On August 06 2013 13:34 Simberto wrote: She doesn't. She can win 1v1 fights. Solution: don't get caught in a 1v1 fight with her, unless you are the AP carry and can blow her up in one combo. She becomes exceedingly worse the more people are involved, since she got pretty short range.
I don't appreciate common sense in the qq thread
Why are people so stupid?
I am xin, and tell my botlane that i will be ganking bot through enemy jungle at 3. I do that. I am moving towards them. They start a fight with 10 enemy minions up while i am at the enemy tribush, and lose hard so they can no longer fight once i arrive. Meanwhile mid and top die 1v1. Nasus top continues to buy a dorans shield + chainvest against rumble, and continues to feed as expected. All lanes continue to lose, if i am at a lane they barely go even, if i am not there they die. And all of that is of course my fault since i am obviously the worst jungler ever. Especially toplaners have this tendency to tell me that since i just abandon that lane completely once they have died 3 times in a 1v1.
I get bronze 1. DuoQ with a gold on enemy team.
Unranked Ashe on my team. Who is so fucking terrible i cant put it into words.
60 cs at 25 min Chogath tells me "thats good score"
Get the fuck out of my life you piece of shit garbage worse-then-bronze cunts. I fucking 1v3'd them, stole baron and pulled engages your mother couldnt do with all the men she's married and YOU STILL CANT FUCKING WIN THIS GAME.
Seriously, this is absurd. First game, i am bot as a support. We win 6/1, get a dragon, get a tower. Meanwhile in toplane the enemy trynd reaches our inhib at 20 minutes, while our jax has a total of 50 cs.
Second game, i am renek top against garen, who chose that to counter me apparently. I won 3/0, 40 cs, got 2 turrets. Meanwhile in botlane, 5/0 enemy vayne, while we have an AP trist who is down 100 cs.
7. Losses. In. A. Row. Is there some way I can just play all 5 lanes please? Even a 1/2/25 Nami game and we somehow manage to lose.
I know that over a long enough period of time, that as long as I play well enough to win, the wins will outnumber the losses. But these streaks of games where I carry my lane and the other fail and we just collapse is too much sometimes.
I need to figure out which champs I can snowball a 6/1/2 start into a full victory when there's a 1/7/0 Vayne on the team. Because obviously Jayce isn't it.
And it certainly isn't a 1/0/6 start Thresh or a 1/0/16 Nami start either. I could do it with Blitz, but he's permabanned in Silver. Maybe it's time to whip out the Elise.
I'm just at a loss today. I beat up every lane opponent, and couldn't get people to group up at all so I drop from Silver II 96 points to Silver III.
Tomorrow will be better. Today, I have no more fight left.
You could try Yi or Trynd, who can sometimes 1v4 the enemy team. Or maybe something like Zed.
On August 07 2013 07:21 ArcticFox wrote: 7. Losses. In. A. Row. Is there some way I can just play all 5 lanes please? Even a 1/2/25 Nami game and we somehow manage to lose.
I know that over a long enough period of time, that as long as I play well enough to win, the wins will outnumber the losses. But these streaks of games where I carry my lane and the other fail and we just collapse is too much sometimes.
I need to figure out which champs I can snowball a 6/1/2 start into a full victory when there's a 1/7/0 Vayne on the team. Because obviously Jayce isn't it.
And it certainly isn't a 1/0/6 start Thresh or a 1/0/16 Nami start either. I could do it with Blitz, but he's permabanned in Silver. Maybe it's time to whip out the Elise.
I'm just at a loss today. I beat up every lane opponent, and couldn't get people to group up at all so I drop from Silver II 96 points to Silver III.
Tomorrow will be better. Today, I have no more fight left. Ward everything, roam, get kills for the others. If you are winning hard, you can spare money for 2 vision wards to be able to gank lanes.
Haven't had a single game of the rest of my team not being feeding shits in over 20 games. Somehow managed to carry my way to a promotion anyways.
Up like 5-6 towers, have way more map presence as Jarvan than Fiddle... then realize Yi is 1-8 and is dying first every single fight, and Ezreal is the ADC so our damage in an actual 5v5 is nonexistent. Sigh.
lose every single promo game, win every single non-promo game 
Today I learned that a Yi with level 3 wither on him can kill an ulting Nasus with a tower hitting Yi when the Nasus has ~2.5k hp, a Frozen Heart, ninja tabi, and around 200 total armor with just BotRK, phantom dancer, and a bf sword. What the hell. 1000 true damage that is refreshable. -_-
(We still won the game cuz Yi explodes on contact half the time, but holy crap).
On August 08 2013 06:28 zer0das wrote: Today I learned that a Yi with level 3 wither on him can kill an ulting Nasus with a tower hitting Yi when the Nasus has ~2.5k hp, a Frozen Heart, ninja tabi, and around 200 total armor with just BotRK, phantom dancer, and a bf sword. What the hell. 1000 true damage that is refreshable. -_-
(We still won the game cuz Yi explodes on contact half the time, but holy crap).
Where do you get 1k true damage that is refreshable?
On August 08 2013 06:31 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On August 08 2013 06:28 zer0das wrote: Today I learned that a Yi with level 3 wither on him can kill an ulting Nasus with a tower hitting Yi when the Nasus has ~2.5k hp, a Frozen Heart, ninja tabi, and around 200 total armor with just BotRK, phantom dancer, and a bf sword. What the hell. 1000 true damage that is refreshable. -_-
(We still won the game cuz Yi explodes on contact half the time, but holy crap). Where do you get 1k true damage that is refreshable?
I'm not really referring to the 1v1, just the fact he was ripping through everyone with Wuju's active. I took like 850 true damage when he was withered and had frozen heart aura on him, so he would easily be doing 1k to each member of the team when he gets resets.
On August 08 2013 06:28 zer0das wrote: Today I learned that a Yi with level 3 wither on him can kill an ulting Nasus with a tower hitting Yi when the Nasus has ~2.5k hp, a Frozen Heart, ninja tabi, and around 200 total armor with just BotRK, phantom dancer, and a bf sword. What the hell. 1000 true damage that is refreshable. -_-
(We still won the game cuz Yi explodes on contact half the time, but holy crap).
AFAIK Highlander ignores ALL effects of any ability that slows; this means he ignores wither completely, including ignoring the AS-reduction.
Wait, does that mean that me exhausting yi's that run at my carries very quickly is completely useless?
Well, it does prevent Viktor's stun.
On August 08 2013 09:13 BlasiuS wrote:Show nested quote +On August 08 2013 06:28 zer0das wrote: Today I learned that a Yi with level 3 wither on him can kill an ulting Nasus with a tower hitting Yi when the Nasus has ~2.5k hp, a Frozen Heart, ninja tabi, and around 200 total armor with just BotRK, phantom dancer, and a bf sword. What the hell. 1000 true damage that is refreshable. -_-
(We still won the game cuz Yi explodes on contact half the time, but holy crap). AFAIK Highlander ignores ALL effects of any ability that slows; this means he ignores wither completely, including ignoring the AS-reduction.
What da fawwwwkkk. That is retarded. And also really esoteric. Man, and I thought I knew a lot about Yi...
Time to permaban dat jerk.
On August 08 2013 09:56 JeosAdn wrote: Well, it does prevent Viktor's stun.
Yeah, but that is only a slow until it stacks three times. and since it doesnt stack.... Has anyone actually tested if exhaust works on highlander yi? I am lazy. Or does anyone want to test that on EUW now? Name's Simbert.