The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 472
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
France1934 Posts
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United States1001 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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United Kingdom7236 Posts
I glace up, 5-23. Wait..what? 5-23?!?! Holy shit balls -_- Ok np, just hardcarry. I take 2nd turret, go 4-1. 8-35. Oh get fucked. Only towers we took the entire game were mine, everyone raged and fed, jungle udyr had 4 dorans. gg. Win lane lose game. I DID get their caitlyn to go super fucking ragemode at me though, she went 11/0 and i gave her her one and only death bot 1v2. EDIT: Next game same shit - FB on shen as soon as he comes to lane, push down 2 turrets when he TP's away when i warn them, nope they give him a fucking triple kill. Then i push down inhib + 1 nexus turret while the enemy pushes, then i secure 2 kills + baron AND THEY STILL FUCKING THROW THIS SHIT. FUCK YOU | ||
Canada106 Posts
I was Akali against the smurf/booster zed in mid. One mistake from our jungler and I lost control of my lane. Bottom lane vs. the bronze IV leona didnt do any better... We surrendered at 20 with 5-20 score or something like that. Fukk this matchmaking system. Although, that was some of the best control with zed I had ever played against in lane... Brb learning zed. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
Nobody knows how to lane. First I end up dual mid as Ahri with a Soraka which was...sort of ok for a bit because it got me two early kills on the mid. Eventually manage to get her to go away. Bit later Garen turns up to do the same and then just die to the mid...killing me as I tried to save him. At the time of writing Garen is level 6 at 22 minutes and is 0-15-0. Against BOTS. Edit: 32 mins - 0-20-0 He said "I'm sorry I'm noob" Yes, I guessed that... | ||
United Kingdom184 Posts
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New York City13113 Posts
On August 13 2013 03:56 -Celestial- wrote: In a game vs intermediate bots right now. Nobody knows how to lane. First I end up dual mid as Ahri with a Soraka which was...sort of ok for a bit because it got me two early kills on the mid. Eventually manage to get her to go away. Bit later Garen turns up to do the same and then just die to the mid...killing me as I tried to save him. At the time of writing Garen is level 6 at 22 minutes and is 0-15-0. Against BOTS. Edit: 32 mins - 0-20-0 He said "I'm sorry I'm noob" Yes, I guessed that... Intermediate bots are very, very difficult for people new to LoL. Have you ever played against Fiddlesticks Bot or Annie Bot or Lux Bot? When I first started, for at least a month I seriously thought Fiddlesticks' ultimate also simultaneously feared and drained you. | ||
United States2405 Posts
edit: my last normal game + Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
United States875 Posts
Fortunately, it was a 20 min surrender but the entire team was pretty salty since at least 3 of us were in our promo. | ||
United States18466 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
On August 13 2013 12:49 FinestHour wrote: i really dont understand clamping at all and its just making me want to play this game less and less I'm at 30-40 points in Gold 1. I'm winning double than I'm losing. But winning 6 points a game is taking it's toll. | ||
4476 Posts
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Netherlands1821 Posts
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United Kingdom4282 Posts
On August 13 2013 17:13 IMoperator wrote: Ugh, just got demoted to gold 3. I don't understand, I was able to get from gold 5 -> plat 1 on a new account while I was banned for two weeks, but I cannot get out of fucking gold on my main account. It's so frustrating. this literally is elo hell, no other way to describe it. It could be partly due to your mentality. Maybe on the new account you're not so worried about your rating and play more relaxed and clear-headed. Well you might already know this but it's probably also due to the ranked system. New accounts have much higher initial MMR gains/losses that tailor off gradually. What that means is even if you're winning just as much on your old account as the new one, it will take much longer to climb because you already have many games played causing your MMR gains/losses to be small. | ||
United States2316 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
enemy vayne gets doublekill before i'm level 3 as jungler, or enemy trist gets triple off a fail gank when i play top god i hate this game lategame champs getting fed early is the bane of my life | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On August 13 2013 05:12 GrandInquisitor wrote: Intermediate bots are very, very difficult for people new to LoL. Have you ever played against Fiddlesticks Bot or Annie Bot or Lux Bot? When I first started, for at least a month I seriously thought Fiddlesticks' ultimate also simultaneously feared and drained you. They're mechanically good but not that hard to outsmart. Annie bot I never find to be too much trouble. Lux just cheats (other day I was practicing Diana, go for a gank, trading a bit of damage, Lunar rush in and she instantly aims at me and final sparks, literally perfect aiming with inhuman reflexes, no chance of reaction). Admittedly Fiddlesticks bot is absurd. Then again none of those were in that game if I remember right. More specifically IIRC he fed Tristana. Which was obviously devastating to lategame. >_> | ||
New York City13113 Posts
Instead, for some reason, I played, and ended up surrendering at 20. (Our ADC was disconnected for the first five minutes of the game.) | ||
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