The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 476
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
Germany11335 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany11335 Posts
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France2198 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
Fuck this game I need to stop playing ranked or I'm going to get banned for raging T_T . | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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Germany11335 Posts
I got a simple solution to that: DONT PLAY MORDE AGAINST CASS. If the enemy can still pick cass, dont pick morde. Actually, even better: NEVER pick morde. Why are those people with a capability of critical thinking akin to that of a lemming always on my team? | ||
France8631 Posts
On August 21 2013 19:40 Simberto wrote: Morde complaining how hard it is to play morde againt cass all game long. Feeds her 12 kills. Gets me demoted. I got a simple solution to that: DONT PLAY MORDE AGAINST CASS. If the enemy can still pick cass, dont pick morde. Actually, even better: NEVER pick morde. Why are those people with a capability of critical thinking akin to that of a lemming always on my team? Morde is good. Some Morde players aren't though. | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
fucking ssibal | ||
Germany18 Posts
1st game in gold: somebody on the enemy team dced / ragequits and we win -> i'm like, well nvm free win, okay! (+ 38 lp) 2nd game: our mid gets first blooded, flames our jungler and ragequits -> i'm like okay, it happens...(-13 lp) 3rd game: our bot gets killed twice 2v2, flame the whole team, then proceed to walk down every lane and feed...-> im getting anxious...(-13 lp) 4th game: our top never connects, mid flames the jungler super hard and we have to surrender @ 20...(-13 lp)... WTF?! 5th game: in champion select everyone gets the role they want... last pick gets mid and picks soraka...everyone rages at her and i defend her saying: well it can work...(just to lighten up the mood) i jungle lee, get the enemy ziggs to 100 hp and he has to back.. but soraka flashes into the tower, gets first blooded and ragequits this hasn't happened to me in like 500 normal games... is ranked that much more toxic and do only little ragequitting/flaming children play it? when does it start to get better? (if ever) someone more experienced than me needs to answer this please! if this is the case, im gonna stick with normal queue to play with normal people! I'm sad | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On August 21 2013 19:58 mr_tolkien wrote: Morde is good. Some Morde players aren't though. He's good until you vs people who understand his big weaknesses. There's a reason he NEVER gets picked competitively anymore | ||
Finland951 Posts
1. Low elo and counter picks, pregamechat is all OMG WE LOOOOOOOST U PICKED MALPHITE OMGGGG COUNTER PICKED YOURSELF!!! I tell them that i dont believe in counter picks in low elo, we all play pretty poorly so just by knowing the champ u usually get the edge. The guy logically tells me that i suck and he will report me End up 6/1, totally unkillable (they had 3 auto attack champions) and most farm in the game. I ask that douche about his counter picks and he goes "that does not count... he was a bad player" Well duh, we are all bad at low elo. :U -- And secondly, low elo and their fixation on focusing carries. First game our top lost like 0/8, enemy top jarman had like Hydra + bruta + LW when team fights started, he jumped on our ADC, and just blew him up, did the same to my poor support. Our top goes THESE BADDIES, FOCUSING TANK AND NOT VAYNE (Vayne was protected me 4 people, and he had like 0/6 with 2 items less then our ADC) Second game, our Seju gets big, totally carries the game, enemy riven goes full deeps, dives on our cait but i always gib him before he gets anything done, game ends with Riven going "GG NUBZ, THESE GUYS JUST REFUSE TO DIVE THE CARRIES" Hard to dive the carry i think, when you have a 10/1 Sejuani + somewhat farmed Garen running full speed at you. ![]() | ||
Germany11335 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Rengar that never gives blue to mid, has more farm than mid (and thus never ganked), blames him for losing his lane ? Mid that got ganked 4 times when he was farming our jungle ? This guy. I don't have enough vocabulary to flame him. | ||
Germany11335 Posts
If you are that guy, don't. Don't try to make "da plays". Just play save. Play good. Win. I also don't understand why the enemy team randomly gets an absurdly fed trynd so often. Or Zed. Enemy Zed gets one kill ahead, keeps on killing people and never dying. My Zed, gets 3 kills ahead, keeps on trying to dive and dies until its equal again. And the next game. Nasus takes first drake at lvl 6, completely uncontested, despite the fact we know he is doing it. To some people, if you don't see something, it doesn't exist. Karthus could have easily stopped him if he had only moved his arse there from mid. But apparently half a wave of farm was more important. I sadly couldn't go there since we had to deal with a 2v3 bot in the meantime. Our jungler is wherever. Second drake timed at 15:30. We knew that. I told them that. Ez backs at 15:25 despite me spamming him not to. Second free drake. Then 6 minutes later once again noone cared, 3rd free drake. If you are bad and have no idea what you should do, just do what your supports tells you to. Seriously. Just do it. Back when he tells you to, don't back when he tells you not to. Shoot at stuff when he does. Just do what your support says. | ||
United States3858 Posts
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