The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 490
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United States10531 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany11339 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Poland458 Posts
Germany11339 Posts
On September 24 2013 17:22 krndandaman wrote: our highest rank is lower than their lowest ranked. idk why you point out gold 1 = plat 5 because they are the only ones with gold 1s, we have gold 2s. I know its mostly MMR but average rank was like plat 4 against gold 2/3. biggest rank discrepancy i've seen in a while. but yeah we got destroyed. also anyone know a diamond 1 trynd player called fwii? he was smurfing and was on my team twice. first game our kass rage quit at level 3 so it was 4v5 and we lost which was sad. 2nd game he was such a dick to me (was listening to stream). saying our jarvan (me) was doing nothing while their udyr was camping top. well no fucking duh, you're pushing lane with 0 wards and all other lanes are warded/pushed what can I do, tower dive at level 4? Instead I farmed up/covered lanes till I was the first one to hit 6 and ganked bot, got double kill for them and their summoners, then went mid and got a double kill for fizz when their udyr tried to countergank but then realized fizz and I were level 6/7 to him and riven being 5/5. Then saw trynd die 1v1 to their darius and I went top because darius was sticking around with ~200hp, got into a tussle then all of a sudden he ults and kills me. I'm obviously confused because 1) thought ult wasn't reset because trynd ult was on CD 2) trynd died during my gank so I thought it couldn't possibly be only 12 seconds for me to gank mid then go top, then go into a fight with darius. I say "damn he had ult" then trynd tells me to "never talk again" and shit talks me in his stream saying useless junglers should never come top if they don't gank within the first 5 minutes and will only bait him and that he hates low elo. what the fuck? you're the diamond 1 buying 0 wards/feeding and complaining that i'm doing nothing? I fucking have 3 assists to udyr's 0/0/0 (and being 2 levels up and 10 cs) and he's talking about me being useless. He says nothing in chat but keeps trash talking me in stream saying stuff like "wow that was a bad ult by jarvan" "lol why cant this guy E-Q combo (when my eq is on cooldown)" "wow why is he building locket". so sad I can't even report him for it. We rolled them (had fizz 13/0) and he finished 5/6 , so much for diamond. wow that was an essay but I got really annoyed that a guy so highly ranked could be so ignorant. it wasn't the toxicity that irked me that much, it was his ignorance. He really does not know much about this game other than tryndamere and idk how he went to diamond. I guess trynd is just that good. He was kinda shit talking faker as well and is actually surprised faker is in challenger LOL. ugh he wasnt even good. hate arrogant edit: lol what a dick. he goes on his main and goes duo. him and duo are 4/5 pick. first pick calls top and goes renek. fwii instalocks trynd and doesnt talk in chat at all when teammates ask him where hes going. once in game he goes straight to top and renek has to be the nice guy and go mid. to quote renekton "hey look im a streamer i get to be cool and do whatever i want" then fwii has the audacity to say "wtf this renekton so mean to me". cant believe i spent so many words and time (like an hour) on this guy. ...and proceeds to say the exact same things he said to me to his jungler again once he feeds first 2 kills of the team to top karma. then cries about "ks" when shyv counterganks and gets a kill. what a joke. Not to excuse that guy who is apparently an asshole, but even if your top is pushing you should come top at level 3. Because the enemy jungler will, and then you can countergank to turn that around, or intercept him to get him low and make him stop the gank. This helps your top a lot. You can do other stuff, but you need to know that your top is paying for it by getting behind in levels especially if he is pushing. If he dies its his own fault, but he still pays if the enemy jungler comes and you don't, so you'd better make that gank elsewhere worth it. Only situation you would not want to go top is if the 2v2 looks really bad for you. | ||
Poland458 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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France2198 Posts
On September 25 2013 03:31 krndandaman wrote: Yup that wasthe main reason I didn't gank. It was darius top (with ward) with udyr doran start jungle against trynd and jarvan. We would lose every 2v2. Udyr clearly wanted to gank over farm so all we had to do was ward well early and let me get my advantage over him (which I did) then gank. The streamer really had limited game knowledge for a diamond 1. Apparently he only plays top tho so it somewhat makes sense. He only plays Trynd. | ||
United States232 Posts
Well, I know languages change and such, and "dive" as a transitive verb isn't really standard either, but I wanted to get that off my chest. It throws me every time. | ||
Germany11339 Posts
It feels like whatever i do is completely irrelevant. Winning or losing botlane does not matter at all, unless you can get a corki 5 kills. Otherwise it gets overshadowed by what happens mid or top all the time, because those lanes NEVER go even. They always end up in a slaughter, so you basically roll the dice there which side you get, and what you do bot matters in those 5% of the games where they somehow do go even. | ||
France2198 Posts
They first pick Kassadin, I'm like "I'll mid to counter him" and pick Pantheon. There's a fucking dickhead "mid or troll" THAT PICKS KATARINA, THE CHAMP THAT GETS UTTERLY DESTROYED BY KASSADIN. And obviously he was french. Yes I'm french as well, so what ? Almost all french in this game are fucking retarded | ||
Germany11339 Posts
Next game: Firstpick "I go jungle blitz" My AD "I don't have corki". Enemy lastpick gets corki. Fuck this shit. And none of them were the problem, no, instead xin constantly talked some weird language noone else on the team spoke and fed renekton to hell and back. Seriously. How does anyone get dia? It is completely luck of the draw, and i am absurdly unlucky. Botlane doesn't do anything, unless you get corki. Then you can do something. But my ad never picks corki. Ok, i think i might be cursed. This is getting absurd. Not a single game where any lane i am not in wins. Not a single one. And then when you still somehow have a chance to win, you get people who don't speak a single word of english, and an Ashe that doesn't use her ult, EVER. Down from 90 to 57 points purely with 5 point losses. Not a single one of them didnt start with my mid AND top feeding at least one kill before 5 min. Now i'll once again go onto a winning spree tomorrow and end up at 90, when i'll start losing again. Edit however many: 52. | ||
Finland951 Posts
Caitlyn who just sits there waiting for the enemy to hit 2, and after it he goes to harash aaaaaargh. Or later when i tell him that Aatrox is still bot. He answers "LOL" and goes to thresh flay range. Why? Did he smell it was my promo? Like zero game sense. ![]() Why i am so bad that i have to play with these guys, why cant i improve. ![]() Or better just pick Fiora against Nasus, free farm the lane until nasus gets Frozen heart, then start dueling. That sounds like a good idea. | ||
France8574 Posts
On September 25 2013 04:57 Zizoz wrote: I want to complain about people using "dove" as the past participle of "dive". It's "dived". You can say someone dove you (using the past tense), but not that you got dove. You got dived. Well, I know languages change and such, and "dive" as a transitive verb isn't really standard either, but I wanted to get that off my chest. It throws me every time. Still better than "feeded" | ||
France1923 Posts
On September 25 2013 09:49 Sakray wrote: WHY AM I THE ONLY FUCKING ONE WILLING TO DODGE WHEN WE HAVE A TROLL IN OUR GAME They first pick Kassadin, I'm like "I'll mid to counter him" and pick Pantheon. There's a fucking dickhead "mid or troll" THAT PICKS KATARINA, THE CHAMP THAT GETS UTTERLY DESTROYED BY KASSADIN. And obviously he was french. Yes I'm french as well, so what ? Almost all french in this game are fucking retarded Ohhh, self-inflicted racism, I haven't missed you | ||
France2198 Posts
On September 26 2013 00:50 The_Unseen wrote: Ohhh, self-inflicted racism, I haven't missed you I'm trying my best to never flame in game, to be as nice as possible, try my best to win and stuff, trying to lead my team to victory, because I'm tired of our fucking reputation. It doesn't matter, 90% of every french that I meet in games are total assholes. | ||
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