The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 473
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United States669 Posts
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United States1549 Posts
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United Kingdom184 Posts
Side note, fuck vayne having your bot lane feed her 10 kills and spend the next 20 minutes getting her to below 1/4 health only for your team to not do ANYTHING to kill her. pisses me off Fuck this game and the fuckers in it | ||
Canada106 Posts
We just got baron, and are seiging their mid inhib turret, nami gets pulled, team initiates, we get aced. We're trying to push mid, nami hugs the wall, gets pulled into wraiths and dies. We're defending mid inhib turret, nami goes to wall without any knowledge of there the enemy team, gets pulled. On that last one, I even said in chat "nami don't get pulled"... We lost the game about a min after that. Nami: always get pulled, never not get pulled. Lost my last placement match for that. | ||
Australia2470 Posts
Got first blooded invading their red then failed every gank from then on out. Made a decent play at top kicking Zac under tower but I think Kat was already at 15 kills by that stage ![]() | ||
Canada31494 Posts
4476 Posts
On August 13 2013 18:56 Nytefish wrote: It could be partly due to your mentality. Maybe on the new account you're not so worried about your rating and play more relaxed and clear-headed. Well you might already know this but it's probably also due to the ranked system. New accounts have much higher initial MMR gains/losses that tailor off gradually. What that means is even if you're winning just as much on your old account as the new one, it will take much longer to climb because you already have many games played causing your MMR gains/losses to be small. idk i just literally cant win a game right now. I've won THREE out of 20 games between my 2 accounts. this has to be the worst losing streak I've ever been on in my life. | ||
United States232 Posts
On August 14 2013 13:06 IMoperator wrote: idk i just literally cant win a game right now. I've won THREE out of 20 games between my 2 accounts. this has to be the worst losing streak I've ever been on in my life. Wow, I'm actually in the exact same boat and just came to complain, also 3 wins out of last 20 games, and in two of those someone on the opposing team d/ced ![]() There are some things I just don't understand in this game, like people losing top lane in VERY favorable match-ups with no jungler intervention. Like Khazix losing to Vladimir, or Rumble losing to Teemo (what?). It's just so difficult to win 4v5. | ||
Canada90 Posts
Game two, I get my team insisting on sticking me bot when I'm awful at it, so I just dodge. Fuck this shit. Edit: my goal is and has been to get plat before school starts up again, and judging by my last 20-30 non-promo games I'm capable of doing it. Just every fucking time I get into a promo I get a tottering pile of idiots for my team and the enemy gets to be an average of 2-3 divisions above us. It's fucking miserable and I don't want to deal with it. | ||
France2198 Posts
Better blame me for saying that my lanephase and midgame are fucked than our top that is throwing. Better not gank me when I said I need help. People say "always blame the jungler, blablabla", well, it's actually true most of the time, almost every jungler I've been playing with were retarded as fuck. | ||
Hungary1011 Posts
Even though I only have a half runepage, I crushed her hard. Turns out he got boosted into Plat. I was happy for a second..... | ||
Poland458 Posts
France2198 Posts
Seriously, this retarded champ is tanky as fuck, he deals a fuckton of dmg and has utility. He's even more overpowered than Diana, wth. Riot thinks that full ad should not kill fulltanks, THEN WHY THEY FUCKING CAN ? WHY A SINGLE SPELL GRANTS A SHIELD, LIFESTEAL AND SPELLVAMP GOD DAMNIT, FUCK YOU RIOT AT NOT BEING ABLE TO BALANCE CHAMPS | ||
United States2382 Posts
Mid went mid, immediately fed FB then the enemy mid took that blue top to get another kill there. Needless to say the game was pretty much over from there. Sometimes I hate the community, i get these kinds of trolls way too much. | ||
United States669 Posts
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Germany11335 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
Gank for top because he asked for help. He sits there, watching Fiora kill me then walks up to her and gives her a double. Later, pings for help right after I backed and promptly dies at his tower. Never pushes out his lane when he can and takes golems Even later, we're super behind and me and the rest of the team are trying to force a dragon because we just killed Fiora. Tryn spams pings on blue like a retard, misses the dragon fight then walks in after to get killed, causing an ace. We didn't even dragon OR blue. My side lanes went full retard this game. I feel so bad for the Leona, who was actually decent. | ||
United States7684 Posts
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Germany11335 Posts
On August 16 2013 08:10 Jerubaal wrote: These placement matches are just making me hate life. You have a choice in life: You either pick a meaningful position and get a support that doesn't ward or you get to play support and be at the mercy of whatever mouthbreather you landed with. Solution: Play mid/jungle and ward stuff yourself. Or play support and just fucking rape the lane so hard 1v2 that your adc can not lose. I'd suggest Sona, Hybrid Pen, AD quints, ignite and a start with at least 1 pink. You poke their faces, pink their bush and just dart in and out of that bush destroying them. If you get any of them to 30 %, flash in, Ignite Q powerchord kill. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On August 16 2013 08:35 Simberto wrote: Solution: Play mid/jungle and ward stuff yourself. Or play support and just fucking rape the lane so hard 1v2 that your adc can not lose. I'd suggest Sona, Hybrid Pen, AD quints, ignite and a start with at least 1 pink. You poke their faces, pink their bush and just dart in and out of that bush destroying them. If you get any of them to 30 %, flash in, Ignite Q powerchord kill. What about when Vayne walks from the tribush through the river and gets chunked to half health? | ||
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