I just played a 4v5 game and a 5v4 game. In the first game, top lane solo Shyvanna fails hard and our Lee Sin jungle is useless while I win middle with Xerath and Janna actually hold her own bottom 1v2. We inevitably lose. Not really unexpected when our AD carry disconnects.
Second game is 5v4, and I'm Xerath in mid again and again win my lane and even sneak in a few good ganks. Nonetheless, our bottom lane, comprised of Taric and EZ, each go 0-6-2 (for a combined 0-12-4) against a fucking solo LEONA. Enemy Skarner jungler just rapes them repeatedly and is out of control by the 15 min mark. Our Shaco jungle also has downs syndrome and doesn't have a clue on how to play. End result: surrender at 20 mins when 5v4.
Why can't 3/5 of the enemy team be retarded in my 4v5's? FML.
i have no idea what it is about LoL, that makes me so mad when losing. when ppl on lvl 30, with countless won games, play like idiots and we lose the game, it makes me sooooo sick. i guess its the fact that you lose, even though you played well yourself. im always on the edge of uninstalling the game and never come back after such games. i dont care if i lose in CS, CoD ,Sc2 or any other game, but after a lost LoL game... argh... no idea how to explain it. i just feel like shit and have zero motivation to queue up again
Permaban trynd cus hes such a gay champ and attracts the biggest dumbasses.
Get trynd on my team he gets fed as hell, they have 2 naked inhibitors, we die because he thinks its cool to circle their base without doing anything but make us try catch up with him. Then we start losing fights because he keeps farming when hes at max items and our tank for some reason always assumes that hes with us. Then they have 3 naked inhibitors and trynd decides we have such a lead that he can go alone vs 2 guys with thornmail, well turns out that he can't. 2 others get caught trying to save him, they take baron, we lose the game shortly after.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QXh3q.png)
So I get into game after queue, decent queue mind you, but we had an autolock Shaco and that had me worried, as he is damn near useless lategame, and at my Elo there is a good chance he's gonna be bad. So I get in lane vs Shyv, and immediately begin my regiment of last hitting and poking at her, Shaco comes to my lane about a minute later and finds that I'm in no need of a gank as she's at half health and under her tower already. He begins flaming me for being a fucking noob for not knowing how to lane and not knowing how Shaco jungles/ganks. I tell him to fuck off, I'm denying her craptons of gold (she can't lasthit under a tower for shit) and he says I'm denying her nothing. I die to Shyv in lane once because she ults onto me and exhausts me and me being the boss that I am I thought I could take her. More flame from Shac. Fine, fine, I'm just gonna mute him. Shaco gets no kills after the 15 min mark. Once muted, I proceed to push down two towers and rack up two kills. I push down two towers in other lanes, and win us two teamfights. Other team votes to surrender 5-0, I can't stand people who rage in game.
did this guy just complain about a win
I want to play ezreal but I always have 200ping from Australia T.T
Edit: well I guess its back to ryze/singed/rightclick
On November 28 2011 10:43 travis wrote: did this guy just complain about a win
I complained about having shitty teammates that do nothing but rage even when you're doing fine. It's almost as bad as feeders that put up surrender votes at 20 so they can get more matches in.
fucking hate teammate, completely own the other team for 40mins, we lost only the tier 1 top tower, and killed both their nexus towers, we back out their base and do baron then half our team backs, but retard tryn and retard fizz go into the enemy's base on their own and get wrecked, my other 2 teammates go in 1 by 1 to save them after they were already dead, so we lose 4 people and do zero damage to them leaving me only (soraka to defend against 5), they counter push and win. We had a final kill score was 31-7 in our favor, every dragon, every baron was ours.
fucking hell, now I can't play Riven, Nidalee, Shyvana, Lux or Sona because of dumb reddit posting porn of each of these characters.
(Can't play them because every time I do I will see the porn in my mind and get distracted)
On November 28 2011 11:12 57 Corvette wrote: fucking hell, now I can't play Riven, Nidalee, Shyvana, Lux or Sona because of dumb reddit posting porn of each of these characters.
(Can't play them because every time I do I will see the porn in my mind and get distracted) links plz
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oxXlE.jpg)
Please tell me how the hell this is carryable......what a fucking joke.
On November 28 2011 11:16 NotSorry wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 11:12 57 Corvette wrote: fucking hell, now I can't play Riven, Nidalee, Shyvana, Lux or Sona because of dumb reddit posting porn of each of these characters.
(Can't play them because every time I do I will see the porn in my mind and get distracted) links plz seconded cmon bruh u cant just mention pornz then leave us hangin
On November 28 2011 11:00 ninjakingcola wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 10:43 travis wrote: did this guy just complain about a win I complained about having shitty teammates that do nothing but rage even when you're doing fine. It's almost as bad as feeders that put up surrender votes at 20 so they can get more matches in. I had a lee sin once go afk because I took the red buff when we were winning the game by something like 17:3 when I was vayne. Some people just make no sense.
Just lost a game where I went 16-2-15 with Morg, and we had a total kill score of 32-14. My team refuses to group up and push to end the game, so instead they go 1 by 1 into their team and get nearly 1shotted by nasus, then counter pushed and lost. The whole game my team is /all mocking the other team and shit then get owned so hard, was fucking sad really.
Is it my fault? I play jungle yi and it says specifically to farm up first before ganking, and I do so quite successfully, I'm average a score of around 10++ kills every game. Anyways from time to time I get to play autistic people who keep dying before level 6 and then suddenly whole team. FUCK YOU MASTER YI NOOB JUNGLE DON'T KNOW HOW TO GANK!!!! This coming from a 1-9 vayne at mid and 2-9 Olaf at top barely 20 mins into the game.
That specific game I lost my temper at the start because my disgusting team mate Olaf decided to fuck up my jungle path by stealing my exp at the very start. Then they proceed to insult my jungle path, the stonewall jungle path which Saintvicious uses and my item build, which is the same build Saintvicious uses. The 1000 elo players proceed to tell me that my playstyle and build is wrong because Saintvicious has his own playstyle and his own 'creeps', whatever they means.
You can lose up to 10 normal games in a row in SEA server because of mediocre players, it's happened to me and a couple of my friends before, where we 8 out of 10 of the games we gave award winnig performances, and all of those games we have players who end with 0 kills and deaths of up to 15.
Words cannot truly describe my anger towards the players of the server. I had to leave three games in a row because people didn't understand simple English. E.g. Hi guys I'm jungling! Picks Lee Sin or Yi. Wait for 10 seconds. Random clown picks hero and smite. DUDE IM JUNGLING. Guy does not respond or goes on to chatter in Vietnamese. I prompt him a few more times before waiting for the clock to reach close to 1 and I leave the matchmaking process.
I hate Vayne. There I QQ'd about LoL.
On November 28 2011 15:56 unichan wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 11:16 NotSorry wrote:On November 28 2011 11:12 57 Corvette wrote: fucking hell, now I can't play Riven, Nidalee, Shyvana, Lux or Sona because of dumb reddit posting porn of each of these characters.
(Can't play them because every time I do I will see the porn in my mind and get distracted) links plz seconded cmon bruh u cant just mention pornz then leave us hangin
I PMed the link to NotSorry, but you are too young for it unichan
Finally! I am first pick and they don't ban akali! looking to continue my 100% winrate with her, I pick her. We have a person who AFK picks morde, sion wants to mid against ryze and no AD carry. Oh well. Im akali I carry! Going against GP top. Not too bad, I can swing it, I win at lvl 6. Walk into lane and get a CS, throw my glaive at him. He starts walking up to me. I am like LOL love this ELO nub going to get owned. Proc my Q with an auto, slap on ignite. He AA's once, crit, parley,s once, crit, and ignites me. He gets FB and then the rest of the game he just parrleys me under tower to death.
Oh well cant be 100% forever.
Hurr, we have an ad to counterpick kass mid because the top wont switch to mid ---> let's pick VEIGAR as last pick to go mid and fuck up the comp
Most frustrating game ever. I'm trying to learn Nasus (in blind pick) and end up against a troll team with no jungler. They run nidalee/riven top so I know I'm screwed from the start but figure I'll level e and just play safe while telling my jungle (yi) that I'll need a lot of help.
It goes slightly better than expected; they overplay their aggression and take a couple towers hits trying to dive me and I port back with both of them at less than half life which gives me some breathing room. Perfect time for a gank... BUT WAIT. Of course, yi tries (and fails) to gank both bot and mid before clearing the jungle across the map to my lane even though I'm basically begging him to come get free kills.
He finally comes. I'm at half life and no mana and my 2 lane opponents are now full. He engages anyway, and I go in with him because I'm dumb. Two kills for nidalee. At this point the lane is about as screwed as a lane can be. They dive me, kill me, take the tower, I come farm near my second tower, they dive me and kill me, yi suicides more.
My entire team starts bitching at me because I'm 0/4 and fed nidalee has left my lane and is now owning them. *sigh*