frustrating loss i'm insanely farmed and fed, pushing down their base our support just quits the game we go 3 for 4 in a fight, only i live, our jungler dies and then quits the game too
i've never seen a literally won game go to a loss so quickly -_- how frustrating http://gyazo.com/ef515e61a896a35a7c7322d514afb005
MAN, sunday is the worst, number of afkers increases by like 500% for me.
I am like 1 5 W/L today QQ and im not even playing that bad.
Ingamez: troll heim ok Ingamez: i troll too
<- Great day this is.
D: I messed up a level 3 gank that would have failed anyways due to counterganks but I still sucked on that  Need to be patient. Zyra got fed cuz of that partly.
Then bot lane I gave away my position by walking into a ward a quarter second before stealthing. Real pro Rengar main here
On August 19 2013 04:31 gtrsrs wrote:frustrating loss i'm insanely farmed and fed, pushing down their base our support just quits the game we go 3 for 4 in a fight, only i live, our jungler dies and then quits the game too i've never seen a literally won game go to a loss so quickly -_- how frustrating http://gyazo.com/ef515e61a896a35a7c7322d514afb005 Now i'm worried that you don't even watch LCS games
Zac is one of the most broken champs in the game. He has a super long range initiate on an absolutely disgustingly short cooldown, along with other broken shit.
If you want to nerf him nerf his E. Like literally it's the longest non-global in the game at level 1, and then it gets longer. How the fuck does that work.
Fun quotes today: "I have to sacrifice this game because you are the worst of the community"(Yi who started to feed because his lane opponent akali got 2 kills when she roamed to dragon and he didn't). At this point we were up in kills, up in turrets, up in everything. After he then fed kill after kill into akali, she finally started to rape us.
Can I get at least 1 lane that wins theirs and SOMEBODY on the team getting a kill in the first 25 minutes without having me help!?
This shit is uncarryable, I don't give a fuck if I'm Meteos.
dvizzle: make sure 2 ban yi
That part, at least, is 100% legit.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
at least he informed you about his intentions straight up.
Nothing can be learned from SoloQ. There is NO decent learning to be had with teammates this frustrating. You aren't Nien, you can't lane against Shen as Vayne. You're in bronze, so are your mechanics. Just because my Q can go 1500ish range as Varus doesn't mean you can go in as Leona because it can reach. By the time I catch up to your dumb ass, your CC is gone and you've overwitten all your sunlight charges. If Lux keeps roaming on you and you can't stop her, you better push your lane and take tower instead of last hitting. You don't chase fed MF and Lux through wraith bush after we somehow sneak a free Baron.
Basic Fucking Ability And Map Geography Logic
I'd be fine if I was the one on the team that sucked ass but got carried. At least then there'd be a god damned bright side and I could learn from something.
Fuck Zed. Stupid pussy ass way too safe champ. Jesus christ hes 0-4 but some how can keep up relatively in cs because herpderp waveclear is fucking broken. Seriously what are the downsides to zed?
On August 20 2013 11:16 Kyhron wrote: Fuck Zed. Stupid pussy ass way too safe champ. Jesus christ hes 0-4 but some how can keep up relatively in cs because herpderp waveclear is fucking broken. Seriously what are the downsides to zed?
He relies on his ult to 1v1 anyone (Unless he is ridiculously ahead) and if you cc him just after he uses death mark he will lose a lot of damage.
I agree he is strong but I don't think he's broken atm.
I'm minding my own business under turret as leblanc vs kayle mid, our trist is raping their botlane, it seemed to be a won game, then their Akali who destroyed our jayce top came in the lanes after rushing zhonya. Needless to say, with Zhonya, her insane sustain, Kayle's ult, and Soraka's heals, it was over once she was at 4 kills.
I'll never reach the next league. I'm fucking tired of all my retarded mates god damnit
On August 20 2013 12:06 schmutttt wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2013 11:16 Kyhron wrote: Fuck Zed. Stupid pussy ass way too safe champ. Jesus christ hes 0-4 but some how can keep up relatively in cs because herpderp waveclear is fucking broken. Seriously what are the downsides to zed? He relies on his ult to 1v1 anyone (Unless he is ridiculously ahead) and if you cc him just after he uses death mark he will lose a lot of damage. I agree he is strong but I don't think he's broken atm. Its not that hes strong its that hes too fucking safe. You can kill him over and over and hell still manage to keep up with you in relative cs because he can just farm so safely. Hes an assassin he shouldnt be as safe as he is. What other assassin can farm as safely as Zed? Kha got nerfed because of that reason and he had a shorter range than Zed does.
I know how it works, and that my MMR is super high, and that I'll get right back into my promo series and blah blah blah.....
But WHY THE HELL is there a Diamond 5, 2 Plat 2's, and 4 Plat 3's in my promo series out of GOLD 3 (I'm first pick on my team too). GODDAMN IT. Making this so fucking hard.
How can people be this fucking toxic?
We get a Quinn who refuses to help me leash red and just sits alone and does nothing in lane while our mid-lane ends up missing CS because her damage output is missing. Then she proceeds to shit-talk the enemy team and our team when she gets a kill or when someone makes a mistake. Then she gets caught and killed by Lux then says "Fed Lux. GG." and quits out of the game. What a fucking moron.
I'd be more pissed if we lost, but the enemy team had a Mordekaiser who was DCed for most of the game so it ended up kinda even.