Yet another promotion series down the drain. I'm sure it's a conspiracy.
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England2167 Posts
Yet another promotion series down the drain. I'm sure it's a conspiracy. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Next games, I go 12-1 in lane as Pantheon, enemy ryze ends game at 0-15-1. Second game, I go 7-1 in lane as Aatrox, enemy laner singed ends game at 0-7-1. I swear, they have some container that holds the biggest morons in LoL and they bring them out every time I'm in promotion. Now lost the promotion from Silver to Gold 4 times in a row. 95LP currently and I predict that the next game will be a simple victory as well and then I'll again get 3 fullretard teams in a row and go 0-3 in promotion. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Ugh. :/ | ||
Germany2350 Posts
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England2167 Posts
On June 20 2013 10:26 Shikyo wrote: I swear, they have some container that holds the biggest morons in LoL and they bring them out every time I'm in promotion. Now lost the promotion from Silver to Gold 4 times in a row. 95LP currently and I predict that the next game will be a simple victory as well and then I'll again get 3 fullretard teams in a row and go 0-3 in promotion. Yep that's exactly my thoughts. I mean I had a nice win streak going on and then in my promotion games they literally put me with people with the word "troll" in their summoner names. How many promotions will be ruined before this conspiracy is brought to light? | ||
United States211 Posts
Things I have lost to today: Proxy singed - Our top lane fiddlesticks (???) builds a mejai's to deal with it, then asks for a laneswap to mid and doesn't kill singed again the rest of the game. He then promptly is obliterated by mid twitch and has 106 farm at 30 minutes. At peak I think he had 7 stacks. Revive/teleport Ziggs + Support Mundo- Ziggs constantly roamed bot lane (4+ times in the first 15 minutes?). Somehow was ahead of our Lissandra mid by 40cs the entire game and took tower before she did. Mundo contributed to our Ezreal getting 15 kills by the end of the game, but unfortunately, split-push toplane Ahri (??????) failed to have any real impact on the game outside of dying to Lee Sin over and over again. As a bonus, in a game in which I first blooded the enemy Lee Sin as Mundo, then gave Trynd a kill on top Teemo, our bot lane Ezreal manages to go 0-7 through such innovative tactics as never arcane shifting until after Lee Sin has landed his Q or walking into melee range of Leona. This game also had the added joy of a mid Aatrox who was content to farm with Blood Well up while I 1v2 Kennen and Lee Sin 400 units away from him. In summary, -______________________-. | ||
United States35091 Posts
Merc Treds OP vs Tryn. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
![]() Also, once I figured out that like 90% of my games in gold 1 have at least 1 silver player, and about half the games are decided by them (on the basis of, they can't even lane against their opponent without getting absolutely steam rolled, they make really stupid decisions at the worst possible times, they make terrible calls and no one has the sense to say "hey, you're terrible, no one listen to this person"), I started caring about getting plat a lot less. :/ I mean really. Here's a sampler of some dumb decisions my teammates have advocated or done: 1. Let's sit in this bush which has a high probability of potentially being warded while we have no oracles or pink wards. Enemy team has Sejuani and Ori. 2. Do baron when the enemy team is sitting in their jungle making sure we won't start it when they have MF/Ori ults up and we're like level 10-12. 3. In general, never ever coming to help deal with Tryn splitpushing unless he's at an inhib tower, even if I have the cc to lock him up and get him killed if anyone comes to help. Usually nothing else eventful is occurring, people are just inexplicably leaving me to fend him off for ages. Which is okay to an extent, but if it's been about 20 minutes, that's ridiculous. You force me to deal with Tryn's crap for this long, you better be knocking down towers or taking some other objectives. 4. Not building a vamp scepter as an ADC 40+ minutes into the game when they're completely incapable of dodging any skillshots. This happens like 1 in every 5 games. Also trying to baron with no vamp scepter in situations that were already dicey in the first place. 5.Building Triforce on Maokai mid in a relatively even game. His resists were lower than 100 each, and he had like 150 AP when the enemy Ori had like 500 AP. Sees nothing wrong with his build. 6. A Zed tried to 1v5 the enemy team when he had half of our kills and maybe 40% of our damage. Afterwards he yells at us and says we should win with Sona/Ori ult down. Then proceeds to try to 1v5 a few more times. Rants about how we're all pansies. | ||
United States888 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
On June 20 2013 19:45 zer0das wrote: I feel like Zac is such a strong champion and I always do well with him initially, but when group fights roll around my team just derps around and it makes me soooo sad. ![]() Also, once I figured out that like 90% of my games in gold 1 have at least 1 silver player, and about half the games are decided by them (on the basis of, they can't even lane against their opponent without getting absolutely steam rolled, they make really stupid decisions at the worst possible times, they make terrible calls and no one has the sense to say "hey, you're terrible, no one listen to this person"), I started caring about getting plat a lot less. :/ I mean really. Here's a sampler of some dumb decisions my teammates have advocated or done: 1. Let's sit in this bush which has a high probability of potentially being warded while we have no oracles or pink wards. Enemy team has Sejuani and Ori. 2. Do baron when the enemy team is sitting in their jungle making sure we won't start it when they have MF/Ori ults up and we're like level 10-12. 3. In general, never ever coming to help deal with Tryn splitpushing unless he's at an inhib tower, even if I have the cc to lock him up and get him killed if anyone comes to help. Usually nothing else eventful is occurring, people are just inexplicably leaving me to fend him off for ages. Which is okay to an extent, but if it's been about 20 minutes, that's ridiculous. You force me to deal with Tryn's crap for this long, you better be knocking down towers or taking some other objectives. 4. Not building a vamp scepter as an ADC 40+ minutes into the game when they're completely incapable of dodging any skillshots. This happens like 1 in every 5 games. Also trying to baron with no vamp scepter in situations that were already dicey in the first place. 5.Building Triforce on Maokai mid in a relatively even game. His resists were lower than 100 each, and he had like 150 AP when the enemy Ori had like 500 AP. Sees nothing wrong with his build. 6. A Zed tried to 1v5 the enemy team when he had half of our kills and maybe 40% of our damage. Afterwards he yells at us and says we should win with Sona/Ori ult down. Then proceeds to try to 1v5 a few more times. Rants about how we're all pansies. Yeah playing Zac in silver/gold is hopeless. Teams don't react well to the op as shit initiation, even if you tell them what you're gonna do, and the damage once the other team gets bulwark is pretty meh. Pretty difficult to ever hard carry on Zac. Leave him for ranked 5s | ||
United States8519 Posts
![]() How each game played out: 1. I did extremely well, but my team never accounted for Kassadin and he got at least 10 free kills. Renekton is strong, but can only do so much against a fed Kassadin. Also our Eve died to their useless Yorick trying to 1v1 him several times (he was 0/6 to start), which really crushed our momentum because we couldn't take objectives mid-game. Almost came back and ended it, but our Tristana decided instead of focusing their inhib and turrets, she's going to chase down the useless Yorick and die from his zombie. We don't have enough damage to kill the Nexus turrets, we all die when Kassadin chases us down. 2. Our Zed tries to 1v5. Several times. Score is really misleading, was like 1/2/7 at one point. 3. Tryn feeds first blood to Jarvan at level 1 (get back and Jarvan is 4), then says "stay out my lane and we'll win this." (Translation: if you take even one creep that I had zero chance of gettting I'm going to raqequit). Goes 2/10 at one point, gets a triple kill later, but it was essentially garbage time and had no real impact. 4. I contained Tryn as top Zac, but our Yi tried to 1v1 him several times (actually almost everyone on my team did). Yes, engage the Tryn who has largely been left alone 1v1... great idea. Let's ignore the fact we have a top laner with a lot of cc to help deal with him. 5. Maokai mid with Triforce. He picked Mao after we already had Mundo and Malphite. Silver level drafting and itemization. 6. My team would walk into Tryn and let him crit them. Zac also initiated into a hopeless situation over a wall where no one could followup. Should have been an easy win (jungle Tryn... somehow the other lanes kept dying to him. I don't understand how- Lux and Draven both have ways of screwing with his dash), if we just peeled them off, but the squishes kept running forward for reasons I don't understand. Every fight we fell back, we won really easily. Enemy team had a Kog, but he was easy prey once we killed Tryn (should be easy enough with a Nasus with an Icebourne Gauntlet and Frozen Heart). Fed Nasus is one sad dog. | ||
United States1372 Posts
On June 13 2013 12:04 APurpleCow wrote: After losing 5 promotion series to platinum, I got the WORST teammates 6 games in a row and dropped to gold II in a game where I went 11-3. THANKS RIOT me in gold II - "fuck this game i'm only playing teemo to plat" ![]() gg no re did it | ||
Sven Stryker
United States423 Posts
Chance of that for my champ pool: 1/59319 | ||
United States540 Posts
On June 21 2013 11:47 Sven Stryker wrote: Fuck you ARAM for making me spend 2 rerolls and a dodge on Nunu 3 games in a row. He's boring as shit, and his Q changes don't have any effect there at all. Chance of that for my champ pool: 1/59319 It's supposed to be random, but sometimes I really wonder. Like, say you have your champ pool + free champions for a total of 50 champions. That would mean the chance of rolling Nunu twice in a row (not factoring in other player's champs) would be... 1/50 * 1/50 = 1/2500 I just have a hard time believing those odds when some champions just seem to show up all the time while you pretty much never roll others. Last week, in 4 games I rolled Ahri first 3 times (though unlike Nunu, Ahri's fun in ARAM). | ||
United States9006 Posts
I kinda wish this game had voip sometimes. I could convey, "hey friend, don't feed him anymore kills! You don't have to make big plays or anything just farm safe," in a nice voice that shows I'm sincere but if I type that in chat I think people will assume I'm being sarcastic/trolly/whatever quite often so I just don't say anything in chat at all lol. Then again, if it had voip I'd have to listen to twelve year olds insult my mother. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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51332 Posts
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