn to abuse it. Then once your comfortable with it and you feel like your skill is starting to plateau, you learn how to do another one of these strategies because it makes more sense for certain team comps or is the better response to how some games go. And so on and so forth. Learn what you can and cannot do at different power levels and then focus on how to make plays around that. A lot of this is really playing and feeling what kind of plays you can make to advance your game state. The next is then convincing your team to take objectives and actually win. Every time you do something, aim to advance the game state. Win a fight? Go take an objective. Just clear a large brawl of tower and at low health? Go heal up in preparation for the next objective and kill them again (waiting for important CDs of course). Really fed and great at 1v1'ing? Go split-push with good ward coverage (buy them yourself if you have to) or wait in a brush for the AD Carry to get greedy and cs that massive juicy minion wave and then suddenly blow them up and the take a tower or force a 4v5. Also one other thing is watch your item builds. Don't try to get too cute. Sometimes what seems like a cute idea is just really bad or inefficient. | ||
United States5211 Posts
Also, you could try to win/dominate your lane. Simply surviving your lane isn't good enough, you need to be able to recognize mistakes and win lanes. I tend to play passive supports (Sona/Janna), yet I play aggressively in lane. And I'm not necessarily aiming for a kill, but perhaps force them off balance to get free damage and wear them down through attrition. | ||
United States10536 Posts
http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol | ||
United States60033 Posts
On August 29 2013 09:00 Seuss wrote: I'm going to be streaming and doing commentary on the next game. http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol you're much better at this than I am. also, if ihs are still going on when I get back. around 10pm pst. I'll either join in or cast. | ||
United States2300 Posts
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Canada213 Posts
1. Usage of exhaust. I've seen tons of supports waste their exhaust to finish off or chase a champion that would probably die after. The potential to reduce a AP or assassins burst is too important to waste, especially if they are fed. 2. Think about where the next objective or threat is and ward for it accordingly. Whenever someone is asking you to ward a place (and you feel the same), you probably should have warded it earlier unless something is preventing you to do so. 3. Ward when it's safe, there are times you won't be sure and you have to rely on looking at the map to guess based on previous movements. 4. Determine when you can roam to assist other lanes. If you feel your AD can farm safely, it's probably better to roam and make plays elsewhere than to stand beside him. 5. Track wards for the team, if you see an enemy ward placed on the minimap, try your best to remember that it's placed. I hate when people ping wards and hide on it a minute later. 6. There are lanes where you will be at a disadvantage based on the match up, figure when you can take some harass for your AD to make his life easier. (Most supports start with some sustain anyway) 7. I feel that in bottom lane hitting level 2 first puts you in a huge advantage (4 skills against 2). Coordinate with your AD to see if he want's to shove early and do so. Hope it helps! | ||
United States13912 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol | ||
Canada345 Posts
- DominoSc - Gold division 4 - mid lane/ - kass, zed, fizz | ||
14521 Posts
On August 29 2013 13:17 gtrsrs wrote: monte is casting, pretty damn entertainingly http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol I think he's done for the day. | ||
United States60033 Posts
K, will begin casting!!! twitch.tv/wei2coolforu Stream off since i'm playing, it'll lag too much for me. will stream when casting though. EDIT: K stream on! casting! | ||
10417 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts
Apparently my first day of sucking was just failure to adapt to more coordinated teams. After 4 days of inhouses I finally managed to adapt and play a similar jungle style to the one I like. I've become less reliant on heavy counter jungling and more aware of the other jungler's position in the map at any point. I am able to coordinate ganks a lot better and not fall behind wondering what I should be doing when I'm not counter jungling. I'm also better at controling objectives in general. I think my understanding of the game has increased a lot in just a few days and I encourage everyone who can make it to try and join in. the groups we have these days are big enough to get two simultaneous inhouses at times. Stats don't mean much but I think this should show some of my improvement. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/22509603#history | ||
United States2300 Posts
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Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
Game 1: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/453008230 NeoIllusions (Zed) vs BFTSChaos (Cho'gath) UpperB (Lee Sin) vs Auswahlaxiom (Rammus) MagnusWolf (Ahri) vs Ethelis (Lux) Hiicantpk (Ashe) vs Bevan (Ezreal) KissBlade (Nami) vs Zdrastochye (Sona) KissBlade Bubble Whiff. When good initiations go bad, with slow motion analysis. Game 2: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/453008230?t=34m30s NeoIllusions (Wukong) vs MCMilo (Jayce) KissBlade (Hecarim) vs OMnomnomnomn (Lee Sin) TLBlueBird (Orianna) vs MagnusWolf (Zed) FallenLoL (Graves) vs Bevan (Ezreal) Ethelis (Alistar) vs Hiicantpk (Lulu) Dragon fight. How To Whiff a Wombo Combo. How To Whiff a Wombo Combo, again. Game 3: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/453008230?t=101m40s NeoIllusions (Renekton) vs BFTSChaos (Aatrox) KissBlade (Hecarim) vs OMnomnomnomn (Lee Sin) i am guitar (Kassadin) vs methstolemyteeth (Fizz) FallenLoL (Graves) vs Helspeth (Ezreal) Ethelis (Alistar) vs Seltsam (Sona) gtrsrs learns to fear Fizz. Kissblade brilliants saves Jarvan by blocking a Caitlyn ult. Game 4: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/453008230?t=142m45s sylverfyre (Kennen) vs BFTSChaos (Ryze) OMnomnomnomn (Lee Sin) vs Mathies (Nasus) i am guitar (Kassadin) vs Hiicantpk (Galio) Kitkatzy (Caitlyn) vs methstolemyteeth (Vayne) Seltsam (Janna) vs Zdrastochye (Lulu) Corvette, my hero. Big Plays with i am guitar Monte's advice for Mathies. Game 5: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/453008230?t=200m24s sylverfyre (Renekton) vs aurawashere (Vladimir) OMnomnomnomn (Lee Sin) vs MagnusWolf (Vi) Umasi (Lissandra) vs Kitkatzy (Zed) BFTSChaos (Caitlyn) vs UpperB (Twitch) Hiicantpk (Kayle) vs KissBlade (Nami) Monte's post-game advice and key moments. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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