New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
On August 18 2013 11:42 Navi wrote: Aceofas represent I wish i could be there to take part in this glorious channel name
How late do your IHs tend to run? I might have time on weekends to hop to a PC bang if its reasonable, grinding kr solo q gets boring
Although I have not attended one of these yet and I'm gonna respond to this with my own experience in other places. With setting up games like this, it will go on as long as someone is willing to get a game going.
Whew my teams got dumped on today
I definitely wasn't playing up to par, Hummingbird stomped me mid and so did omnomnom
We had a lot of trouble with warding in all 3 of my team's games and our decisions were very questionable early which led to us feeding and the game snowballing
Still, I learned a lot, like I need to relearn Ahri and 21/0/9 instead of 9/0/21 with her as well as that I don't know ADC matchups nearly as well as I thought
I have a question though because it's been bugging me since we talked about it. People tell me that Twitch/Leona outdamages Caitlyn/Sona at level 2 but shouldn't Cait/Sona win trades?
twitch/leona outDAMAGES but caitlyn sona sure as shit wins trades haha
Yeah it's really confusing me too, numbers wise I really feel like Leona outdamages Sona and Twitch outdamages Cait.
I feel like Cait/Sona win poking, but Twitch/Leona should win an all in.
Our coordination in bot lane was just awful. If I had known we were going to do a passive game I would NOT have picked Leona, I would have picked Lulu probably. I don't know why you pick Leona if your goal is anything other than to get kills in lane.
Another problem was that I didn't realize Twitch ran Cleanse and not Barrier, which basically guaranteed we couldn't win a level 2 fight. Really needed to communicate better.
On August 18 2013 14:12 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I definitely wasn't playing up to par, Hummingbird stomped me mid and so did omnomnom
I could not land any of my charms that game. I even missed the small golems. The worst has to be me throwing out the charm literally in the opposite direction of you at one point. I think its safe to say that today was a terrible day for most of us
On August 18 2013 14:12 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Whew my teams got dumped on today
I definitely wasn't playing up to par, Hummingbird stomped me mid and so did omnomnom
We had a lot of trouble with warding in all 3 of my team's games and our decisions were very questionable early which led to us feeding and the game snowballing
Still, I learned a lot, like I need to relearn Ahri and 21/0/9 instead of 9/0/21 with her as well as that I don't know ADC matchups nearly as well as I thought
I have a question though because it's been bugging me since we talked about it. People tell me that Twitch/Leona outdamages Caitlyn/Sona at level 2 but shouldn't Cait/Sona win trades?
unless there's a full on hard engage cait sona will destroy twitch leona in light poke. the key at that level is to make sure that sona is not in leona e range (and if she was so, that twitch cannot abuse that - i.e. either caitlyn is in a good position to continually auto twitch as he approaches sona or sona is far back enough that the creep aggro etc. will destroy leona, or both) and there should be relatively few avenues for a successful engage for the twitch leona; good trap or e management, depending on what cait takes, should protect her (esp in conjunction with a defensive summoner) from a full on engage and then afterwards she can resustain herself with sona.
Good so I guess I just didn't know how to phrase what I was trying to say in the postmortem
I really think that Twitch/Leona have to wait til 6 before the fight becomes their favor but at that point they gain massive lane dominance because Sona/Cait all in vs Twitch/Leona all in is one-sided
Really? I feel like Sona has a better level 6 than Leona does. Is Spray and Pray that good?
The difference between Sona and Leona at 6 is Leona's ult has a considerably lower cooldown than Sonas, so after a level 6 fight you know you can engage again while Sona's ult is down.
On August 18 2013 15:39 Ketara wrote: Really? I feel like Sona has a better level 6 than Leona does. Is Spray and Pray that good?
The difference between Sona and Leona at 6 is Leona's ult has a considerably lower cooldown than Sonas, so after a level 6 fight you know you can engage again while Sona's ult is down. In a 2v2, Leona has tons of lockdown and a lot of up-front damage. Cait's ult is really inefficient in fights, it's only good once you've already won or traded evenly. Spray and Pray lets Twitch hit people from out of Sona's ult range, so it's definitely very strong.
Spray and Pray is amazing with Leona. However, that being said, I did feel Umasi and I was a lot more on the same page when it came to how we played the lane out. Our movements were really synchronized and we consistently were able to cover each other when the other got engaged on or threatened. Also you guys got really rocked from one of the trades (I forget when but I believe it was around level 2) and that basically ensured any all in's in the future you were guaranteed to lose.
Yeah basically this is what happened.
Cait pushed real hard early and got up to our tower. I didn't want to just sit at the tower doing nothing as Leona so I was looking for a moment to engage. When we were all level 2 there was a point where we had a small minion advantage right after Caitlyn had used a headshot on a minion (everybody full health), so I hit Cait with an EQ combo and then exhausted her. Twitch didn't engage for one or two seconds and then after I died told me he wanted to just play passive. We lost the lane really hard after that, the tower went down at like 5 or 6 minutes.
I can't tell if engaging was the wrong decision altogether, or if it would have gone well had Twitch followed up immediately.
But again, the big thing I feel is that we should have discussed it before the game started. Saying he wanted to play passive after I died at level 2 was the very first thing Twitch ever said in teamspeak. I was asking him questions before that and he never spoke up, had he said he wanted to play passive vs Cait Sona in champ select I would NOT have picked Leona. I also didn't notice he had taken Cleanse over Barrier, which is totally my bad, have to pay attention to these things.
I have a tough time playing jungle feeling like I'm always contributing swthing to the game. Playing Maokai in the last game last night, I had trouble balancing covering top lane after stxz backed or died and helping on the other side of the map when blue or dragon were coming up soon. On one hand, there was a lot of juicy exp coming under tower, and riven might have been able to push the tower hard if I didn't cover. On the other hand, there were a lot of good opportunities to take drag after bot got map control by taking tower, but we couldn't because I was top.
I also missed an easy Q to save stxz's life at one point; it looked to me like the hitbox was in the right spot but obv it wasn't. I got a couple of nice counterganks off on 5hit and nocturne in mid, but on the whole I felt as if I should have done more. We did snowball the game, and it was encouraging to feel relevant in a game where I think like 7/10 players were plat+, and 3 were diamond.
I did feel like I made a lot of good plays in an earlier game when I playrd Lulu with Kissblade on AD. We did well in lane and 5hit said that I made his life difficult with the Lulu Qs, so the game was a success. We also kept good vision up most of the game and had a huge vision advantage, although that was largely because the other team warded so poorly.
The Caitlyn game in the middle was brutal. I actually felt I played okay (not great, but not awful), but we got rolled. The game was kind of further soured by the fact that one player was not at all receptive to suggestions and may or may not have ragequit, so I don't know how much to draw from this game.
Haven't had a working monitor in a couple days. I'm posting off my macbook right now and not my windows desktop. I'll be back as soon as I get my monitor .
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Today, 6 EST in Channel Feeding Time
Upperbound, you did really well that game when you lulu supported me. Neither 5hit nor I play ADC and I assumed we would lose the lane horribly because of their level 1 invade setting us back so much. However, your Q's were really on point and we really abused any positional misplays from their lane.
I forget, what were your starting items on leona? I personally go flask~a few wards and have heavy defensive masteries, so I can repeatedly shove trades down the other lanes throat, but I wait till 3 or so to do it
Edit: I normally pick up a dshield later in the phase
i don't like flask on leona, doesn't need the mana at all and you can only start with 2 wards.
Pref. rejuv bead+3wards+3(?) pots
On August 18 2013 14:38 Ketara wrote: Yeah it's really confusing me too, numbers wise I really feel like Leona outdamages Sona and Twitch outdamages Cait.
I feel like Cait/Sona win poking, but Twitch/Leona should win an all in.
Our coordination in bot lane was just awful. If I had known we were going to do a passive game I would NOT have picked Leona, I would have picked Lulu probably. I don't know why you pick Leona if your goal is anything other than to get kills in lane.
Another problem was that I didn't realize Twitch ran Cleanse and not Barrier, which basically guaranteed we couldn't win a level 2 fight. Really needed to communicate better. The thing is, if Sona/Cait aren't straight up dead, it's hard to keep Cait from lifestealing off the wave (range) and Sona is going to be healing. It's a fundamental problem of Leona vs Sona which is exacerbated by Caitlyn. Sona and Cait can "lose" every trade and still win.
On August 19 2013 03:51 Umasi wrote: I forget, what were your starting items on leona? I personally go flask~a few wards and have heavy defensive masteries, so I can repeatedly shove trades down the other lanes throat, but I wait till 3 or so to do it
Edit: I normally pick up a dshield later in the phase
I did rejuv bead, 3 wards and 3 health pots. 1/13/16, armor/armor/mr/GP10 runes
On August 19 2013 04:41 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2013 03:51 Umasi wrote: I forget, what were your starting items on leona? I personally go flask~a few wards and have heavy defensive masteries, so I can repeatedly shove trades down the other lanes throat, but I wait till 3 or so to do it
Edit: I normally pick up a dshield later in the phase I did rejuv bead, 3 wards and 3 health pots. 1/13/16, armor/armor/mr/GP10 runes
There's no point going GP10 rune with Leona. Fort quints, magic pen or attack damage marks and just ham it. Also you need a pink ward for bush control. Not having a vision ward is huge in lane early because it basically gives up bush control till you get one.