Morgana was my very first (and still favourite) champ, back in June. Haven't been able to play her in drafts for two months due to bans and being 4th-5th pick. And when I do some normals with pals, there's this one who only plays her, quite badly, and will basically order me to stfu whenever he QQs about something obvious and I offer to give advice (like saying shield's useless because it pops in one spell, while what killed him was the slow added to said spell that prevented him from fleeing). Since I'm the first level 30 of the group and the one with the most champs others regard it as being fair that I never ever pick Morg so that he can get his fun, and even when I'm not on his team nor playing with him at all several others start to pick her systematically too. Can't even ask for her or they'd view it as egoistical and whiny like a toddler not getting his toy. And if I queue alone so that I get to play her for once they seem to see it as if I'd avoid them because they aren't "good enough for me" and I wouldn't want to play with them.
They're generally nice and all, notably outside LoL, but meh. :/ Playing with them was supposed to be about having some fun together, not tagging along and managing the crumbs. Feels like a chore sometimes, just to preserve relationships.
On November 30 2011 11:41 Alaric wrote: Morgana was my very first (and still favourite) champ, back in June. Haven't been able to play her in drafts for two months due to bans and being 4th-5th pick. And when I do some normals with pals, there's this one who only plays her, quite badly, and will basically order me to stfu whenever he QQs about something obvious and I offer to give advice (like saying shield's useless because it pops in one spell, while what killed him was the slow added to said spell that prevented him from fleeing). Since I'm the first level 30 of the group and the one with the most champs others regard it as being fair that I never ever pick Morg so that he can get his fun, and even when I'm not on his team nor playing with him at all several others start to pick her systematically too. Can't even ask for her or they'd view it as egoistical and whiny like a toddler not getting his toy. And if I queue alone so that I get to play her for once they seem to see it as if I'd avoid them because they aren't "good enough for me" and I wouldn't want to play with them.
They're generally nice and all, notably outside LoL, but meh. :/ Playing with them was supposed to be about having some fun together, not tagging along and managing the crumbs. Feels like a chore sometimes, just to preserve relationships.
War is all hell and LoL is not much better... Don't do drafts, just play normals and just lock morg in faster...
I'm not exactly sure how to carry a team where every other person has a K/D ratio of about 2/14...
Any ideas?
On November 30 2011 13:07 Kyo Yuy wrote: I'm not exactly sure how to carry a team where every other person has a K/D ratio of about 2/14...
Any ideas?
teach them how to play? Easier to have them all go AFK and watch porn then to actually carry them.
God damn playing support is frustrating when you have bad AD carries. Here let me help you get 20 CS after 15 minutes without a single back.
Yes, it is my fault you can't last hit, and yes it is my fault you havn't gotten a single champ kill... And it definitely is my fault we lost our lane and they outharrassed us. I'm sorry I only tanked all the damage and kept you full health for 20 minutes straight.
No more of this support bs.
On November 30 2011 15:30 iCanada wrote: God damn playing support is frustrating when you have bad AD carries. Here let me help you get 20 CS after 15 minutes without a single back.
Yes, it is my fault you can't last hit, and yes it is my fault you havn't gotten a single champ kill... And it definitely is my fault we lost our lane and they outharrassed us. I'm sorry I only tanked all the damage and kept you full health for 20 minutes straight.
No more of this support bs.
This. I usually try and keep everyone as happy as possible so I'm happy to play support. For example I'm playing Soraka supporting a Vayne, and we're against Fizz/Leona. I tell the Vayne to play passive and farm up (Harass when you can but no need for crazy aggression) because we will just be able to farm better than they can.
Vayne goes 3 and 4 in the first 15 minutes as I'm keeping this idiot alive (She also had about 45 CS at this stage :/ ). We won the game fortunately and the Vayne appreciated the fact I went 2/3/30, but it just frustrates me to no end when you are supporting an AD carry who is retarded and has no idea how to play properly.
On November 30 2011 15:43 schmutttt wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 15:30 iCanada wrote: God damn playing support is frustrating when you have bad AD carries. Here let me help you get 20 CS after 15 minutes without a single back.
Yes, it is my fault you can't last hit, and yes it is my fault you havn't gotten a single champ kill... And it definitely is my fault we lost our lane and they outharrassed us. I'm sorry I only tanked all the damage and kept you full health for 20 minutes straight.
No more of this support bs.
This. I usually try and keep everyone as happy as possible so I'm happy to play support. For example I'm playing Soraka supporting a Vayne, and we're against Fizz/Leona. I tell the Vayne to play passive and farm up (Harass when you can but no need for crazy aggression) because we will just be able to farm better than they can. Vayne goes 3 and 4 in the first 15 minutes as I'm keeping this idiot alive (She also had about 45 CS at this stage :/ ). We won the game fortunately and the Vayne appreciated the fact I went 2/3/30, but it just frustrates me to no end when you are supporting an AD carry who is retarded and has no idea how to play properly.
Especially when it is someone with stupidly good range like Trist, Cait, Kog or Ashe.... Like really, you have range superiority over everyone. How the hell do you get out harrassed? I mean it is one thing if it is like a Talon and the other team is good, but seriously?
Seriously, Graves you ought to be able to zone out Fizz like a boss. Given you have support the game should be a free farm and you should have 100+ CS easy by the 15 minute mark. I'ma go back to strictly Solo Top/Mid'ing because support is too damn frustrating. As much as I can carry the game with Vayne, Tryn, Shyv etc, as Ali/Sona/Soraka it isn't going to happen.
Hmm, I just headbutted Vayne in the middle of our team, and my team ignored her completely. They all went for renekton. It was the weirdest moment in my lol career. Fight starts with Vayne getting tossed next to them, and they all just start running for renekton. Why god why...
Do it with Amumu next time, once they get ult'd they won't be able to ignore him (but you'll have to do them, since they're probably not going to like it either).
I know many many people who think shit talking is part of the game. Me included. It's nothing serious though "you're bad" stuff like that
On November 30 2011 15:30 iCanada wrote: God damn playing support is frustrating when you have bad AD carries. Here let me help you get 20 CS after 15 minutes without a single back.
Yes, it is my fault you can't last hit, and yes it is my fault you havn't gotten a single champ kill... And it definitely is my fault we lost our lane and they outharrassed us. I'm sorry I only tanked all the damage and kept you full health for 20 minutes straight.
No more of this support bs.
Ok, I thought my rant was somehow related to yours ^^
So, we're at 9mins in a game. I'm playing as Urgot laning bot with Sona.
She's already 0-5-1(I'm 1-1-0), and now she starts yelling at me for having only around 30cs at 9mins...
Now, I know it is really sub-par, but WTH, my support has been dead more than 75% of the game play-time, how are you expecting me to even get a decent CS in a 1v2 vs Taric + Graves, as Urgot with 425 AA range?!
She's now 3 level behind their duo-laners, but each time I tell her to just pls sshh and try to play safe, she goes: "Oh yeah, sure, I'll listen to a dumbass noob Urgot with 30cs at 10mins", and keep being stupidly agrgessive, but now she even spams her skills to get CS............
I ended up not answering anything but "0-5"(Because she stayed 0-5 'til the end of the game...) each time she was spouting more non-sense. At this point she was simply staying in town, spamming "report", "f.ing noob Urgot", and all this crap...
On November 30 2011 23:23 epoc wrote: I know many many people who think shit talking is part of the game. Me included. It's nothing serious though "you're bad" stuff like that I know many many people who think this game is shit because of people like this. You say it's nothing serious, but 99% of the time it's a lot more than "You're bad", and it makes you look like a spoiled child.
Do whatever you like to have fun, but harassing other people in a video game isn't something I'd call "part of the game".
I was like hey, I'm overdue for some good luck. So opponents DC twice in a row two games. And bot lane both games manage to feed 2v1 with a DC. I don't get it. I just don't get it.
On November 30 2011 13:07 Kyo Yuy wrote: I'm not exactly sure how to carry a team where every other person has a K/D ratio of about 2/14...
Any ideas? You don't, and wait until your next game. ^_^
On November 30 2011 15:30 iCanada wrote: God damn playing support is frustrating when you have bad AD carries. Here let me help you get 20 CS after 15 minutes without a single back.
Yes, it is my fault you can't last hit, and yes it is my fault you havn't gotten a single champ kill... And it definitely is my fault we lost our lane and they outharrassed us. I'm sorry I only tanked all the damage and kept you full health for 20 minutes straight.
No more of this support bs.
Take the farm instead...
play support lux and if they suck at last hitting then you can instantly take over.
I refuse to play any support other than Lux unless I am supporting a friend I know can last hit.
Just got a Malphite refusing to hit a 8/0/18 GP (Warmog/Atmas/Zeal/Wriggles/Mercs) diving our Cait and me (Sion) EACH FIGHT because...
Normal queue, team is Karthus, Gangplank, Jax so far. I'm feeling pretty good, wishing maybe we had another ranged of some sort to round things out. Last member of our team won't say anything to us, so I'm thinking, quiet player, won't talk, probably will play some sort of character with a gun, perfect -- I lock in a Sona to be awesome support.
2 seconds after I lock Sona -- last guy selects Janna. With Ignite/Exhaust. Plays full AP. Mad damagez yo.
GP dies in the jungle immediately. Jax gets owned up top by a Nasus, even with the 'help' of an AP Janna. Karthus trades with an Annie in mid.
What's that, nobody in bot lane? Right, well, that's because I'm left to solo bot as Sona vs. Caitlyn and Fizz. I don't know if it's sadder that I was left alone to do that, or if I ended up with the highest CS and most kills.
I've learned to ignore chat, or even pull it off screen if it gets too bad because, well, when a game is free you expect the lowest of the low to be playing. But I honestly don't get the point of intentionally being terrible. GP dying in jungle, Jax dying top, whatever, but WHY build an AP Janna just to piss people off?
Reminds me of http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/08/10 every time. But I still don't understand the logic of wasting everyone's time, including your own.
Talon ends the game at 30 minutes without a single AD item. Claims team lost game for him, and that tank talon is really OP and no one knows it and if he was able to finish his atmas he'd be unstoppable but fknoob team lost the game too early. Ended a 30+ minute game with a philo, HoG, warmogs, mercs, and a single null magic mantle. T_T;
Enemy team is doing baron in plain ward sight. Three of them are just below half hp, and we KNOW that trynd just blew his ult not 10 seconds ago and is an easy kill. Lee decides that solo pushing mid would be more productive than team fighting. Several minutes later, entire enemy team is outside our mid inhib turret, and they mean business. Four of us are there, prepped for a 300-esque final stand. Lee decides to clear jungle instead. Does golems while the enemy tests the waters, does red while they charge at us, and finishes up wraiths while the enemy is finishing off the inhibitor. Wat.
I think I get smarter teams in trolly normals eeeeesh it's not like these people have bad mechanics but they just make such ridiculous decisions that can throw games so pointlessly.
So frustrating playing with people that believe in Elo hell and won't place any blame on themselves. Sorry, but if you last-pick Jarvan when we need support, then push your lane and go 1-12, you don't get to lash out at everyone else.
I keep seeing this happen at my Elo (1300ish) where people refuse to admit any fault and think they're 1300 because everyone else is just pants-on-head retarded.
Riot needs to make an educational video explaining how Elo works and what the Dunning-Kruger effect is.
Went mid against an Annie as Swain. So long as you don't let her burst you down with R>Q>E>ignite you can definitely take her and outrange her with your own burst, W>E>Q>R>ignite, assuming you land the snare.
Well, she outfarmed me by about 15-20 cs early on, but then I killed her and took control of cs. Rest of my team was ehh, feeding at times but also getting very nice kills, mostly our Lee Sin.
Too bad our Rammus was stupid as hell. Not sure how you build him skill-wise, but lvl 1 taunt around lvl 10, didnt know how to engage. and apparently did not try to keep WW/Riven away from our Vayne.
Of course I went after Annie EVERY fight. I took her out of it pretty much every engagement in about 4-5 seconds. Now until my CDs refresh I can't really do anything else other than AA other champions and hit them with my ult. Soon as they did though, I went for Cait, who for some reason, was still not dead when my CDs reset. She had at least 75% health. Managed to burst most of her down, but she had GA of course, so she lived and I died 2nd last since Riven+WW were still up. Lee Sin did what he could but they were all alive still.
Dunno why Cait wasn't dying, but I KNOW I did my job. 10/5/12 Swain when we lost. Was the last one to die once and that didn't even happen until someone tower dove one of them so I went in with them.
Fuuuuck. Swain definitely loses out damage wise to a lot of the other APs. I live+sustain forever, but I just can't deal with multiple people in 1 sitting. =\