The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 440
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Canada10567 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On June 16 2013 17:21 krndandaman wrote: ^ that's not really a good score ![]() as for me, start off 8/0 as ez and overall team score being something like 15-2 and 3 towers ahead yet we lose cause no one warded besides support's sightstone and people kept getting caught. can't believe I lost to the 80 CS 0/4 ashe in 20 min. anddd I've been winning/losing only 3-5 LP every game. Gold seems like a distant dream as of now as I only went up 20 points after going like 10-5 my last 15 games. It was a good score for a long time. My team lost 5-6 fights in a row towards the end. Really, really hard to carry a 7/20 bottom lane. Even gibbing both carries a fight we still lost because our cait had 4 items vs a 6 item ashe. And then next game jungle Yi rages because he doesn't get a smiteless, and proceeds to play jungle/splitpush hero. At level 3 he literally sat there doing double golems while blitz was getting killed not 500 range from him. Doesn't help that my bot lane started like 0/4, and even starting 2/0 before 6 on mid-malphite vs gragas, couldn't do anything afterwards because gragas started getting enough AP to clear decently from range. Joys of soloq. | ||
Bulgaria4096 Posts
On June 16 2013 15:42 Amui wrote: a shen that lost lane vs Morgana???? Actually I noticed that many AP carries shit on the so called top laners, especially against the ones that have no reliable gap closer (Yesterday I had a game where Ziggs top just obliterated Darius, I even felt sorry for him even though he was an enemy, also had Ryze smashing Renekton) Makes you wonder why more APs are not considered to counter tops. And to be on topic QQ: Had Yorick top vs Vayne, and he got killed 2 times, team says to him to stop rushing mananune (or whatever the name was) and build defence, he said ok i got it, 3 deaths later i saw he is building spirit visage, really? xD | ||
China1214 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
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England706 Posts
Did I mention he was playing against an Ez who rushed tear first?.... Worst part is this is in Gold III. You could expect these kind of fuck ups in bronze maybe. I don't know I was never bronze but I'd assume ... But at Gold III surely people know the BASICS of how to lane? He was even first pick and specifically wanted ADC so you'd assume he knew how to play his role | ||
Finland951 Posts
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United Kingdom2600 Posts
Partner dc's 3 times in game and we end up really far behind. lose team is 13 kills ahead at 25 min. Team proceed to throw and my ping shoots up to 1000ms where it remains even after i try to reconnect. lose | ||
United States15977 Posts
So game goes on, Kat won't shut up and starts trashtalking especially after she gets a few clean up kills. At the very end though we're having a shitshow of a fight-- enemy Hec initiated, Jax is on our carry, BLAM, Morg scores a quadra kill. Unfortunately, I steal the penta from her. ._. I feel bad now. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
I think I'm like 2-8 recently with pantheon, always win lane and always do the most in teamfights and always lose game. Incredible. Hopefully it turns around soon and it had better be a 20 game win streak. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On June 17 2013 12:52 Requizen wrote: Yeah this game still sucks, bye Come on man, you play one game with me and rage out 'cause your adc sucks and you guys fed bot? I was a shit Sej but you don't hear me bellyachin'. Get back up on dat horse bucko. | ||
10417 Posts
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United States5710 Posts
Go mid with Cho and go 1-2-0. The score was 1-15. And our Shaco jungle was 0-3 and ragequit at the 13min mark and we lost 4v5 at 15min. We lose I go top Ryze. End up carrying team on my back with a 10-5-12 score. Bot lane is too heavy and their Quinn kills my team before I can kill theirs. We literally didn't 5v5 fight all game once and we had Zac. Always getting caught somewhere randomly 1 person. We lose. Those are my last 3 games. I carried and did the best out of anyone on the team by far in all the games but yet my team acts like dumbasses all game and it's like I'm playing with people who don't have a mini-map at all. I can feel the losing streak coming on if my team's don't get better. I just fucking got back into Gold2 for the second time and then boom I get a string of HORRID teams and I'm demoted back down again, I don't understand it. 1 more loss and I'm pretty sure I'm demoted since I'm at 0pts. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On June 17 2013 15:45 Shotcoder wrote: Why do people assume you're retarded and then have no idea why you get mad when they harass you all game? I was the only p[layer all game to buy wards... guess what happens when they decide to end laning phase? everyone gets caught! Who gets reported for zero reason? THIS GUY. I hope Vayne and TF enjoy those fucking week long bans. I know I'll sleep better at night knowing you got served. I feel bad for you man. I think you are the most frequent poster in this thread. -.- I checked, you have 126 posts in this thread. | ||
United States351 Posts
level 1 smite trundle's blue -> take my red -> take my blue -> steal trundle's red -> double kill bot level 6 -> take drag -> take trundle's blue 10 min -> take trundle's red -> take baron at 15 min -> take drag -> take trundle's blue -> kill mid and top couple times -> take drag -> steal blue -> steal red -> steal blue -> steal blue -> baron -> drag -> lose game none of this was exaggerated this is exactly what happened trundle was level 3 at 6 minutes, score was around 17-9 with 5 turrets to 1 before team decided it was not the game to win i was nunu jungle | ||
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