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I'm on 8 streak so far wooo
I think I'm gonna take a break, worlds must be doing something to my soloq mindset.
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United States9706 Posts
![]() I'm on 8 streak so far wooo I think I'm gonna take a break, worlds must be doing something to my soloq mindset. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Real ? Gragas was able to 2 shot almost all of us (yi top -vs teemo-, fiddle jungle, cait -me- and nunu bot)/ Those comps in soloQ, incredible | ||
England1046 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Then jax "i can't jungle, enjoy ur lose ![]() Shen starts dagger (400g item of atk speed) and 2 pots, wtf. He starts blue, Ahri (plat V against all silver in our team because riot mmr) comes alone against Shen and Ez/Nami...AND STEALS THE GOD DAMN BLUE BECAUSE SHEN IS TOO RETARDED TO SMITE, THEN THIS LITTLE FUCKER BLAMES ME WTF He then goes to wolves, kill them, go back. He's lvl 2 when their Hecarim IN PLACEMENT MATCHES is 5. He never tried to take red, meanwhile Ahri was shitting on me hard mid. And Shen ? 0 ganks, better farm jungle. Then Jax decides to ragequit when Ezreal is flaming everyone. Standard game you know. Fucking scum that should throw themselves out of the window. | ||
Peru1308 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
The hemorrhaging turrets one is particularly frustrating, because I can't fix 4 people having their priorities jacked up and being down 6 turrets, essentially at no cost to the enemy team. My theory is everyone who is actually decent is too busy watching worlds. | ||
Germany11338 Posts
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France2198 Posts
On September 21 2013 11:08 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: I'm beginning to notice that a lot of the qq posts revolve around "team wandering off and doing stupid shit". Most of my games end up being thrown late game by one fight or snowballed by one fed champion on either side. I'm also in gold 2, so I'm nothing special but I think the problem is indecisiveness and not knowing what to do, which leads to these situations. Being a team leader carries hard in solo q. Even when behind. In fact, most of my wins lately are comebacks from bad laning. Too bad most of the time they don't listen to you or they flame you because you're trying to lead. | ||
United States945 Posts
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Germany11338 Posts
And i get the morgana again in the next game. When will i learn to wait for 10 minutes after such a game? And why are the guys who still have not realized that ryze is trash tier now always in my team? | ||
Germany3605 Posts
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
23 min game, Taric's build- Merc Treds/Philostone. Why? Idk. Bot lane's total score: 1/15/3 Lucian starts 8-2, then proceeds to run point into no vision all game and then have the rest of the team "I think I can" after him. Of course then it's my fault that I've been in a neverending lane as Riven against Garen and I've somehow fed him despite winning on CS handily and going 1-1 in lane, taking first blood and only dieing to a 1v3 gank. Riot, S4 already. Pls. Even if I drop back down to this level, at least let my out for a little bit. | ||
United States2864 Posts
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Germany3605 Posts
On September 21 2013 18:01 M2 wrote: Please Riot allow 5 bans, I need to be able to ban Lee Sin, Lux and Master Yi to handicap the other team, and to ban Ezreal and Vayne to protect my team from getting them :-) If you play on EUW, just ban Vayne-Nidalee-Lee Sin. That way, you handicap the enemy team and also protect your team from getting them. | ||
Germany11338 Posts
This is exceedingly annoying when you are also fighting the stupid clamping. Start the day at 91. +5+2+1-3-3-3. Its always interesting to see what you will get next, but you always know that you need at 4 win series just to get your series. The most annoying thing about this is that the whole thing is so completely obscure. There is no way to find out your MMR, this must be the most infuriating system anyone has ever invented. The closer you get to your goal, the more your gains slow down. Who thought that was a good idea? | ||
United States3921 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
On September 21 2013 16:45 Djagulingu wrote: I can't fucking believe that I had to carry 4 noobs (weighing 500lb each) through a dominion coop vs ai game against beginner bots, just for the sake of getting my "first win of the day". Yes, you heard correctly, a dominion coop vs ai game against beginner bots. Tell me one fucking reason why you would stay right in the middle of two neighboring turrets and farm minions on crystal scar when both of the turrets that you stay in between are getting captured by bots. Why, why, why would people playing league of legends have to be THIS stupid, WHY? Because they are new at this game and don't know better. I could prolly play 3v5 vs bots on that mode and win shouldnt be to hard for ya. | ||
Germany11338 Posts
This is seriously getting out of hand. From 99 down to 73, and now i can climb that again with +5+5+5+5. And all of that just because i get the mids who feed so hard that nothing else matters. Zyra with 5 kills at 10 minutes? On the enemy team of course. Never on mine. Nono. "Zyra counters my fiddle mid hard". Well, i got a solution there sherlock. Don't firstpick fiddle mid. In fact, don't pick fiddle mid, EVER. Fucking BS. down to 56 now. With a -16. I hope once i win a game again i get a big fat +20 or more. Because this is some serious bullshit going on here. I worked my ass off for 3 days to get that high. And at 99 points LoL starts throwing the retards at me. Why do i never get the 10 kill mid in my team, and always on the enemy team? I WANT TO WIN A GAME! I seriously need to learn to just stop playing once i start losing. Because it does not stop. It can't really be me tilting since the losing pretty much always happens in other lanes. But once it starts, it never stops. Down to 41. And i still queued again because i hope that this is the game that turns it. 1 Day of bad luck destroys a week of hard work, climbing point by point with +5 -4 +5 -4. And now its -16-16. I hope that means i got unclamped. | ||
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