The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 439
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United States2316 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
EDIT: Context: I was playing a game as Nami. My AD never connects, so I end up going top against a Malphite while our top Diana goes bot . I rush an Avarice Blade and a SotEL, then a Shiv and IE. I do pretty well against the Malphite with like a 30 cs lead, and our Diana gets hilariously fed because our Nasus jungle camps hard. We do really well, push objectives but never have quite enough momentum to get past inhib towers. Eventually even their incredibly bad MF (who was 0/4 in lane against the Diana) gets enough gold from the occasional lasthits, assists and globals to the point our fairly large kill/ cs advantage is nullified by the simple fact of 4v5. She tells us we're trash. Everyone on our team is positive (more kills than deaths) with at least a 3.0 KDA. dfjbghf;ADLSgklhdfjs'dhl;sgs'dfhl;gdhsldzxlgjfhd;fjdkhg;lfkj'fkshgd;lkejgfdhflhsgjksr;aeshfgjk | ||
United States5710 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:02 ticklishmusic wrote: Why do people say GG when they win a 4v5, or brag about how good they are? Are they incapable of counting? One of my biggest pet peeves when I lose a 4v5 either from ragequit or DC. In no way is it a GG, it was a game, that's it. I know people say it to sound nice but don't, it was very obviously a BG and the people who lost are pissed they lost especially if they were ahead or holding even. They don't want to here you saying GG like you deserved the win. If you're gonna say anything at the end of the game just say "sorry" and report in champ select. | ||
Canada1530 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:25 Zooper31 wrote: One of my biggest pet peeves when I lose a 4v5 either from ragequit or DC. In no way is it a GG, it was a game, that's it. I know people say it to sound nice but don't, it was very obviously a BG and the people who lost are pissed they lost especially if they were ahead or holding even. They don't want to here you saying GG like you deserved the win. If you're gonna say anything at the end of the game just say "sorry" and report in champ select. Unless the 4-man team was close to winning as well, I would agree with this. | ||
United States10531 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:48 willoc wrote: Unless the 4-man team was close to winning as well, I would agree with this. No, its even more pathetic when you're on the 4v5 end and you make it a extremely close game. With the other team with all 5 working their ass off and barely winning then some classy trash talking like " EZ noobz" | ||
124 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:48 willoc wrote: Unless the 4-man team was close to winning as well, I would agree with this. You don't say gg because it was a good game, just like you don't say good evening or good morning because it's actually a good morning or evening. It's a courtesy, nothing more. | ||
Finland951 Posts
1st game: last pick takes top nocturne, i stay positive and think that maybe he knows what he is doing, dies twice before level 3. At the same time our mid is dying 1v1 to his opponent, and then blames those deaths on our top, and rage quits. Second game: Our top does not connect until first towers are down, too late to come back from. Game still drags on for 35minutes + even though they have KArthus with 6 items while our AP has 3. Third game: 8 ganks top by the enemy jungler, after that notice i still have the most farm, and my lane is the only one thats still playable, both bot and mid are bleeding kills 1v1 and 2v2. On to the next adventure... | ||
France2198 Posts
Riot, as always. I'm starting to think that everytime they release a new champ, they make it OP the first few weeks so they can get free elo because they suck. | ||
Germany11324 Posts
On June 15 2013 18:37 impirion wrote: You don't say gg because it was a good game, just like you don't say good evening or good morning because it's actually a good morning or evening. It's a courtesy, nothing more. That's how it works in Starcraft, but in LoL it somehow feels different. At least where i play, it is always the winning team saying gg first, which feels like they are congratulating themselves on winning more then anything else. While half the losing team types out something like "bg, report top". So i usually stay away from the whole thing because i neither want to reply to those guys congratulating themselves and rubbing it in, nor do i want to be one of them myself. And it is usually pretty hard to even say gg before the winning team if you are losing. So i just say nothing, because everything else seems annoying to me. | ||
United States816 Posts
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Canada747 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
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India2889 Posts
Next game enemy team invades, but my team never responds, no one comes except for twitch, despite many pings and the entire team hiding themselves so badly, that you could see them on the minimap. Mid akali just watches on...rage even harder, then just plain bad playing and feed arrrggghhh Next game..picks: twitch, miss fortune, vane, tristana. | ||
Canada378 Posts
At the end of the game i'm 12-5-6 , and we only had like 23 kills total and what does the mid-morg do? Proceed to complain @ me that i didn't gank her lane enough. I ganked her lane like 4 times (3 of which were kills), but the opponents jungler was camping her lane so the loss is my fault ![]() | ||
United States2300 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Last 6 games I was 40-13-32, and had a losing record. The 2 top games I played Kennen. One game I won lane by 75 cs, the other by 100 cs (I was 2-0 after one lane phase and 2-1 after the other on a 3 man gank through my jungle). The 75 cs lead was a loss. The jungle game I played Jarvan. I ended lane phase 6-2-3 in a game that was 9-22. The AD game, I played Caitlyn. Ended lane phase against Varus/Sona 5-1 with 30 cs lead, while their Nautilus continually ganked bot. We actually won this game. The mid games I played Kassadin. Both games I had the highest cs in the game as Kass, and in both games I was 5-1 at one point (one game I finished 8-5 because Soraka/Naut/fed Trist and Nasus is pretty good against a 1 threat team. One of these games was against the AD/Support mid... and I had the highest cs in the game... as Kassadin... how am I the same elo as these people right now? Why do people ignore pings? Why do people camp the enemy jungle as 2 or 3 and jump a tank when the other 4 members of the enemy team are right behind them? Why do people give up on winnable games? Why do people toxically blame others when they are 0-6? I'm barely learning anything from these games other than a couple of matchup-specific approaches. I keep falling further down in elo and wrecking lane harder and harder. Who cares, in the close games, people refuse to ever group as 5, and in the games where we're done by a ton and can't straight 5v5, the support doesn't even put down her sightstone wards to try to pick people (why is there no "wards bought" or "wards placed" stat so I can refer my team to the fact that I put down more wards than everyone else combined?). I don't believe in elo hell but I don't understand why people will always hold together for these known player "elo hell" streams and they quit on/don't listen to me when I'm smacking people in the face. What more am I supposed to do? I play the games to win, I try to make the right plays, even when that means following up on a good engage and just dying because 2 other players on the team decided being a couple of kills behind means that you can't even fight a 5v4 with a good initiation (this happens surprisingly often). I've narrowed my champion pool to 1 champ per role to speed up the process since playing lots of champs to fit teamcomps did not seem to be helping. Kennen top, Kass mid, Jarv jungle, Ali support, Cait AD. With all of these champs I have >4.0 KDA (except for Kennen top, which is 3.6). I try to organize, people do their own thing. I try to get people to just stick close to the person doing their own thing so we have 5 people together, and that person just decides to blue pill because we're messing up his strategy of "split pushing" (read: feeding with no wards). Really close to uninstalling. | ||
United States1306 Posts
"do you know what my passive does?" "yeah, you can already move through units, you don't need ghost" "..." | ||
United States5710 Posts
On June 16 2013 15:09 LeeDawg wrote: "why would you take ghost on hecarim?" "do you know what my passive does?" "yeah, you can already move through units, you don't need ghost" "..." Trollception. | ||
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