New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Baa?21242 Posts
i feel like a lot of people either have their own groups of 5 or at least a group of 2-4 that they queue together with somewhat regularly
just expand that to a full group of 5 and play other groups of 5s
make a channel where you go and ask if anyone ha 5 on and want to play, or just add people from other groups :<
all of this is just based on if someone actually wants to get better playing as a team, which, as i already said, is actually the biggest hurdle, and not one that can be really addressed by anyone else
On November 12 2013 03:49 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: i feel like a lot of people either have their own groups of 5 or at least a group of 2-4 that they queue together with somewhat regularly
just expand that to a full group of 5 and play other groups of 5s
make a channel where you go and ask if anyone ha 5 on and want to play, or just add people from other groups :<
all of this is just based on if someone actually wants to get better playing as a team, which, as i already said, is actually the biggest hurdle, and not one that can be really addressed by anyone else
It boils down to what people want. If people are on the same wavelength as you, then cool.
Personally, I just feel that if there is organized competition, people will try harder and learn a lot and play better. Nothing is a better motivator for improvement in team games than competition and showings of marked improvement.
On November 12 2013 03:31 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2013 03:28 jcarlsoniv wrote:
your plan alienates a lot of people - there will be far less motivation for the lowbies to play if all the high level guys make 2 teams and only play with each other
if the intent is to help our community grow skill-wise, then it needs to actually be run that way you dont help people who don't want to help themselves -_- read the OP of this thread, it didnt turn out this way, but the original intent of this in house set up is for lowbies to get shitstomped by diamonds and improve that way, wee're not here to coddle and hold hands >_> also im sure there are more than enough people who actually have a healthy spectrum of skill levels to play against each other
Also, there is a difference between lowbies getting shitstomped in IHs and hopefully learning from that as opposed to a group of plat+ shitstomping groups of lowbies for funsies. IHs were set up as an avenue for improvement, not for higher level players to get their rocks off tooling around on lowbies.
United States37500 Posts
The organized/consistent team idea is not novel, it's something I've considered before but like Wave said, it's incredibly hard to coordinate. Time zones, work/school life, etc. It would make more sense if a group of 5 players get together and practice ranked together and then perhaps scrim other TL LoL group of 5s. But for the case of these IHs, there are a lot of steps we'd need to take first before we get to what Cheep and others are expecting.
Baa?21242 Posts
oh no i agree soniv + neo, i know all too well that the teams thing probably wont fly here, history has shown that all too well :<
the only way to realistically promote organized competition is have someone organize semi-regular tournaments (potentially with small prizes) that would motivate people to form teams and play/practice for it :<
United States37500 Posts
I do encourage our users to find other like-minded individuals and try out ranked 5s in Season 4. It's the next step of progression in my mind for you guys.
I'm sure guys like Navi and Atrioc wouldn't mind coaching on occasion either, etc, etc.
But back to the main issue at hand, going into the new season (after everyone is done solo queue grinding for S3), what are you guys looking for in these IHs. Any changes/modifications you'd like to see? Happy with the status quo? what?
Edit: @Cheep: idk, I'm supposed to do a TL LoL HearthStone thing for 6ah. I could look into some TL LoL tournaments and give out freebies skins. We'll see.
The closest we came to something like this was back last year in the older incarnation of the TL inhouses, where there were two separate teams (I think Bezelheim was on one, maybe Incka/Nubpancakes were on the other?) that would scrim fairly often but they were just created from people finding each other through the inhouses or elsewhere.
It would basically be impossible to create a bunch of equivalently skilled teams who all share similar timing conventions from a limited pool of players. Would make a great deal more sense to just go out and find your own 5s teams somehow, play with them, and then try to get them to play against some of the other TLer's teams as was just said.
The more recent matches have typically either had almost no discussion (because people are eager to not get left out in the cold for the next match), or the discussion tends to be dominated by a few people discussing their own matchup.
If we can bring the focus back onto observing and improving the lower tier of players, I think that would be highly beneficial.
I'm also a fan of starting up ranked 5s teams. Surely it can't be that hard for us to create a small TL league? If everyone treats it like an intramural activity (aka, try to be there), and we pick a generally accepted shitty night of the week (looking at you, Tuesday), it could be really good. We could also drag the caster golems out of retirement if this heats up.
What I would like to see more in the future is more VERBAL communication. We are all in separate Teamspeak channels when we do get into a game, but I've noticed that there is very little verbal communication, despite most people having a working microphone. Please communicate more
I think stable teams is too much to ask for. We could have prefered duo q partners always in the same team since 2 is as many as you'll get in solo queue. E.g. I'd pick up celestialchips / or we could watch korea botlane take over every game.
Alternatively pair a lowbie with a bigpro in duo bot or mid/jungle would help a lot. I think I learned the most when I jungled for Unkool against durr's eve--in terms of general jungle sense.
As far as the bigpro's I learned the most from: Durr's advice on analyzing the purpose of picking a champion gave me a way better understanding of lee sin and jarvan whom I play the most. Getting raped by milo in mid helped me improve my laning quite a bit. Aura's calls for ganks/dives or generally watching him consistently get first blood in top lane helped me understand kill potential a lot more.
I started inhouses when I was gold 4 and I'm ending the season at 50 lp Plat 1.
I would be happy to help lowbies trying to learn general jungling/supporting/adc. List of specific champions I specialize in:
Jungle: Lee, Jarvan, Hecarim, Support: Janna, Zyra, Sona. ADC: Ashe, Graves
That said, season 4 is gonna bring a lot of changes; what is mediocre/good/excellent is subject to change.
After playing or observing a lot of these inhouse games here's my input on a few things:
Team balancing While a lot of effort has been put in over the course of these games to balance teams, probably 90%+ of the games played were extremely one sided stomps. Balancing teams is incredibly hard when there are players of such varying skill level, let alone taking into account the variance between an individual player's rating and their actual skill (IE: Roffles when he was in gold).
There have been a number of games where it's one person carrying each team. I almost feel like lower skilled players are learning less in these situations because they so rarely occur in solo queue (except during elo boosting season), and even when they occur it's so hard to feel like you have an impact on the game as well as thinking about what you could do better when it's simply a matter of a 20-0 Riven/Aatrox (cough aura)/etc on your team or against you.
Critique/Butthurtness/etc If you look at the OP of this thread, this is the first thing mentioned under ground rules:
"Fun is not the utmost concern of these inhouses. While it would be great if everyone participating enjoys the camaraderie of other TL users, the primary goal here is still to learn how to become a better player in a group setting."
Like Csheep said, it does seem like people have forgotten the original point of these games. Luckily, outside of a few isolated incidents, I would say the vast majority of players are more or less receptive to criticism. Though I do want to mention that the people who are more receptive to criticism end up improving far faster/moving up higher. Though I might get some flack for being rather blunt in my criticism, people tend to overlook the fact that it is meant for their own good.
1v1s/2v2s/Lane Practice This is directed towards those in silver/bronze mostly (and specifically when laning vs a higher rated player), though honestly I believe that anyone can benefit a lot from simply practicing lane matchups. There have been a few inhouse games where players have played so badly in lane and botched their lane matchup so hard that it ended up having an extremely negative effect on their team's chances to win. This ends up forcing people to play an extremely one-sided / handicapped game where there isn't much to be learned. Instead of having this happen, a lot of grief could have been saved if there were some emphasis on practicing lane matchups out in 1v1 or 2v2 situations.
Lowbie Jungling If you're in bronze/silver/(and even) gold and playing jungle in these inhouses, god help you if you don't know what you're doing/how to play your champ correctly. You are going to have a hard time doing anything (given that you'll be playing versus higher level players in these inhouses), and as a consequence, your team is going to have a hard time winning (especially if the enemy team's jungler knows what they are doing). Unlike laning, so much of jungling comes from knowledge of the game and timing, and it is extremely difficult to teach these things.
Communication For a lot of people it is overwhelming playing in a team/arranged 5s scenario when they're so used to playing solo queue simply because of the amount of communication on TS/voice. I'm kinda on the fence for this, I don't think the extra communication through TS is necessary during a game because you will not have that advantage almost 100% of the time in solo queue (and hopefully players will be playing solo queue when not playing inhouses). However, having voice chat to talk about the games before/after is great and very useful (assuming people actually ask/answer questions).
Things that can be improved on (no particular order): - Have purposely imbalanced (lower rated players on one team vs higher rated players) games sometimes. Games already end up being one sided and the advice given is minimal in this situation (hard for the good players to give advice if they're in different lanes/roles). With purposely imbalanced teams, everyone on the lowbie team is able to receive advice from their counterpart.
- Time between games. A lot of the time the games are remade extremely fast, though hard to say whether this is because there isn't much to say advice wise or there isn't anyone to receive it (players leaving immediately after games) or there are simply too many people who want to play.
- More lane practice. Explained above.
- People remembering the point of these games and taking critique better.
- Rotating people in/out when there are too many players. Some people end up playing more inhouses than solo queue (you know who you are). The whole point of these games are to get better, but it is hard to know how much better you're getting if you completely substitute inhouse games for solo queue. The people that have improved a lot through inhouses have all stopped playing them as much after a certain point (pandabeardude, nimbus1, etc).
- More stable teams? Having a mini league setup with coaches sounds good. Also allows further possibilities (TLIH fantasy league, etc).
That's all I can think of right now, will reply if I think of anything else.
On November 12 2013 05:40 DURRHURRDERP wrote: After playing or observing a lot of these inhouse games here's my input on a few things:
Team balancing While a lot of effort has been put in over the course of these games to balance teams, probably 90%+ of the games played were extremely one sided stomps. Balancing teams is incredibly hard when there are players of such varying skill level, let alone taking into account the variance between an individual player's rating and their actual skill (IE: Roffles when he was in gold).
There have been a number of games where it's one person carrying each team. I almost feel like lower skilled players are learning less in these situations because they so rarely occur in solo queue (except during elo boosting season), and even when they occur it's so hard to feel like you have an impact on the game as well as thinking about what you could do better when it's simply a matter of a 20-0 Riven/Aatrox (cough aura)/etc on your team or against you.
Critique/Butthurtness/etc If you look at the OP of this thread, this is the first thing mentioned under ground rules:
"Fun is not the utmost concern of these inhouses. While it would be great if everyone participating enjoys the camaraderie of other TL users, the primary goal here is still to learn how to become a better player in a group setting."
Like Csheep said, it does seem like people have forgotten the original point of these games. Luckily, outside of a few isolated incidents, I would say the vast majority of players are more or less receptive to criticism. Though I do want to mention that the people who are more receptive to criticism end up improving far faster/moving up higher. Though I might get some flack for being rather blunt in my criticism, people tend to overlook the fact that it is meant for their own good.
1v1s/2v2s/Lane Practice This is directed towards those in silver/bronze mostly (and specifically when laning vs a higher rated player), though honestly I believe that anyone can benefit a lot from simply practicing lane matchups. There have been a few inhouse games where players have played so badly in lane and botched their lane matchup so hard that it ended up having an extremely negative effect on their team's chances to win. This ends up forcing people to play an extremely one-sided / handicapped game where there isn't much to be learned. Instead of having this happen, a lot of grief could have been saved if there were some emphasis on practicing lane matchups out in 1v1 or 2v2 situations.
Lowbie Jungling If you're in bronze/silver/(and even) gold and playing jungle in these inhouses, god help you if you don't know what you're doing/how to play your champ correctly. You are going to have a hard time doing anything (given that you'll be playing versus higher level players in these inhouses), and as a consequence, your team is going to have a hard time winning (especially if the enemy team's jungler knows what they are doing). Unlike laning, so much of jungling comes from knowledge of the game and timing, and it is extremely difficult to teach these things.
Communication For a lot of people it is overwhelming playing in a team/arranged 5s scenario when they're so used to playing solo queue simply because of the amount of communication on TS/voice. I'm kinda on the fence for this, I don't think the extra communication through TS is necessary during a game because you will not have that advantage almost 100% of the time in solo queue (and hopefully players will be playing solo queue when not playing inhouses). However, having voice chat to talk about the games before/after is great and very useful (assuming people actually ask/answer questions).
Things that can be improved on (no particular order): - Have purposely imbalanced (lower rated players on one team vs higher rated players) games sometimes. Games already end up being one sided and the advice given is minimal in this situation (hard for the good players to give advice if they're in different lanes/roles). With purposely imbalanced teams, everyone on the lowbie team is able to receive advice from their counterpart.
- Time between games. A lot of the time the games are remade extremely fast, though hard to say whether this is because there isn't much to say advice wise or there isn't anyone to receive it (players leaving immediately after games) or there are simply too many people who want to play.
- More lane practice. Explained above.
- People remembering the point of these games and taking critique better.
- Rotating people in/out when there are too many players. Some people end up playing more inhouses than solo queue (you know who you are). The whole point of these games are to get better, but it is hard to know how much better you're getting if you completely substitute inhouse games for solo queue. The people that have improved a lot through inhouses have all stopped playing them as much after a certain point (pandabeardude, nimbus1, etc).
- More stable teams? Having a mini league setup with coaches sounds good. Also allows further possibilities (TLIH fantasy league, etc).
That's all I can think of right now, will reply if I think of anything else.
I'm almost positive I'm the only one who's actively requested imbalanced teams, but most people tend to shy away from games they're going to lose. Pretty good summary, though for criticism you supported my Cait as ww and then called me trash over and over in lane, I'm not sure what you wanted me to learn, or what constructive criticism I was supposed to learn from now knowing that I'm trash.
I think that's the most serious post I've ever seen durr make
Zdra I'm pretty sure the criticism I had for you that game was to harass them with autos in lane and to listen to the call to do free baron instead of wandering down the ramp to dragon and getting caught and dying for nothing.
On November 12 2013 05:52 jcarlsoniv wrote: I think that's the most serious post I've ever seen durr make
all of his posts are serious
durr is love, durr is life.
Baa?21242 Posts
I agree with mostly everything in Durr's post, with the exception of the communication thing.
Is the ultimate goal of these in houses supposed to be just help people improve at solo queue...? I feel like that's a silly goal to have considering how you can replicate that by, well, just playing solo queue.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On November 12 2013 05:52 jcarlsoniv wrote: I think that's the most serious post I've ever seen durr make Didn't know he had it in him.
Also, I think there's definitely enough interest across the board to at least try some sort of stabilized teamplay. As Soniv said, once the stakes are raised, people tend to play better. Take a look at what happened when Mathies came around. People tried their hardest to win, not lose. It'll also help lower the amount of troll games (sry friends), and promote greater improvement and better coordination. Plus with some better players to guide and coach, it'd be great for them too.
On November 12 2013 05:52 jcarlsoniv wrote: I think that's the most serious post I've ever seen durr make It's like hearing calming piano music on Roffles' stream, like who is this person
United States15536 Posts
On November 12 2013 06:01 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2013 05:52 jcarlsoniv wrote: I think that's the most serious post I've ever seen durr make Didn't know he had it in him. Also, I think there's definitely enough interest across the board to at least try some sort of stabilized teamplay. As Soniv said, once the stakes are raised, people tend to play better. Take a look at what happened when Mathies came around. People tried their hardest to win, not lose. It'll also help lower the amount of troll games (sry friends), and promote greater improvement and better coordination. Plus with some better players to guide and coach, it'd be great for them too.
Would there then be different tiers of teams? Shit-tier teams of lowbies vs. God-tier teams of plat+s? Then God-tier teams could play games for observation and Shit-tier teams could face off with vets watching to critique? Shit-tier match quality would ideally increase with more and more practice.
On November 12 2013 06:00 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: I agree with mostly everything in Durr's post, with the exception of the communication thing.
Is the ultimate goal of these in houses supposed to be just help people improve at solo queue...? I feel like that's a silly goal to have considering how you can replicate that by, well, just playing solo queue.
Solo queue is the best way to measure self improvement for the masses. It's the most accessible and widely used mode for anything remotely competitive. It's easy to see that you've improved when you're G5, do a ton of IHs, then end up getting to P3.
And just spamming solo queue doesn't really work unless you are actively looking at every aspect of your game every time. Having 9 other people to look at your play (plus spectators) and give you critique is far better.
Baa?21242 Posts
I don't think there will be enough teams initially to fulfill all of those scenarios.
Personally, I would like to see any teams just play any other team regardless of skill level at first to get used to the rhythm of playing 5v5s. Hopefully, as it expands, we will get more teams and then we can start dividing up teams and scheduling specific matchup scenarios (high vs low, low vs low, high vs high, etc)
If anyone forms a team of 5, I will get my team of irl buddies to play you guys, regardless of skill (for the record we are low-mid gold, struggling in silver ranked 5s huehue. sometimes waffles rings for us which drops our skill rating at least three divisions :D
On November 12 2013 06:04 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2013 06:00 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: I agree with mostly everything in Durr's post, with the exception of the communication thing.
Is the ultimate goal of these in houses supposed to be just help people improve at solo queue...? I feel like that's a silly goal to have considering how you can replicate that by, well, just playing solo queue. Solo queue is the best way to measure self improvement for the masses. It's the most accessible and widely used mode for anything remotely competitive. It's easy to see that you've improved when you're G5, do a ton of IHs, then end up getting to P3. And just spamming solo queue doesn't really work unless you are actively looking at every aspect of your game every time. Having 9 other people to look at your play (plus spectators) and give you critique is far better.
Oh no you misunderstand me, my point is that we should be promoting "proper" gameplay of using voice chat to its maximum potential, etc., instead of treating it just as a way to improve solo queue rating :O The latter should be a side effect and not a prime motive.