On August 08 2013 05:51 BlasiuS wrote:lose every single promo game, win every single non-promo game  how
after getting booted out of promotion, won last 3 games in a row, back in promotion now.
edit: omg won a promotion. First time in weeks!
On August 10 2013 06:10 Alaric wrote: I don't care that you know how to click quickly or are first pick and Gold I. You pick TF after they fp Syndra, with your nifty MPen/AP/AP/AP runepage, you start dring+pots because fuck MS and wards when they have Lee jungle too (who invaded our blue because we had a dc, he died for it, but he got the buff). So you're behind because you feed as all hell, and rather than playing conservatively you keep rushing AP against Syndra instead of building MR, HP, etc. You also proceed to ult without waiting for the lane you gank to get in position, effectively trying to 1v2 fed Kog + Seeker's support Fiddle, when you don't even have the damage to drop Kog to half-HP. 0 for 3 ensues, and you blame all of us for you being too hasty and suiciding on top of it.
Hey, good guy AD main Gold III Ezreal. Why do you build Tear then Spirit Stone and try to trade with Kog+Fiddle? Why do you build Lizard Spirit when you'll have to compete with Rumble+Syndra+Kog's lategame damage? Why do you insult us when we mention your build lacks straight-up damage in a comp that needs it?
I don't care if you guys have an higher Elo than me or click better or get more cs at 20 minutes in custom games. You are fucking dumb, I haven't seen you do a single smart play of the game, only successes I saw came from your opponents managing to make mistakes bigger and dumber than you. You're fucking bad, and it hurts my brain to have to play with people lacking common sense like that—or more precisely, to sit in a corner while the unevitable stomp that ensues unfolds and I'm unable to do anything because of how behind you both managed to set yourselves.
All I ask for is people knowing the basics. Don't tell me "match-ups and counters don't matter at low Elo", when a fucktard brings 9-0-21 MPen/AP/AP/AP Dring+2 pots start TF against Lee Sin + Syndra, he's not going to outplay anyone but himself. And it's damn irrating.
Edit: next game (after a dodge by a premade who threatened with Garen+Poppy bot because we didn't give them solo lanes as 4th and 5th picks) has Janna level 3 by the time mid is 7 and bot 6. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, since Nasus went and sat in the bush mid, waiting for me to bait Lux. Which I did. Nasus proceeds not to move an inch, complain that I didn't level W by level 3 as Viktor (I barely hit it right before the bait and it's usually a rather bad idea as you waste a power spike) and walk away. So I just sacrificed half my health for nothing because Nasus decided it wasn't worth his time to Wither Lux an inch from him and hitting her. He did that 2-3 other times during the game, punctuated by being all passive-aggressive in chat about how bad we are, implying that he's the only one playing good during the game (dude has no map presence and asks for a smiteless then does wolves->wraiths so it doesn't change anything and Lee could have had his red if he wanted to steal it, doesn't listen to ping or missing calls, and does shit calls like drake at level 5 when Ezreal has no mana and 50 HP and the enemy Lee and Lux are up. But yeah, you were playing godlike while dragging us down.)
I think this deserves a spot in the Rage HoF.
1-8 in ranked right now, went from 95pts to 0.
Why do people pick Ezreal into Vayne? I haven't seen the matchup go well for Ezreal once yet.
On August 10 2013 06:10 Alaric wrote: I don't care that you know how to click quickly or are first pick and Gold I. You pick TF after they fp Syndra, with your nifty MPen/AP/AP/AP runepage, you start dring+pots because fuck MS and wards when they have Lee jungle too (who invaded our blue because we had a dc, he died for it, but he got the buff). So you're behind because you feed as all hell, and rather than playing conservatively you keep rushing AP against Syndra instead of building MR, HP, etc. You also proceed to ult without waiting for the lane you gank to get in position, effectively trying to 1v2 fed Kog + Seeker's support Fiddle, when you don't even have the damage to drop Kog to half-HP. 0 for 3 ensues, and you blame all of us for you being too hasty and suiciding on top of it.
Hey, good guy AD main Gold III Ezreal. Why do you build Tear then Spirit Stone and try to trade with Kog+Fiddle? Why do you build Lizard Spirit when you'll have to compete with Rumble+Syndra+Kog's lategame damage? Why do you insult us when we mention your build lacks straight-up damage in a comp that needs it?
I don't care if you guys have an higher Elo than me or click better or get more cs at 20 minutes in custom games. You are fucking dumb, I haven't seen you do a single smart play of the game, only successes I saw came from your opponents managing to make mistakes bigger and dumber than you. You're fucking bad, and it hurts my brain to have to play with people lacking common sense like that—or more precisely, to sit in a corner while the unevitable stomp that ensues unfolds and I'm unable to do anything because of how behind you both managed to set yourselves.
All I ask for is people knowing the basics. Don't tell me "match-ups and counters don't matter at low Elo", when a fucktard brings 9-0-21 MPen/AP/AP/AP Dring+2 pots start TF against Lee Sin + Syndra, he's not going to outplay anyone but himself. And it's damn irrating.
Edit: next game (after a dodge by a premade who threatened with Garen+Poppy bot because we didn't give them solo lanes as 4th and 5th picks) has Janna level 3 by the time mid is 7 and bot 6. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, since Nasus went and sat in the bush mid, waiting for me to bait Lux. Which I did. Nasus proceeds not to move an inch, complain that I didn't level W by level 3 as Viktor (I barely hit it right before the bait and it's usually a rather bad idea as you waste a power spike) and walk away. So I just sacrificed half my health for nothing because Nasus decided it wasn't worth his time to Wither Lux an inch from him and hitting her. He did that 2-3 other times during the game, punctuated by being all passive-aggressive in chat about how bad we are, implying that he's the only one playing good during the game (dude has no map presence and asks for a smiteless then does wolves->wraiths so it doesn't change anything and Lee could have had his red if he wanted to steal it, doesn't listen to ping or missing calls, and does shit calls like drake at level 5 when Ezreal has no mana and 50 HP and the enemy Lee and Lux are up. But yeah, you were playing godlike while dragging us down.) Alaric you really like typing man
Gotta practice my English man.
Im at 99 points in Gold I, and ive just won 3 games in a row, each of them gave me ZERO points! Wtf how does it work?! I know that when ill lose next one I will get like - 7 or something. I dunno what to do anymore ~~
QQ, my 2TB external hard drive stopped working. Gonna bring it in to future shop or something and see if they can salvage the data.
On August 10 2013 09:28 BlasiuS wrote:Show nested quote +On August 08 2013 05:51 BlasiuS wrote:lose every single promo game, win every single non-promo game  how after getting booted out of promotion, won last 3 games in a row, back in promotion now. edit: omg won a promotion. First time in weeks!
next promotion game, troll duo queue who intentionally feed caitlyn. last pick gets rammus after I pick jungle. Not a word said all game. They counter-jungle my blue (take blue buff but don't clear camp), and both go top. Caitlyn is 17/1 with fully-stacked occult sword at 12 minutes our nexus dies before 20
edit: then the next one we lose a 4v5 gg guess I belong here
On August 11 2013 04:11 Alaric wrote: Gotta practice my English man. You're doing a good job. I'm not sure which is worse: the "English" that some of these Lyonnaise are speaking to me, or the "French" that I'm speaking to them. I had someone tell me that I speak French like a German today, though, which I'm taking as a sign of progress that I'm not speaking it like an American.
Every time I pick Vayne my team decides to pick the weirdest team comps.
Fingers crossed this game isn't going to be as horrible as it looks.
Edit: It was. D:
How the fuck some people managed to reach plat when being retarded as fuck (never warding support op) when others are stuck in silver/gold and are way better at the game.
a 50 hp taric tower dive onto 200 health leona is the best way to get your adc fed
On August 11 2013 07:30 upperbound wrote:You're doing a good job. I'm not sure which is worse: the "English" that some of these Lyonnaise are speaking to me, or the "French" that I'm speaking to them. I had someone tell me that I speak French like a German today, though, which I'm taking as a sign of progress that I'm not speaking it like an American. I'm sure nobody would mind if you QQ'd about French here, for the language is a tough bitch with a bunch of special cases, and since the people form a pretty vocal minority (it gets pretty easy to tell a guy in chat is French by his "English" even w/o the nicks) that's closely associated with low-level and flaming it's not even off-topic! \o/ With a bit of a stretch. Like Zac, which we all hate and QQ about.
Is it because of the weekend or what? Almost every game lately is filled with just the most horrific people. Bad players and complete assholes.
United States23745 Posts
On August 11 2013 11:44 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On August 11 2013 07:30 upperbound wrote:On August 11 2013 04:11 Alaric wrote: Gotta practice my English man. You're doing a good job. I'm not sure which is worse: the "English" that some of these Lyonnaise are speaking to me, or the "French" that I'm speaking to them. I had someone tell me that I speak French like a German today, though, which I'm taking as a sign of progress that I'm not speaking it like an American. I'm sure nobody would mind if you QQ'd about French here, for the language is a tough bitch with a bunch of special cases, and since the people form a pretty vocal minority (it gets pretty easy to tell a guy in chat is French by his "English" even w/o the nicks) that's closely associated with low-level and flaming it's not even off-topic! \o/ With a bit of a stretch. Like Zac, which we all hate and QQ about. Oh god, I took French last year at my college and it was a miserable experience. I just don't get foreign languages, my brain just doesn't compute.
On August 11 2013 11:44 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On August 11 2013 07:30 upperbound wrote:On August 11 2013 04:11 Alaric wrote: Gotta practice my English man. You're doing a good job. I'm not sure which is worse: the "English" that some of these Lyonnaise are speaking to me, or the "French" that I'm speaking to them. I had someone tell me that I speak French like a German today, though, which I'm taking as a sign of progress that I'm not speaking it like an American. I'm sure nobody would mind if you QQ'd about French here, for the language is a tough bitch with a bunch of special cases, and since the people form a pretty vocal minority (it gets pretty easy to tell a guy in chat is French by his "English" even w/o the nicks) that's closely associated with low-level and flaming it's not even off-topic! \o/ With a bit of a stretch. Like Zac, which we all hate and QQ about.
People who speak a language that is not english in chat are generally pretty annoying. This is true for pretty much any language, be it french, polish, german, anything norse, or whatever else language. You just instantly know that they are idiots, because anyone who is not an idiot realizes that you will probably want to talk to your whole team, and that it is incredibly impolite to speak in a language that not everyone present understands. And if they queue with their same language buddies, why the fuck don't they simply go onto skype or TS together?
That being sad, french insults are pretty funny, especially considering that they apparently all need to be abbreviated. Whenever someone starts cursing in french it really quickly deteriorates into a bunch of random letters, which i think is really amusing.
So this is my third series to get to PLATINUM. I started really good and was 2-0 in series so Im one game from my beloved plat. But no something must go wrong when u need 1 win and got 3 chances to do it. D U O YOLO SWAG. Our duo picks veigar mid (4-12 at end of the game) and other guy goes Lee adc bot, because why not and yolo swag. W T F .
Im in last game right now so mad.
Opposing team has all AOE ults this is gonna be fun. Orianna, Malphite, Wukong, Sona and Miss Fortune nice
We lost of course we lost why would we win when our mid Ahri is retard irl. Again my promo series to plat ended 2-3.
Im just glad I didnt destroyed my keyboard. It just happend I had a bottle of water nearby so I could throw it, instead of mashing my keabord lol. IM SO FUKIN MAD